note description: "Summary description for {ZMQ_API}." status: "See notice at end of class." legal: "See notice at end of class." EIS: "name=API", "src=", "protocol=uri" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ZMQ feature -- Error handling errno: INTEGER -- Value of `errno' as set by ZMQ. external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_errno();" ensure is_class: class end strerror (an_errnum: INTEGER): POINTER -- C string describing error `an_errnum'. external "C inline use " alias "return (EIF_POINTER) zmq_strerror ((int)$an_errnum);" end feature -- General version (a_major, a_minor, a_patch: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]) external "C inline use " alias "[ int maj, min, patch; zmq_version (&maj, &min, &patch); *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_major = maj; *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_minor = min; *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_patch = patch; ]" end feature -- Context API ctx_new: POINTER -- ZMQ_EXPORT void *zmq_ctx_new (void); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_ctx_new();" ensure is_class: class end ctx_set (a_context: POINTER; a_option: INTEGER; a_value: INTEGER): INTEGER -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_ctx_set (void *context, int option_name, int option_value); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_ctx_set((void *) $a_context, (int) $a_option, (int) $a_value);" ensure is_class: class end ctx_get (a_context: POINTER; a_option: INTEGER): INTEGER -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_ctx_get (void *context, int option_name); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_ctx_get((void *) $a_context, (int) $a_option);" ensure is_class: class end ctx_destroy (a_context: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_ctx_destroy (void *context); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_ctx_destroy ((void *)$a_context);" ensure is_class: class end feature -- Socket API setsockopt (a_s: POINTER; an_option: INTEGER_32; an_optval: POINTER; an_optvallen: NATURAL_32): INTEGER_32 --ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_setsockopt (void *s, int option, const void *optval,size_t optvallen); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_setsockopt ((void *)$a_s, (int)$an_option, (const void *)$an_optval,(size_t)$an_optvallen);" ensure is_class: class end msg_init_size (a_msg: POINTER; a_size: NATURAL_32): INTEGER_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_msg_init_size (zmq_msg_t *msg, size_t size); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_msg_init_size ((zmq_msg_t *)$a_msg, (size_t)$a_size);" ensure is_class: class end send (a_s: POINTER; a_msg: POINTER; a_msg_length: INTEGER; a_flags: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_send (void *s, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_send ((void *) $a_s, (const void *) $a_msg, (size_t) $a_msg_length, (int)$a_flags);" ensure is_class: class end sendmsg (a_s: POINTER; a_msg: POINTER; a_flags: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 --ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_sendmsg (void *s, zmq_msg_t *msg, int flags); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_sendmsg ((void *)$a_s, (zmq_msg_t *)$a_msg, (int)$a_flags);" ensure is_class: class end msg_copy (a_dest: POINTER; a_src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_msg_copy (zmq_msg_t *dest, zmq_msg_t *src); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_msg_copy ((zmq_msg_t *)$a_dest, (zmq_msg_t *)$a_src);" end stopwatch_stop (a_watch: POINTER): NATURAL_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT unsigned long zmq_stopwatch_stop (void *watch_); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_stopwatch_stop ((void *)$a_watch);" end msg_close (a_msg: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_msg_close (zmq_msg_t *msg); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_msg_close((zmq_msg_t *)$a_msg);" ensure is_class: class end msg_size (a_msg: POINTER): NATURAL_64 -- ZMQ_EXPORT size_t zmq_msg_size (zmq_msg_t *msg); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_msg_size ((zmq_msg_t *)$a_msg);" ensure is_class: class end socket (a_context: POINTER; a_type: INTEGER_32): POINTER -- ZMQ_EXPORT void *zmq_socket (void *context, int type); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_socket ((void *)$a_context, (int)$a_type);" ensure is_class: class end close (a_s: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_close (void *s); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_close ((void *)$a_s);" ensure is_class: class end sleep (a_seconds: INTEGER_32) -- ZMQ_EXPORT void zmq_sleep (int seconds_); external "C inline use " alias "zmq_sleep ((int)$a_seconds);" ensure is_class: class end msg_init_data (a_msg: POINTER; a_data: POINTER; a_size: NATURAL_32; a_ffn: POINTER; a_hint: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_msg_init_data (zmq_msg_t *msg, void *data, size_t size, zmq_free_fn *ffn, void *hint); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_msg_init_data ((zmq_msg_t *)$a_msg, (void *)$a_data, (size_t)$a_size, (zmq_free_fn *)$a_ffn, (void *)$a_hint);" ensure is_class: class end connect (a_s: POINTER; an_addr: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_connect (void *s, const char *addr); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_connect ((void *)$a_s, (const char *)$an_addr);" ensure is_class: class end msg_data (a_msg: POINTER): POINTER -- ZMQ_EXPORT void *zmq_msg_data (zmq_msg_t *msg); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_msg_data ((zmq_msg_t *)$a_msg);" ensure is_class: class end bind (a_s: POINTER; an_addr: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_bind (void *s, const char *addr); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_bind ((void *)$a_s, (const char *)$an_addr);" ensure is_class: class end recv (a_s: POINTER; a_msg: POINTER; a_msg_length: INTEGER; a_flags: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_recv (void *s, void *buf, size_t len, int flags); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_recv ((void *)$a_s, (void *) $a_msg, (size_t) $a_msg_length, (int)$a_flags);" ensure is_class: class end msg_recv (a_msg: POINTER; a_s: POINTER; a_flags: INTEGER_32 ): INTEGER_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_msg_recv (zmq_msg_t *msg, void *s, int flags); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_msg_recv ((zmq_msg_t *)$a_msg, (void *)$a_s, (int)$a_flags);" ensure is_class: class end stopwatch_start: POINTER -- ZMQ_EXPORT void *zmq_stopwatch_start (); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_stopwatch_start ();" end poll (an_items: POINTER; a_nitems: INTEGER_32; a_timeout: INTEGER_32): INTEGER_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_poll (zmq_pollitem_t *items, int nitems, long timeout); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_poll ((zmq_pollitem_t *)$an_items, (int)$a_nitems, (long)$a_timeout);" ensure is_class: class end msg_move (a_dest: POINTER; a_src: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_msg_move (zmq_msg_t *dest, zmq_msg_t *src); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_msg_move ((zmq_msg_t *)$a_dest,(zmq_msg_t *)$a_src);" end msg_init (a_msg: POINTER): INTEGER_32 -- ZMQ_EXPORT int zmq_msg_init (zmq_msg_t *msg); external "C inline use " alias "return zmq_msg_init ((zmq_msg_t *)$a_msg);" ensure is_class: class end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class ZMQ_API