note description: "[ An EV_FIGURE_WORLD_CELL is an EV_CELL with scrollbars displaying `world' in the cell. Whenever the `world' does not fit into the frame the scrolling area is resized to make sure that every part of the world is reachable through the scrollbars. If a figure is moved closer to the frame border then `autoscroll_border' the frame starts to scroll. If the user clicks into the frame but not onto a figure the frame can be moved arround with the "hand". A buffer is used to prefend flickering. The buffer size as well as the drawing_area size is constant no matter how large the world is. example: create figure_world_cell.make_with_world (create {EV_FIGURE_WORLD}) (create {EV_FIGURE_LINE}.make_with_positions (0, 0, 100, 100)) horizontal_box.extend (figure_world_cell) ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_MODEL_WORLD_CELL inherit EV_CELL redefine initialize, create_interface_objects end EV_SHARED_APPLICATION undefine copy, is_equal, default_create end create make_with_world feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_world (a_world: like world) -- Create an EV_FIGURE_WORLD_FRAM displaying `a_world'. require a_world_not_void: a_world /= Void do world := a_world default_create ensure world_set: world = a_world end create_interface_objects -- do create drawing_area projector := new_projector create autoscroll.make_with_interval (normal_timeout_interval) create vertical_scrollbar.make_with_value_range (create {INTEGER_INTERVAL}.make (0, 1)) create horizontal_scrollbar.make_with_value_range (create {INTEGER_INTERVAL}.make (0, 1)) end use_buffered_projection: BOOLEAN -- Should a buffered projection be used? do -- By default always True but a drawing area can be used for debugging projection handling. Result := True end initialize -- local vertical_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX horizontal_box: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX do Precursor {EV_CELL} autoscroll_border := 25 world_border := 5 is_autoscroll_enabled := True is_resize_enabled := True scroll_speed := 1.0 drawing_area.set_minimum_size (1, 1) drawing_area.clear drawing_area.flush create horizontal_box vertical_scrollbar.set_step (autoscroll_border) vertical_scrollbar.change_actions.extend (agent on_vertical_scroll) horizontal_scrollbar.set_step (autoscroll_border) horizontal_scrollbar.change_actions.extend (agent on_horizontal_scroll) horizontal_box.extend (drawing_area) horizontal_box.extend (vertical_scrollbar) horizontal_box.disable_item_expand (vertical_scrollbar) drawing_area.resize_actions.extend (agent on_resizing) drawing_area.dpi_changed_actions.extend (agent on_dpi_resizing) create vertical_box vertical_box.extend (horizontal_box) vertical_box.extend (horizontal_scrollbar) vertical_box.disable_item_expand (horizontal_scrollbar) drawing_area.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_pointer_button_press_on_drawing_area) drawing_area.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent on_pointer_button_release_on_drawing_area) drawing_area.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent on_pointer_button_move_on_drawing_area) drawing_area.mouse_wheel_actions.extend (agent on_mouse_wheel_on_drawing_area) drawing_area.key_press_actions.extend (agent on_key_pressed_on_drawing_area) drawing_area.key_release_actions.extend (agent on_key_released_on_drawing_area) autoscroll.actions.extend (agent on_autoscroll_time_out) extend (vertical_box) end feature -- Status report is_autoscroll_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is autoscroll enabled? is_resize_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is resizing enabled? is_scrollbar_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Are scrollbars visible? feature -- Access world: EV_MODEL_WORLD -- The world shown in `Current'. projector: EV_MODEL_WIDGET_PROJECTOR -- Projector to render `world'. drawing_area: EV_DRAWING_AREA -- Graphical surface displaying `world'. vertical_scrollbar: EV_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR -- Vertical scroll bar. horizontal_scrollbar: EV_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_BAR -- Horizontal scroll bar. autoscroll_border: INTEGER -- Distance to the frame border where scrolling starts. world_border: INTEGER -- Minimal distance between world borders and frame borders. scroll_speed: DOUBLE -- Speed of auto scroll. Autoscroll happens every 200 milliseconds for -- scroll_speed * (distance between `autoscroll_border' and cursor) -- Pixels. Meaning the nearer the cursor is to the cell border the -- faster the scroll plus the higher the scroll_speed value the faster -- the scroll. Default is 1.0. feature -- Status setting disable_resize -- Set `is_resize_enabled' to False. do is_resize_enabled := False ensure set: is_resize_enabled = False end enable_resize -- Set `is_resize_enabled' to True. do is_resize_enabled := True ensure set: is_resize_enabled = True end disable_scrollbars -- Hide scrollbars. do horizontal_scrollbar.hide vertical_scrollbar.hide is_scrollbar_enabled := False ensure hide: not horizontal_scrollbar.is_show_requested and not vertical_scrollbar.is_show_requested set: not is_scrollbar_enabled end enable_scrollbars -- Show scrollbars. do is_scrollbar_enabled := True ensure show: horizontal_scrollbar.is_show_requested and vertical_scrollbar.is_show_requested set: is_scrollbar_enabled end feature -- Element change set_scroll_speed (a_scroll_speed: like scroll_speed) -- Set `scroll_speed' to `a_scroll_speed'. require a_scroll_speed_positive: a_scroll_speed >= 0.0 do scroll_speed := a_scroll_speed ensure set: scroll_speed = a_scroll_speed end set_world (a_world: like world) -- Set `world' to `a_world'. require a_world_not_void: a_world /= Void do world := a_world projector.set_world (a_world) ensure set: world = a_world end set_world_border (a_border: like world_border) -- Set `world_border' to `a_border'. require a_border_positive: a_border >= 0 do world_border := a_border ensure set: world_border = a_border end set_autoscroll_border (a_border: like autoscroll_border) -- Set `autoscroll_border' to `a_border'. require a_border_positive: a_border >= 0 do autoscroll_border := a_border ensure set: autoscroll_border = a_border end crop -- Resize Scrollbars such that world plus `world_border' plus `autoscroll_border' fits in cell. local bbox: EV_RECTANGLE border: INTEGER l_proportion: REAL_32 do bbox := world.bounding_box border := world_border + autoscroll_border -- Block scrollbars so that the change can be made in one step. horizontal_scrollbar.change_actions.block vertical_scrollbar.change_actions.block l_proportion := horizontal_scrollbar.proportion horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.resize_exactly (bbox.left - border, (bbox.right + border - drawing_area.width).max (bbox.left - border)) horizontal_scrollbar.set_proportion (l_proportion) l_proportion := vertical_scrollbar.proportion vertical_scrollbar.value_range.resize_exactly ( - border, (bbox.bottom + border - drawing_area.height).max ( - border)) vertical_scrollbar.set_proportion (l_proportion) if projector /= Void then projector.change_area_position (horizontal_scrollbar.value, vertical_scrollbar.value) end horizontal_scrollbar.change_actions.resume vertical_scrollbar.change_actions.resume end fit_to_screen -- Zoom world such that it fits to screen. local bbox: EV_RECTANGLE new_scale_factor: DOUBLE l_width, l_height: INTEGER l_area_width, l_area_height: INTEGER do bbox := world.bounding_box if bbox.width /= 0 and then bbox.height /= 0 then l_width := bbox.width + (2 * (autoscroll_border + world_border)) l_height := bbox.height + (2 * (autoscroll_border + world_border)) if attached projector.area as l_area then l_area_width := l_area.width l_area_height := l_area.height else l_area_width := width l_area_height := height end new_scale_factor := (l_area_width / l_width).min (l_area_height / l_height) world.scale (new_scale_factor) cut crop end end resize_if_necessary -- Resize the scroll bars to fit in world. do resize_if_necessary_internal (world.bounding_box) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation new_projector: EV_MODEL_WIDGET_PROJECTOR -- Returns a new projector -- Redefined by descendents. do create {EV_MODEL_BUFFER_PROJECTOR} Result.make (world, drawing_area) end resize_if_necessary_internal (bbox: EV_RECTANGLE) -- Resize the scroll bars to fit in world. local top, bottom, left, right: INTEGER border: INTEGER do if bbox.width /= 0 or else bbox.height /= 0 then border := world_border + autoscroll_border if bbox.left - border < horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.lower then left := bbox.left - border end if - border < vertical_scrollbar.value_range.lower then top := - border end if bbox.right + border - drawing_area.width > horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.upper then right := bbox.right + border - drawing_area.width end if bbox.bottom + border - drawing_area.height > vertical_scrollbar.value_range.upper then bottom := bbox.bottom + border - drawing_area.height end if left /= 0 then horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.resize_exactly ( left, horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.upper ) end if right /= 0 then horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.resize_exactly ( horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.lower, right ) end if top /= 0 then vertical_scrollbar.value_range.resize_exactly ( top, vertical_scrollbar.value_range.upper ) end if bottom /= 0 then vertical_scrollbar.value_range.resize_exactly ( vertical_scrollbar.value_range.lower, bottom ) end end end cut -- Resize scrollbars such that there is no overhang (crop without scrolling). do cut_internal (world.bounding_box) end cut_internal (bbox: EV_RECTANGLE) -- Resize scrollbars such that there is no overhang (crop without scrolling). local border: INTEGER do if bbox.width /= 0 or else bbox.height /= 0 then border := world_border + autoscroll_border if horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.upper > bbox.right + border - drawing_area.width then horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.resize_exactly (horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.lower, horizontal_scrollbar.value.max (bbox.right + border - drawing_area.width)) end if horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.lower < bbox.left - border then horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.resize_exactly (horizontal_scrollbar.value.min (bbox.left - border), horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.upper) end if vertical_scrollbar.value_range.upper > bbox.bottom + border - drawing_area.height then vertical_scrollbar.value_range.resize_exactly (vertical_scrollbar.value_range.lower, vertical_scrollbar.value.max (bbox.bottom + border - drawing_area.height)) end if vertical_scrollbar.value_range.lower < - border then vertical_scrollbar.value_range.resize_exactly (vertical_scrollbar.value.min ( - border), vertical_scrollbar.value_range.upper) end end end normal_timeout_interval: INTEGER = 1000 -- Normal millesecond timeout interval for autoscrolling scroll_timeout_interval: INTEGER = 200 -- Active millesecond timeout interval for autoscrolling autoscroll: EV_TIMEOUT -- Timer limiting scrolling speed. is_scroll: BOOLEAN -- Is scrolling enabled? is_hand: BOOLEAN -- Is hand enabled? start_x, start_y: INTEGER -- Position of cursor when hand was activated. start_horizontal_value, start_vertical_value: INTEGER -- Position of scroll bars when hand was activated. on_autoscroll_time_out -- Enable scroll. local l_bbox: EV_RECTANGLE do if is_resize_enabled then if is_scroll then l_bbox := world.bounding_box autoscroll.actions.block cut_internal (l_bbox) resize_if_necessary_internal (l_bbox) scroll_if_necessary autoscroll.actions.resume elseif autoscroll.interval /= normal_timeout_interval then autoscroll.set_interval (normal_timeout_interval) end end end on_vertical_scroll (new_value: INTEGER) -- `vertical_scrollbar' has been moved by the user. do update_projector_to_scrollbar_values end on_horizontal_scroll (new_value: INTEGER) -- `horizontal_scrollbar' has been moved by the user. do update_projector_to_scrollbar_values end on_resizing (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- `area' has been resized. -- Update scrollbars. do horizontal_scrollbar.set_leap (drawing_area.width.max (1)) vertical_scrollbar.set_leap (drawing_area.height.max (1)) end on_dpi_resizing (a_dpi, a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- `area' has been resized. -- Update scrollbars. do on_resizing (a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height) end on_pointer_button_press_on_drawing_area (ax, ay, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; ascreen_x, ascreen_y: INTEGER) -- Pointer button was pressed in `drawing_area'. do if button = 1 then if projector.is_figure_selected then is_autoscroll_enabled := True is_scroll := True elseif not ev_application.ctrl_pressed then is_autoscroll_enabled := False is_scroll := False drawing_area.set_pointer_style (default_pixmaps.wait_cursor) drawing_area.enable_capture is_hand := True start_x := ax start_y := ay start_horizontal_value := horizontal_scrollbar.value start_vertical_value := vertical_scrollbar.value else is_autoscroll_enabled := True is_scroll := True end end end on_pointer_button_move_on_drawing_area (ax, ay: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; ascreen_x, ascreen_y: INTEGER) -- Pointer was moved over `drawing_area'. local offset_x, offset_y: INTEGER do if is_hand then offset_x := ax - start_x offset_y := ay - start_y horizontal_scrollbar.change_actions.block vertical_scrollbar.change_actions.block horizontal_scrollbar.set_value ((start_horizontal_value - offset_x).max (horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.lower).min (horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.upper)) vertical_scrollbar.set_value ((start_vertical_value - offset_y).max (vertical_scrollbar.value_range.lower).min (vertical_scrollbar.value_range.upper)) update_projector_to_scrollbar_values horizontal_scrollbar.change_actions.resume vertical_scrollbar.change_actions.resume end end on_pointer_button_release_on_drawing_area (ax, ay, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; ascreen_x, ascreen_y: INTEGER) -- Pointer button was released over `drawing_area'. do is_autoscroll_enabled := False is_scroll := False is_hand := False if drawing_area.has_capture then drawing_area.disable_capture end drawing_area.set_pointer_style (default_pixmaps.standard_cursor) end scroll_if_necessary -- Scroll if necessary. -- Do nothing if not `is_autoscroll_enabled'. local cursor_x, cursor_y, new_hor_value, new_vert_value: INTEGER hscrolled, vscrolled: BOOLEAN da_width, da_height: INTEGER l_pointer_position: like pointer_position l_hor_value_range, l_vert_value_range: INTEGER_INTERVAL l_hor_value, l_vert_value: INTEGER do if is_autoscroll_enabled then l_pointer_position := pointer_position cursor_x := l_pointer_position.x da_width := drawing_area.width da_height := drawing_area.height l_hor_value_range := horizontal_scrollbar.value_range l_vert_value_range := vertical_scrollbar.value_range l_hor_value := horizontal_scrollbar.value l_vert_value := vertical_scrollbar.value if cursor_x > da_width - autoscroll_border then new_hor_value := l_hor_value_range.upper.min (l_hor_value + (scroll_speed * (cursor_x - (da_width - autoscroll_border))).truncated_to_integer) hscrolled := True end if cursor_x < autoscroll_border then new_hor_value := (l_hor_value - (scroll_speed * (autoscroll_border - cursor_x)).truncated_to_integer).max (l_hor_value_range.lower) hscrolled := True end cursor_y := l_pointer_position.y if cursor_y > da_height - autoscroll_border then new_vert_value := l_vert_value_range.upper.min (l_vert_value + (scroll_speed * (cursor_y - (da_height - autoscroll_border))).truncated_to_integer) vscrolled := True end if cursor_y < autoscroll_border then new_vert_value := (vertical_scrollbar.value - (scroll_speed * (autoscroll_border - cursor_y)).truncated_to_integer).max (l_vert_value_range.lower) vscrolled := True end if hscrolled or else vscrolled then if hscrolled then horizontal_scrollbar.change_actions.block horizontal_scrollbar.set_value (new_hor_value) horizontal_scrollbar.change_actions.resume end if vscrolled then vertical_scrollbar.change_actions.block vertical_scrollbar.set_value (new_vert_value) vertical_scrollbar.change_actions.resume end -- Scroll on next idle ev_application.do_once_on_idle (update_projector_to_scrollbar_values_agent) ev_application.do_once_on_idle (agent projector.simulate_mouse_move (cursor_x.max (autoscroll_border // 2).min (da_width), cursor_y.max (0).min (da_height - (autoscroll_border // 2)))) autoscroll.set_interval (scroll_timeout_interval) elseif autoscroll.interval /= normal_timeout_interval then autoscroll.set_interval (normal_timeout_interval) end end end update_projector_to_scrollbar_values_agent: PROCEDURE once Result := agent update_projector_to_scrollbar_values end update_projector_to_scrollbar_values do if projector /= Void then projector.change_area_position (horizontal_scrollbar.value, vertical_scrollbar.value) end end on_mouse_wheel_on_drawing_area (i: INTEGER) -- User moved mouse wheel. local step: INTEGER l_app: like ev_application do l_app := ev_application if l_app.ctrl_pressed then if i <= -1 then world.scale (1.1) projector.full_project else world.scale (0.9) projector.full_project crop end else if l_app.shift_pressed then step := (0.1 * horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.count).truncated_to_integer if i >= 1 then horizontal_scrollbar.set_value ((horizontal_scrollbar.value - step).max (horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.lower)) else horizontal_scrollbar.set_value ((horizontal_scrollbar.value + step).min (horizontal_scrollbar.value_range.upper)) end else step := (0.1 * vertical_scrollbar.value_range.count).truncated_to_integer if i >= 1 then vertical_scrollbar.set_value ((vertical_scrollbar.value - step).max (vertical_scrollbar.value_range.lower)) else vertical_scrollbar.set_value ((vertical_scrollbar.value + step).min (vertical_scrollbar.value_range.upper)) end end end end on_key_pressed_on_drawing_area (a_key: EV_KEY) -- User pressed a key. do end on_key_released_on_drawing_area (a_key: EV_KEY) -- User released key. do end invariant scroll_speed_positive: scroll_speed >= 0.0 note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_MODEL_WORLD_CELL