note description: "This control permits the user to enter and edit text % %from the keyboard. Ancestor of WEL_SINGLE_LINE_EDIT and % %WEL_MULTIPLE_LINE_EDIT." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class WEL_EDIT inherit WEL_STATIC undefine default_style redefine class_name, background_color, process_notification end WEL_ES_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_EM_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_EN_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end feature -- Access background_color: WEL_COLOR_REF -- Background color used for the background of the -- control -- Can be redefined by the user do create Result.make_system (Color_window) end feature -- Status report read_only: BOOLEAN -- Is the current edit control read-only? require exists: exists do Result := flag_set (style, Es_readonly) end feature -- Basic operations clip_cut -- Cut the current selection to the clipboard. require exists: exists has_selection: has_selection do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Wm_cut, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (0)) ensure has_no_selection: not has_selection end clip_copy -- Copy the current selection to the clipboard. require exists: exists has_selection: has_selection do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Wm_copy, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (0)) end clip_paste -- Paste at the current caret position the -- content of the clipboard. require exists: exists do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Wm_paste, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (0)) end undo -- Undo the last operation. -- The previously deleted text is restored or the -- previously added text is deleted. require exists: exists can_undo: can_undo do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_undo, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (0)) end delete_selection -- Delete the current selection. require exists: exists has_selection: has_selection do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Wm_clear, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (0)) ensure has_no_selection: not has_selection end select_all -- Select all the text. require exists: exists positive_length: text_length > 0 do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_setsel, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (-1)) ensure has_selection: has_selection selection_start_set: selection_start = 0 selection_end_set: selection_end <= text_length end unselect -- Unselect the current selection. require exists: exists has_selection: has_selection do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_setsel, to_wparam (-1), to_lparam (0)) ensure has_no_selection: not has_selection end replace_selection (new_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Replace the current selection with `new_text'. -- If there is no selection, `new_text' is inserted -- at the current `caret_position'. require exists: exists new_text_not_void: new_text /= Void local a_wel_string: WEL_STRING do create a_wel_string.make (new_text) {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_replacesel, to_wparam (0), a_wel_string.item) end feature -- Status setting set_modify (modify: BOOLEAN) -- Set `modified' with `modify' require exists: exists do if modify then {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_setmodify, to_wparam (1), to_lparam (0)) else {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_setmodify, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (0)) end ensure modified_set: modified = modify end set_read_only -- Set the read-only state. require exists: exists do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_setreadonly, to_wparam (1), to_lparam (0)) end set_read_write -- Set the read-write state. require exists: exists do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_setreadonly, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (0)) end set_text_limit (limit: INTEGER) -- Set to `limit' the length of the text the user -- can enter into the edit control. require exists: exists positive_limit: limit >= 0 do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_limittext, to_wparam (limit), to_lparam (0)) end get_text_limit: INTEGER -- Get the maximum length of text that the user -- can enter into the edit control. require exists: exists do Result := {WEL_API}.send_message_result_integer (item, Em_getlimittext, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (0)) ensure positive_result: Result >= 0 end set_selection (start_position, end_position: INTEGER) -- Set the selection between `start_position' -- and `end_position'. require exists: exists selection_in_lower_bound: start_position >= 0 and end_position >= 0 selection_in_upper_bound: start_position <= text_length and end_position <= text_length do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_setsel, to_wparam (start_position), to_lparam (end_position)) if scroll_caret_at_selection then {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_scrollcaret, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (0)) end ensure has_selection: (start_position /= end_position) implies has_selection -- logical_order: (end_position >= start_position) implies (selection_start = start_position and selection_end = end_position) -- reverse_order: (end_position < start_position) implies (selection_start = end_position and selection_end = start_position) end set_caret_position (position: INTEGER) -- Set the caret position with `position'. require exists: exists position_large_enough: position >= 0 position_small_enough: position <= text_length do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_setsel, to_wparam (position), to_lparam (position)) if scroll_caret_at_selection then {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_scrollcaret, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (0)) end ensure has_no_selection: not has_selection caret_position_set: caret_position = position end enable_scroll_caret_at_selection -- Set `scroll_caret_at_selection' to True. -- The caret will be scrolled at the selection after -- a call to `set_selection'. require exists: exists do scroll_caret_at_selection := True ensure scroll_caret_at_selection_enabled: scroll_caret_at_selection end disable_scroll_caret_at_selection -- Set `scroll_caret_at_selection' to False. -- The caret will not be scrolled at the selection -- after a call to `set_selection'. require exists: exists do scroll_caret_at_selection := False ensure scroll_caret_at_selection_disabled: not scroll_caret_at_selection end feature -- Status report caret_position: INTEGER -- Caret position require exists: exists do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_getsel, to_wparam (0), $Result) end has_selection: BOOLEAN -- Has a current selection? require exists: exists local sel_start, sel_end: INTEGER do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_getsel, $sel_start, $sel_end) Result := sel_end /= sel_start end selection_start: INTEGER -- Index of the first character selected require exists: exists do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_getsel, $Result, to_lparam (0)) ensure result_large_enough: Result >= 0 result_small_enough: Result <= text_length end selection_end: INTEGER -- Index of the last character selected require exists: exists do {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_getsel, to_wparam (0), $Result) ensure result_large_enough: Result >= 0 result_small_enough: Result <= text_length end can_undo: BOOLEAN -- Can the last operation be undone? require exists: exists do Result := {WEL_API}.send_message_result (item, Em_canundo, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (0)) /= default_pointer end modified: BOOLEAN -- Has the text been modified? require exists: exists do Result := {WEL_API}.send_message_result (item, Em_getmodify, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (0)) /= default_pointer end formatting_rect: WEL_RECT -- Limiting rectangle the text. It is independent of -- the size of the edit-control window. require exists: exists do create Result.make (0, 0, 0, 0) {WEL_API}.send_message (item, Em_getrect, to_wparam (0), Result.item) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end scroll_caret_at_selection: BOOLEAN -- Will the caret be scrolled at the selection after -- a call to `set_selection'? feature -- Notifications on_en_change -- The user has taken an action -- that may have altered the text. require exists: exists do end on_en_vscroll -- The user click on the vertical scroll bar. require exists: exists do end on_en_hscroll -- The user click on the horizontal scroll bar. require exists: exists do end on_en_errspace -- Cannot allocate enough memory to -- meet a specific request. require exists: exists do end on_en_setfocus -- Receive the keyboard focus. require exists: exists do end on_en_killfocus -- Lose the keyboard focus. require exists: exists do end on_en_update -- The control is about to display altered text. require exists: exists do end on_en_maxtext -- The current text insertion has exceeded -- the specified number of characters. require exists: exists do end feature -- Obsolete clear_selection obsolete "Use `delete_selection' [2017-05-31]" -- Delete the current selection. require exists: exists has_selection: has_selection do delete_selection ensure has_no_selection: not has_selection end feature {NONE} -- Implementation process_notification (notification_code: INTEGER) do if notification_code = En_change then on_en_change elseif notification_code = En_vscroll then on_en_vscroll elseif notification_code = En_hscroll then on_en_hscroll elseif notification_code = En_errspace then on_en_errspace elseif notification_code = En_setfocus then on_en_setfocus elseif notification_code = En_killfocus then on_en_killfocus elseif notification_code = En_update then on_en_update elseif notification_code = En_maxtext then on_en_maxtext else default_process_notification (notification_code) end end class_name: STRING_32 -- Window class name to create once Result := {STRING_32} "Edit" end default_style: INTEGER -- Default style used to create the control deferred end invariant consistent_selection: exists and then has_selection implies selection_start >= 0 and then selection_start <= text_length and then selection_end >= 0 and then selection_end <= text_length and then selection_start < selection_end valid_caret_position: exists implies caret_position >= 0 and then caret_position <= text_length note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2014, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class WEL_EDIT