note description: "Class for drawing of figures to postscript." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." keywords: "figure, primitives, drawing, postscript" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_FIGURE_POSTSCRIPT_DRAWER obsolete "No replacement class, use EV_MODEL_POSTSCRIPT_PROJECTOR instead. [2017-05-31]" inherit EV_FIGURE_DRAWING_ROUTINES EV_POSTSCRIPT_PAGE_CONSTANTS EV_ANY_HANDLER feature -- Figure drawing --| FIXME No figure drawing routines have support for the orientation attribute. draw_figure_arc (arc: EV_FIGURE_ARC) -- Draw standard representation of `arc' to canvas. local m: TUPLE [INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER] cx, cy, w, h: INTEGER do if arc.is_show_requested then add_ps_line ("%%Drawing PS Figure Arc") add_ps_line ("gsave") m := arc.metrics cx := m.integer_item (1) cy := m.integer_item (2) w := m.integer_item (3) h := m.integer_item (4) translate_to (cx + (w//2), (point_height-(cy + (h//2)))) append_line_styles (arc) add_ps_line ("1 " + (h / w).out + " scale") add_ps_line (arc.foreground_color.out + " setrgbcolor") draw_arc (w//2, ((arc.start_angle * 180) / Pi).rounded, (((arc.aperture + arc.start_angle) * 180) / Pi).rounded) add_ps_line ("stroke") add_ps_line ("grestore") end end draw_figure_dot (dot: EV_FIGURE_DOT) -- Draw standard representation of `dot' to canvas. local m: TUPLE [INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER] cx, cy, r: INTEGER do if dot.is_show_requested then add_ps_line ("%%Drawing PS Figure Dot") add_ps_line ("gsave") m := dot.metrics cx := m.integer_item (1) cy := m.integer_item (2) r := m.integer_item (3) translate_to (cx, (point_height-cy)) append_line_styles (dot) add_ps_line ("1 1 scale") add_ps_line (dot.foreground_color.out + " setrgbcolor") draw_arc (r, 0, 360) add_ps_line ("fill") add_ps_line ("grestore") end end draw_figure_ellipse (ellipse: EV_FIGURE_ELLIPSE) -- Draw standard representation of `ellipse' to canvas. local m: TUPLE [INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER] cx, cy, w, h: INTEGER do if ellipse.is_show_requested then add_ps_line ("%%Drawing PS Figure Ellipse") add_ps_line ("gsave") m := ellipse.metrics cx := m.integer_item (1) cy := m.integer_item (2) w := m.integer_item (3) h := m.integer_item (4) translate_to (cx + (w // 2), (point_height-(cy + (h //2)))) append_line_styles (ellipse) add_ps_line ("1 " + (h / w).out + " scale") if ellipse.is_filled and then attached ellipse.background_color as l_background_color then add_ps_line (l_background_color.out + " setrgbcolor") draw_arc (w // 2, 0, 360) add_ps_line ("fill") end add_ps_line (ellipse.foreground_color.out + " setrgbcolor") draw_arc (w // 2, 0, 360) add_ps_line ("stroke") add_ps_line ("grestore") end end draw_figure_equilateral (eql: EV_FIGURE_EQUILATERAL) -- Draw standard representation of `eql' to canvas. do if eql.is_show_requested then add_ps_line ("%%Drawing PS Figure Equilateral") if eql.is_filled then start_drawing_polygon (eql, True) draw_polygon (eql.polygon_array.linear_representation) finish_drawing_polygon (True) end start_drawing_polygon (eql, False) draw_polygon (eql.polygon_array.linear_representation) finish_drawing_polygon (False) end end draw_figure_line (line: EV_FIGURE_LINE) -- Draw standard representation of `line' to canvas. do if line.is_show_requested then add_ps_line ("%%Drawing PS Figure Line") draw_polyline (line, False) if line.is_start_arrow and then attached line.start_arrow as l_start_arrow then draw_arrowhead (line.foreground_color.out, line.line_width.out, l_start_arrow.i_th_point (1), l_start_arrow.i_th_point (2), l_start_arrow.i_th_point (3)) end if line.is_end_arrow and then attached line.end_arrow as l_end_arrow then draw_arrowhead (line.foreground_color.out, line.line_width.out, l_end_arrow.i_th_point (1), l_end_arrow.i_th_point (2), l_end_arrow.i_th_point (3)) end end end draw_figure_picture (picture: EV_FIGURE_PICTURE) -- Draw standard representation of `picture' to canvas. local hex_string: STRING pixmap_width, pixmap_height, i: INTEGER do if picture.is_show_requested then add_ps_line ("%%Drawing PS Figure Picture") add_ps_line ("gsave") translate_to (picture.point.x_abs, point_height-picture.point.y_abs-picture.height) pixmap_width := picture.pixmap.width pixmap_height := picture.pixmap.height add_ps_line (pixmap_width.out + " " + pixmap_height.out + " scale") hex_string := picture.pixmap.implementation.raw_image_data.rgb_hex_representation add_ps_line ("/pic_str " + pixmap_width.out + " string def") add_ps_line (pixmap_width.out + " " + pixmap_height.out + " 8 [" + pixmap_width.out + " 0 0 " + (-pixmap_height).out + " 0 " + pixmap_height.out + "] {currentfile pic_str readhexstring pop} false 3 colorimage") from i := 255 until i + 255 > hex_string.count loop hex_string.insert_string ("%N", i + 1) i := i + 256 end add_ps_line (hex_string) add_ps_line ("grestore") end end draw_figure_pie_slice (slice: EV_FIGURE_PIE_SLICE) -- Draw standard representation of `slice' to canvas. local m: TUPLE [INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER] cx, cy, w, h: INTEGER do if slice.is_show_requested then m := slice.metrics cx := m.integer_item (1) cy := m.integer_item (2) w := m.integer_item (3) h := m.integer_item (4) add_ps_line ("%%Drawing PS Figure Pie Slice%N") add_ps_line ("gsave") if slice.is_filled and then attached slice.background_color as l_background_color then translate_to (cx + (w // 2), point_height-(cy + (h // 2))) add_ps_line (l_background_color.out + " setrgbcolor") draw_pie_slice (h, w, slice.line_width, ((slice.start_angle * 180) / Pi).rounded, ((slice.aperture * 180) / Pi).rounded, slice.dashed_line_style, True) add_ps_line ("gsave") end translate_to (cx + (w // 2), point_height-(cy + (h // 2))) add_ps_line (slice.foreground_color.out + " setrgbcolor") draw_pie_slice (h, w, slice.line_width, ((slice.start_angle * 180) / Pi).rounded, ((slice.aperture * 180) / Pi).rounded, slice.dashed_line_style, False) end end draw_figure_polygon (polygon: EV_FIGURE_POLYGON) -- Draw standard representation of `polygon' to canvas. do if polygon.is_show_requested then add_ps_line ("%%Drawing PS Figure Polygon") if polygon.is_filled then start_drawing_polygon (polygon, True) draw_polygon (polygon.point_array.linear_representation) finish_drawing_polygon (True) end start_drawing_polygon (polygon, False) draw_polygon (polygon.point_array.linear_representation) finish_drawing_polygon (False) end end draw_figure_polyline (line: EV_FIGURE_POLYLINE) -- Draw standard representation of `polyline' to canvas. do if line.is_show_requested then add_ps_line ("%%Drawing PS Figure Polyline") draw_polyline (line, line.is_closed) if line.is_start_arrow and then attached line.start_arrow as l_start_arrow then draw_arrowhead (line.foreground_color.out, line.line_width.out, l_start_arrow.i_th_point (1), l_start_arrow.i_th_point (2), l_start_arrow.i_th_point (3)) end if line.is_end_arrow and then attached line.end_arrow as l_end_arrow then draw_arrowhead (line.foreground_color.out, line.line_width.out, l_end_arrow.i_th_point (1), l_end_arrow.i_th_point (2), l_end_arrow.i_th_point (3)) end end end draw_figure_rectangle (rectangle: EV_FIGURE_RECTANGLE) -- Draw standard representation of `rectangle' to canvas. do if rectangle.is_show_requested then add_ps_line ("%%Drawing PS Figure Rectangle") if rectangle.is_filled then start_drawing_polygon (rectangle, True) draw_polygon (rectangle.polygon_array.linear_representation) finish_drawing_polygon (True) end start_drawing_polygon (rectangle, False) draw_polygon (rectangle.polygon_array.linear_representation) finish_drawing_polygon (False) end end draw_figure_rounded_rectangle (rounded_rectangle: EV_FIGURE_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE) -- Draw standard representation of `rounded_rectangle' to canvas. do if rounded_rectangle.is_show_requested then add_ps_line ("%%Drawing PS Figure Rounded Rectangle") if rounded_rectangle.is_filled then start_drawing_polygon (rounded_rectangle, True) draw_polygon (rounded_rectangle.polygon_array.linear_representation) finish_drawing_polygon (True) end start_drawing_polygon (rounded_rectangle, False) draw_polygon (rounded_rectangle.polygon_array.linear_representation) finish_drawing_polygon (False) end end draw_figure_star (star: EV_FIGURE_STAR) -- Draw standard representation of `star' to canvas. local coord_array: LINEAR [EV_COORDINATE] do if star.is_show_requested then coord_array := star.polygon_array.linear_representation add_ps_line ("%%Drawing PS Figure Star") add_ps_line ("gsave") translate_to (0, 0) add_ps_line ("newpath") append_line_styles (star) add_ps_line ("1 1 scale") add_ps_line (star.foreground_color.out + " setrgbcolor") from coord_array.start add_ps_line (star.center_point.x_abs.out + " " + (point_height-star.center_point.y_abs).out + " moveto") until coord_array.after loop add_ps_line (coord_array.item.x.out + " " + (point_height-coord_array.item.y).out + " lineto") add_ps_line (star.center_point.x_abs.out + " " + (point_height-star.center_point.y_abs).out + " moveto") coord_array.forth end add_ps_line ("stroke") add_ps_line ("grestore") end end draw_figure_text (text_figure: EV_FIGURE_TEXT) -- Draw standard representation of `text_figure' to canvas. local font_name, font_style: STRING_32 do if text_figure.is_show_requested then add_ps_line ("%%Drawing PS Figure Text") add_ps_line ("gsave") translate_to (0, 0) add_ps_line ("1 1 scale") add_ps_line (text_figure.foreground_color.out + " setrgbcolor") font_name := font_name.put (font_name.item (1).as_upper, 1) create font_style.make (10) if text_figure.font.weight = 8 then font_style.append_string_general ("Bold") end if font_name.same_string_general ("Times") then if text_figure.font.shape = 11 then font_style.append_string_general ("Italic") end else if text_figure.font.shape = 11 then font_style.append_string_general ("Oblique") end end if font_style.count = 0 then font_style.append_string_general ("Roman") end add_ps_line ("/" + font_name + "-" + font_style + " findfont") add_ps_line (text_figure.font.height.out + " scalefont") add_ps_line ("setfont") add_ps_line (text_figure.point.x_abs.out + " " + (point_height-text_figure.point.y_abs-text_figure.font.ascent).out + " moveto") add_ps_line ("(") add_ps_line (text_figure.text) add_ps_line (") show") add_ps_line ("grestore") end end feature -- Access postscript_result: detachable STRING point_width: INTEGER point_height: INTEGER left_margin: INTEGER bottom_margin: INTEGER feature -- Status setting set_margins (a_left_margin, a_bottom_margin: INTEGER) -- Set `left' and `bottom' margins to `a_left_margin' -- and `a_bottom_margin'. --| FIXME Requires pre- and post-conditions. do left_margin := a_left_margin bottom_margin := a_bottom_margin end set_page_size (a_size: INTEGER; landscape: BOOLEAN) -- Set horizontal and vertical dimensions of page. do point_width := page_width (a_size, landscape) - (left_margin*2) point_height := page_height (a_size, landscape) - (bottom_margin*2) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation add_ps_line (a_code: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Add `a_code' to postscript data. require a_code_not_void: a_code /= Void local l_ps_result: like postscript_result u: UTF_CONVERTER do l_ps_result := postscript_result check l_ps_result /= Void then end u.utf_32_string_into_utf_8_string_8 (a_code, l_ps_result) l_ps_result.append_character ('%N') end add_ps_string (a_code: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Add `a_code' to postscript data. require a_code_not_void: a_code /= Void local l_ps_result: like postscript_result u: UTF_CONVERTER do l_ps_result := postscript_result check l_ps_result /= Void then end u.utf_32_string_into_utf_8_string_8 (a_code, l_ps_result) end append_line_styles (a_figure: EV_ATOMIC_FIGURE) -- Add postscript code for dashed line style and line width. do if a_figure.dashed_line_style then add_ps_line ("[3] 0 setdash") else add_ps_line ("[] 0 setdash") end add_ps_line (a_figure.line_width.out + " setlinewidth") end translate_to (a_x, a_y: INTEGER) do add_ps_line (a_x.out + " " + a_y.out + " " + "translate") end draw_arc (a_radius, start_angle, end_angle: INTEGER) do add_ps_line ("0 0 "+a_radius.out+" " + start_angle.out + " " + end_angle.out + " arc") end draw_pie_slice (a_h, a_w, a_line_width, start_angle, end_angle: INTEGER; dashed, filled: BOOLEAN) do add_ps_line ("newpath") if dashed then add_ps_line ("[3] 0 setdash") else add_ps_line ("[] 0 setdash") end add_ps_line (a_line_width.out + " setlinewidth") if (a_w > a_h) then add_ps_line ("1 " + (a_h / a_w).out + " scale") else add_ps_line ((a_w / a_h).out + " 1 scale") end add_ps_line ("0 0 moveto") draw_arc (a_h // 2, start_angle, end_angle) add_ps_line ("closepath") if filled then add_ps_line ("fill") else add_ps_line ("stroke") end add_ps_line ("grestore") end start_drawing_polygon (a_figure: EV_CLOSED_FIGURE; filled: BOOLEAN) do add_ps_line ("gsave") translate_to (0, 0) add_ps_line ("newpath") append_line_styles (a_figure) add_ps_line ("1 1 scale") if filled and then attached a_figure.background_color as l_background_color then add_ps_line (l_background_color.out + " setrgbcolor") else add_ps_line (a_figure.foreground_color.out + " setrgbcolor") end end draw_polygon (coord_array: LINEAR [EV_COORDINATE]) do from coord_array.start add_ps_line (coord_array.item.x.out + " " + (point_height-coord_array.item.y).out + " moveto") coord_array.forth until coord_array.after loop add_ps_line (coord_array.item.x.out + " " + (point_height-coord_array.item.y).out + " lineto") coord_array.forth end end finish_drawing_polygon (filled: BOOLEAN) do add_ps_line ("closepath") if filled then add_ps_line ("eofill") else add_ps_line ("stroke") end add_ps_line ("grestore") end draw_polyline (a_polyline: EV_ATOMIC_FIGURE; closed: BOOLEAN) local coord_array: LINEAR [EV_COORDINATE] do coord_array := a_polyline.point_array.linear_representation add_ps_line ("gsave") translate_to (0, 0) add_ps_line ("newpath") append_line_styles (a_polyline) add_ps_line ("1 1 scale") add_ps_line (a_polyline.foreground_color.out + " setrgbcolor") from coord_array.start add_ps_line (coord_array.item.x.out + " " + (point_height-coord_array.item.y).out + " moveto") coord_array.forth until coord_array.after loop add_ps_line (coord_array.item.x.out + " " + (point_height-coord_array.item.y).out + " lineto") coord_array.forth end if closed then add_ps_line ("closepath") end add_ps_line ("stroke") add_ps_line ("grestore") end draw_arrowhead (a_color, a_line_width: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; point1, point2, point3: EV_RELATIVE_POINT) do add_ps_line ("%%Draw arrowhead") add_ps_line ("gsave") translate_to (0, 0) add_ps_line ("newpath") add_ps_string (a_line_width) add_ps_line (" setlinewidth") add_ps_line ("1 1 scale") add_ps_string (a_color) add_ps_line (" setrgbcolor") add_ps_line (point1.x_abs.out + " " + (point_height-point1.y_abs).out + " moveto") add_ps_line (point2.x_abs.out + " " + (point_height-point2.y_abs).out + " lineto") add_ps_line (point3.x_abs.out + " " + (point_height-point3.y_abs).out + " lineto") add_ps_line ("closepath") add_ps_line ("fill") add_ps_line ("grestore") end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2013, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_FIGURE_POSTSCRIPT_DRAWER