note description: "[ EV_GRID Text label whose content may be interactively chosen by the user via a list. `set_item_strings' may be used to set the list items used in the choice list before the item is activated. By default a list containing the strings set from `set_item_strings' is displayed, allowing the user to change the text of `Current' by selecting an item within that list. The default behavior of the activation may be overriden using `activate_actions' or `item_activate_actions' (from EV_GRID). ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_GRID_CHOICE_ITEM inherit EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM redefine initialize, activate_action, deactivate, required_width, computed_initial_grid_label_item_layout end create default_create, make_with_text feature {EV_ANY} -- Initialization initialize -- do Precursor set_is_tab_navigatable (True) end feature -- Element change set_item_strings (a_string_array: attached like item_strings) -- Set each item in `Current' to the strings referenced in `a_string_array'. require a_string_array_not_void: a_string_array /= Void do item_strings := a_string_array if attached choice_list as l_choice_list and then not l_choice_list.is_destroyed then set_strings end if a_string_array.upper > a_string_array.lower then set_pixmap (drop_down_pixmap) else remove_pixmap end ensure item_strings_set: item_strings = a_string_array end feature -- Access item_strings: detachable INDEXABLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL, INTEGER] -- Item strings used to make up combo box list. required_width: INTEGER -- Width in pixels required to fully display contents, based -- on current settings. do -- If there is a pixmap set, we use that pixmap, otherwise we -- take into account the size of `drop_down_pixmap' even if it is not shown. if pixmap = Void then pixmap := drop_down_pixmap Result := implementation.required_width pixmap := Void else Result := implementation.required_width end end feature -- Actions deactivate -- Cleanup from previous call to activate. local l_item: detachable EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM do if attached choice_list as l_choice_list and then not l_choice_list.is_destroyed then l_choice_list.focus_out_actions.wipe_out l_choice_list.key_press_actions.wipe_out l_choice_list.pointer_button_press_item_actions.wipe_out l_choice_list.pointer_button_release_item_actions.wipe_out l_choice_list.pointer_motion_actions.wipe_out if has_user_selected_item and then l_choice_list.has_selected_row then l_item ?= l_choice_list.selected_rows.first.item (1) if l_item /= Void then set_text (l_item.text) end end choice_list := Void end Precursor {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} end feature {NONE} -- Implementation choice_list: detachable EV_GRID -- Text field used to edit `Current' on `activate' -- Void when `Current' isn't being activated. initial_position: detachable EV_COORDINATE -- Initial pointer position when `choice_list' is first shown. --| This is to avoid a spurious `on_mouse_move' callback that occurs on Windows --| even if the pointer hasn't moved, because the window underneath the pointer has moved set_strings -- Update `choice_list' with `item_strings'. require choice_list_not_destroyed: attached choice_list as l_c_list and then not l_c_list.is_destroyed local l_item: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM j: INTEGER l_text, l_selected_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_font, l_selected_font: detachable EV_FONT l_choice_list: like choice_list do l_choice_list := choice_list check l_choice_list /= Void then end -- Reset choice list to a 1x1 grid with no item -- We do not use wipeout as this has the side effect of resizing any previously set column widths. l_choice_list.set_row_count_to (1) l_choice_list.set_column_count_to (1) l_choice_list.set_item (1, 1, Void) l_font := font if attached item_strings as l_item_strings then across l_item_strings as c from j := 1 l_selected_text := text loop l_text := c.item create l_item.make_with_text (l_text) l_choice_list.set_item (1, j, l_item) j := j + 1 if l_selected_font = Void and then l_text.same_string (l_selected_text) then if l_font /= Void then l_selected_font := l_font.twin else create l_selected_font end l_selected_font.set_weight ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_bold) l_item.set_font (l_selected_font) l_item.enable_select else if l_font /= Void then -- All non selected items should be regular. if l_font.weight /= {EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_regular then l_font := l_font.twin l_font.set_weight ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_regular) end l_item.set_font (l_font) end end -- Ensure that the text we insert is nicely surrounded -- so that it does not touch the border. l_item.set_left_border (default_left_border) l_item.set_right_border (default_left_border) -- Make sure that the content alignment matches the current alignment set_alignment (l_item) end else -- Add `text' is there are no strings set. create l_item.make_with_text (text) if l_font /= Void then l_item.set_font (l_font) end -- Ensure that the text we insert is nicely surrounded -- so that it does not touch the border. l_item.set_left_border (default_left_border) l_item.set_right_border (default_left_border) -- Make sure that the content alignment matches the current alignment set_alignment (l_item) l_choice_list.set_item (1, 1, l_item) end end set_alignment (a_item: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM) -- Set alignment of `a_item' according to current alignment. do if is_left_aligned then a_item.align_text_left elseif is_right_aligned then a_item.align_text_right else a_item.align_text_center end end has_user_selected_item: BOOLEAN -- Did the user select an entry in the list? activate_action (a_popup: EV_POPUP_WINDOW) -- `Current' has been requested to be updated via `a_popup'. local l_width, l_height: INTEGER l_screen: detachable EV_SCREEN_IMP l_choice_list: EV_GRID l_x_coord, l_y_coord, l_x_offset, l_y_offset, l_scroll_width, l_content_width: INTEGER l_parent: like parent l_vbox: EV_VERTICAL_BOX l_box_border, l_item_border_width, l_item_border_height: INTEGER l_layout: like grid_label_item_layout l_rect: EV_RECTANGLE l_mouse: EV_COORDINATE do l_parent := parent check l_parent /= Void then end l_screen ?= (create {EV_SCREEN}).implementation check l_screen_not_void: l_screen /= Void then end -- We limit our positionning on the current monitor, where the click occurred, -- for better user experience. l_mouse := l_screen.pointer_position l_rect := l_screen.working_area_from_position (l_mouse.x, l_mouse.y) create l_choice_list choice_list := l_choice_list -- We hide the horizontal scrollbar and headers since we only want to show -- one column with many items in it. We keep the vertical scrollbar in the event -- there are too many items to show. l_choice_list.hide_header l_choice_list.hide_horizontal_scroll_bar create l_vbox l_vbox.set_background_color ((create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).black) -- By default our drop down will always have a border of 1 pixel around the grid. l_box_border := 1 l_vbox.set_border_width (l_box_border) -- Initial border width and height for the box containing the grid, taking into account -- the user settings (2 for 2 x 1-pixel border). -- Due to the drawing hack for text which assumes that text is by default drawing -- {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM}.default_left_border pixels to the right, we need to check -- if user has set `left_border' or not. if internal_left_border >= 0 then l_item_border_width := 2 + left_border + right_border else l_item_border_width := 2 + right_border end l_item_border_height := 2 + top_border + bottom_border l_vbox.extend (l_choice_list) -- Set the item strings. set_strings l_layout := computed_initial_grid_label_item_layout (width, height) if attached layout_procedure as l_layout_procedure then ([Current, l_layout]) end -- Compute location and size of `popup_window' and `choice_list' so that we can see most of -- the items at once. -- 1) Get the actual position of the left border if internal_left_border >= 0 then l_x_coord := a_popup.x_position + left_border else l_x_coord := a_popup.x_position end -- 2) If the left hand side is offscreen on the left, calculate how many pixels we need to -- shift to the right to show the content without cropping the content of `choice_list'. l_x_offset := (l_rect.x - l_x_coord).max (0) -- 3) Adjust `l_x_coord' to take into account the potential cropping. l_x_coord := l_x_coord + l_x_offset -- 1) Get the actual position of the top border. We try to align the top with the text -- by removing 1 pixel for the border and 1 pixel for the spacing to the top of the font -- (note this is empirical and depending on the font/platform it could perform more or less -- well). l_y_coord := a_popup.y_position + l_layout.text_y - 2 -- 2) If the top hand side is offscreen on the top, calculate how many pixels we need to -- shift to the bottom to show the content without cropping the content of `choice_list'. l_y_offset := (l_rect.y - l_y_coord).max (0) -- 3) Adjust `l_y_coord' to take into account the potential cropping. l_y_coord := l_y_coord + l_y_offset -- Initially the width and height of `choice_list' match the size of the item in the grid -- and potentially shrinked even more of part of the item was offscreen. l_width := a_popup.width - l_x_offset - l_item_border_width l_height := a_popup.height - l_y_offset - l_item_border_height if l_choice_list.column_count > 0 and then l_choice_list.row_count > 0 then -- Calculate the ideal width and height of `choice_list', that is to say the -- size it needs to show all its content. l_height := l_choice_list.virtual_height -- If scrollbar is visible then we need to take into account the width of the -- scrollbar. if l_height >= l_rect.height then l_scroll_width := l_choice_list.vertical_scroll_bar.width end -- Here is the content width that is necessary to display all the strings -- without truncation. l_content_width := l_scroll_width + l_choice_list.column (1).required_width_of_item_span (1, l_choice_list.row_count) -- Here is our needed width. l_width := l_width.max (l_content_width) -- Check if the right hand side of the `choice_list' is still visible on screen. l_x_offset := (l_x_coord + l_width) - l_rect.right if l_x_offset > 0 then -- It is too big, we are going to shift `l_x_coord' to the left by -- at most `l_x_offset' pixels until the right hand side is visible without -- obscuring the left hand side (in which case we will shrink the -- content as to not put the left hand side offscreen). But if we can reduce -- the width without truncating the content we go for it. if (l_width - l_x_offset) > l_content_width then -- Nothing to change, the content still fits, however we will need to -- ensure that right hand side is visible l_width := l_width - l_x_offset else -- Left hand side needs to move to the left, we only do it for what -- is necessary and no bigger than the whole screen, l_width := l_content_width l_x_coord := l_rect.right - l_content_width if l_x_coord < l_rect.x then -- Content is actually larger than the screen -- To avoid putting the left hand side offscreen, -- we adjust accordingly the x coordinate and -- shrink the content to fit the screen. l_width := l_rect.width l_x_coord := l_rect.x end end end -- Check if the top hand side of the `choice_list' is still visible on screen. l_y_offset := (l_y_coord + l_height) - l_rect.bottom if l_y_offset > 0 then -- It is too big, we are going to shift `l_y_coord' to the top by -- at most `l_y_offset' pixels until the bottom hand side is visible without -- obscuring the top hand side (in which case we will shrink the -- content as to not put the top hand side offscreen). -- Unlike the x coordinates computation where the initial width -- was potentially bigger than needed, this is not the case here -- thus the different way to shift the top. l_y_coord := l_y_coord - l_y_offset if l_y_coord < l_rect.y then -- We would be putting the top hand side offscreen, we adjust accordingly -- the y coordinate and shrink the content to fit the screen. l_height := l_height - (l_rect.y - l_y_coord) l_y_coord := l_rect.y end end l_choice_list.set_minimum_height (l_height) l_choice_list.column (1).set_width (l_width - l_scroll_width) l_choice_list.set_minimum_width (l_width) end a_popup.set_x_position (l_x_coord) a_popup.set_y_position (l_y_coord) a_popup.set_height (l_height + 2 * l_box_border) a_popup.set_width (l_width + 2 * l_box_border) l_choice_list.enable_single_row_selection l_choice_list.enable_selection_key_handling l_choice_list.set_background_color (implementation.displayed_background_color) a_popup.set_background_color (implementation.displayed_background_color) l_choice_list.set_foreground_color (implementation.displayed_foreground_color) l_choice_list.set_focused_selection_color (l_parent.focused_selection_color) l_choice_list.set_focused_selection_text_color (l_parent.focused_selection_text_color) a_popup.extend (l_vbox) -- Initialize action sequences when `Current' is shown. a_popup.show_actions.extend (agent initialize_actions) end initialize_actions -- Setup the action sequences when the item is shown. do -- No selection yet. has_user_selected_item := False if attached choice_list as l_choice_list and then not l_choice_list.is_destroyed then -- Initialize actions. if l_choice_list.is_displayed and then l_choice_list.is_sensitive then l_choice_list.set_focus end initial_position := (create {EV_SCREEN}).pointer_position l_choice_list.focus_out_actions.extend (agent deactivate) l_choice_list.pointer_button_press_item_actions.extend (agent on_mouse_press) l_choice_list.pointer_button_release_item_actions.extend (agent on_mouse_release) l_choice_list.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent on_mouse_move) l_choice_list.key_press_actions.extend (agent on_key) else -- Something wrong occurred, we should deactivate if possible. if not is_destroyed and is_parented then deactivate end end end on_mouse_move (a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_x_tilt, a_y_tilt, a_pressure: DOUBLE; a_screen_x, a_screen_y: INTEGER) -- Handle mouse moving actions. local l_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM l_list: LIST [EV_GRID_ITEM] do if attached choice_list as l_choice_list then -- If `initial_position' of the mouse has been set (it means we just activated items), -- then we will only select an item if the new mouse position is of by one pixel in -- any directions. if not attached initial_position as l_pos or else (l_pos.x /= l_choice_list.screen_x + a_x and then l_pos.y /= l_choice_list.screen_y + a_y) then initial_position := Void l_item := l_choice_list.item_at_virtual_position (l_choice_list.virtual_x_position + a_x, l_choice_list.virtual_y_position + a_y) if l_item /= Void then l_list := l_choice_list.selected_items if not l_list.is_empty and then l_list.first /= l_item then l_choice_list.remove_selection l_item.enable_select end has_user_selected_item := True end end else check choice_list /= Void end end end on_mouse_press (a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM) -- Handle mouse press actions. local l_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM l_list: LIST [EV_GRID_ITEM] do if a_button = 1 then if attached choice_list as l_choice_list then l_item := l_choice_list.item_at_virtual_position (l_choice_list.virtual_x_position + a_x, l_choice_list.virtual_y_position + a_y) if l_item /= Void then l_list := l_choice_list.selected_items if not l_list.is_empty and then l_list.first /= l_item then l_choice_list.remove_selection l_item.enable_select end has_user_selected_item := True end else check choice_list /= Void end end end end on_mouse_release (a_x, a_y, a_button: INTEGER; a_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM) -- Handle mouse release actions. do if has_user_selected_item then deactivate end end on_key (a_key: EV_KEY) -- Handle key action on `choice_list'. local l_propagate_tab_key, l_deactivate: BOOLEAN do inspect a_key.code when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_enter, {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_tab then has_user_selected_item := a_key.code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_enter -- Tab or enter key should propagate to the next item if `is_item_tab_navigation_enabled'. l_propagate_tab_key := attached parent as l_parent and then l_parent.is_item_tab_navigation_enabled l_deactivate := True when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_escape then l_deactivate := True else -- Do nothing end if l_deactivate and then attached parent as l_parent then if l_propagate_tab_key then l_parent.propagate_key_press (create {EV_KEY}.make_with_code ({EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_tab)) end -- Make sure that `Current' is deactivated if not already done so by the key propagation. if l_parent.activated_item = Current then deactivate end end end drop_down_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP -- Drop drawn pixmap local l_mask: EV_BITMAP once -- Draw a drop down triangle. create Result.make_with_size (9, 7) Result.draw_segment (1, 2, 7, 2) Result.draw_segment (2, 3, 6, 3) Result.draw_segment (3, 4, 5, 4) Result.draw_segment (4, 5, 4, 5) create l_mask.make_with_size (9, 7) l_mask.clear_rectangle (0, 0, 9, 7) l_mask.draw_segment (0, 1, 8, 1) l_mask.draw_segment (0, 2, 8, 2) l_mask.draw_segment (1, 3, 7, 3) l_mask.draw_segment (2, 4, 6, 4) l_mask.draw_segment (3, 5, 5, 5) l_mask.draw_segment (4, 6, 4, 6) Result.set_mask (l_mask) ensure drop_down_pixmap_not_void: Result /= Void end computed_initial_grid_label_item_layout (a_width, a_height: INTEGER_32): EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM_LAYOUT do Result := Precursor (a_width, a_height) if attached pixmap as l_pixmap then -- We simply shift the computation of `x' to the left by -- the size occuppied by the pixmap and separation between -- text and pixmap Result.set_text_x (Result.text_x - l_pixmap.width - spacing) -- We have the pixmap enabled, let's compute the position -- of the `text' and `pixmap' so that `text' appears at the very left -- and `pixmap' at the very right minus 2 pixels for cosmetic reasons. Result.set_pixmap_x (Result.text_x.max (width - l_pixmap.width - right_border - 2)) Result.set_has_text_pixmap_overlapping (False) end end invariant choice_list_parented_during_activation: attached choice_list as l_choice_list implies l_choice_list.parent /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2016, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end