note description: "Projectors for widgets." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." keywords: "projector, events" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EV_WIDGET_PROJECTOR obsolete "Use EV_MODEL_WIDGET_PROJECTOR instead. [2017-05-31]" inherit EV_PROJECTOR EV_FIGURE_DRAWER EV_PROJECTION_ROUTINES feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_drawable_widget (a_world: EV_FIGURE_WORLD; a_drawable: EV_DRAWABLE; a_widget: like widget) -- Create with `a_world' and `a_drawable' (= `a_widget'). require a_world_not_void: a_world /= Void a_drawable_not_void: a_drawable /= Void a_widget_not_void: a_widget /= Void do make_with_drawable (a_drawable) create draw_routines.make_filled (Void, 0, 20) make_with_world (a_world) widget := a_widget register_basic_figures area_x := 0 area_y := 0 widget.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent mouse_move) widget.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent button_press) widget.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent double_press) widget.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent button_release) widget.pointer_leave_actions.extend (agent pointer_leave) widget.set_pebble_function (agent on_pebble_request) widget.set_actual_drop_target_agent (agent on_drop_target_request) end make_with_drawable_widget_and_buffer ( a_world: EV_FIGURE_WORLD; a_drawable: EV_DRAWABLE; a_buffer: EV_PIXMAP; a_widget: like widget) -- Create with `a_world', `a_drawable' (= `a_widget') and `a_buffer'. require a_world_not_void: a_world /= Void a_drawable_not_void: a_drawable /= Void a_buffer_not_void: a_buffer /= Void a_widget_not_void: a_widget /= Void do area := a_drawable make_with_drawable_widget (a_world, a_buffer, a_widget) end feature -- Access widget: EV_WIDGET -- `device' if conforms to EV_WIDGET. -- `Void' otherwise. area: detachable EV_DRAWABLE -- Area associated with `widget'. -- `Void' if no buffer is used. area_x, area_y: INTEGER -- Coordinates of top-left corner of displayed part of `drawable'. -- (0, 0) when no buffer is used. feature -- Status report buffer_used: BOOLEAN -- Is `drawable' only a buffer area for `area'? do Result := area /= Void end feature -- Element change change_area_position (a_x, a_y: INTEGER) -- `area' has moved to (`a_x', `a_y') of `drawable'. require valid_position: a_x >= 0 and a_y >= 0 local u: EV_RECTANGLE l_area: like area do l_area := area check l_area /= Void then end area_x := a_x area_y := a_y create u.make (0, 0, l_area.width, l_area.height) update_rectangle (u, 0, 0) end feature -- Basic operations project -- Make a standard projection of world on device. local e, u: detachable EV_RECTANGLE do if not is_projecting then is_projecting := True if world.is_redraw_needed then full_project world.full_redraw_performed else e := world.invalid_rectangle if e /= Void then u := world.update_rectangle if u /= Void then e.merge (u) end project_rectangle (e) end end end is_projecting := False end project_rectangle (u: EV_RECTANGLE) -- Project area under `u'. local pixmap: detachable EV_PIXMAP do drawable.set_background_color (world.background_color) drawable.clear_rectangle (u.left,, u.width, u.height) if world.grid_enabled and world.grid_visible then draw_grid end if world.is_show_requested then project_figure_group (world, u) end if has_mouse then change_current (figure_on_position (world, last_pointer_x, last_pointer_y)) end if world.points_visible then project_rel_point (world.point) end world.validate if buffer_used then -- Flush `drawable' on `area'. pixmap ?= drawable if pixmap /= Void and then attached area as l_area then u.set_x (area_x) u.set_y (area_y) u.set_width (l_area.width) u.set_height (l_area.height) l_area.draw_sub_pixmap (0, 0, pixmap, u) end end end full_project -- Project entire area. local rectangle: EV_RECTANGLE do create rectangle.make (0, 0, drawable.width, drawable.height) project_rectangle (rectangle) end update_rectangle (u: EV_RECTANGLE; a_x, a_y: INTEGER) -- Flush `u' on `area' at (`a_x', `a_y'). require buffer_used: buffer_used local pixmap: detachable EV_PIXMAP do pixmap ?= drawable if pixmap /= Void and then attached area as l_area then u.set_x (u.x + area_x) u.set_y (u.y + area_y) l_area.draw_sub_pixmap (a_x, a_y, pixmap, u) end end clear_device -- Erase entire canvas. do drawable.set_background_color (world.background_color) drawable.clear end feature {NONE} -- Event implementation current_figure: detachable EV_FIGURE -- Figure mouse is currently on. --| To generate leave and enter actions. last_pointer_x, last_pointer_y: INTEGER -- Last mouse coordinates. --| Used when world changes using `project'. has_mouse: BOOLEAN -- Does canvas have mouse on it? figure_on_position (group: EV_FIGURE_GROUP; x, y: INTEGER): detachable EV_FIGURE -- Figure mouse-cursor is on. local grp: detachable EV_FIGURE_GROUP do if world.capture_figure /= Void then Result := world.capture_figure else from group.finish until Result /= Void or else group.before loop grp ?= group.item if grp /= Void and then group.is_show_requested then if group.position_on_figure (x, y) then Result := grp else Result := figure_on_position (grp, x, y) end elseif group.item.position_on_figure (x, y) then Result := group.item end group.back end end end button_press (x, y, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Pointer button down happened. local event_fig: detachable EV_FIGURE p: BOOLEAN w_x, w_y: INTEGER do w_x := x + area_x w_y := y + area_y from event_fig := figure_on_position (world, w_x, w_y) until event_fig = Void loop if event_fig.is_sensitive and attached event_fig.internal_pointer_button_press_actions as l_actions then ([w_x - world.point.x, w_y - world.point.y, button, x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure, screen_x, screen_y]) end event_fig := p := True end if p then project end end double_press (x, y, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Pointer double click happened. local event_fig: detachable EV_FIGURE p: BOOLEAN w_x, w_y: INTEGER do w_x := x + area_x w_y := y + area_y from event_fig := figure_on_position (world, w_x, w_y) until event_fig = Void loop if event_fig.is_sensitive and attached event_fig.internal_pointer_double_press_actions as l_actions then ([w_x - world.point.x, w_y - world.point.y, button, x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure, screen_x, screen_y]) end event_fig := p := True end if p then project end end button_release (x, y, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Pointer button up happened. local event_fig: detachable EV_FIGURE p: BOOLEAN w_x, w_y: INTEGER do w_x := x + area_x w_y := y + area_y from event_fig := figure_on_position (world, w_x, w_y) until event_fig = Void loop if event_fig.is_sensitive and attached event_fig.internal_pointer_button_release_actions as l_actions then ([w_x - world.point.x, w_y - world.point.y, button, x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure, screen_x, screen_y]) end event_fig := p := True end if p then project end end pointer_leave -- Pointer left canvas. do has_mouse := False end has_focus (a_figure: EV_FIGURE): BOOLEAN -- Is mouse cursor on `a_figure'? local grp: detachable EV_FIGURE_GROUP do if current_figure = a_figure then Result := True else grp ?= a_figure if grp /= Void then from grp.start until Result or grp.after loop Result := has_focus (grp.item) grp.forth end end end end change_current (new_current_figure: detachable EV_FIGURE) -- Change current to `new_focused_figure'. --| Generate leave and/or enter events accordingly. local old_figure: detachable EV_FIGURE event_fig: detachable EV_FIGURE same_fig: detachable EV_FIGURE p: BOOLEAN do if current_figure /= new_current_figure then if new_current_figure /= Void and then new_current_figure.is_sensitive and then attached new_current_figure.pointer_style as l_new_current_figure_pointer_style then widget.set_pointer_style (l_new_current_figure_pointer_style) else widget.set_pointer_style (Default_pixmaps.Standard_cursor) end old_figure := current_figure current_figure := new_current_figure if old_figure /= Void then from event_fig := old_figure until event_fig = Void or else has_focus (event_fig) loop if event_fig.is_sensitive and attached event_fig.internal_pointer_leave_actions as l_actions then (Void) end p := True event_fig := end end same_fig := event_fig if current_figure /= Void then from event_fig := current_figure until event_fig = Void or else event_fig = same_fig loop if event_fig.is_sensitive and attached event_fig.internal_pointer_enter_actions as l_actions then (Void) end p := True event_fig := end end end if p then project end ensure current_figure_assigned: current_figure = new_current_figure end mouse_move (x, y: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Fire events that belong to mouse movement. --| i.e. leave, enter, motion. local event_fig: detachable EV_FIGURE p: BOOLEAN w_x, w_y: INTEGER do w_x := x + area_x w_y := y + area_y has_mouse := True last_pointer_x := w_x last_pointer_y := w_y from event_fig := figure_on_position (world, w_x, w_y) change_current (event_fig) until event_fig = Void loop if event_fig.is_sensitive and attached event_fig.internal_pointer_motion_actions as l_actions then ([w_x - world.point.x, w_y - world.point.y, x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure, screen_x, screen_y]) end event_fig := p := True end if p then project end end call_actions (f: EV_FIGURE; actions: detachable EV_LITE_ACTION_SEQUENCE [TUPLE]; arg: detachable TUPLE) -- Call `actions' on `f' with `arg' if `f' is sensitive. obsolete "Use `actions' directly. [2017-05-31]" do if actions /= Void and then f.is_sensitive then (arg) end end on_pebble_request (a_x, a_y: INTEGER): detachable ANY -- Pebble of current figure. -- If figure is `Void', return pebble of world. --| Because when a context menu is up, no events are sent --| to the world, first simulate a mouse motion to update --| the projection. local fig: detachable EV_FIGURE do mouse_move (a_x, a_y, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0) fig := current_figure if fig = Void then Result := world.real_pebble elseif fig.is_sensitive then from until Result /= Void or fig = Void loop Result := fig.real_pebble if Result = Void then fig := end end if Result /= Void and then fig /= Void then widget.set_accept_cursor (fig.accept_cursor) widget.set_deny_cursor (fig.deny_cursor) end end end on_drop_target_request (a_x, a_y: INTEGER): detachable EV_ABSTRACT_PICK_AND_DROPABLE -- Find actual drop target. local event_fig: detachable EV_FIGURE w_x, w_y: INTEGER do w_x := a_x + area_x w_y := a_y + area_y event_fig := figure_on_position (world, w_x, w_y) if event_fig = Void and then not world.drop_actions.is_empty then Result := world else from until Result /= Void or event_fig = Void loop if not event_fig.drop_actions.is_empty then Result := event_fig end event_fig := end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation axle_length: INTEGER = 15 -- Length of x and y axles when points are displayed. project_rel_point (point: EV_RELATIVE_POINT) -- Draw representation of a point on canvas. local dx, dy: INTEGER nl: LINKED_LIST [EV_RELATIVE_POINT] do dx := (sine (point.angle_abs) * axle_length).rounded dy := (cosine (point.angle_abs) * axle_length).rounded if attached point.origin as l_point_origin then drawable.set_foreground_color ( create {EV_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (0, 0, 1) ) drawable.draw_segment (point.x_abs, point.y_abs, l_point_origin.x_abs, l_point_origin.y_abs) end drawable.set_foreground_color ( create {EV_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (0, 1, 0) ) drawable.draw_segment (point.x_abs, point.y_abs, point.x_abs - (sine (point.angle_abs) * axle_length * point.scale_y_abs).rounded, point.y_abs + (cosine (point.angle_abs) * axle_length * point.scale_y_abs).rounded) drawable.draw_segment (point.x_abs, point.y_abs, point.x_abs + (cosine (point.angle_abs) * axle_length * point.scale_x_abs).rounded, point.y_abs + (sine (point.angle_abs) * axle_length * point.scale_x_abs).rounded) nl := point.notify_list from nl.start until nl.after loop project_rel_point (nl.item) nl.forth end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_WIDGET_PROJECTOR