note description: "Facilities for direct drawing on the screen." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." keywords: "screen, root, window, visual, top" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_SCREEN inherit EV_DRAWABLE redefine implementation end create default_create feature -- Measurement virtual_width: INTEGER -- Virtual width of screen do Result := implementation.virtual_width end virtual_height: INTEGER -- Virtual height of screen do Result := implementation.virtual_height end virtual_x: INTEGER -- X position of virtual screen in main display coordinates do Result := implementation.virtual_x end virtual_y: INTEGER -- Y position of virtual screen in main display coordinates do Result := implementation.virtual_y end virtual_left: INTEGER -- Left position of virtual screen in main display coordinates do Result := virtual_x end virtual_top: INTEGER -- Top position of virtual screen in main display coordinates do Result := virtual_y end virtual_right: INTEGER -- Right position of virtual screen in main display coordinates do Result := virtual_x + virtual_width end virtual_bottom: INTEGER -- Bottom position of virtual screen in main display coordinates do Result := virtual_y + virtual_height end feature -- Status report pointer_position: EV_COORDINATE -- Position of the screen pointer. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.pointer_position ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end widget_at_position (x, y: INTEGER): detachable EV_WIDGET -- Widget at position (`x', `y') if any. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.widget_at_position (x, y) end widget_at_mouse_pointer: detachable EV_WIDGET -- Widget underneath mouse pointer if any. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.widget_at_mouse_pointer end monitor_area_from_position (a_x, a_y: INTEGER): EV_RECTANGLE -- Full area of monitor nearest to coordinates (a_x, a_y). require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.monitor_area_from_position (a_x, a_y) end monitor_area_from_window (a_window: EV_WINDOW): EV_RECTANGLE -- Full area of monitor of which most of `a_window' is located. -- Returns nearest monitor area if `a_window' does not overlap any monitors. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed not_window_destroyed: not a_window.is_destroyed do Result := implementation.monitor_area_from_window (a_window) end pixel_color_relative_to (a_widget: EV_WIDGET; a_x, a_y: INTEGER): EV_COLOR -- Pixel color on screen at relative position (`a_x', `a_y') from top left corner of `a_widget'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed not_widget_destroyed: not a_widget.is_destroyed has_area: a_widget.height > 0 and a_widget.width > 0 coords_in_area: a_x >= 0 and a_x < a_widget.width and a_y >= 0 and a_y < a_widget.height local l_pixel_buffer: EV_PIXEL_BUFFER l_pixel_iterator: like {EV_PIXEL_BUFFER}.pixel_iterator l_pixel: EV_PIXEL_BUFFER_PIXEL do create l_pixel_buffer.make_with_pixmap (sub_pixmap (create {EV_RECTANGLE}.make (a_widget.screen_x + a_x, a_widget.screen_y + a_y, 1, 1))) l_pixel_buffer.lock l_pixel_iterator := l_pixel_buffer.pixel_iterator l_pixel_iterator.set_column (1) l_pixel_iterator.set_row (1) l_pixel := l_pixel_iterator.item create Result.make_with_8_bit_rgb (,, l_pixel_buffer.unlock end -- To uncomment when GTK's implementation is working -- -- working_area_from_position (a_x, a_y: INTEGER): EV_RECTANGLE -- -- Area available for windows of monitor nearest to coordinates (a_x, a_y). -- -- E.g. it should exclude the taskbar if any. -- require -- not_destroyed: not is_destroyed -- do -- Result := implementation.working_area_from_position (a_x, a_y) -- end -- working_area_from_window (a_window: EV_WINDOW): EV_RECTANGLE -- -- Area available for windows of monitor of which most of `a_window' is located. -- -- Returns nearest working area if `a_window' does not overlap any monitors. -- -- E.g. it should exclude the taskbar if any. -- require -- not_destroyed: not is_destroyed -- not_window_destroyed: not a_window.is_destroyed -- do -- Result := implementation.working_area_from_window (a_window) -- end feature -- Basic operation set_pointer_position (x, y: INTEGER) -- Set `pointer_position' to (`x',`y`). require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.set_pointer_position (x, y) end fake_pointer_button_press (a_button: INTEGER) -- Simulate the user pressing a `a_button' on the pointing device. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.fake_pointer_button_press (a_button) end fake_pointer_button_release (a_button: INTEGER) -- Simulate the user releasing a `a_button' on the pointing device. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.fake_pointer_button_release (a_button) end fake_pointer_button_click (a_button: INTEGER) -- Simulate the user clicking `a_button' on the pointing device. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.fake_pointer_button_press (a_button) implementation.fake_pointer_button_release (a_button) end fake_pointer_wheel_up -- Simulate the user rotating the mouse wheel up. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.fake_pointer_wheel_up end fake_pointer_wheel_down -- Simulate the user rotating the mouse wheel down. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.fake_pointer_wheel_down end fake_key_press (a_key: EV_KEY) -- Simulate the user pressing a `key'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed key_not_void: a_key /= Void do implementation.fake_key_press (a_key) end fake_key_release (a_key: EV_KEY) -- Simulate the user releasing a `key'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed key_not_void: a_key /= Void do implementation.fake_key_release (a_key) end fake_key_click (a_key: EV_KEY) -- Simulate the user clicking a `key'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed key_not_void: a_key /= Void do implementation.fake_key_press (a_key) implementation.fake_key_release (a_key) end feature -- Measurement width: INTEGER -- Horizontal size in pixels. do Result := implementation.width ensure then bridge_ok: Result = implementation.width positive: Result > 0 end height: INTEGER -- Vertical size in pixels. do Result := implementation.height ensure then bridge_ok: Result = implementation.height positive: Result > 0 end vertical_resolution: INTEGER -- Number of pixels per inch along screen height. do Result := implementation.vertical_resolution ensure positive: Result > 0 end horizontal_resolution: INTEGER -- Number of pixels per inch along screen width. do Result := implementation.horizontal_resolution ensure positive: Result > 0 end monitor_count: INTEGER -- Number of monitors used for displaying virtual screen. do Result := implementation.monitor_count ensure positive: Result > 0 end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation implementation: EV_SCREEN_I -- Responsible for interaction with native graphics toolkit. feature {NONE} -- Implementation create_interface_objects -- do end create_implementation -- See `{EV_ANY}.create_implementation'. do create {EV_SCREEN_IMP} implementation.make end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end