note description: "List of items which can be selected by the user." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WEL_MENU inherit WEL_RESOURCE WEL_MF_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_TPM_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_BIT_OPERATIONS export {NONE} all end create make, make_by_id, make_by_name, make_by_pointer, make_track feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Make an empty menu do item := cwin_create_menu end make_track -- Make an empty track popup menu do item := cwin_create_popup_menu end feature -- Access popup_menu (position: INTEGER): WEL_MENU -- Popup menu at the zero-based relative `position' require exists: exists position_large_enough: position >= 0 position_small_enough: position < count popup_exists: popup_exists (position) do create Result.make_by_pointer (cwin_get_sub_menu (item, position)) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Element change append_string (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; an_id: INTEGER) -- Append `a_string' with the identifier `an_id' to the -- menu. require exists: exists a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void positive_id: an_id > 0 item_not_exists: not item_exists (an_id) local a_wel_string: WEL_STRING do create a_wel_string.make(a_string) cwin_append_menu (item, Mf_string + Mf_bycommand, cwel_integer_to_pointer (an_id), a_wel_string.item) ensure new_count: count = old count + 1 item_exists: item_exists (an_id) string_set: id_string (an_id).same_string_general (a_string) end append_popup (a_menu: WEL_MENU; a_title: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Append a popup menu `a_menu' with `a_title' to the -- current menu. require exists: exists a_menu_not_void: a_menu /= Void a_menu_exists: a_menu.exists a_title_not_void: a_title /= Void local a_wel_string: WEL_STRING do a_menu.set_shared -- `a_menu' must be shared since Windows will -- destroy it automatically with `Current'. create a_wel_string.make (a_title) cwin_append_menu (item, Mf_popup, a_menu.item, a_wel_string.item) ensure new_count: count = old count + 1 end append_separator -- Append a separator to the current menu. require exists: exists do cwin_append_menu (item, Mf_separator, default_pointer, default_pointer) ensure new_count: count = old count + 1 end append_string_with_break (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; an_id: INTEGER; has_separator: BOOLEAN) -- Append an item with a break to the menu. -- All the following items will be set in a new column. -- If `has_separator' is True, then a vertical separator -- appears between the two columns. require exists: exists a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void positive_id: an_id > 0 item_not_exists: not item_exists (an_id) local a_wel_string: WEL_STRING l_menu_id: POINTER do create a_wel_string.make(a_string) l_menu_id := cwel_integer_to_pointer (an_id) if has_separator then cwin_append_menu (item, Mf_string + Mf_bycommand + Mf_menubarbreak, l_menu_id, a_wel_string.item) else cwin_append_menu (item, Mf_string + Mf_bycommand + Mf_menubreak, l_menu_id, a_wel_string.item) end ensure new_count: count = old count + 1 item_exists: item_exists (an_id) string_set: id_string (an_id).same_string_general (a_string) end append_bitmap (bitmap: WEL_BITMAP; an_id: INTEGER) -- Append `bitmap' with the identifier `an_id' to the -- menu. require exists: exists bitmap_not_void: bitmap /= Void bitmap_exists: bitmap.exists positive_id: an_id > 0 item_not_exists: not item_exists (an_id) do cwin_append_menu (item, Mf_bitmap + Mf_bycommand, cwel_integer_to_pointer (an_id), bitmap.item) ensure new_count: count = old count + 1 item_exists: item_exists (an_id) end insert_string (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_position, an_id: INTEGER) -- Insert `a_string' at zero-based `a_position' with -- `an_id'. require exists: exists a_position_large_enough: a_position >= 0 a_position_small_enough: a_position <= count a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void positive_id: an_id > 0 item_not_exists: not item_exists (an_id) local a_wel_string: WEL_STRING do create a_wel_string.make (a_string) cwin_insert_menu (item, a_position, Mf_string + Mf_byposition, cwel_integer_to_pointer (an_id), a_wel_string.item) ensure new_count: count = old count + 1 string_set: id_string (an_id).same_string_general (a_string) end insert_popup (a_menu: WEL_MENU; a_position: INTEGER; a_title: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Insert a popup menu `a_menu' at zero-based `a_position' -- with `a_title'. require exists: exists a_menu_not_void: a_menu /= Void a_menu_exists: a_menu.exists a_title_not_void: a_title /= Void a_position_large_enough: a_position >= 0 a_position_small_enough: a_position <= count local a_wel_string: WEL_STRING do create a_wel_string.make (a_title) cwin_insert_menu (item, a_position, Mf_popup + Mf_byposition, a_menu.item, a_wel_string.item) ensure new_count: count = old count + 1 popup_menu_set: popup_menu (a_position).item = a_menu.item end insert_separator (a_position: INTEGER) -- Insert a separator at zero-based `a_position'. require exists: exists a_position_large_enough: a_position >= 0 a_position_small_enough: a_position <= count do cwin_insert_menu (item, a_position, Mf_separator + Mf_byposition, default_pointer, default_pointer) ensure new_count: count = old count + 1 end insert_bitmap (bitmap: WEL_BITMAP; a_position, an_id: INTEGER) -- Insert `bitmap' at zero-based `a_position' with -- `an_id'. require exists: exists a_position_large_enough: a_position >= 0 a_position_small_enough: a_position <= count bitmap_not_void: bitmap /= Void bitmap_exists: bitmap.exists positive_id: an_id > 0 item_not_exists: not item_exists (an_id) do cwin_insert_menu (item, a_position, Mf_bitmap + Mf_byposition, cwel_integer_to_pointer (an_id), bitmap.item) ensure new_count: count = old count + 1 end modify_string (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; an_id: INTEGER) -- Modify the menu title identified by `an_id' to -- `a_string'. require exists: exists a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void positive_id: an_id > 0 item_exists: item_exists (an_id) local a_wel_string: WEL_STRING do create a_wel_string.make (a_string) cwin_modify_menu (item, an_id, Mf_string + Mf_bycommand, cwel_integer_to_pointer (an_id), a_wel_string.item) ensure string_set: id_string (an_id).same_string_general (a_string) end feature -- Removal delete_item (an_id: INTEGER) -- Delete `an_id' from the menu. require exists: exists positive_id: an_id > 0 item_exists: item_exists (an_id) do cwin_delete_menu (item, an_id, Mf_bycommand) ensure new_count: count = old count - 1 item_not_exists: not item_exists (an_id) end delete_position (position: INTEGER) -- Delete the item at zero-based `position'. require exists: exists position_large_enough: position >= 0 position_small_enough: position < count do cwin_delete_menu (item, position, Mf_byposition) ensure new_count: count = old count - 1 end remove_position (position: INTEGER) -- Remove the item at zero-based `position'. require exists: exists position_large_enough: position >= 0 position_small_enough: position < count do cwin_remove_menu (item, position, Mf_byposition) ensure new_count: count = old count - 1 end feature -- Basic operations hilite_menu_item (window: WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW; an_id: INTEGER) -- Hilite the item identified by `an_id' in the -- `window''s menu. require exists: exists window_not_void: window /= Void window_exists: window.exists positive_id: an_id > 0 item_exists: item_exists (an_id) do cwin_hilite_menu_item (window.item, item, an_id, Mf_bycommand + Mf_hilite) end unhilite_menu_item (window: WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW; an_id: INTEGER) -- unhilite the item identified by `an_id' in the -- `window''s menu. require exists: exists window_not_void: window /= Void window_exists: window.exists positive_id: an_id > 0 item_exists: item_exists (an_id) do cwin_hilite_menu_item (window.item, item, an_id, Mf_bycommand + Mf_unhilite) end show_track (x, y: INTEGER; window: WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) -- Show a track popup menu at the `x' and `y' absolute -- position. `window' will receive the selection in -- `on_menu_command'. require exists: exists not_empty: count > 0 window_not_void: window /= Void window_exists: window.exists do show_track_with_option (x, y, window, default_track_option, Void) end show_track_with_option (x, y: INTEGER; window: WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW; option: INTEGER; rect: detachable WEL_RECT) -- Show a track popup menu with `option' at -- the `x' and `y' absolute position. -- `window' will receive the selection in -- `on_menu_command'. -- `rect' specifies the portion of the screen -- in which the user can select without -- dismissing the popup menu. If this parameter -- is Void the popup menu is dismissed if the -- user clicks outside the popup menu require exists: exists not_empty: count > 0 window_not_void: window /= Void window_exists: window.exists local l_null: POINTER l_id: INTEGER do -- From CodeProject: -- -- Many people have had troubles using TrackPopupMenu. They have reported -- that the popup menu will often not disappear once the mouse is clicked -- outside of the menu, even though they have set the last parameter of -- TrackPopupMenu() as NULL. This is a Microsoft "feature", and is by design. -- The mind boggles, doesn't it? -- Anyway - to workaround this "feature", one must set the current window -- as the foreground window before calling TrackPopupMenu. This then causes -- a second problem - namely that the next time the menu is displayed it -- displays then immediately disappears. To fix this problem, you must -- make the currernt application active after the menu disappears. -- This can be done by sending a benign message such as WM_NULL to the current window. {WEL_API}.set_foreground_window (window.item).do_nothing if rect /= Void then l_id := {WEL_API}.track_popup_menu (item, option | tpm_returncmd, x, y, 0, window.item, rect.item) else l_id := {WEL_API}.track_popup_menu (item, option | tpm_returncmd, x, y, 0, window.item, l_null) end {WEL_API}.post_message (window.item, {WEL_WM_CONSTANTS}.wm_null, l_null, l_null) if l_id /= 0 then -- The usage of the `tpm_returncmd' flag let us get the ID of the menu -- and we can directly call the associated handler of `window' showing the menu. window.on_menu_command (l_id) end end feature -- Measurement count: INTEGER -- Number of items require exists: exists do Result := cwin_get_menu_item_count (item) ensure positive_result: Result >= 0 end feature -- Status setting check_item (an_id: INTEGER) -- Put a check mark for the item identified by `an_id'. require exists: exists positive_id: an_id > 0 item_exists: item_exists (an_id) do cwin_check_menu_item (item, an_id, Mf_checked | Mf_bycommand) ensure item_checked: item_checked (an_id) end uncheck_item (an_id: INTEGER) -- Remove the check mark for the item identified -- by `an_id'. require exists: exists positive_id: an_id > 0 item_exists: item_exists (an_id) do cwin_check_menu_item (item, an_id, Mf_unchecked | Mf_bycommand) ensure item_unchecked: not item_checked (an_id) end enable_item (an_id: INTEGER) -- Enable the item idenfied by `an_id'. require exists: exists positive_id: an_id > 0 item_exists: item_exists (an_id) do cwin_enable_menu_item (item, an_id, Mf_enabled | Mf_bycommand) ensure item_enabled: item_enabled (an_id) end enable_position (position: INTEGER) -- Enable the item at zero-based `position'. require exists: exists position_large_enough: position >= 0 position_small_enough: position < count do cwin_enable_menu_item (item, position, Mf_enabled | Mf_byposition) ensure position_enabled: position_enabled (position) end disable_item (an_id: INTEGER) -- Disable the item identified by `an_id'. require exists: exists positive_id: an_id > 0 item_exists: item_exists (an_id) do cwin_enable_menu_item (item, an_id, Mf_grayed | Mf_bycommand) ensure item_disabled: not item_enabled (an_id) end disable_position (position: INTEGER) -- Disable the item at zero-based `position'. require exists: exists position_large_enough: position >= 0 position_small_enough: position < count do cwin_enable_menu_item (item, position, Mf_grayed | Mf_byposition) ensure position_disabled: not position_enabled (position) end feature -- Status report item_exists (an_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Does `an_id' exist in the menu? require exists: exists positive_id: an_id > 0 do Result := cwin_get_menu_state (item, an_id, Mf_bycommand) /= cwel_menu_item_not_found end item_checked (an_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is the item idenfied by `an_id' checked? require exists: exists positive_id: an_id > 0 item_exists: item_exists (an_id) do Result := flag_set (cwin_get_menu_state (item, an_id, Mf_bycommand), Mf_checked) end item_enabled (an_id: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is the item idenfied by `an_id' enabled? require exists: exists positive_id: an_id > 0 item_exists: item_exists (an_id) local flags:INTEGER do flags := cwin_get_menu_state (item, an_id, Mf_bycommand) Result := not flag_set (flags, Mf_grayed) and not flag_set (flags, Mf_disabled) end position_enabled (position: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is the item at zero-based `position' enabled? require exists: exists position_large_enough: position >= 0 position_small_enough: position < count local flags:INTEGER do flags := cwin_get_menu_state (item, position, Mf_byposition) Result := not flag_set (flags, Mf_grayed) and not flag_set(flags, Mf_disabled) end id_string (an_id: INTEGER): STRING_32 -- String associated with `an_id' require exists: exists positive_id: an_id > 0 item_exists: item_exists (an_id) local a_wel_string: WEL_STRING nb: INTEGER do create a_wel_string.make_empty (Max_name_length + 1) nb := cwin_get_menu_string (item, an_id, a_wel_string.item, Max_name_length + 1, Mf_bycommand) Result := a_wel_string.substring (1, nb) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end popup_exists (position: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Does a popup menu exists at the zero-based position? require exists: exists positive_position: position >= 0 local a_default_pointer: POINTER do Result := cwin_get_sub_menu (item, position) /= a_default_pointer end feature -- Conversion position_to_item_id (position: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Retrieve the menu item identifier of a menu item at -- the zero-based `position'. -- Return 0 if the item at the zero-based -- `position' is a separator or a pop-up menu. require exists: exists position_large_enough: position >= 0 position_small_enough: position < count do Result := cwin_get_menu_item_id (item, position) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation default_track_option: INTEGER -- Default option used for `show_track' once Result := Tpm_rightbutton end load_item (hinstance, id: POINTER) -- Load menu. do item := cwin_load_menu (hinstance, id) end destroy_item -- Destroy menu. local a_default_pointer: POINTER do cwin_destroy_menu (item) item := a_default_pointer end Max_name_length: INTEGER = 255 -- Maximum menu name length feature {NONE} -- Externals cwin_draw_menu_bar (hwnd: POINTER) -- SDK drawMenuBar external "C [macro ] (HWND)" alias "DrawMenuBar" end cwin_create_menu: POINTER -- SDK CreateMenu external "C [macro ]: EIF_POINTER" alias "CreateMenu()" end cwin_create_popup_menu: POINTER -- SDK CreatePopupMenu external "C [macro ]: EIF_POINTER" alias "CreatePopupMenu()" end cwin_append_menu (hmenu: POINTER; flags: INTEGER; new_item, a_item: POINTER) -- SDK AppendMenu external "C [macro ] (HMENU, UINT, UINT_PTR, LPCTSTR)" alias "AppendMenu" end cwin_insert_menu (hmenu: POINTER; position, flags: INTEGER; new_item, a_item: POINTER) -- SDK InsertMenu external "C [macro ] (HMENU, UINT, UINT, UINT_PTR, LPCTSTR)" alias "InsertMenu" end cwin_get_menu_item_count (hmenu: POINTER): INTEGER -- SDK GetMenuItemCount external "C [macro ] (HMENU): EIF_INTEGER" alias "GetMenuItemCount" end cwin_get_sub_menu (hmenu: POINTER; pos: INTEGER): POINTER -- SDK GetSubMenu external "C [macro ] (HMENU, int): EIF_POINTER" alias "GetSubMenu" end cwin_check_menu_item (hmenu: POINTER; id, flags: INTEGER) -- SDK CheckMenuItem external "C [macro ] (HMENU, UINT, UINT)" alias "CheckMenuItem" end cwin_delete_menu (hmenu: POINTER; id, flags: INTEGER) -- SDK DeleteMenu external "C [macro ] (HMENU, UINT, UINT)" alias "DeleteMenu" end cwin_remove_menu (hmenu: POINTER; id, flags: INTEGER) -- SDK RemoveMenu external "C [macro ] (HMENU, UINT, UINT)" alias "RemoveMenu" end cwin_enable_menu_item (hmenu: POINTER; id, flags: INTEGER) -- SDK EnableMenuItem external "C [macro ] (HMENU, UINT, UINT)" alias "EnableMenuItem" end cwin_get_menu_state (hmenu: POINTER; id, flags: INTEGER): INTEGER -- SDK GetMenuState external "C [macro ] (HMENU, UINT, UINT): EIF_INTEGER" alias "GetMenuState" end cwin_get_menu_string (hmenu: POINTER; id: INTEGER; buffer: POINTER; max: INTEGER; flags: INTEGER): INTEGER -- SDK GetMenuString external "C [macro ] (HMENU, UINT, LPTSTR, int, % %UINT): EIF_INTEGER" alias "GetMenuString" end cwin_load_menu (hinstance: POINTER; id: POINTER): POINTER -- SDK LoadMenu external "C [macro ] (HINSTANCE, LPCTSTR): EIF_POINTER" alias "LoadMenu" end cwin_destroy_menu (hmenu: POINTER) -- SDK DestroyMenu external "C [macro ] (HMENU)" alias "DestroyMenu" end cwin_modify_menu (hmenu: POINTER; id, flags: INTEGER; new_id, new_name: POINTER) -- SDK ModifyMenu external "C [macro ] (HMENU, UINT, UINT, UINT_PTR, LPCTSTR)" alias "ModifyMenu" end cwin_hilite_menu_item (hwnd: POINTER; hmenu: POINTER; id, flags: INTEGER) -- SDK HiliteMenuItem external "C [macro ] (HWND, HMENU, UINT, UINT)" alias "HiliteMenuItem" end cwin_get_menu_item_id (hmenu: POINTER; position: INTEGER): INTEGER -- SDK GetMenuItemID external "C [macro ] (HMENU, int): EIF_INTEGER" alias "GetMenuItemID" end cwel_menu_item_not_found: INTEGER -- Value returned by GetMenuState when an item does -- not exist. external "C [macro ]" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2011, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class WEL_MENU