note description: "[ EiffelVision table. Invisible container that allows unlimited number of other widgets to be packed inside it. A table controls the children's location and size automatically." ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_TABLE inherit EV_CONTAINER undefine fill, new_cursor, prune_all redefine implementation, is_in_default_state end CHAIN [EV_WIDGET] rename sequence_put as cl_put, prune as cl_prune, extend as cl_extend export {EV_ANY_HANDLER} default_create undefine default_create, copy, is_equal, cl_put, put, changeable_comparison_criterion, remove, cl_prune, has redefine move end create default_create feature -- Access rows: INTEGER -- Number of rows in `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.rows end columns: INTEGER -- Number of columns in `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.columns end item_at_position (a_column, a_row: INTEGER): detachable EV_WIDGET -- Widget at coordinates (`row', `column'). require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed valid_row: (1 <= a_row) and (a_row <= rows); valid_column: (1 <= a_column) and (a_column <= columns) do Result := implementation.item_at_position (a_column, a_row) end item_column_position (widget: EV_WIDGET): INTEGER -- `Result' is column coordinate of `widget'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed widget_contained: has (widget) do Result := implementation.item_column_position (widget) ensure Result_valid: Result > 0 and Result <= columns - item_column_span (widget) + 1 end item_row_position (widget: EV_WIDGET): INTEGER -- `Result' is row coordinate of `widget'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed widget_contained: has (widget) do Result := implementation.item_row_position (widget) ensure Result_valid: Result > 0 and Result <= rows - item_row_span (widget) + 1 end item_column_span (widget: EV_WIDGET): INTEGER -- `Result' is number of columns taken by `widget'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed widget_contained: has (widget) do Result := implementation.item_column_span (widget) ensure Result_valid: Result > 0 and Result <= columns - item_column_position (widget) + 1 end item_row_span (widget: EV_WIDGET): INTEGER -- `Result' is number of rows taken by `widget'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed widget_contained: has (widget) do Result := implementation.item_row_span (widget) ensure Result_valid: Result > 0 and Result <= rows - item_row_position (widget) + 1 end item_list: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_WIDGET] -- List of items in `Current'. obsolete "Use `linear_representation' instead. [2017-05-31]" require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.item_list ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void count_matches_widget_count: Result.count = count end to_array: ARRAY [detachable EV_WIDGET] -- A representation of `Current' as ARRAY. Included to -- ease transition from inheritance of ARRAY to -- inheritance of CHAIN. Contains contents of all cells -- from left to right, and top to bottom. You should only -- use this if you relied on the inheritence of ARRAY, and -- is only temporary to ease this change. obsolete "Available to ease transition to new inheritance structure. [2017-05-31]" require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.to_array ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Status report columns_resizable_to (a_column: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- May the column count be resized to `a_column'? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_column_positive: a_column >= 1 do Result := implementation.columns_resizable_to (a_column) end rows_resizable_to (a_row: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- May the row count be resized to `a_row'? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_row_positive: a_row >= 1 do Result := implementation.rows_resizable_to (a_row) end column_clear (a_column: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is column `a_column' free of widgets? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_column_positive: a_column >= 1 a_column_in_table: a_column <= columns do Result := implementation.column_clear (a_column) end row_clear (a_row: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is row `a_row' free of widgets? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_row_positive: a_row >= 1 a_row_in_table: a_row <= rows do Result := implementation.row_clear (a_row) end widget_count: INTEGER -- Number of widgets in `Current'. -- Now that `Current' inherits CHAIN instead -- of ARRAY, `count' correctly returns the number -- of items in `Current', instead of the number of -- available cells in `Current', thereby making `widget_count' -- obsolete. To find the number of cells in `Current', do -- not use `count' anymore, but use rows * columns. obsolete "Use `count' instead. [2017-05-31]" require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := count ensure Result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end row_spacing: INTEGER -- Spacing between two consecutive rows, in pixels. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.row_spacing ensure Result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end column_spacing: INTEGER -- Spacing between two consecutive columns, in pixels. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.column_spacing ensure Result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end border_width: INTEGER -- Spacing between edge of `Current' and outside edge items, -- in pixels. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.border_width ensure Result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end is_homogeneous: BOOLEAN -- Are all items forced to have same dimensions. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_homogeneous ensure bridge_ok: Result = implementation.is_homogeneous end area_clear (a_column, a_row, column_span, row_span: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Are the cells represented by parameters free of widgets? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed table_wide_enough: a_column + (column_span - 1) <= columns table_tall_enough: a_row + (row_span - 1) <= rows local a_col_ctr, a_row_ctr: INTEGER do Result := True from a_row_ctr := a_row until not Result or else (a_row_ctr = a_row + row_span) loop from a_col_ctr := a_column until not Result or else (a_col_ctr = a_column + column_span) loop Result := item_at_position (a_col_ctr, a_row_ctr) = Void a_col_ctr := a_col_ctr + 1 end a_row_ctr := a_row_ctr + 1 end end area_clear_excluding_widget (v: EV_WIDGET; a_column, a_row, column_span, row_span: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Are the cells represented by parameters free of widgets? Excludes cells -- filled by `v'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed table_wide_enough: a_column + (column_span - 1) <= columns table_tall_enough: a_row + (row_span - 1) <= rows do Result := implementation.area_clear_excluding_widget (v, a_column, a_row, column_span, row_span) end Prunable: BOOLEAN = True -- `Current' is always prunable. extendible: BOOLEAN -- May new items be added? do Result := not full end duplicate (n: INTEGER): like Current -- Copy of sub-chain beginning at current position -- and having min (`n', `from_here') items, -- where `from_here' is the number of items -- at or to the right of current position. -- This is not implementable in Vision2 as a widget may -- only be parented in one container at once. do check applicable: False then end -- The following line is for 6.8 void-safety compatibility. Result := Current end feature -- Status settings enable_homogeneous -- Set each item in `Current' to be equal in size -- to that of the largest item. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_homogeneous ensure is_homogeneous: is_homogeneous end disable_homogeneous -- Allow items to have varying sizes. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_homogeneous ensure is_not_homogeneous: not is_homogeneous end set_row_spacing (a_value: INTEGER) -- Assign `a_value' to the spacing in-between rows, in pixels. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed positive_value: a_value >= 0 do implementation.set_row_spacing (a_value) ensure row_spacing_set: row_spacing = a_value end set_column_spacing (a_value: INTEGER) -- Assign `a_value' to the spacing in-between columns, in pixels. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed positive_value: a_value >= 0 do implementation.set_column_spacing (a_value) ensure column_spacing_set: column_spacing = a_value end set_border_width (a_value: INTEGER) -- Assign `a_value' to `border_width'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed positive_value: a_value >= 0 do implementation.set_border_width (a_value) ensure border_width_set: border_width = a_value end resize (a_column, a_row: INTEGER) -- Resize the table to hold `a_column' by `a_row' widgets. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_column_positive: a_column >= 1 a_row_positive: a_row >= 1 columns_resizeable: columns_resizable_to (a_column) rows_resizeable: rows_resizable_to (a_row) do implementation.resize (a_column, a_row) ensure columns_set: columns = a_column rows_set: rows = a_row items_untouched: linear_representation ~ old linear_representation end set_item_position (v: EV_WIDGET; a_column, a_row: INTEGER) -- Move `v' to position `a_column', `a_row'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed v_contained: has (v) a_column_positive: a_column >= 1 a_row_positive: a_row >= 1 table_wide_enough: a_column + (item_column_span (v) - 1) <= columns table_tall_enough: a_row + (item_row_span (v) - 1) <= rows table_area_clear: area_clear_excluding_widget (v, a_column, a_row, item_column_span (v), item_row_span (v)) do implementation.set_item_position (v, a_column, a_row) ensure position_set: item_column_position (v) = a_column and item_row_position (v) = a_row span_unchanged: item_column_span (v) = old item_column_span (v) and item_row_span (v) = old item_row_span (v) end set_item_span (v: EV_WIDGET; column_span, row_span: INTEGER) -- Resize `v' to occupy `column_span' columns and `row_span' rows. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed v_contained: has (v) column_span_positive: column_span >= 1 row_span_positive: row_span >= 1 table_wide_enough: item_column_position (v) + column_span - 1 <= columns table_tall_enough: item_row_position (v) + row_span - 1 <= rows table_area_clear: area_clear_excluding_widget (v, item_column_position (v), item_row_position (v), column_span, row_span) do implementation.set_item_span (v, column_span, row_span) ensure span_set: item_column_span (v) = column_span and item_row_span (v) = row_span position_unchanged: item_column_position (v) = old item_column_position (v) and item_row_position (v) = old item_row_position (v) end set_item_position_and_span (v: EV_WIDGET; a_column, a_row, column_span, row_span: INTEGER) -- Move `v' to `a_column', `a_row', and resize to occupy `column_span' columns and `row_span' rows. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed v_not_void: v /= Void v_current: v /= Current v_contained: has (v) a_column_positive: a_column >= 1 a_row_positive: a_row >= 1 column_span_positive: column_span >= 1 row_span_positive: row_span >= 1 table_wide_enough: a_column + (column_span - 1) <= columns table_tall_enough: a_row + (row_span - 1) <= rows table_area_clear: area_clear_excluding_widget (v, a_column, a_row, column_span, row_span) do implementation.set_item_position_and_span (v, a_column, a_row, column_span, row_span) ensure position_set: item_column_position (v) = a_column and item_row_position (v) = a_row span_set: item_column_span (v) = column_span and item_row_span (v) = row_span end feature -- Element change put_at_position, add (v: EV_WIDGET; a_column, a_row, column_span, row_span: INTEGER) -- Set the position of the widgets in one-based coordinates. -- -- 1 2 -- +----------+---------+ -- 1 |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| -- +----------+---------+ -- 2 | | | -- +----------+---------+ -- -- To describe the widget in the table as shown above, -- the corresponding coordinates would be (1, 1, 2, 1) require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed v_not_void: v /= Void v_not_current: v /= Current v_not_contained: not has (v) v_parent_void: v.parent = Void v_not_parent_of_current: not is_parent_recursive (v) v_containable: may_contain (v) a_column_positive: a_column >= 1 a_row_positive: a_row >= 1 column_span_positive: column_span >= 1 row_span_positive: row_span >= 1 table_wide_enough: a_column + (column_span - 1) <= columns table_tall_enough: a_row + (row_span - 1) <= rows table_area_clear: area_clear (a_column, a_row, column_span, row_span) do implementation.put (v, a_column, a_row, column_span, row_span) ensure item_inserted: has (v) count_increased : count = old count + 1 position_assigned: item_column_position (v) = a_column and item_row_position (v) = a_row span_assigned: item_column_span (v) = column_span and item_row_span (v) = row_span end remove -- Remove current item. do prune (item) end prune (v: EV_WIDGET) -- Remove `v' if present. Do not move cursor, except if -- cursor was on `v', move to right neighbor. do implementation.remove (v) ensure then not_has_v: not has (v) had_item_implies_parent_void: old has (v) implies v.parent = Void had_item_implies_count_decreased: old has (v) implies count = old count - 1 end feature -- Iteration. has (v: EV_WIDGET): BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' contain `v'? do Result := implementation.has (v) end count: INTEGER -- Number of widgets contained in `Current'. do Result := implementation.count end full: BOOLEAN -- Is structure filled to capacity? do Result := implementation.full end wipe_out -- Remove all items. do implementation.wipe_out end before: BOOLEAN -- Is there no valid position to the left of current one? do Result := implementation.before end index: INTEGER -- Current position. do Result := implementation.index end after: BOOLEAN -- Is there no valid position to the right of current one? do Result := implementation.after end forth -- Move to next position; if no next position, -- ensure that `exhausted' will be true. do implementation.forth end back -- Move to previous position. do implementation.back end cursor: CURSOR -- Current cursor position. do Result := implementation.cursor ensure then bridge_ok: Result ~ implementation.cursor end valid_cursor (p: CURSOR): BOOLEAN -- Can the cursor be moved to position `p'? -- This is True if `p' conforms to EV_DYNAMIC_LIST_CURSOR and -- if it points to an item, `Current' must have it. do Result := implementation.valid_cursor (p) end go_to (p: CURSOR) -- Move cursor to position `p'. do implementation.go_to (p) end move (i: INTEGER) -- Move cursor `i' positions. The cursor -- may end up `off' if the absolute value of `i' -- is too big. do implementation.move (i) end feature -- Contract support is_in_default_state: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' in its default state. do Result := Precursor {EV_CONTAINER} and ( not is_homogeneous and border_width = 0 and row_spacing = 0 and column_spacing = 0 and rows = 1 and columns = 1) end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation implementation: EV_TABLE_I -- Responsible for interaction with native graphics toolkit. feature {NONE} -- Implementation create_implementation -- See `{EV_ANY}.create_implementation'. do create {EV_TABLE_IMP} implementation.make end invariant columns_positive: columns >= 1 rows_positive: rows >= 1 note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end