note description: "[ An ØMQ Context where ØMQ sockets live within. Each ØMQ socket lives within a specific context. Creating and destroying context is a counterpart of library initialisation/deinitialisation as used elsewhere. Ability to create multiple contexts saves the day when an application happens to link (indirectly and involuntarily) with several instances of ØMQ. Implementation notes: the fact that ØMQ can work in a threaded enviroment is currently hidden by this Liberty wrappers TODO: add support for pollability (ZMQ_POLL) ]" status: "See notice at end of class." legal: "See notice at end of class." EIS: "name=Sockets", "src=", "protocol=uri" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ZMQ_CONTEXT inherit WRAPPER_BASE rename make as make_base end create make feature {NONE} -- Creation make -- Context creation for non in-process communication. do is_configurable := True make_base ({ZMQ}.ctx_new) ensure is_configurable: is_configurable end feature -- Status report exists: BOOLEAN -- Is current properly initialized? do Result := item /= default_pointer end is_configurable: BOOLEAN -- Is current configurable? feature -- Access number_of_io_threads: INTEGER -- Number of I/O threads in the ZMQ thread pool. require exists: exists do Result := {ZMQ}.ctx_get (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.io_threads) check always_success: Result /= -1 end ensure number_of_io_threads_non_negative: Result >= 0 end maximum_number_of_sockets: INTEGER -- Maximum number of sockets allowed in current context. require exists: exists do Result := {ZMQ}.ctx_get (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.max_sockets) check always_success: Result /= -1 end ensure maximum_number_of_sockets_positive: Result > 0 end feature -- Element change set_number_of_io_threads (v: INTEGER) -- Set `number_of_io_threads' with `v'. require exists: exists v_non_negative: v >= 0 is_configurable: is_configurable local res: INTEGER do res := {ZMQ}.ctx_set (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.io_threads, v) check always_success: res /= -1 end ensure number_of_io_threads_set: number_of_io_threads = v end set_maximum_number_of_sockets (v: INTEGER) -- Set `maximum_number_of_sockets' with `v'. require exists: exists v_positive: v > 0 is_configurable: is_configurable local res: INTEGER do res := {ZMQ}.ctx_set (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.max_sockets, v) check always_success: res /= -1 end ensure maximum_number_of_sockets_set: maximum_number_of_sockets = v end feature -- Socket: Request-Replay Pattern new_req_socket: ZMQ_SOCKET -- A socket of type ZMQ_REQ is used by a client to send requests to and receive -- replies from a service. This socket type allows only an alternating sequence -- of zmq_send(request) and subsequent zmq_recv(reply) calls. Each request sent -- is round-robined among all services, and each reply received is matched with -- the last issued request. -- When a ZMQ_REQ socket enters the mute state due to having reached the high -- water mark for all services, or if there are no services at all, then any -- zmq_send(3) operations on the socket shall block until the mute state ends -- or at least one service becomes available for sending; messages are not discarded. -- Summary of ZMQ_REQ characteristics -- Compatible peer sockets: ZMQ_REP, ZMQ_ROUTER -- Direction: Bidirectional -- Send/receive pattern: Send, Receive, Send, Receive, . -- Outgoing routing strategy: Round-robin -- Incoming routing strategy: Last peer -- Action in mute state: Block require exists: exists do create Result.make ({ZMQ}.socket (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.req), {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.req) disable_configurable end new_rep_socket: ZMQ_SOCKET -- A socket of type ZMQ_REP is used by a service to receive requests from and send -- replies to a client. This socket type allows only an alternating sequence of -- zmq_recv(request) and subsequent zmq_send(reply) calls. Each request received -- is fair-queued from among all clients, and each reply sent is routed to the -- client that issued the last request. If the original requester doesn't exist -- any more the reply is silently discarded. -- When a ZMQ_REP socket enters the mute state due to having reached the high water -- mark for a client, then any replies sent to the client in question shall be -- dropped until the mute state ends. -- Summary of ZMQ_REP characteristics -- Compatible peer sockets: ZMQ_REQ, ZMQ_DEALER -- Direction: Bidirectional -- Send/receive pattern: Receive, Send, Receive, Send, . -- Incoming routing strategy: Fair-queued -- Outgoing routing strategy: Last peer -- Action in mute state: Drop require exists: exists do create Result.make ({ZMQ}.socket (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.rep), {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.rep) disable_configurable end new_dealer_socket: ZMQ_SOCKET -- A socket of type ZMQ_DEALER is an advanced pattern used for extending request/reply -- sockets. Each message sent is round-robined among all connected peers, and each -- message received is fair-queued from all connected peers. -- When a ZMQ_DEALER socket enters the mute state due to having reached the high water -- mark for all peers, or if there are no peers at all, then any zmq_send(3) operations -- on the socket shall block until the mute state ends or at least one peer becomes -- available for sending; messages are not discarded. -- When a ZMQ_DEALER socket is connected to a ZMQ_REP socket each message sent must -- consist of an empty message part, the delimiter, followed by one or more body parts. -- Summary of ZMQ_DEALER characteristics -- Compatible peer sockets: ZMQ_ROUTER, ZMQ_REP, ZMQ_DEALER -- Direction: Bidirectional -- Send/receive pattern: Unrestricted -- Outgoing routing strategy: Round-robin -- Incoming routing strategy: Fair-queued -- Action in mute state: Block require exists: exists do create Result.make ({ZMQ}.socket (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.dealer), {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.dealer) disable_configurable end new_router_socket: ZMQ_SOCKET -- A socket of type ZMQ_ROUTER is an advanced socket type used for extending -- request/reply sockets. When receiving messages a ZMQ_ROUTER socket shall -- prepend a message part containing the identity of the originating peer -- to the message before passing it to the application. Messages received -- are fair-queued from among all connected peers. When sending messages a -- ZMQ_ROUTER socket shall remove the first part of the message and use it -- to determine the identity of the peer the message shall be routed to. If -- the peer does not exist anymore the message shall be silently discarded -- by default, unless ZMQ_ROUTER_BEHAVIOR socket option is set to 1. -- When a ZMQ_ROUTER socket enters the mute state due to having reached the -- high water mark for all peers, then any messages sent to the socket shall -- be dropped until the mute state ends. Likewise, any messages routed to a -- peer for which the individual high water mark has been reached shall also -- be dropped. -- When a ZMQ_REQ socket is connected to a ZMQ_ROUTER socket, in addition to -- the identity of the originating peer each message received shall contain an -- empty delimiter message part. Hence, the entire structure of each received -- message as seen by the application becomes: one or more identity parts, -- delimiter part, one or more body parts. When sending replies to a ZMQ_REQ -- socket the application must include the delimiter part. -- Summary of ZMQ_ROUTER characteristics -- Compatible peer sockets: ZMQ_DEALER, ZMQ_REQ, ZMQ_ROUTER -- Direction: Bidirectional -- Send/receive pattern: Unrestricted -- Outgoing routing strategy: See text -- Incoming routing strategy: Fair-queued -- Action in mute state: Drop require exists: exists do create Result.make ({ZMQ}.socket (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.router), {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.router) disable_configurable end feature -- Socket: Publish-subscribe pattern new_pub_socket: ZMQ_SOCKET -- A socket of type ZMQ_PUB is used by a publisher to distribute data. -- Messages sent are distributed in a fan out fashion to all connected -- peers. The zmq_recv(3) function is not implemented for this socket type. -- When a ZMQ_PUB socket enters the mute state due to having reached the -- high water mark for a subscriber, then any messages that would be sent -- to the subscriber in question shall instead be dropped until the mute -- state ends. The zmq_send() function shall never block for this socket type. -- Summary of ZMQ_PUB characteristics -- Compatible peer sockets: ZMQ_SUB, ZMQ_XSUB -- Direction: Unidirectional -- Send/receive pattern: Send only -- Incoming routing strategy: N/A -- Outgoing routing strategy: Fan out -- Action in mute state: Drop require exists: exists do create Result.make ({ZMQ}.socket (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.pub), {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.pub) disable_configurable end new_sub_socket (a_filter: detachable STRING): ZMQ_SOCKET -- A socket of type ZMQ_SUB is used by a subscriber to subscribe to data -- distributed by a publisher. Initially a ZMQ_SUB socket is not subscribed -- to any messages, use the ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE option of zmq_setsockopt(3) to -- specify which messages to subscribe to. The zmq_send() function is not -- implemented for this socket type. -- Summary of ZMQ_SUB characteristics -- Compatible peer sockets: ZMQ_PUB, ZMQ_XPUB -- Direction: Unidirectional -- Send/receive pattern: Receive only -- Incoming routing strategy: Fair-queued -- Outgoing routing strategy: N/A -- Action in mute state: Drop require exists: exists valid_filter: attached a_filter implies a_filter.is_valid_as_string_8 local l_c_filter: C_STRING l_err: INTEGER do create Result.make ({ZMQ}.socket (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.sub), {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.sub) disable_configurable if a_filter /= Void then create l_c_filter.make (a_filter) else create l_c_filter.make ("") end l_err := {ZMQ}.setsockopt (Result.item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.subscribe, l_c_filter.item, l_c_filter.bytes_count.as_natural_32) check no_error: l_err = 0 end end new_xpub_socket: ZMQ_SOCKET -- Same as new_pub_socket except that you can receive subscriptions from -- the peers in form of incoming messages. Subscription message is a -- byte 1 (for subscriptions) or byte 0 (for unsubscriptions) -- followed by the subscription body. Messages without a sub/unsub -- prefix are also received, but have no effect on subscription status. -- Summary of ZMQ_XPUB characteristics -- Compatible peer sockets: ZMQ_SUB, ZMQ_XSUB -- Direction: Unidirectional -- Send/receive pattern: Send messages, receive subscriptions -- Incoming routing strategy: N/A -- Outgoing routing strategy: Fan out -- Action in mute state: Drop require exists: exists do create Result.make ({ZMQ}.socket (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.xpub), {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.xpub) disable_configurable end new_xsub_socket: ZMQ_SOCKET -- Same as new_pub_socket except that you subscribe by sending subscription -- messages to the socket. Subscription message is a byte 1 (for subscriptions) -- or byte 0 (for unsubscriptions) followed by the subscription body. Messages -- without a sub/unsub prefix may also be sent, but have no effect on subscription status. -- Summary of ZMQ_XSUB characteristics -- Compatible peer sockets: ZMQ_PUB, ZMQ_XPUB -- Direction: Unidirectional -- Send/receive pattern: Receive messages, send subscriptions -- Incoming routing strategy: Fair-queued -- Outgoing routing strategy: N/A -- Action in mute state: Drop require exists: exists do create Result.make ({ZMQ}.socket (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.xsub), {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.xsub) disable_configurable end feature -- Sockets: Pipeline pattern new_push_socket: ZMQ_SOCKET -- A socket of type ZMQ_PUSH is used by a pipeline node to send messages -- to downstream pipeline nodes. Messages are round-robined to all connected -- downstream nodes. The zmq_recv() function is not implemented for this -- socket type. -- When a ZMQ_PUSH socket enters the mute state due to having reached the -- high water mark for all downstream nodes, or if there are no downstream -- nodes at all, then any zmq_send(3) operations on the socket shall block -- until the mute state ends or at least one downstream node becomes -- available for sending; messages are not discarded. -- Summary of ZMQ_PUSH characteristics -- Compatible peer sockets: ZMQ_PULL -- Direction: Unidirectional -- Send/receive pattern: Send only -- Incoming routing strategy: N/A -- Outgoing routing strategy: Round-robin -- Action in mute state: Block require exists: exists do create Result.make ({ZMQ}.socket (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.push), {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.push) disable_configurable end new_pull_socket: ZMQ_SOCKET -- A socket of type ZMQ_PULL is used by a pipeline node to receive messages -- from upstream pipeline nodes. Messages are fair-queued from among all -- connected upstream nodes. The zmq_send() function is not implemented for this socket type. -- Summary of ZMQ_PULL characteristics -- Compatible peer sockets: ZMQ_PUSH -- Direction: Unidirectional -- Send/receive pattern: Receive only -- Incoming routing strategy: Fair-queued -- Outgoing routing strategy: N/A -- Action in mute state: Block require exists: exists do create Result.make ({ZMQ}.socket (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.pull),{ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.pull) disable_configurable end feature -- Sockets: Exclusive pair pattern new_pair_socket: ZMQ_SOCKET -- A socket of type ZMQ_PAIR can only be connected to a single peer at any one time. -- No message routing or filtering is performed on messages sent over a ZMQ_PAIR socket. -- When a ZMQ_PAIR socket enters the mute state due to having reached the high -- water mark for the connected peer, or if no peer is connected, then any zmq_send(3) -- operations on the socket shall block until the peer becomes available for sending; -- messages are not discarded. -- ZMQ_PAIR sockets are designed for inter-thread communication across the zmq_inproc(7) -- transport and do not implement functionality such as auto-reconnection. ZMQ_PAIR -- sockets are considered experimental and may have other missing or broken aspects. -- Summary of ZMQ_PAIR characteristics -- Compatible peer sockets: ZMQ_PAIR -- Direction: Bidirectional -- Send/receive pattern: Unrestricted -- Incoming routing strategy: N/A -- Outgoing routing strategy: N/A -- Action in mute state: Block require exists: exists do create Result.make ({ZMQ}.socket (item, {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.pair), {ZMQ_CONSTANTS}.pair) disable_configurable end feature {NONE} -- Implementation dispose -- local l_done: BOOLEAN do from l_done := item = default_pointer until l_done loop l_done := {ZMQ}.ctx_destroy (item) = 0 if not l_done then -- Only retry if we were interrupted. l_done := {ZMQ}.errno /= {ZMQ_ERROR_CODES}.eintr end end item := default_pointer end disable_configurable -- Disable configurability of context once sockets are created. do is_configurable := False end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2013, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end