note description: "Eiffel Vision menu item. Mswindows implementation." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_MENU_ITEM_IMP inherit EV_MENU_ITEM_I redefine interface, parent end EV_ITEM_IMP undefine parent redefine interface, set_capture, release_capture, set_heavy_capture, release_heavy_capture, remove_pixmap, set_pixmap, top_level_window_imp end EV_TEXTABLE_IMP redefine interface, set_text, text end EV_ID_IMP WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES export {NONE} all end WEL_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_SHARED_FONTS export {NONE} all end WEL_SYSTEM_COLORS export {NONE} all end WEL_WINDOWS_VERSION export {NONE} all end WEL_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_INFO export {NONE} all end DISPOSABLE export {NONE} all end create make feature -- Initialization old_make (an_interface: attached like interface) -- Create the menu item. do assign_interface (an_interface) end make -- Initialize `is_sensitive' True. do make_id is_sensitive := True set_is_initialized (True) set_text ("") end feature -- Access text: STRING_32 -- Text displayed in label. do Result := wel_text end object_id: INTEGER -- Run-time object Id of `Current'. do if internal_object_id = 0 then internal_object_id := eif_object_id (Current) end Result := internal_object_id end feature -- Element change set_text (a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Assign `a_text' to `text'. do wel_set_text (a_text) end feature -- Status report is_sensitive: BOOLEAN -- Can this item be clicked on? --| is not a function because we do not want to block the -- user from setting the sensitive state while unparented. feature -- Status setting enable_sensitive -- Set current item sensitive. do is_sensitive := True if has_parent and then attached parent_imp as l_parent_imp then l_parent_imp.enable_item (id) end end disable_sensitive -- Set current item insensitive. do is_sensitive := False if has_parent and then attached parent_imp as l_parent_imp then l_parent_imp.disable_item (id) end end feature -- Element change set_parent_imp (a_parent_imp: like parent_imp) -- Make `a_parent_imp' the parent of `Current'. do parent_imp := a_parent_imp end feature -- Measurement x_position: INTEGER -- Horizontal offset relative to parent `x_position' in pixels. do if attached {EV_MENU_BAR_IMP} parent_imp as l_menu_bar then Result := screen_x - l_menu_bar.screen_x elseif attached {EV_MENU_IMP} parent_imp as l_menu then Result := screen_x - l_menu.screen_x else check parent_either_menu_bar_or_menu: False end end end y_position: INTEGER -- Vertical offset relative to parent `y_position' in pixels. do if attached {EV_MENU_BAR_IMP} parent_imp as a_menu_bar then Result := screen_y - a_menu_bar.screen_y elseif attached {EV_MENU_IMP} parent_imp as a_menu then Result := screen_y - a_menu.screen_y else check either_menu_bar_or_manu: False end end end screen_x: INTEGER -- Horizontal offset relative to screen. do load_bounds_rect Result := bounds_rect.left end screen_y: INTEGER -- Vertical offset relative to screen. do load_bounds_rect Result := end width: INTEGER -- Horizontal size in pixels. do load_bounds_rect Result := bounds_rect.right - bounds_rect.left end height: INTEGER -- Vertical size in pixels. do load_bounds_rect Result := bounds_rect.bottom - end minimum_width: INTEGER -- Minimum horizontal size in pixels. do -- If this is called an invariant violation is triggered in WEL_DC -- It looks like the call to "load_bounds_rect" and then to "GetMenuItemRect" has some side-effects -- juliant, 16. Nov. 2006 --Result := width end minimum_height: INTEGER -- Minimum vertical size in pixels. do -- If this is called an invariant violation is triggered in WEL_DC -- It looks like the call to "load_bounds_rect" and then to "GetMenuItemRect" has some side-effects -- juliant, 16. Nov. 2006 --Result := height end feature {NONE} -- Implementation wel_text: STRING_32 -- Caption of the menu item. --| For the specification given in the note of EV_MENU_ITEM, --| we do not have to take any special action. --| Does not return internal toolkit string because it is possible --| to set the string without parent. do if attached real_text as l_real_text then Result := l_real_text.twin else create Result.make_empty end end real_text: detachable STRING_32 wel_set_text (a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set `text' to `a_txt'. See `wel_text'. do if a_text /= Void then if a_text.is_string_32 then real_text := a_text.as_string_32.twin else real_text := a_text.as_string_32 end end -- Force the menu bar to be recomputed. if attached parent_imp as l_parent_imp then l_parent_imp.rebuild_control end end text_length: INTEGER -- Length of text'. do if attached real_text as l_real_text then Result := l_real_text.count end end parent_imp: detachable EV_MENU_ITEM_LIST_IMP -- The menu or menu-bar this item is in. parent: detachable EV_MENU_ITEM_LIST -- Item list containing `Current'. do if attached parent_imp as l_parent_imp and then attached {EV_MENU_ITEM_LIST} l_parent_imp.interface as l_interface then Result := l_interface end end has_parent: BOOLEAN -- Is this menu item in a menu? do Result := attached parent_imp as l_parent_imp and then l_parent_imp.item_exists (id) end remove_pixmap -- Remove pixmap from `Current'. do if private_pixmap /= Void then private_pixmap := Void if attached parent_imp as l_parent_imp then l_parent_imp.internal_replace (Current, l_parent_imp.index_of (interface, 1)) -- Force the menu bar to be recomputed. l_parent_imp.rebuild_control end end end set_pixmap (a_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) -- Assign `a_pixmap' to `pixmap'. do Precursor (a_pixmap) if attached parent_imp as l_parent_imp then l_parent_imp.internal_replace (Current, l_parent_imp.index_of (interface, 1)) -- Force the menu bar to be recomputed. l_parent_imp.rebuild_control end end internal_object_id: INTEGER -- Runtime Eiffel Object Id. Zero if no call to `eif_object_id' -- has been made so far. -- This is used for drawing owner-draw menu items dispose -- Destroy the inner structure of `Current'. -- -- This function should be called by the GC when the -- object is collected or by the user if `Current' is -- no more usefull. do if internal_object_id /= 0 then eif_object_id_free (internal_object_id) internal_object_id := 0 end end feature {EV_MENU_ITEM_IMP} -- Implementation top_level_window_imp: detachable EV_WINDOW_IMP -- Window containing `Current' in parenting hierarchy. do if attached parent_imp as l_parent_imp then if attached {EV_MENU_IMP} l_parent_imp as l_menu then Result := l_menu.top_level_window_imp elseif attached {EV_MENU_BAR_IMP} l_parent_imp as l_menu_bar then Result := l_menu_bar.top_level_window_imp else check parent_was_menu_or_bar: False then end end end end feature {EV_MENU_IMP} -- WEL Implementation plain_text: STRING_32 -- Plain text of menu item (equal "N&ew" when full_text = "N&ew%TCtrl+B") do Result := internal_plain_text (True) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end plain_text_without_ampersands: STRING_32 -- Plain text of menu item (equal "New" when full_text = "N&ew%TCtrl+B") -- Ampersands are removed. do Result := internal_plain_text (False) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end accelerator_text: STRING_32 -- Accelerator text of menu item (equal "Ctrl+B" when full text = "New%TCtrl+B") local tab_index: INTEGER do if text /= Void then tab_index := text.index_of ('%T', 1) if tab_index = 0 then -- No accelerator create Result.make_empty else Result := text.substring (tab_index + 1, text.count) end else create Result.make_empty end ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- WEL Implementation internal_plain_text (keep_ampersands: BOOLEAN): STRING_32 -- Plain text of menu item (equal "New" when full_text = "New%TCtrl+B") -- Set `keep_ampersands' to True to keep the ampersands. local tab_index: INTEGER do if text /= Void then Result := text.twin tab_index := Result.index_of ('%T', 1) if tab_index /= 0 then Result := Result.substring (1, tab_index - 1) end if not keep_ampersands then Result := remove_ampersands (Result) end else create Result.make_empty end ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {EV_MENU_CONTAINER_IMP, EV_MENU_IMP} -- WEL Implementation set_accelerator_text_position (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set the `accelerator_text_position' to `a_value'. require valid_value: a_value >= 0 do accelerator_text_position := a_value ensure value_set: accelerator_text_position = a_value end set_plain_text_position (a_value: INTEGER) -- Set the `plain_text_position' to `a_value'. require valid_value: a_value >= 0 do plain_text_position := a_value ensure value_set: plain_text_position = a_value end desired_height: INTEGER -- Desired height for this menu item local pixmap_height: INTEGER text_height: INTEGER do if attached real_text as l_real_text then text_height := menu_font.string_height (l_real_text) + 4 if attached pixmap_imp as l_pixmap_imp then pixmap_height := l_pixmap_imp.height + 4 -- We add + 4 for drawing the edge when the item is selected Result := text_height.max (pixmap_height) else Result := text_height end end end on_measure_item (measure_item_struct: WEL_MEASURE_ITEM_STRUCT) -- Process `Wm_measureitem' message. do if attached {EV_MENU_IMP} parent_imp as par_imp then par_imp.on_measure_menu_item (measure_item_struct) else on_measure_menu_bar_item (measure_item_struct) end end on_draw_item (draw_item_struct: WEL_DRAW_ITEM_STRUCT) -- Process `Wm_drawitem' message. do if attached {EV_MENU_IMP} parent_imp as par_imp then on_draw_menu_item (draw_item_struct) else on_draw_menu_bar_item (draw_item_struct) end end feature {NONE} -- WEL Implementation accelerator_text_position: INTEGER -- Position in pixels where the accelerator starts being written. plain_text_position: INTEGER -- Position in pixels where the plain text starts being written. erase_background (a_dc: WEL_DC; a_rect: WEL_RECT; a_background_color: WEL_COLOR_REF) -- Erase the background for the rectangle `a_rect' using the -- Device context `a_dc'. If `hilited_state' is set, use the -- background color corresponding to the hilited state. local a_background_brush: WEL_BRUSH do create a_background_brush.make_solid (a_background_color) a_dc.fill_rect (a_rect, a_background_brush) a_background_brush.delete end on_measure_menu_bar_item (measure_item_struct: WEL_MEASURE_ITEM_STRUCT) -- Get the measure for an item within a menu bar local accel_text: STRING_32 plain_text_width: INTEGER accel_text_width: INTEGER pixmap_width: INTEGER do plain_text_width := menu_font.string_width (plain_text_without_ampersands) accel_text := accelerator_text if not accel_text.is_empty then accel_text_width := menu_font.string_width (" "+accel_text) end if attached pixmap_imp as l_pixmap_imp then pixmap_width := l_pixmap_imp.width + Menu_bar_item_pixmap_text_space end -- Compute the result measure_item_struct.set_item_width (pixmap_width + plain_text_width + accel_text_width) measure_item_struct.set_item_height (desired_height) -- Update the tabultation margins set_accelerator_text_position (0) set_plain_text_position (pixmap_width + plain_text_width + accel_text_width) end on_draw_menu_item (draw_item_struct: WEL_DRAW_ITEM_STRUCT) -- Process `Wm_drawitem' message for classic menu item -- (i.e. not menu item in the menu bar). local draw_dc: WEL_CLIENT_DC draw_item_struct_rect: WEL_RECT draw_flags: INTEGER foreground_color, background_color: WEL_COLOR_REF left_pos, top_pos, bottom_pos, right_pos: INTEGER text_top_pos: INTEGER selected_state, disabled_state: BOOLEAN rect: WEL_RECT right_plain_text_pos: INTEGER space_width: INTEGER do draw_dc := draw_item_struct.dc draw_item_struct_rect := draw_item_struct.rect_item left_pos := draw_item_struct_rect.left right_pos := draw_item_struct_rect.right top_pos := bottom_pos := draw_item_struct_rect.bottom selected_state := (draw_item_struct.item_state & Wel_ownerdraw_constants.Ods_selected /= 0) disabled_state := (draw_item_struct.item_state & Wel_ownerdraw_constants.Ods_disabled /= 0) -- Draw the left part (pixmap, check mark) on_draw_menu_item_left_part (draw_item_struct) -- Draw the text part if attached real_text as l_real_text then -- Select the right colors if selected_state then background_color := system_color_highlight if disabled_state then foreground_color := system_color_btnshadow if foreground_color.same_color (background_color) then foreground_color := system_color_btnhighlight end else foreground_color := system_color_highlighttext end else background_color := system_color_menu foreground_color := system_color_menutext end -- Erase the text area create rect.make (left_pos + plain_text_position, top_pos, right_pos, bottom_pos) erase_background (draw_dc, rect, background_color) -- Set the font properties draw_dc.select_font (menu_font) draw_dc.set_background_transparent draw_dc.set_background_color (background_color) -- Compute where to put texts text_top_pos := top_pos + ((draw_item_struct_rect.height - menu_font.string_height (l_real_text)) // 2) -- Compute the drawing flags draw_flags := Wel_drawing_constants.Dt_left if draw_item_struct.item_state & Wel_ownerdraw_constants.Ods_noaccel /= 0 then draw_flags := draw_flags | Wel_drawing_constants.Dt_hideprefix end -- Default spacing between text and accelerator, and the right border. -- We use the letter `o' so that the spacing is proportional to the chosen font. -- See `{EV_MENU_IMP}.on_measure_menu_item'. space_width := menu_font.string_width ("o") -- Compute the right offset of the end of the plain text if accelerator_text_position = 0 then right_plain_text_pos := right_pos - space_width else right_plain_text_pos := left_pos + accelerator_text_position - space_width end -- Draw the text if disabled_state and not selected_state then -- Draw highlighted text if needed if system_color_menu.same_color (system_color_btnface) then draw_dc.set_text_color (system_color_btnhighlight) rect.set_rect (1 + left_pos + plain_text_position, 1 + text_top_pos, right_plain_text_pos, bottom_pos) draw_dc.draw_text (plain_text, rect, draw_flags) rect.set_rect (1 + left_pos + accelerator_text_position, 1 + text_top_pos, right_pos, bottom_pos) draw_dc.draw_text (accelerator_text, rect, Wel_drawing_constants.Dt_left | Wel_drawing_constants.Dt_expandtabs) end -- Draw dark text draw_dc.set_text_color (system_color_btnshadow) rect.set_rect (left_pos + plain_text_position, text_top_pos, right_plain_text_pos, bottom_pos) draw_dc.draw_text (plain_text, rect, draw_flags) if not accelerator_text.is_empty then rect.set_rect (left_pos + accelerator_text_position, text_top_pos, right_pos, bottom_pos) draw_dc.draw_text (accelerator_text, rect, Wel_drawing_constants.Dt_left | Wel_drawing_constants.Dt_expandtabs) end else draw_dc.set_background_color (background_color) draw_dc.set_text_color (foreground_color) rect.set_rect (left_pos + plain_text_position, text_top_pos, right_plain_text_pos, bottom_pos) draw_dc.draw_text (plain_text, rect, draw_flags) if not accelerator_text.is_empty then rect.set_rect (left_pos + accelerator_text_position, text_top_pos, right_pos, bottom_pos) draw_dc.draw_text (accelerator_text, rect, Wel_drawing_constants.Dt_left | Wel_drawing_constants.Dt_expandtabs) end end draw_dc.unselect_font end end on_draw_menu_item_left_part (draw_item_struct: WEL_DRAW_ITEM_STRUCT) -- Process `Wm_drawitem' message, for the left part. -- In the left part, one draw the pixmap, check state.. -- or nothing. local draw_dc: WEL_CLIENT_DC draw_item_struct_rect: WEL_RECT draw_item_state: INTEGER wel_icon: WEL_ICON icon_top_position: INTEGER left_pos, top_pos, bottom_pos: INTEGER background_color: WEL_COLOR_REF selected_state, disabled_state: BOOLEAN draw_flags: INTEGER rect: WEL_RECT l_bitmap: WEL_BITMAP do draw_dc := draw_item_struct.dc draw_item_struct_rect := draw_item_struct.rect_item draw_item_state := draw_item_struct.item_state left_pos := draw_item_struct_rect.left top_pos := bottom_pos := draw_item_struct_rect.bottom selected_state := (draw_item_state & Wel_ownerdraw_constants.Ods_selected /= 0) disabled_state := (draw_item_state & Wel_ownerdraw_constants.Ods_disabled /= 0) -- First erase the background create rect.make (0, 0, 0, 0) if disabled_state and pixmap_imp /= Void and not selected_state then background_color := system_color_menu else background_color := system_color_highlight end if selected_state then rect.set_rect (left_pos, top_pos, left_pos + plain_text_position - 2, bottom_pos) erase_background (draw_dc, rect, background_color) rect.set_rect (left_pos + plain_text_position - 2, top_pos, left_pos + plain_text_position, bottom_pos) erase_background (draw_dc, rect, system_color_highlight) else rect.set_rect (left_pos, top_pos, left_pos + plain_text_position, bottom_pos) erase_background (draw_dc, rect, system_color_menu) end -- Draw the pixmap if needed if attached pixmap_imp as l_pixmap_imp then if disabled_state then draw_flags := Wel_drawing_constants.Dss_disabled else draw_flags := Wel_drawing_constants.Dss_normal end icon_top_position := top_pos + (draw_item_struct_rect.height - l_pixmap_imp.height - 2) // 2 left_pos := left_pos + 1 wel_icon := extract_icon (l_pixmap_imp) if disabled_state and then attached disabled_image as l_disabled_image then l_bitmap := l_pixmap_imp.get_bitmap l_disabled_image.draw_grayscale_bitmap_or_icon_with_memory_buffer (l_bitmap, wel_icon, draw_dc, left_pos, icon_top_position, background_color, l_pixmap_imp.has_mask) l_bitmap.decrement_reference else draw_dc.draw_state_icon (Void, wel_icon, left_pos, icon_top_position, draw_flags) end wel_icon.decrement_reference end end on_draw_menu_bar_item (draw_item_struct: WEL_DRAW_ITEM_STRUCT) -- Process `Wm_drawitem' message. local draw_dc: WEL_CLIENT_DC draw_item_struct_rect: WEL_RECT draw_flags: INTEGER draw_item_state: INTEGER rect: WEL_RECT left_pos, top_pos, bottom_pos, right_pos: INTEGER text_top_pos: INTEGER selected_state, disabled_state: BOOLEAN wel_icon: WEL_ICON icon_top_position: INTEGER text_color, background_color: WEL_COLOR_REF desired_width: INTEGER left_pos_start: INTEGER drawn_text: STRING_32 flat_menu_enabled: BOOLEAN l_bitmap: WEL_BITMAP do draw_dc := draw_item_struct.dc draw_item_struct_rect := draw_item_struct.rect_item draw_item_state := draw_item_struct.item_state left_pos := draw_item_struct_rect.left right_pos := draw_item_struct_rect.right top_pos := bottom_pos := draw_item_struct_rect.bottom selected_state := (draw_item_state & Wel_ownerdraw_constants.Ods_selected /= 0) disabled_state := (draw_item_state & Wel_ownerdraw_constants.Ods_disabled /= 0) desired_width := plain_text_position -- We have used this variable to store the desired width in `on_measure_menu_bar_item'. left_pos_start := (right_pos - left_pos - desired_width) // 2 flat_menu_enabled := has_flat_menu -- First erase the background if flat_menu_enabled then if selected_state then background_color := system_color_menuhilight text_color := system_color_highlighttext else background_color := system_color_menubar text_color := system_color_menutext end else background_color := system_color_menu text_color := system_color_menutext end erase_background (draw_dc, draw_item_struct_rect, background_color) -- Draw a border around the item for top menu when menus are not flat. if not (flat_menu_enabled) then if selected_state then draw_dc.draw_edge (draw_item_struct_rect, Wel_drawing_constants.Bdr_sunkenouter, Wel_drawing_constants.Bf_rect) elseif draw_item_state & Wel_ownerdraw_constants.Ods_hotlight /= 0 then draw_dc.draw_edge (draw_item_struct_rect, Wel_drawing_constants.Bdr_raisedinner, Wel_drawing_constants.Bf_rect) end end -- Draw the pixmap if needed if attached pixmap_imp as l_pixmap_imp then if disabled_state then draw_flags := Wel_drawing_constants.Dss_disabled else draw_flags := Wel_drawing_constants.Dss_normal end icon_top_position := top_pos + (draw_item_struct_rect.height - l_pixmap_imp.height) // 2 wel_icon := extract_icon (l_pixmap_imp) if disabled_state and then attached disabled_image as l_disabled_image then l_bitmap := l_pixmap_imp.get_bitmap l_disabled_image.draw_grayscale_bitmap_or_icon_with_memory_buffer (l_bitmap, wel_icon, draw_dc, left_pos, icon_top_position, background_color, l_pixmap_imp.has_mask) l_bitmap.decrement_reference else draw_dc.draw_state_icon (Void, wel_icon, left_pos + left_pos_start, icon_top_position, draw_flags) end wel_icon.decrement_reference left_pos_start := left_pos_start + l_pixmap_imp.width + Menu_bar_item_pixmap_text_space end -- Draw the text part if attached real_text as l_real_text then -- Set the font properties draw_dc.select_font (menu_font) draw_dc.set_background_color (background_color) draw_dc.set_text_color (text_color) -- Compute where to put texts text_top_pos := top_pos + ((draw_item_struct_rect.height - menu_font.string_height (l_real_text)) // 2) create rect.make (left_pos + left_pos_start, text_top_pos, right_pos, bottom_pos) -- Compute the drawing flags draw_flags := Wel_drawing_constants.Dt_expandtabs | Wel_drawing_constants.Dt_left if draw_item_state & Wel_ownerdraw_constants.Ods_noaccel /= 0 then draw_flags := draw_flags | Wel_drawing_constants.Dt_hideprefix end -- Draw the text drawn_text := plain_text.twin drawn_text.append_character (' ') drawn_text.append (accelerator_text) if disabled_state then draw_dc.draw_disabled_text (drawn_text, rect, draw_flags) else draw_dc.draw_text (drawn_text, rect, draw_flags) end draw_dc.unselect_font end end disabled_image: detachable WEL_GDIP_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE_DRAWER -- Grayscale image drawer. -- Void if Gdi+ not installed. local l_gdip_starter: WEL_GDIP_STARTER once create l_gdip_starter if l_gdip_starter.is_gdi_plus_installed then create Result end end feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Pick and Drop set_capture -- Grab user input. -- Works only on current windows thread. do --| To be implemented. --| This may work without redefinition. --| These have been left as re-defined to make sure it is not --| overlooked in the future. check To_be_implemented: False end end release_capture -- Release user input. -- Works only on current windows thread. do --| To be implemented. --| This may work without redefinition. --| These have been left as re-defined to make sure it is not --| overlooked in the future. check To_be_implemented: False end end set_heavy_capture -- Grab user input. -- Works on all windows threads. do --| To be implemented. --| This may work without redefinition. --| These have been left as re-defined to make sure it is not --| overlooked in the future. check To_be_implemented: False end end release_heavy_capture -- Release user input -- Works on all windows threads. do --| To be implemented. --| This may work without redefinition. --| These have been left as re-defined to make sure it is not --| overlooked in the future. check To_be_implemented: False end end feature {NONE} -- Contract Support parent_is_sensitive: BOOLEAN -- is parent of `Current' sensitive? do if attached parent_imp as l_parent_imp then Result := l_parent_imp.is_sensitive end end feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation on_activate -- `Current' has been clicked on. do if select_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation interface: detachable EV_MENU_ITEM note option: stable attribute end feature {NONE} -- Implementation remove_ampersands (a_string: STRING_32): STRING_32 -- Remove all single ampersands in `a_string'. -- Double ampersands are replaced by a single ampersand. local prv_index: INTEGER amp_index: INTEGER do create Result.make (a_string.count) from prv_index := 1 amp_index := a_string.index_of ('&', prv_index) until amp_index = 0 loop Result.append (a_string.substring (prv_index, amp_index - 1)) prv_index := amp_index + 1 -- We search at `prv_index + 1' so that double ampersands are indeed -- replaced by a single ampersand. amp_index := a_string.index_of ('&', prv_index + 1) end Result.append (a_string.substring (prv_index, a_string.count)) end extract_icon (a_pixmap_imp_state: EV_PIXMAP_IMP_STATE): WEL_ICON -- Extract the icon from `pixmap_imp'. local l_result: detachable WEL_ICON do if attached {EV_PIXMAP_IMP} a_pixmap_imp_state as pix_imp then l_result := pix_imp.icon end if l_result /= Void then l_result.increment_reference else l_result := a_pixmap_imp_state.build_icon l_result.enable_reference_tracking end Result := l_result end bounds_rect: WEL_RECT -- Rect struct which holds boundary information -- This struct is shared. once create Result.make (0, 0, 0, 0) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end load_bounds_rect -- Load bounds rect. do if attached parent_imp as l_parent_imp then if {WEL_API}.get_menu_item_rect (Default_pointer, l_parent_imp.wel_item, l_parent_imp.index_of (interface, 1)-1, bounds_rect.item) = 0 then bounds_rect.set_rect (0, 0, 0, 0) end else bounds_rect.set_rect (0, 0, 0, 0) end end feature {NONE} -- Constants Menu_bar_item_pixmap_text_space: INTEGER = 4; -- Space between the text and the pixmap in a menu bar item note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end