note description: "Objects that allow the user to know about Windows versions" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WEL_WINDOWS_VERSION feature -- Exact Windows Versions is_windows_95: BOOLEAN -- Is the current program running under Windows 95 -- (OSR1, OSR2 or OSR2.5)? do Result := is_windows_9x and (major_version = 4) and (minor_version < 10) ensure windows95_is_9x: Result implies is_windows_9x end is_windows_98: BOOLEAN -- Is the current program running under Windows 98 -- (1st or 2nd edition)? do Result := is_windows_9x and (major_version = 4) and (minor_version >= 10 and minor_version < 90) ensure windows98_is_9x: Result implies is_windows_9x end is_windows_me: BOOLEAN -- Is the current program running under Windows Millenium Edition? do Result := is_windows_9x and (major_version = 4) and (minor_version >= 90) ensure windows_me_is_9x: Result implies is_windows_9x end is_windows_nt4: BOOLEAN -- Is the current program running under Windows NT4? do Result := is_windows_nt and major_version = 4 ensure windows_nt4_is_nt: Result implies is_windows_nt end is_windows_2000: BOOLEAN -- Is the current program running under Windows 2000? do Result := is_windows_nt and major_version = 5 and minor_version = 0 ensure windows2000_is_nt: Result implies is_windows_nt end is_windows_xp: BOOLEAN -- Is the current program running under Windows XP (Home or Professional)? do Result := is_windows_nt and major_version = 5 and minor_version = 1 ensure windows_xp_is_nt: Result implies is_windows_nt end is_windows_vista: BOOLEAN -- If the current program running under Windows Vista? do Result := is_windows_nt and major_version = 6 and minor_version = 0 end feature -- Compatible Windows Versions is_windows_9x: BOOLEAN -- Is the current program running under Windows 9x -- (Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, ...)? do Result := (internal_version & 0x80000000) /= 0 end is_windows_nt: BOOLEAN -- Is the current program running under a version of -- windows belonging to the NT family? -- (Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT4, Windows 2000, -- Windows XP Home/Professional, Windows Vista) do Result := (internal_version & 0x80000000) = 0 end is_windows_nt4_compatible: BOOLEAN -- Is the current program running under Windows NT4 or above? do Result := is_windows_nt and major_version >= 4 end is_windows_98_compatible: BOOLEAN -- Is the current program running under Windows 98 or above? do Result := (is_windows_98 or is_windows_me) or else is_windows_2000_compatible end is_windows_me_compatible: BOOLEAN -- Is the current program running under Windows Me or above? do Result := is_windows_me or else is_windows_xp_compatible end is_windows_2000_compatible: BOOLEAN -- Is the current program running under Windows 2000 or above? do Result := is_windows_NT and major_version >= 5 end is_windows_xp_compatible: BOOLEAN -- Is the current program running under Windows XP or above? do Result := is_windows_nt and (major_version = 5 and minor_version >= 1) or (major_version > 5) end feature -- Current Windows Version major_version: INTEGER -- Major version of current operating system do Result := (internal_version & 0x000000FF) end minor_version: INTEGER -- Minor version of current operating system do Result := (internal_version & 0x0000FF00) |>> 8 end build_number: INTEGER -- Build number of current operating system require windows_nt_family: is_windows_nt do Result := (internal_version & 0x7FFF0000) |>> 16 end version_info: detachable WEL_OS_VERSION_INFO -- Associated WEL_OS_VERSION_INFO structure do create Result.make if not cwin_get_version_ex (Result.item) then Result := Void end end feature -- Windows Versions (output) version_number_string: STRING -- String representing the version number using the following format -- .. for Windows NT, 2000, XP -- . for Windows 95, 98, Me do create Result.make (8) Result.append_integer (major_version) Result.append_character ('.') Result.append_integer (minor_version) if is_windows_nt then Result.append_character ('.') Result.append_integer (build_number) end end feature -- "Shell and Common controls" Versions --|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| --| Version | DLL | Distribution Platform | --|---------|--------------|-------------------------------------------------| --| 4.00 | All | Microsoft Windows 95/Windows NT 4.0 | --| 4.70 | All | Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x | --| 4.71 | All | Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 | --| 4.72 | All | Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 & Windows 98 | --| 5.00 | Shlwapi.dll | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 | --| 5.00 | Shell32.dll | Microsoft Windows 2000 | --| 5.80 | Comctl32.dll | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 | --| 5.81 | Comctl32.dll | Microsoft Windows 2000, Millenium Edition | --| 5.81 | Comctl32.dll | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 | --|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| comctl32_version: INTEGER -- Version of Comctl32.dll once Result := cwin_get_comctl32dll_version end shell32_version: INTEGER -- Version of Shell32.dll once Result := cwin_get_shell32dll_version end shlwapi_version: INTEGER -- Version of Shlwapi.dll once Result := cwin_get_shlwapidll_version end feature -- Version Constants version_400: INTEGER = 0x00040000 -- version_400 <=> Microsoft Windows 95/Windows NT 4.0 version_470: INTEGER = 0x00040046 -- version_470 <=> Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x version_471: INTEGER = 0x00040047 -- version_471 <=> Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 version_472: INTEGER = 0x00040048 -- version_472 <=> Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 & Windows 98 version_500: INTEGER = 0x00050000 -- version_500 (Shlwapi.dll) <=> Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 -- version_500 (Shell32.dll) <=> Microsoft Windows 2000 version_580: INTEGER = 0x00050050 -- version_580 (Comctl32.dll) <=> Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 version_581: INTEGER = 0x00050051 -- version_581 (Comctl32.dll)<=> Microsoft Windows 2000 version_600: INTEGER = 0x00060000 -- version_600 (Comctl32.dll)<=> Microsoft Windows XP feature {NONE} -- Implementation internal_version: INTEGER -- Internal version as returned by Windows. once Result := cwin_get_version end feature {NONE} -- External cwin_get_version: INTEGER -- Return the version number of the current OS. -- The version number is packed. external "C (): DWORD | %"windows.h%"" alias "GetVersion" end cwin_get_version_ex (a_ptr: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Return the version info structure of the current OS. external "C inline use " alias "return EIF_TEST(GetVersionEx((LPOSVERSIONINFO) $a_ptr));" end cwin_get_dll_version (dll_name: POINTER): INTEGER -- Return the version number of the specified DLL. -- The version number is packed. external "C (LPCTSTR): DWORD | %"wel_dynload.h%"" end cwin_get_shell32dll_version: INTEGER -- Return the version number of the "shell32.dll" DLL. -- The version number is packed. external "C (): DWORD | %"wel_dynload.h%"" end cwin_get_comctl32dll_version: INTEGER -- Return the version number of the "Comctl32.dll" DLL. -- The version number is packed. external "C (): DWORD | %"wel_dynload.h%"" end cwin_get_shlwapidll_version: INTEGER -- Return the version number of the "Shlwapi.dll" DLL. -- The version number is packed. external "C (): DWORD | %"wel_dynload.h%"" end pack_version(major: INTEGER; minor: INTEGER): INTEGER external "C [ macro %"wel_dynload.h%"] " alias "PACKVERSION" end feature -- Obsolete is_windows95: BOOLEAN obsolete "use `is_windows_95' instead [2017-05-31]." do Result := is_windows_95 end is_windows98: BOOLEAN obsolete "use `is_windows_98' instead [2017-05-31]." do Result := is_windows_98 end is_windows2000: BOOLEAN obsolete "use `is_windows_2000' instead [2017-05-31]." do Result := is_windows_2000 end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class WEL_WINDOWS_VERSION