note description: "Positions relative to other positions.%N% %Takes another relative point as origin and then defines a%N% %hor. & vert. scaling factor, x, y and angle.%N% %You can then access absolute scale_x, scale_y, x, y and angle%N% %which are recomputed only if invalidate_absolute_position has%N% %been called.%N% %You may also choose to specify a positioner. This is an agent%N% %that gets called everytime a recomputation is requested.%N% %When a positioner is installed, the other attributes are ignored.%N% %The x and y are transformed by the angle and scaling of the origin.%N% %This implies that the scale_x, scale_y and angle features of this%N% %object are only for propagation to referring points." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." keywords: "point, position, location, origin" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_RELATIVE_POINT obsolete "Not needed in EV_MODEL. [2017-05-31]" inherit EV_FIGURE_MATH export {NONE} all undefine default_create end IDENTIFIED export {NONE} free_id, id_freed undefine default_create, is_equal, copy end create default_create, make_with_origin, make_with_origin_and_position, make_with_position, make_with_positioner feature {NONE} -- Initialization default_create -- Base origin. do create notify_list_ids.make (2) position_changed := True scale_x := 1 scale_y := 1 end make_with_origin (an_origin: EV_RELATIVE_POINT) -- Create with `an_origin' on position (0, 0). do default_create set_origin (an_origin) end make_with_origin_and_position ( an_origin: EV_RELATIVE_POINT; new_x, new_y: INTEGER) -- Create with `an_origin' on position (`new_x', `new_y'). do default_create set_origin (an_origin) set_x (new_x) set_y (new_y) end make_with_position (new_x, new_y: INTEGER) -- Create on position (`new_x', `new_y'). do default_create set_x (new_x) set_y (new_y) end make_with_positioner (pos_agent: like positioner) -- Create with `pos_agent'. do default_create set_positioner (pos_agent) end feature -- Access origin: detachable EV_RELATIVE_POINT -- Origin the position is relative to. -- If this is Void, x and y are relative to (0, 0). x: INTEGER -- X-coordinate relative to origin. --| This is in fact not the actual x coordinate relative to --| the origin. --| The actual place is a calculation including scale_x and angle. y: INTEGER -- Y-coordinate relative to origin. --| This is in fact not the actual x coordinate relative to --| the origin. --| The actual place is a calculation including scale_y and angle. angle: DOUBLE -- Angle in radians relative to origin. --| This angle has few to do with this point. --| It's main purpose is to --| propagate it to the points who have this point as origin. scale_x: DOUBLE -- Relative horizontal scaling factor. --| Only propagation purpose. scale_y: DOUBLE -- Relative vertical scaling factor. --| Only propagation purpose. positioner: detachable PROCEDURE [TUPLE [like Current]] -- Take special absolute positioning action. -- A positioner is expected to use the routines: -- set_x_abs, set_y_abs. -- set_angle_abs, set_scale_x_abs, set_scale_y_abs can be used too -- to propagate angle and scaling factor to referring points. --| When a positioner is used, origin is ignored. x_abs: INTEGER -- X relative to (0, 0). Updates if necessary. do calculate_absolute_position Result := last_x_abs ensure Result_assigned: Result = last_x_abs end y_abs: INTEGER -- Y relative to (0, 0). Updates if necessary. do calculate_absolute_position Result := last_y_abs ensure Result_assigned: Result = last_y_abs end absolute_coordinates: EV_COORDINATE -- Coordinates relative to (0, 0). Updates if necessary. do calculate_absolute_position create Result.set (last_x_abs, last_y_abs) end angle_abs: DOUBLE -- Angle relative to 0. Updates if necessary. do calculate_absolute_position Result := last_angle_abs ensure Result_assigned: Result = last_angle_abs end scale_x_abs: DOUBLE -- Final horizontal scaling factor. Updates if necessary. do calculate_absolute_position Result := last_scale_x_abs ensure Result_assigned: Result = last_scale_x_abs end scale_y_abs: DOUBLE -- Final vertical scaling factor. Updates if necessary. do calculate_absolute_position Result := last_scale_y_abs ensure Result_assigned: Result = last_scale_y_abs end feature -- Status report has_positioner: BOOLEAN -- Is this point controlled by an agent? do Result := positioner /= Void ensure Result_assigned: Result = (positioner /= Void) end being_positioned: BOOLEAN -- Used for cycle detection of positioning agents. --| Is a precondition of set_x_abs, set_y_abs, set_angle_abs, --| set_scale_x_abs, set_scale_y_abs. relative_to (org: EV_RELATIVE_POINT): BOOLEAN -- Does this point have `org' as origin somehow? -- This is not the case when it is being positioned. --| Used in preconditions of x_rel_to and y_rel_to. --| A point is not relative to itself. do if origin = org then Result := True elseif origin = Void or else has_positioner then Result := False elseif attached origin as l_origin then Result := l_origin.relative_to (org) end end feature -- Element change set_positioner (pos_agent: like positioner) -- Set a customized positioning routine. do positioner := pos_agent set_controlled_by_positioner (pos_agent /= Void) notify_of_position_change ensure positioner_assigned: positioner = pos_agent end set_origin (new_origin: EV_RELATIVE_POINT) -- Set point this point is relative to. require new_origin_not_void: new_origin /= Void no_dependence_circle: not new_origin.relative_to (Current) and new_origin /= Current local l_origin: like origin do l_origin := origin if l_origin /= Void then l_origin.notify_list_ids.prune (object_id) end l_origin := new_origin origin := l_origin l_origin.notify_list_ids.extend (object_id) notify_of_position_change end change_origin (new_origin: EV_RELATIVE_POINT) -- Set point this point is relative to. -- Do not change absolute coordinates if -- scaling factors and angle do not change. require new_origin_not_void: new_origin /= Void no_dependence_circle: not new_origin.relative_to (Current) do x := x_abs - new_origin.x_abs y := y_abs - new_origin.y_abs set_origin (new_origin) end set_x (new_x: INTEGER) -- Change relative horizontal position. do x := new_x notify_of_position_change end set_y (new_y: INTEGER) -- Change relative vertical position. do y := new_y notify_of_position_change end set_angle (new_angle: DOUBLE) -- Set angle of this point (in radians). do angle := new_angle notify_of_position_change end set_scale_x (new_scale_x: DOUBLE) -- Set relative horizontal scaling factor. do scale_x := new_scale_x notify_of_position_change end set_scale_y (new_scale_y: DOUBLE) -- Set relative vertical scaling factor. do scale_y := new_scale_y notify_of_position_change end set_scale (new_scale: DOUBLE) -- Set relative scaling factor. do scale_y := new_scale scale_x := new_scale notify_of_position_change end set_position (new_x, new_y: INTEGER) -- Set both `x' and `y'. do x := new_x y := new_y notify_of_position_change end set_x_abs (new_x_abs: INTEGER) -- Change absolute position. do last_x_abs := new_x_abs ensure last_x_abs_assigned: last_x_abs = new_x_abs end set_y_abs (new_y_abs: INTEGER) -- Change absolute position. do last_y_abs := new_y_abs ensure last_y_abs_assigned: last_y_abs = new_y_abs end set_angle_abs (new_angle_abs: DOUBLE) -- Change absolute angle. do last_angle_abs := new_angle_abs ensure last_angle_abs_assigned: last_angle_abs = new_angle_abs end set_scale_x_abs (new_scale_x_abs: DOUBLE) -- Change absolute horizontal scaling factor. do last_scale_x_abs := new_scale_x_abs ensure last_scale_x_abs_assigned: last_scale_x_abs = new_scale_x_abs end set_scale_y_abs (new_scale_y_abs: DOUBLE) -- Change absolute vertical scaling factor. do last_scale_y_abs := new_scale_y_abs ensure last_scale_y_abs_assigned: last_scale_y_abs = new_scale_y_abs end feature {EV_FIGURE, EV_RELATIVE_POINT} -- Implementation last_x_abs: INTEGER -- Last calculated x relative to (0, 0). last_y_abs: INTEGER -- Last calculated y relative to (0, 0). last_angle_abs: DOUBLE -- Last calculated cumulative angle (relative to 0). last_scale_x_abs: DOUBLE -- Last calculated final horizontal scaling factor. last_scale_y_abs: DOUBLE -- Last calculated final vertical scaling factor. x_transformed (ang, scale: DOUBLE): INTEGER -- X if point was rotated by `abs'. -- Used to add to absolute coordinate of origin. -- Formula: rx = (x cos ang - y sin ang) * scale --| This is used to add to the absolute coordinates of the origin --| to get this point's absolute coordinates. --| Same for y_transformed. do if ang = 0.0 and scale = 1.0 then Result := x elseif ang = 0.0 then Result := (x * scale).truncated_to_integer else Result := (((cosine (ang) * x) - (sine (ang) * y)) * scale).truncated_to_integer end end y_transformed (ang, scale: DOUBLE): INTEGER -- Y if point was rotated by `angle'. -- Used to add to absolute coordinate of origin. -- Formula: ry = (x sin ang + y cos ang) * scale do if ang = 0.0 and scale = 1.0 then Result := y elseif ang = 0.0 then Result := (y * scale).truncated_to_integer else Result := (((sine (ang) * x) + (cosine (ang) * y)) * scale).truncated_to_integer end end calculate_absolute_position -- Do absolute calculation if needed. -- Do nothing if absolute_position is already valid. --| It is not really necessary to call this directly. --| Only when you want every calculation to be done at the --| same time. local l_x_abs, l_y_abs: INTEGER l_scale_x_abs, l_scale_y_abs, l_angle_abs: DOUBLE do if position_changed or else controlled_by_positioner then if attached positioner as l_positioner then check positioning_agent_loop: not being_positioned end being_positioned := True ([Current]) being_positioned := False else if attached origin as l_origin then l_origin.calculate_absolute_position l_x_abs := l_origin.last_x_abs l_y_abs := l_origin.last_y_abs l_scale_x_abs := l_origin.last_scale_x_abs l_scale_y_abs := l_origin.last_scale_y_abs l_angle_abs := l_origin.last_angle_abs else l_scale_x_abs := 1 l_scale_y_abs := 1 end l_x_abs := l_x_abs + x_transformed ( l_angle_abs, l_scale_x_abs ) l_y_abs := l_y_abs + y_transformed ( l_angle_abs, l_scale_y_abs ) l_angle_abs := l_angle_abs + angle l_scale_x_abs := l_scale_x_abs * scale_x l_scale_y_abs := l_scale_y_abs * scale_y last_x_abs := l_x_abs last_y_abs := l_y_abs last_scale_x_abs := l_scale_x_abs last_scale_y_abs := l_scale_y_abs last_angle_abs := l_angle_abs position_changed := False end end end absolute_position_valid: BOOLEAN -- Are absolute coordinates of this figure valid? --| If they are not, calculate_absolute_position is called first. do Result := not position_changed end invalidate_absolute_position -- Force recalculation of absolute coordinates next time they -- are accessed. do position_changed := True end feature {EV_RELATIVE_POINT} -- Implementation all_abs: TUPLE [INTEGER, INTEGER, DOUBLE, DOUBLE, DOUBLE] do calculate_absolute_position Result := [last_x_abs, last_y_abs, last_scale_x_abs, last_scale_y_abs, last_angle_abs] end set_all (ax, ay: INTEGER; sx, sy, an: DOUBLE) do last_x_abs := ax last_y_abs := ay last_scale_x_abs := sx last_scale_y_abs := sy last_angle_abs := an end feature {EV_FIGURE, EV_RELATIVE_POINT} -- Implementation --| These features are to determine the x, y and angle relative --| to a given point. That point can be positioned, but no positioner can --| be in between this point and that point. --| enforced by precondition: (this point).originated_from (that point) --| Use these functions for projection purposes. --| If for a rectangle, point_a is originated from point_b, --| Use point_b.x_rel_to (point_a) as a width for it, --| and use the angle on point_a as orientation. angle_rel_to (pnt: EV_RELATIVE_POINT): DOUBLE -- Get angle relative to `pnt'. -- This point must originate from `pnt'. require pnt_exists: pnt /= Void relative_to_pnt: relative_to (pnt) do if attached origin as l_origin and then l_origin /= pnt then Result := l_origin.angle_rel_to (pnt) end if attached origin as l_origin then Result := Result + l_origin.angle end end x_rel_to (pnt: EV_RELATIVE_POINT): INTEGER -- X relative to `pnt'. -- This point must originate from `pnt'. require pnt_exists: pnt /= Void relative_to_pnt: relative_to (pnt) do if attached origin as l_origin and then l_origin /= pnt then Result := l_origin.x_rel_to (pnt) end Result := Result + x_transformed (angle_rel_to (pnt), scale_x_abs) end y_rel_to (pnt: EV_RELATIVE_POINT): INTEGER -- Y relative to `pnt'. -- This point must originate from `pnt'. require pnt_exists: pnt /= Void relative_to_pnt: relative_to (pnt) do if attached origin as l_origin and then l_origin /= pnt then Result := l_origin.y_rel_to (pnt) end Result := Result + y_transformed (angle_rel_to (pnt), scale_y_abs) end feature -- Representation out_abs: STRING -- A string with absolute coordinates. do Result := "(" + x_abs.out + ", " + y_abs.out + ")" end out_rel: STRING -- A string with all relative coordinates of origins. do if attached origin as l_origin then Result := l_origin.out_rel + "+" else Result := "" end Result := Result + "(" + x.out + ", " + y.out + ")" end feature {EV_FIGURE, EV_RELATIVE_POINT, EV_PROJECTOR} -- Implementation position_changed: BOOLEAN -- Is position updated since last calculation? controlled_by_positioner: BOOLEAN -- Checks whether this position is somehow controlled by a -- positioner. set_controlled_by_positioner (f: BOOLEAN) local nl: like notify_list do controlled_by_positioner := f if f /= (positioner /= Void) then nl := notify_list from nl.start until nl.after loop nl.item.set_controlled_by_positioner (f) nl.forth end end end notify_list: LINKED_LIST [EV_RELATIVE_POINT] -- Immediate dependent points. local i: detachable EV_RELATIVE_POINT do create Result.make from notify_list_ids.start until notify_list_ids.after loop i ?= id_object (notify_list_ids.item) if i /= Void then Result.extend (i) end notify_list_ids.forth end end notify_list_ids: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] -- Immediate dependent points and figures using weak referencing. notify_of_position_change -- Set flag `position_changed' and in all referring positions. local i: detachable EV_RELATIVE_POINT f: detachable EV_FIGURE ids: like notify_list_ids do if not position_changed then position_changed := True ids := notify_list_ids from ids.start until ids.after loop i ?= id_object (ids.item) if i /= Void then i.notify_of_position_change ids.forth else f ?= id_object (ids.item) if f /= Void then f.invalidate ids.forth else -- Remove object id from list. ids.remove end end end end end invariant notify_list_exists: notify_list_ids /= Void has_origin_implies_origin_notifies: attached origin as l_origin implies l_origin.notify_list_ids.has (object_id) note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_RELATIVE_POINT