note description: "[ rotated elliptic is defined by 4 points: p0-----------p1 | | | | | center | | | | | p3-----------p2 p0.x = point_a.x and p0.y = point_a.y p2.x = point_b.x and p2.y = point_b.y radius1 is half of the distance between p0 and p1 radius2 is half of the distance between p0 and p3 center is in the middle of the line from p0 to p2 ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class EV_MODEL_ROTATED_ELLIPTIC inherit EV_MODEL_ATOMIC export {ANY} Pi undefine point_count redefine default_create end EV_MODEL_DOUBLE_POINTED undefine default_create end feature {NONE} -- Initialization default_create -- Create with no dimension. do Precursor {EV_MODEL_ATOMIC} create point_array.make_empty (4) point_array.extend (create {EV_COORDINATE}.make (0,0)) point_array.extend (create {EV_COORDINATE}.make (0,0)) point_array.extend (create {EV_COORDINATE}.make (0,0)) point_array.extend (create {EV_COORDINATE}.make (0,0)) end feature -- Access angle: DOUBLE -- Rotation angle of `Current'. local pa: like point_array p0, p1, p3: EV_COORDINATE p0y, p1y: DOUBLE do pa := point_array p0 := pa.item (0) p1 := pa.item (1) p3 := pa.item (3) p0y := p0.y_precise p1y := p1.y_precise if p0y = p1y then if p0.x_precise <= p1.x_precise then Result := 0.0 else Result := pi end elseif p0y = p3.y_precise then if p0.x_precise >= p3.x_precise then Result := pi / 2 else Result := 3 * pi / 2 end else Result := line_angle (p0.x_precise, p0y, p1.x_precise, p1y) end end radius1: INTEGER -- Major radius. local l_point_array: like point_array p0, p1: EV_COORDINATE do l_point_array := point_array p0 := l_point_array.item (0) p1 := l_point_array.item (1) Result := as_integer (distance (p0.x_precise, p0.y_precise, p1.x_precise, p1.y_precise) / 2) end radius2: INTEGER -- Minor radius. local l_point_array: like point_array p0, p3: EV_COORDINATE do l_point_array := point_array p0 := l_point_array.item (0) p3 := l_point_array.item (3) Result := as_integer (distance (p0.x_precise, p0.y_precise, p3.x_precise, p3.y_precise) / 2) end point_a_x: INTEGER -- x position of `point_a'. do Result := point_array.item (0).x end point_a_y: INTEGER -- y position of `point_a' do Result := point_array.item (0).y end point_b_x: INTEGER -- x position of `pint_b'. do Result := point_array.item (2).x end point_b_y: INTEGER -- y position of `point_b'. do Result := point_array.item (2).y end feature -- Status Report is_rotatable: BOOLEAN = True -- Is rotatable? (Yes) is_scalable: BOOLEAN = False -- Is scalable? (Yes) is_transformable: BOOLEAN = False -- Is transformable? (No) feature -- Element change set_radius1 (radius: INTEGER) -- Set `radius1' to `radius'. -- (See EV_FIGURE_PARALLELOGRAM for information about implementation) require radius_positive: radius >= 0 local a, g1, g2, h, k, v: DOUBLE l_point_array: like point_array p0, p1, p2: EV_COORDINATE a_width: INTEGER do a_width := 2 * radius l_point_array := point_array p0 := l_point_array.item (0) p1 := l_point_array.item (1) p2 := l_point_array.item (2) a := distance (p0.x_precise, p0.y_precise, p1.x_precise, p1.y_precise) if a = 0.0 then -- width was 0 p1.set_x_precise (p0.x_precise + a_width) p2.set_x_precise (l_point_array.item (3).x_precise + a_width) else g1 := p1.y_precise - p0.y_precise g2 := p1.x_precise - p0.x_precise h := g1 * a_width / a v := h - g1 p1.set_y_precise (p0.y_precise + h) h := g2 * a_width / a k := h - g2 p1.set_x_precise (p0.x_precise + h) p2.set_precise (p2.x_precise + k, p2.y_precise + v) end invalidate center_invalidate ensure set: (distance (point_array.item (0).x_precise, point_array.item (0).y_precise, point_array.item (1).x_precise, point_array.item (1).y_precise) / 2).rounded = radius end set_radius2 (radius: INTEGER) -- Set `radius2' to `radius' require radius_positive: radius >= 0 local a, g1, g2, h, k, v: DOUBLE l_point_array: like point_array p0, p3, p2: EV_COORDINATE a_height: INTEGER do a_height := 2 * radius l_point_array := point_array p0 := l_point_array.item (0) p3 := l_point_array.item (3) p2 := l_point_array.item (2) a := distance (p0.x_precise, p0.y_precise, p3.x_precise, p3.y_precise) if a = 0.0 then -- height was 0 p3.set_y_precise (p0.y_precise + a_height) p2.set_y_precise (l_point_array.item (2).y_precise + a_height) else g1 := p3.y_precise - p0.y_precise g2 := p3.x_precise - p0.x_precise h := g1 * a_height / a v := h - g1 p3.set_y_precise (p0.y_precise + h) h := g2 * a_height / a k := h - g2 p3.set_x_precise (p0.x_precise + h) p2.set_precise (p2.x_precise + k, p2.y_precise + v) end invalidate center_invalidate ensure set: (distance (point_array.item (0).x_precise, point_array.item (0).y_precise, point_array.item (3).x_precise, point_array.item (3).y_precise) / 2).rounded = radius end set_point_a_position (ax, ay: INTEGER) -- Set position of `point_a' to (`ax', `ay'). -- (See EV_FIGURE_PARALLELOGRAM) for more informations.) local l_point_array: like point_array p0, p1, p2, p3: EV_COORDINATE m1, m2, new_x, new_y: DOUBLE m1_inv, m2_inv: BOOLEAN p0_p1_dist, p0_p3_dist: DOUBLE do l_point_array := point_array p0 := l_point_array.item (0) p1 := l_point_array.item (1) p2 := l_point_array.item (2) p3 := l_point_array.item (3) p0_p1_dist := p0.x_precise - p1.x_precise if p0_p1_dist < 0.1 and p0_p1_dist > -0.1 then -- m1 is infinite (more or less) m1_inv := True else m1 := (p0.y_precise - p1.y_precise) / (p0_p1_dist) end p0_p3_dist := p0.x_precise - p3.x_precise if p0_p3_dist < 0.1 and p0_p3_dist > -0.1 then -- m2 is infinite (more or less) m2_inv := True else m2 := (p0.y_precise - p3.y_precise) / (p0_p3_dist) end if m1_inv and m2_inv then -- no dimension p1.set_y_precise (ay) p3.set_x_precise (ax) elseif m1_inv then -- calc p1 position new_x := ax new_y := m2 * (new_x - p1.x_precise) + p1.y_precise p1.set_precise (new_x, new_y) -- calc p3 position new_x := p3.x_precise new_y := m2 * (new_x - ax) + ay p3.set_precise (new_x, new_y) elseif m2_inv then -- calc p1 position new_x := p1.x_precise new_y := m1 * (new_x - ax) + ay p1.set_precise (new_x, new_y) -- calc p3 position new_x := ax new_y := m1 * (new_x - p3.x_precise) + p3.y_precise p3.set_precise (new_x, new_y) elseif m1 = m2 then -- its a (rotated) line -- its completely destroyed now p1.set_precise (p0.x_precise, p0.y_precise) p3.set_precise (p0.x_precise, p0.y_precise) else -- calc p3 position -- intersection of line through p2 with m1 and line through (ax, ay) with m2 new_x := (ay - p2.y_precise + m1 * p2.x_precise - m2 * ax) / (m1 - m2) new_y := m2 * (new_x - ax) + ay p3.set_precise (new_x, new_y) -- calc p1 position -- intersection of line through p2 with m2 and line through (ax, ay) with m1 new_x := (ay - p2.y_precise + m2 * p2.x_precise - m1 * ax) / (m2 - m1) new_y := m1 * (new_x - ax) + ay p1.set_precise (new_x, new_y) end p0.set_precise (ax, ay) invalidate center_invalidate end set_point_b_position (ax, ay: INTEGER) -- Set position of `point_b' to position of (`ax', `ay'). -- (See EV_FIGURE_PARALLELOGRAM for more informations) local l_point_array: like point_array p0, p1, p2, p3: EV_COORDINATE m1, m2, new_x, new_y: DOUBLE m1_inv, m2_inv: BOOLEAN p0_p1_dist, p0_p3_dist: DOUBLE do l_point_array := point_array p0 := l_point_array.item (0) p1 := l_point_array.item (1) p2 := l_point_array.item (2) p3 := l_point_array.item (3) p0_p1_dist := p0.x_precise - p1.x_precise if p0_p1_dist < 0.1 and p0_p1_dist > -0.1 then -- m1 is infinite m1_inv := True else m1 := (p0.y_precise - p1.y_precise) / (p0_p1_dist) end p0_p3_dist := p0.x_precise - p3.x_precise if p0_p3_dist < 0.1 and p0_p3_dist > -0.1 then -- m2 is infinite m2_inv := True else m2 := (p0.y_precise - p3.y_precise) / (p0_p3_dist) end if m1_inv and m2_inv then -- no dimension p1.set_x_precise (ax) p3.set_y_precise (ay) elseif m1_inv then -- calc p1 position new_x := p1.x_precise new_y := m2 * (new_x - ax) + ay p1.set_precise (new_x, new_y) -- calc p3 position new_x := ax new_y := m2 * (new_x - p3.x_precise) + p3.y_precise p3.set_precise (new_x, new_y) elseif m2_inv then -- calc p1 position new_x := ax new_y := m1 * (new_x - p1.x_precise) + p1.y_precise p1.set_precise (new_x, new_y) -- calc p3 position new_x := p3.x_precise new_y := m1 * (new_x - ax) + ay p3.set_precise (new_x, new_y) elseif m1 = m2 then -- its a (rotated) line -- its completely destroyed now p1.set_precise (p0.x_precise, p0.y_precise) p3.set_precise (p0.x_precise, p0.y_precise) else -- calc p1 position -- intersection of line through p0 with m1 and line through (ax, ay) with m2 new_x := (ay - p0.y_precise + m1 * p0.x_precise - m2 * ax) / (m1 - m2) new_y := m2 * (new_x - ax) + ay p1.set_precise (new_x, new_y) -- calc p3 position -- intersection of line through p0 with m2 and line through (ax, ay) with m1 new_x := (ay - p0.y_precise + m2 * p0.x_precise - m1 * ax) / (m2 - m1) new_y := m1 * (new_x - ax) + ay p3.set_precise (new_x, new_y) end p2.set_precise (ax, ay) invalidate center_invalidate end feature {NONE} -- Implementation set_center -- Set the position of the center local p0, p2: EV_COORDINATE l_point_array: like point_array do l_point_array := point_array p0 := l_point_array.item (0) p2 := l_point_array.item (2) center.set_precise ((p0.x_precise + p2.x_precise) / 2, (p0.y_precise + p2.y_precise) / 2) is_center_valid := True end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_MODEL_ROTATED_ELLIPTIC