note description: "Projection to Postscript files." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." keywords: "projector, events, postscript" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_POSTSCRIPT_PROJECTOR obsolete "Use EV_MODEL_POSTSCRIPT_PROJECTOR instead. [2017-05-31]" inherit EV_PROJECTOR EV_FIGURE_POSTSCRIPT_DRAWER EV_PROJECTION_ROUTINES create make_with_filename feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_filename (a_world: EV_FIGURE_WORLD; a_filename: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Create with `a_world' and `a_filename'. require a_world_not_void: a_world /= Void a_filename_not_void: a_filename /= Void do make_with_filepath (a_world, create {PATH}.make_from_string (a_filename)) end make_with_filepath (a_world: EV_FIGURE_WORLD; a_filename: PATH) -- Create with `a_world' and `a_filename'. require a_world_not_void: a_world /= Void a_filename_not_void: a_filename /= Void do create draw_routines.make_filled (Void, 0, 20) make_with_world (a_world) set_margins (Default_left_margin, Default_bottom_margin) set_page_size (Letter, False) register_basic_figures filename := a_filename end feature {NONE} -- Implementation filename: detachable PATH file: detachable PLAIN_TEXT_FILE output_to_postscript -- Output standard projection to postscript. local rectangle: EV_RECTANGLE do create rectangle.make (0, 0, point_width - (2 * left_margin), point_height - (2 * bottom_margin)) create postscript_result.make (0) add_ps_line ("%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0") add_ps_line("%%%%Creator: N/A") add_ps_line ("%%%%Title: N/A") add_ps_line ("%%%%CreationDate: N/A") add_ps_line ("%%%%DocumentData: N/A") add_ps_line ("%%%%Origin: 0 0") add_ps_line ("%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 " + point_width.out + " " + point_height.out) add_ps_line ("%%%%LanguageLevel: 2") add_ps_line ("%%%%Pages: 1") add_ps_line ("%%%%Page: 1") add_eiffel_header add_ps_line ("%%Setting Clip Path and Origin") add_ps_line ("newpath%N" + left_margin.out + " " + bottom_margin.out + " moveto") add_ps_line (point_width.out + " 0 rlineto") add_ps_line ("0 " + point_height.out + " rlineto") add_ps_line ((-point_width).out + " 0 rlineto%Nclosepath%Nclip%Nclippath%N1 setgray fill") translate_to (left_margin, bottom_margin) if world.grid_enabled and world.grid_visible then draw_grid end if world.is_show_requested then project_figure_group (world, rectangle) end add_footer end add_eiffel_header do add_ps_line ("%N%%Generated by:%N% %%%EiffelVision2: library of reusable components for ISE Eiffel.%N% %%%Copyright (C) 1986-2003 Interactive Software Engineering Inc.%N% %%%All rights reserved. Duplication and distribution prohibited.%N% %%%May be used only with ISE Eiffel, under terms of user license.%N% %%%Contact ISE for any other use.%N%N% %%%Interactive Software Engineering Inc.%N% %%%ISE Building%N% %%%356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA%N% %%%Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869%N% %%%Customer support: %%%For latest info see award-winning pages:") end add_footer do add_ps_line ("%%%%EOF") end draw_grid -- Draw grid on canvas. do add_ps_line ("%%Drawing PS Grid") add_ps_line ("gsave") translate_to (0, 0) add_ps_line ("1 setlinewidth") add_ps_line ("[] 0 setdash") add_ps_line ("1 1 scale") add_ps_line (Default_colors.Grey.out + " setrgbcolor") add_ps_line ("/draw_grid_point") add_ps_line ("{moveto 1 0 rlineto stroke} def") add_ps_line ("/grid_x_increase") add_ps_line ("{grid_x_pos " + world.grid_x.out + " add /grid_x_pos exch def} def") add_ps_line ("/grid_y_decrease") add_ps_line ("{grid_y_pos " + world.grid_y.out + " sub /grid_y_pos exch def} def") add_ps_line ("/draw_grid_line") add_ps_line ("{/grid_x_pos 0 def") add_ps_line ("{grid_x_pos " + point_width.out + " le {grid_x_pos grid_y_pos draw_grid_point grid_x_increase}{exit} ifelse}loop} def") add_ps_line ("/draw_grid") add_ps_line ("{/grid_y_pos " + (point_height-1).out + " def") add_ps_line ("{grid_y_pos 0 ge {draw_grid_line grid_y_decrease}{exit} ifelse}loop} def") add_ps_line ("draw_grid") add_ps_line ("grestore") end feature -- Basic operations project -- Make standard projection of world on device. local l_file: like file l_filename: like filename l_postscript_result: like postscript_result do if not is_projecting then is_projecting := True -- Full projection. output_to_postscript l_filename := filename check l_filename /= Void then end create l_file.make_with_path (l_filename) l_file.open_write file := l_file l_postscript_result := postscript_result check l_postscript_result /= Void then end l_file.put_string (l_postscript_result) l_file.close file := Void filename := Void end is_projecting := False end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2013, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_POSTSCRIPT_PROJECTOR