note description: "Contains basic information about a physical font. All % %size are given in logical units; that is, they depend on the % %current mapping mode of the display context." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WEL_TEXT_METRIC inherit WEL_STRUCTURE rename make as structure_make end create make, make_by_pointer, make_empty feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_empty -- Create an empty text metric structure. do structure_make end make (a_dc: WEL_DC) -- Make a text metrics structure for `dc'. require a_dc_not_void: a_dc /= Void a_dc_exists: a_dc.exists do structure_make set_from_dc (a_dc) end feature -- Status Setting set_from_dc (a_dc: WEL_DC) -- Set `Current' with `a_dc'. require a_dc_not_void: a_dc /= Void a_dc_exists: a_dc.exists do cwin_get_text_metric (a_dc.item, item) end feature -- Access height: INTEGER -- Height (ascent + descent) of characters do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmheight (item) end ascent: INTEGER -- Ascent (units above the base line) of characters do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmascent (item) end descent: INTEGER -- Descent (units below the base line) of characters do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmdescent (item) end internal_leading: INTEGER -- Amount of leading (space) inside the bounds set by -- `height' do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tminternalleading (item) end external_leading: INTEGER -- Amount of extra leading (space) that the application -- adds between rows do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmexternalleading (item) end average_character_width: INTEGER -- Average width of characters in the font (generally -- defined as the width of the letter x) do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmavecharwidth (item) end maximum_character_width: INTEGER -- Width of the widest character in the font do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmmaxcharwidth (item) end weight: INTEGER -- Weight of the font. -- See class WEL_FW_CONSTANTS for values. do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmweight (item) end overhang: INTEGER -- Extra width per string that may be added to some -- synthesized fonts do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmoverhang (item) end digitized_aspect_x: INTEGER -- Horizontal aspect of the device for which the -- font was designed do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmdigitizedaspectx (item) end digitized_aspect_y: INTEGER -- Vertical aspect of the device for which the font -- was designed do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmdigitizedaspecty (item) end first_character: INTEGER -- Value of the first character defined in the font do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmfirstchar (item) end last_character: INTEGER -- Value of the last character defined in the font do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmlastchar (item) end default_character: INTEGER -- Value of the character to be substituted for -- characters not in the font do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmdefaultchar (item) end break_character: INTEGER -- Value of the character that will be used to define -- word breaks for text justification do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmbreakchar (item) end italic: INTEGER -- Italic font if it is nonzero do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmitalic (item) end underlined: INTEGER -- Underlined font if it is nonzero do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmunderlined (item) end struckout: INTEGER -- Strikeout font if it is nonzero do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmstruckout (item) end pitch_and_family: INTEGER -- Information about the pitch, the technology, and -- the family of a physical font. -- See class WEL_TMPF_CONSTANTS for values. do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmpitchandfamily (item) end character_set: INTEGER -- Character set of the font do Result := cwel_text_metric_get_tmcharset (item) end feature -- Measurement structure_size: INTEGER -- Size to allocate (in bytes) once Result := c_size_of_text_metric end feature {NONE} -- Externals c_size_of_text_metric: INTEGER external "C [macro ]" alias "sizeof (TEXTMETRIC)" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmheight (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmascent (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmdescent (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tminternalleading (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmexternalleading (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmavecharwidth (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmmaxcharwidth (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmweight (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmoverhang (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmdigitizedaspectx (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmdigitizedaspecty (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmfirstchar (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmlastchar (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmdefaultchar (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmbreakchar (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmitalic (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmunderlined (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmstruckout (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmpitchandfamily (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwel_text_metric_get_tmcharset (ptr: POINTER): INTEGER external "C [macro ]" end cwin_get_text_metric (hdc, ptr: POINTER) -- SDK GetTextMetrics external "C [macro ] (HDC, LPTEXTMETRIC)" alias "GetTextMetrics" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end