note description: "Window message (WM) constants." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WEL_WM_CONSTANTS feature -- Access Wm_null: INTEGER = 0 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NULL Wm_create: INTEGER = 1 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CREATE Wm_destroy: INTEGER = 2 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DESTROY Wm_move: INTEGER = 3 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOVE Wm_size: INTEGER = 5 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SIZE Wm_activate: INTEGER = 6 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ACTIVATE Wm_setfocus: INTEGER = 7 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SETFOCUS Wm_killfocus: INTEGER = 8 -- Declared in Windows as WM_KILLFOCUS Wm_enable: INTEGER = 10 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ENABLE Wm_setredraw: INTEGER = 11 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SETREDRAW Wm_settext: INTEGER = 12 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SETTEXT Wm_gettext: INTEGER = 13 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETTEXT Wm_gettextlength: INTEGER = 14 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETTEXTLENGTH Wm_paint: INTEGER = 15 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PAINT Wm_close: INTEGER = 16 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CLOSE Wm_queryendsession: INTEGER = 17 -- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYENDSESSION Wm_quit: INTEGER = 18 -- Declared in Windows as WM_QUIT Wm_queryopen: INTEGER = 19 -- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYOPEN Wm_erasebkgnd: INTEGER = 20 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ERASEBKGND Wm_syscolorchange: INTEGER = 21 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE Wm_endsession: INTEGER = 22 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ENDSESSION Wm_showwindow: INTEGER = 24 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SHOWWINDOW Wm_wininichange, Wm_settingchange: INTEGER = 26 -- Declared in Windows as WM_WININICHANGE Wm_devmodechange: INTEGER = 27 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DEVMODECHANGE Wm_activateapp: INTEGER = 28 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ACTIVATEAPP Wm_fontchange: INTEGER = 29 -- Declared in Windows as WM_FONTCHANGE Wm_timechange: INTEGER = 30 -- Declared in Windows as WM_TIMECHANGE Wm_cancelmode: INTEGER = 31 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CANCELMODE Wm_setcursor: INTEGER = 32 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SETCURSOR Wm_mouseactivate: INTEGER = 33 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEACTIVATE Wm_childactivate: INTEGER = 34 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CHILDACTIVATE Wm_queuesync: INTEGER = 35 -- Declared in Windows as WM_QUEUESYNC Wm_getminmaxinfo: INTEGER = 36 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETMINMAXINFO Wm_painticon: INTEGER = 38 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PAINTICON Wm_iconerasebkgnd: INTEGER = 39 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ICONERASEBKGND Wm_nextdlgctl: INTEGER = 40 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NEXTDLGCTL Wm_spoolerstatus: INTEGER = 42 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SPOOLERSTATUS Wm_drawitem: INTEGER = 43 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DRAWITEM Wm_measureitem: INTEGER = 44 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MEASUREITEM Wm_deleteitem: INTEGER = 45 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DELETEITEM Wm_vkeytoitem: INTEGER = 46 -- Declared in Windows as WM_VKEYTOITEM Wm_chartoitem: INTEGER = 47 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CHARTOITEM Wm_setfont: INTEGER = 48 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SETFONT Wm_getfont: INTEGER = 49 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETFONT Wm_sethotkey: INTEGER = 50 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SETHOTKEY Wm_gethotkey: INTEGER = 51 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETHOTKEY Wm_querydragicon: INTEGER = 55 -- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYDRAGICON Wm_compareitem: INTEGER = 57 -- Declared in Windows as WM_COMPAREITEM Wm_getobject: INTEGER = 61 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETOBJECT Wm_compacting: INTEGER = 65 -- Declared in Windows as WM_COMPACTING Wm_commnotify: INTEGER = 68 -- Declared in Windows as WM_COMMNOTIFY Wm_windowposchanging: INTEGER = 70 -- Declared in Windows as WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING Wm_windowposchanged: INTEGER = 71 -- Declared in Windows as WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED Wm_power: INTEGER = 72 -- Declared in Windows as WM_POWER Wm_copydata: INTEGER = 74 -- Declared in Windows as WM_COPYDATA Wm_canceljournal: INTEGER = 75 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CANCELJOURNAL Wm_notify: INTEGER = 78 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NOTIFY Wm_inputlangchangerequest: INTEGER = 80 -- Declared in Windows as WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST Wm_inputlangchange: INTEGER = 81 -- Declared in Windows as WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE Wm_tcard: INTEGER = 82 -- Declared in Windows as WM_TCARD Wm_help: INTEGER = 83 -- Declared in Windows as WM_HELP Wm_userchanged: INTEGER = 84 -- Declared in Windows as WM_USERCHANGED Wm_notifyformat: INTEGER = 85 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NOTIFYFORMAT Wm_contextmenu: INTEGER = 123 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CONTEXTMENU Wm_stylechanging: INTEGER = 124 -- Declared in Windows as WM_STYLECHANGING Wm_stylechanged: INTEGER = 125 -- Declared in Windows as WM_STYLECHANGED Wm_displaychange: INTEGER = 126 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DISPLAYCHANGE Wm_geticon: INTEGER = 127 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETICON Wm_seticon: INTEGER = 128 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SETICON Wm_nccreate: INTEGER = 129 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCCREATE Wm_ncdestroy: INTEGER = 130 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCDESTROY Wm_nccalcsize: INTEGER = 131 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCCALCSIZE Wm_nchittest: INTEGER = 132 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCHITTEST Wm_ncpaint: INTEGER = 133 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCPAINT Wm_ncactivate: INTEGER = 134 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCACTIVATE Wm_getdlgcode: INTEGER = 135 -- Declared in Windows as WM_GETDLGCODE Wm_syncpaint: INTEGER = 136 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SYNCPAINT Wm_ncmousemove: INTEGER = 160 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMOUSEMOVE Wm_nclbuttondown: INTEGER = 161 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN Wm_nclbuttonup: INTEGER = 162 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCLBUTTONUP Wm_nclbuttondblclk: INTEGER = 163 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK Wm_ncrbuttondown: INTEGER = 164 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN Wm_ncrbuttonup: INTEGER = 165 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCRBUTTONUP Wm_ncrbuttondblclk: INTEGER = 166 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK Wm_ncmbuttondown: INTEGER = 167 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN Wm_ncmbuttonup: INTEGER = 168 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMBUTTONUP Wm_ncmbuttondblclk: INTEGER = 169 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK Wm_ncxbuttondown: INTEGER = 171 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN Wm_ncxbuttonup: INTEGER = 172 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCXBUTTONUP Wm_ncxbuttondblclk: INTEGER = 173 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK Wm_keydown: INTEGER = 256 -- Declared in Windows as WM_KEYDOWN Wm_keyfirst: INTEGER = 256 -- Declared in Windows as WM_KEYFIRST Wm_keyup: INTEGER = 257 -- Declared in Windows as WM_KEYUP Wm_char: INTEGER = 258 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CHAR Wm_deadchar: INTEGER = 259 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DEADCHAR Wm_syskeydown: INTEGER = 260 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSKEYDOWN Wm_syskeyup: INTEGER = 261 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSKEYUP Wm_syschar: INTEGER = 262 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSCHAR Wm_sysdeadchar: INTEGER = 263 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSDEADCHAR Wm_keylast: INTEGER -- Declared in Windows as WM_KEYLAST external "C [macro ]" alias "WM_KEYLAST" end Wm_ime_startcomposition: INTEGER = 269 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION Wm_ime_endcomposition: INTEGER = 270 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION Wm_ime_composition: INTEGER = 271 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_COMPOSITION Wm_ime_keylast: INTEGER -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_KEYLAST external "C [macro ]" alias "WM_IME_KEYLAST" end Wm_initdialog: INTEGER = 272 -- Declared in Windows as WM_INITDIALOG Wm_command: INTEGER = 273 -- Declared in Windows as WM_COMMAND Wm_syscommand: INTEGER = 274 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SYSCOMMAND Wm_timer: INTEGER = 275 -- Declared in Windows as WM_TIMER Wm_hscroll: INTEGER = 276 -- Declared in Windows as WM_HSCROLL Wm_vscroll: INTEGER = 277 -- Declared in Windows as WM_VSCROLL Wm_initmenu: INTEGER = 278 -- Declared in Windows as WM_INITMENU Wm_initmenupopup: INTEGER = 279 -- Declared in Windows as WM_INITMENUPOPUP Wm_menuselect: INTEGER = 287 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUSELECT Wm_menuchar: INTEGER = 288 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUCHAR Wm_enteridle: INTEGER = 289 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ENTERIDLE Wm_menurbuttonup: INTEGER = 290 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MENURBUTTONUP Wm_menudrag: INTEGER = 291 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUDRAG Wm_menugetobject: INTEGER = 292 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUGETOBJECT Wm_uninitmenupopup: INTEGER = 293 -- Declared in Windows as WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP Wm_menucommand: INTEGER = 294 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MENUCOMMAND Wm_changeuistate: INTEGER = 295 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CHANGEUISTATE Wm_updateuistate: INTEGER = 296 -- Declared in Windows as WM_UPDATEUISTATE Wm_queryuistate: INTEGER = 297 -- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYUISTATE Wm_ctlcolordialog: INTEGER = 310 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CTLCOLORDIALOG Wm_mousemove: INTEGER = 512 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEMOVE Wm_mousefirst: INTEGER = 512 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEFIRST Wm_lbuttondown: INTEGER = 513 -- Declared in Windows as WM_LBUTTONDOWN Wm_lbuttonup: INTEGER = 514 -- Declared in Windows as WM_LBUTTONUP Wm_lbuttondblclk: INTEGER = 515 -- Declared in Windows as WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK Wm_rbuttondown: INTEGER = 516 -- Declared in Windows as WM_RBUTTONDOWN Wm_rbuttonup: INTEGER = 517 -- Declared in Windows as WM_RBUTTONUP Wm_rbuttondblclk: INTEGER = 518 -- Declared in Windows as WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK Wm_mbuttondown: INTEGER = 519 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MBUTTONDOWN Wm_mbuttonup: INTEGER = 520 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MBUTTONUP Wm_mbuttondblclk: INTEGER = 521 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK Wm_mousewheel: INTEGER = 522 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEWHEEL Wm_xbuttondown: INTEGER = 523 -- Declared in Windows as WM_XBUTTONDOWN Wm_xbuttonup: INTEGER = 524 -- Declared in Windows as WM_XBUTTONUP Wm_xbuttondblclk: INTEGER = 525 -- Declared in Windows as WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK Wm_mouselast: INTEGER -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSELAST external "C [macro ]" alias "WM_MOUSELAST" end Wm_parentnotify: INTEGER = 528 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PARENTNOTIFY Wm_entermenuloop: INTEGER = 529 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ENTERMENULOOP Wm_exitmenuloop: INTEGER = 530 -- Declared in Windows as WM_EXITMENULOOP Wm_nextmenu: INTEGER = 531 -- Declared in Windows as WM_NEXTMENU Wm_sizing: INTEGER = 532 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SIZING Wm_capturechanged: INTEGER = 533 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CAPTURECHANGED Wm_moving: INTEGER = 534 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOVING Wm_powerbroadcast: INTEGER = 536 -- Declared in Windows as WM_POWERBROADCAST Wm_devicechange: INTEGER = 537 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DEVICECHANGE Wm_mdicreate: INTEGER = 544 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDICREATE Wm_mdidestroy: INTEGER = 545 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIDESTROY Wm_mdiactivate: INTEGER = 546 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIACTIVATE Wm_mdirestore: INTEGER = 547 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIRESTORE Wm_mdinext: INTEGER = 548 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDINEXT Wm_mdimaximize: INTEGER = 549 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIMAXIMIZE Wm_mditile: INTEGER = 550 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDITILE Wm_mdicascade: INTEGER = 551 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDICASCADE Wm_mdiiconarrange: INTEGER = 552 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIICONARRANGE Wm_mdigetactive: INTEGER = 553 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIGETACTIVE Wm_mdisetmenu: INTEGER = 560 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDISETMENU Wm_entersizemove: INTEGER = 561 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE Wm_exitsizemove: INTEGER = 562 -- Declared in Windows as WM_EXITSIZEMOVE Wm_dropfiles: INTEGER = 563 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DROPFILES Wm_mdirefreshmenu: INTEGER = 564 -- Declared in Windows as WM_MDIREFRESHMENU Wm_ime_setcontext: INTEGER = 641 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_SETCONTEXT Wm_ime_notify: INTEGER = 642 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_NOTIFY Wm_ime_control: INTEGER = 643 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_CONTROL Wm_ime_compositionfull: INTEGER = 644 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL Wm_ime_select: INTEGER = 645 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_SELECT Wm_ime_char: INTEGER = 646 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_CHAR Wm_ime_request: INTEGER = 648 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_REQUEST Wm_ime_keydown: INTEGER = 656 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_KEYDOWN Wm_ime_keyup: INTEGER = 657 -- Declared in Windows as WM_IME_KEYUP Wm_ncmousehover: INTEGER = 672 -- Require Windows98, Windows NT 5.0 or later -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMOUSEHOVER Wm_mousehover: INTEGER = 673 -- Require Windows98, Windows NT 4.0 or later -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSEHOVER Wm_ncmouseleave: INTEGER = 674 -- Require Windows98, Windows NT 5.0 or later -- Declared in Windows as WM_NCMOUSELEAVE Wm_mouseleave: INTEGER = 675 -- Require Windows98, Windows NT 4.0 or later -- Declared in Windows as WM_MOUSELEAVE Wm_cut: INTEGER = 768 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CUT Wm_copy: INTEGER = 769 -- Declared in Windows as WM_COPY Wm_paste: INTEGER = 770 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PASTE Wm_clear: INTEGER = 771 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CLEAR Wm_undo: INTEGER = 772 -- Declared in Windows as WM_UNDO Wm_renderformat: INTEGER = 773 -- Declared in Windows as WM_RENDERFORMAT Wm_renderallformats: INTEGER = 774 -- Declared in Windows as WM_RENDERALLFORMATS Wm_destroyclipboard: INTEGER = 775 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD Wm_drawclipboard: INTEGER = 776 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD Wm_paintclipboard: INTEGER = 777 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD Wm_sizeclipboard: INTEGER = 779 -- Declared in Windows as WM_SIZECLIPBOARD Wm_vscrollclipboard: INTEGER = 778 -- Declared in Windows as WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD Wm_hscrollclipboard: INTEGER = 782 -- Declared in Windows as WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD Wm_askcbformatname: INTEGER = 780 -- Declared in Windows as WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME Wm_changecbchain: INTEGER = 781 -- Declared in Windows as WM_CHANGECBCHAIN Wm_querynewpalette: INTEGER = 783 -- Declared in Windows as WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE Wm_paletteischanging: INTEGER = 784 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PALETTEISCHANGING Wm_palettechanged: INTEGER = 785 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PALETTECHANGED Wm_hotkey: INTEGER = 786 -- Declared in Windows as WM_HOTKEY Wm_print: INTEGER = 791 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PRINT Wm_printclient: INTEGER = 792 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PRINTCLIENT Wm_appcommand: INTEGER = 793 -- Declared in Windows as WM_APPCOMMAND Wm_themechanged: INTEGER = 794 -- Declared in Windows as WM_THEMECHANGED Wm_handheldfirst: INTEGER = 856 -- Declared in Windows as WM_HANDHELDFIRST Wm_handheldlast: INTEGER = 863 -- Declared in Windows as WM_HANDHELDLAST Wm_afxfirst: INTEGER = 864 -- Declared in Windows as WM_AFXFIRST Wm_afxlast: INTEGER = 895 -- Declared in Windows as WM_AFXLAST Wm_penwinfirst: INTEGER = 896 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PENWINFIRST Wm_penwinlast: INTEGER = 911 -- Declared in Windows as WM_PENWINLAST Wm_app: INTEGER = 32768 -- Declared in Windows as WM_APP Wm_user: INTEGER = 1024; -- Declared in Windows as WM_USER Wm_dpichanged: INTEGER = 736 -- Declared in Windows as WM_DPICHANGED note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class WEL_WM_CONSTANTS