note description: "Figures consisting of zero or more points." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." keywords: "figure, points" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EV_MODEL_MULTI_POINTED inherit EV_MODEL feature -- Access i_th_point_x (i: INTEGER): INTEGER -- `i'-th points x position. require i_within_bounds: i > 0 and then i <= point_count do Result := point_array.item (i - 1).x ensure correct_entry: Result = point_array.item (i - 1).x end i_th_point_y (i: INTEGER): INTEGER -- `i'-th points y position. require i_within_bounds: i > 0 and then i <= point_count do Result := point_array.item (i - 1).y ensure correct_entry: Result = point_array.item (i - 1).y end i_th_point (i: INTEGER): EV_COORDINATE -- `i'-th point of `Current'. obsolete "Use i_th_point_x or i_th_point_y. [2017-05-31]" require i_within_bounds: i > 0 and then i <= point_count do Result := point_array.item (i - 1).twin ensure correct_entry: Result.x = point_array.item (i - 1).x and Result.y = point_array.item (i - 1).y end feature -- Status setting set_i_th_point_x (i: INTEGER; a_x: INTEGER) -- Assign `a_x' to `i'-ths point `x' position. require i_within_bounds: i > 0 and then i <= point_count do point_array.item (i - 1).set_x (a_x) center_invalidate invalidate ensure assigned: i_th_point_x (i) = a_x end set_i_th_point_y (i: INTEGER; a_y: INTEGER) -- Assign `a_y' to `i'-ths point `y' position. require i_within_bounds: i > 0 and then i <= point_count do point_array.item (i - 1).set_y (a_y) center_invalidate invalidate ensure assigned: i_th_point_y (i) = a_y end set_i_th_point (i: INTEGER; a_point: EV_COORDINATE) -- Set position of `i'-th point to position of `a_point'. obsolete "Use set_i_th_point_position. [2017-05-31]" require i_within_bounds: i > 0 and then i <= point_count a_point_not_void: a_point /= Void do set_i_th_point_position (i, a_point.x, a_point.y) ensure assigned: i_th_point_x (i) = a_point.x and i_th_point_y (i) = a_point.y end set_i_th_point_position (i: INTEGER; ax, ay: INTEGER) -- Set position of `i'-th point to (`ax', `ay'). require i_within_bounds: i > 0 and then i <= point_count do point_array.item (i - 1).set (ax, ay) invalidate center_invalidate ensure assigned: i_th_point_x (i) = ax and i_th_point_y (i) = ay end set_point_count (a_count: INTEGER) -- Assign `a_count' to `point_count'. require a_count_non_negative: a_count >= 0 local old_count, i, nb: INTEGER new_array: like point_array do old_count := point_array.count if a_count > old_count then point_array := point_array.aliased_resized_area (a_count) from i := old_count nb := a_count - 1 until i > nb loop point_array.extend (create {EV_COORDINATE}) i := i + 1 end elseif a_count < point_count then create new_array.make_empty (a_count) from i := 0 nb := a_count - 1 until i > nb loop new_array.extend (point_array.item (i)) i := i + 1 end point_array := new_array end center_invalidate invalidate ensure point_count_assigned: point_count = a_count end extend_point (a_point: EV_COORDINATE) -- Add a twin of `a_point' to end of `Current'. require a_point_not_void: a_point /= Void do point_array := point_array.aliased_resized_area (point_array.count + 1) point_array.extend (a_point.twin) center_invalidate invalidate ensure incremented: point_array.count = old point_array.count + 1 end feature {NONE} -- Implementation set_center -- Set `x' and `y' to the center of the figure. local l_point_array: SPECIAL [EV_COORDINATE] i, nb: INTEGER min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, val: DOUBLE l_item: EV_COORDINATE do if point_count = 0 then center.set (0, 0) else l_point_array := point_array l_item := l_point_array.item (0) min_x := l_item.x_precise max_x := min_x min_y := l_item.y_precise max_y := min_y from i := 1 nb := l_point_array.count - 1 until i > nb loop l_item := l_point_array.item (i) val := l_item.x_precise max_x := max_x.max (val) min_x := min_x.min (val) val := l_item.y_precise max_y := max_y.max (val) min_y := min_y.min (val) i := i + 1 end center.set_precise ((max_x + min_x) / 2, (max_y + min_y) / 2) end is_center_valid := True end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_MODEL_MULTI_POINTED