note description: "Basic Windows routines." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES inherit ANY WEL_IDENTIFIED export {NONE} all end WEL_MB_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all {ANY} default_pointer end WEL_GWL_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_WORD_OPERATIONS export {NONE} all end feature -- Basic operations output_debug_string (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Send a string `s' to the system debugger. require s_not_void: s /= Void local a_wel_string: WEL_STRING do create a_wel_string.make (s) cwin_output_debug_string (a_wel_string.item) end message_beep_asterisk -- Play the system asterisk waveform sound. do cwin_message_beep (Mb_iconasterisk) end message_beep_exclamation -- Play the system exclamation waveform sound. do cwin_message_beep (Mb_iconexclamation) end message_beep_hand -- Play the system hand waveform sound. do cwin_message_beep (Mb_iconhand) end message_beep_question -- Play the system question waveform sound. do cwin_message_beep (Mb_iconquestion) end message_beep_ok -- Play the system ok waveform sound. do cwin_message_beep (Mb_ok) end show_cursor -- Show the cursor. do cwin_show_cursor (True) end hide_cursor -- Hide the cursor. do cwin_show_cursor (False) end set_cursor_position_absolute (x, y: INTEGER) -- Set the cursor position to `x', `y'. do cwin_set_cursor_position (x, y) end resource_string_id (an_id: INTEGER): STRING_32 -- String identified by `an_id' in the resource file. local a_wel_string: WEL_STRING nb: INTEGER do create a_wel_string.make_empty (1024) nb := cwin_load_string ( wr_main_args.resource_instance.item, an_id, a_wel_string.item, 1024) Result := a_wel_string.substring (1, nb) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Status report is_window (hwnd: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Does `hwnd' point to a valid Window? external "C [macro ] (HWND): EIF_BOOLEAN" alias "IsWindow" end window_of_item (hwnd: POINTER): detachable WEL_WINDOW -- Retrieve Eiffel object associated with `hwnd' pointer. require hwnd_not_null: hwnd /= default_pointer is_window_pointer: is_window (hwnd) local l_data, null: POINTER l_thread_id, current_process_id, window_process_id: INTEGER retried: BOOLEAN l_id: INTEGER do if not retried then l_data := cwin_get_window_long (hwnd, gwlp_userdata) -- All WEL windows have associated data, so if there is none, we know -- it was not one of our windows. if l_data /= null then -- Retreive the process id associated with `hwnd' into `window_process_id'. l_thread_id := cwin_get_window_thread_process_id (hwnd, $window_process_id) -- Retrieve the process id of the current process. current_process_id := cwin_get_current_process_id -- If the process of the window is that of the current id and that it is not -- the DOS prompt associated with the current process then -- we know it must be one of our windows. if window_process_id = current_process_id and l_data /= cwin_console_window_data then -- We truncate the value, but this is ok because we only put an INTEGER. l_id := l_data.to_integer_32 check l_id_positive: l_id > 0 end Result := eif_id_object (l_id) if Result /= Void and then Result.item /= hwnd then Result := Void -- Window returned has recently been destroyed or had its implementation -- swapped so we return Void end end end else -- We received an exception because looks like `l_data' -- was not a memory area we allocated (since we checked above -- the window did belong to us, it means it is not a WEL window, -- most likely the DOS console). -- In this case, we should return Void. Result := Void end ensure is_wel_window: Result /= Void implies (create {INTERNAL}).type_conforms_to ( (create {INTERNAL}).dynamic_type (Result), (create {INTERNAL}).dynamic_type_from_string ("WEL_WINDOW")) is_proper_wel_window: Result /= Void implies Result.item = hwnd rescue retried := True retry end key_state (virtual_key: INTEGER): BOOLEAN obsolete "Use key_down or key_locked instead [2017-05-31]." do end key_down (virtual_key: INTEGER): BOOLEAN --Is 'virtual' key pressed do Result := cwel_key_down (virtual_key) end key_locked (virtual_key: INTEGER): BOOLEAN --Is 'virtual' key locked do Result := cwel_key_locked (virtual_key) end key_to_string (key_data: INTEGER): STRING_32 -- Give the string associated with the key given by -- `virtual_key'. local buffer: WEL_STRING the_result: BOOLEAN do create buffer.make_empty (11) the_result := cwin_get_key_name_text (key_data, buffer.item, buffer.character_capacity) check successfull_call: the_result end Result := buffer.string end tick_count: INTEGER -- Number of milliseconds that have -- elapsed since Windows was started. do Result := cwin_get_tick_count ensure positive_result: Result >= 0 end system_directory: STRING_32 -- Path of the Windows system directory local a_wel_string: WEL_STRING nb: INTEGER do nb := cwin_get_system_directory (default_pointer, 0) create a_wel_string.make_empty (nb) nb := cwin_get_system_directory (a_wel_string.item, nb) Result := a_wel_string.substring (1, nb) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end windows_directory: STRING_32 -- Path of the Windows directory local a_wel_string: WEL_STRING nb: INTEGER do nb := cwin_get_windows_directory (default_pointer, 0) create a_wel_string.make_empty (nb) nb := cwin_get_windows_directory (a_wel_string.item, nb) Result := a_wel_string.substring (1, nb) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end foreground_window: detachable WEL_WINDOW -- Foreground window (window with focus) local p, null: POINTER do p := cwin_get_foreground_window if p /= null then Result := window_of_item (p) end end is_terminal_service: BOOLEAN -- If window in terminal service (Remote Desktop)? require after_2000: (create {WEL_WINDOWS_VERSION}).is_windows_2000_compatible do cwin_is_terminal_service ($Result) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation wr_main_args: WEL_MAIN_ARGUMENTS once create Result ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Externals cwin_message_beep (sound_type: INTEGER) -- SDK MessageBeep external "C [macro %"wel.h%"] (UINT)" alias "MessageBeep" end cwin_get_dlg_item (hwnd: POINTER; an_id: INTEGER): POINTER -- SDK GetDlgItem external "C [macro ] (HWND, int): EIF_POINTER" alias "GetDlgItem" end cwin_get_tick_count: INTEGER -- SDK GetTickCount external "C [macro %"wel.h%"]" alias "GetTickCount ()" end cwin_show_cursor (show_flag: BOOLEAN) -- SDK ShowCursor external "C [macro %"wel.h%"] (BOOL)" alias "ShowCursor" end cwin_set_cursor_position (x, y: INTEGER) -- SDK SetCursorPos external "C [macro %"wel.h%"] (int, int)" alias "SetCursorPos" end cwin_load_string (hinstance: POINTER; id: INTEGER; buffer: POINTER; buffer_size: INTEGER): INTEGER -- SDK LoadString external "C [macro %"wel.h%"] (HINSTANCE, UINT, LPTSTR, % %int): EIF_INTEGER" alias "LoadString" end cwin_get_key_name_text (virtual_key: INTEGER; lptstr: POINTER; nsize: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Return the string value of the key virtual key. external "C [macro %"wel.h%"] (LONG, LPTSTR, int): BOOLEAN" alias "GetKeyNameText" end cwin_get_key_state (virtual_key: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- SDK GetKeyState obsolete "Use cwel_key_down or cwel_key_locked [2017-05-31]." do end cwel_key_down (virtual_key: INTEGER): BOOLEAN external "C [macro ] (int): EIF_BOOLEAN" end cwel_key_locked (virtual_key: INTEGER): BOOLEAN external "C [macro ] (int): EIF_BOOLEAN" end cwin_output_debug_string (s: POINTER) -- SDK OutputDebugString external "C [macro %"wel.h%"] (LPCTSTR)" alias "OutputDebugString" end cwin_get_system_directory (buffer: POINTER; size: INTEGER): INTEGER -- SDK GetSystemDirectory external "C [macro %"wel.h%"] (LPTSTR, UINT): EIF_INTEGER" alias "GetSystemDirectory" end cwin_get_windows_directory (buffer: POINTER; size: INTEGER): INTEGER -- SDK GetWindowsDirectory external "C [macro %"wel.h%"] (LPTSTR, UINT): EIF_INTEGER" alias "GetWindowsDirectory" end cwin_get_foreground_window: POINTER -- SDK GetForegroundWindow external "C [macro %"wel.h%"]: EIF_POINTER" alias "GetForegroundWindow()" end cwin_get_window (hwnd: POINTER; relation_flag: INTEGER): POINTER -- SDK GetWindow external "C [macro ] (HWND, UINT): EIF_POINTER" alias "GetWindow" end cwin_get_window_long (hwnd: POINTER; offset: INTEGER): POINTER -- SDK GetWindowLongPtr external "C [macro %"wel.h%"] (HWND, int): LONG_PTR" alias "GetWindowLongPtr" end cwin_set_window_long (hwnd: POINTER; offset: INTEGER; value: POINTER) -- SDK SetWindowLongPtr external "C [macro %"wel.h%"] (HWND, int, LONG_PTR)" alias "SetWindowLongPtr" end cwin_redraw_window (hwnd, update_rectangle, update_region: POINTER; flags: INTEGER) -- SDK RedrawWindow external "C [macro %"wel.h%"] (HWND, CONST RECT *, HRGN, UINT)" alias "RedrawWindow" end cwin_get_window_thread_process_id (hwnd: POINTER; a_pointer: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]): INTEGER -- external "C [macro %"windows.h%"] (HWND, LPDWORD): DWORD" alias "GetWindowThreadProcessId" end cwin_get_current_process_id: INTEGER -- external "C [macro %"windows.h%"] (): DWORD" alias "GetCurrentProcessId()" end cwin_console_window_data: POINTER -- local l_hwnd: POINTER once cwin_get_console_hwnd ($l_hwnd) if l_hwnd /= default_pointer then Result := cwin_get_window_long (l_hwnd, gwlp_userdata) end end cwin_get_console_hwnd (a_result: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]) -- Get HWND from console window if any. external "C inline use " alias "[ { FARPROC get_console_window_proc = NULL; HMODULE kernel32_module = LoadLibrary (L"kernel32.dll"); if (kernel32_module) { get_console_window_proc = GetProcAddress (kernel32_module, "GetConsoleWindow"); if (get_console_window_proc) { *$a_result = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE(HWND,WINAPI,(void)) get_console_window_proc) (); } } } ]" end cwin_is_terminal_service (a_result: TYPED_POINTER [BOOLEAN]) -- If window in terminal service (Remote Desktop)? external "C inline use " alias "[ { // This is not defined in VC6 // define SM_REMOTESESSION 0x1000 *(EIF_BOOLEAN *) $a_result = GetSystemMetrics(0x1000); } ]" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES