note description: "Objects which start the ISE Eiffel compiler (out of process)" author: "Andreas Leitner" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class AUT_ISE_EIFFEL_COMPILER inherit ANY AUT_SHARED_REGISTRY export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_FILE_SYSTEM export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_OPERATING_SYSTEM export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT export {NONE} all end PROCESS_FACTORY export {NONE} all end create make, make_edition feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Create new eiffel compiler (standard edition) that will silently surpress all output. do ise_eiffel_edition_extension := "" end make_edition (an_edition_extension: STRING) -- Create new eiffel compiler (edition denoted by `an_edition_extension') that will silently surpress all output. require an_edition_extension /= Void do ise_eiffel_edition_extension := an_edition_extension end feature -- Status is_finalizing_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Should the compiler be run in finalize mode? -- The resulting executable will execute much faster, -- but lack debugging support. is_running: BOOLEAN -- Is compilation currently running? was_successful: BOOLEAN -- Was the last compilation successfull? require not_running: not is_running do Result := (ec_process /= Void) and then (ec_process.has_exited) and then (ec_process.exit_code = 0) and not has_error_message end feature -- Access output_handler: PROCEDURE [STRING] -- Output handler that will be invoked for any compiler output feature -- Status Settings enable_finalize -- Enable finalizing. require finalizing_disabled: not is_finalizing_enabled do is_finalizing_enabled := True ensure finalizing_enabled: is_finalizing_enabled end disable_finalize -- Disable finalizing. require finalizing_enabled: is_finalizing_enabled do is_finalizing_enabled := False ensure finalizing_disabled: not is_finalizing_enabled end feature -- Setting set_output_handler (an_output_handler: like output_handler) -- Set `output_handler' to `an_output_handler'. require an_output_handler_not_void: an_output_handler /= Void do output_handler := an_output_handler ensure output_handler_set: output_handler = an_output_handler end feature -- Execution run (a_working_directory: STRING; a_config_filename: STRING; a_system_name: STRING) -- Run ISE Eiffel compiler in directory `a_working_directory' -- compiling the system described via `an_config_file_name'. -- Do not block, but return as soon as compiler is running. require a_working_directory_not_void: a_working_directory /= Void a_config_filename_not_void: a_config_filename /= Void a_system_name_not_void: a_system_name /= Void not_running: not is_running do run_with_additional_arguments (a_working_directory, a_config_filename, a_system_name, create {ARRAYED_LIST [STRING]}.make (0)) end run_with_build_directory (a_working_directory: STRING; a_config_filename: STRING; a_system_name: STRING; a_build_directory: STRING) -- Run ISE Eiffel compiler in directory `a_working_directory' -- compiling the system described via `an_config_file_name'. -- Use `a_build_directory' as location for generated system (EIFGENs folder). -- Do not block, but return as soon as compiler is running. local l_argument_list: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] do create l_argument_list.make (10) l_argument_list.force ("-project_path") l_argument_list.force (a_build_directory) run_with_additional_arguments (a_working_directory, a_config_filename, a_system_name, l_argument_list) end run_with_additional_arguments (a_working_directory: STRING; a_config_filename: STRING; a_system_name: STRING; an_argument_list: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING]) -- Run with additional arguments given by `an_argument_list' require a_working_directory_not_void: a_working_directory /= Void a_config_filename_not_void: a_config_filename /= Void a_system_name_not_void: a_system_name /= Void not_running: not is_running an_argument_list_not_void: an_argument_list /= Void local l_argument_list: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] do create stdout_reader.make create stderr_reader.make has_error_message := False l_argument_list := an_argument_list.twin -- Add default arguments l_argument_list.force ("-batch") l_argument_list.force ("-c_compile") if is_finalizing_enabled then l_argument_list.force ("-finalize") l_argument_list.force ("-keep") end if a_config_filename.count > 4 then if a_config_filename.substring (a_config_filename.count - 3, a_config_filename.count).is_equal (".ace") then l_argument_list.force ("-ace") l_argument_list.force (a_config_filename) else l_argument_list.force ("-config") l_argument_list.force (a_config_filename) l_argument_list.force ("-target") l_argument_list.force (a_system_name) end ec_process := process_launcher (eiffel_compiler_executable_name, l_argument_list, a_working_directory) ec_process.set_buffer_size (4096) ec_process.enable_launch_in_new_process_group is_running := True ec_process.set_on_exit_handler (agent unset_running) ec_process.set_on_fail_launch_handler (agent unset_running) ec_process.set_hidden (True) ec_process.redirect_output_to_agent (agent stdout_reader.put_string) ec_process.redirect_error_to_agent (agent stderr_reader.put_string) ec_process.launch end end block -- Block until compilation stops. require is_running: is_running do if ec_process.is_running then ec_process.wait_for_exit process_output end end terminate -- Terminate current compilation. require is_running: is_running do if ec_process.is_running then ec_process.terminate process_output end end process_output -- Read text output from compiler and dispatch it to `output_handler'. -- Call this routine repeatedly until the compiler is no longer running. local quit: BOOLEAN line: STRING do from until quit loop stdout_reader.try_read_line if stdout_reader.has_read_line then line := stdout_reader.last_string else stderr_reader.try_read_line if stderr_reader.has_read_line then line := stderr_reader.last_string else quit := True end end -- Note: the following is a pretty hacky heuristic to determine whether an error occurred. -- So far this is the only way to get this information from 'ec', but in the future -- 'ec' will encode this information in the return value. When this is happens -- the below hack can go away. if line /= Void then if line.count >= 6 and then line.substring (1, 6).is_equal ("Error:") or line.count >= 12 and then line.substring (1, 12).is_equal ("Syntax Error") then has_error_message := True end ([line + "%N"]) line := Void end end end feature -- Constants eiffel_compiler_executable_name: STRING -- Name of the command line ISE eiffel compiler require ise_eiffel_installed: is_ise_eiffel_installed once Result := file_system.pathname (ise_eiffel_bin_path, "ec") if operating_system.is_windows then Result.append (".exe") end ensure executable_name_not_void: Result /= Void end is_ise_eiffel_installed: BOOLEAN -- Is ISE Eiffel installed on this computer? once if operating_system.is_windows then check registry_available: registry.is_available end Result := latest_ise_eiffel_key /= Void else Result := ise_eiffel_variable /= Void and ise_platform_variable /= Void end end ise_eiffel_path: STRING -- Path to ISE Eiffel directory require ise_eiffel_installed: is_ise_eiffel_installed once Result := ise_eiffel_variable if Result = Void and registry.is_available then Result := registry.string_value (latest_ise_eiffel_key + "\ISE_EIFFEL") end ensure path_not_void: Result /= Void end ise_eiffel_bin_path: STRING -- Path to ISE Eiffel directory require ise_eiffel_installed: is_ise_eiffel_installed once Result := file_system.nested_pathname (ise_eiffel_path, <<"studio", "spec", ise_platform_name, "bin">>) ensure path_not_void: Result /= Void path_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end ise_platform_name: STRING -- Platform name of current computer require ise_eiffel_installed: is_ise_eiffel_installed do if operating_system.is_windows then Result := "windows" else Result := ise_platform_variable end ensure name_not_void: Result /= Void name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end ise_eiffel_variable_name: STRING -- Name of ISE Eiffel environment variable once Result := "ISE_EIFFEL" ensure name_not_void: Result /= Void name_correct: Result.is_equal ("ISE_EIFFEL") end ise_eiffel_variable: STRING -- Content of environment variable ${ISE_EIFFEL}; -- `Void' if not set. once Result := execution_environment.variable_value (ise_eiffel_variable_name) end ise_platform_variable: STRING -- Content of environment variable ${ISE_PLATFORM}; -- `Void' if not set. once Result := execution_environment.variable_value ("ISE_PLATFORM") end feature {NONE} -- Implementation has_error_message: BOOLEAN -- Has an error message been printed? stdout_reader: AUT_THREAD_SAFE_LINE_READER -- Non blocking reader for compiler-stdout stderr_reader: AUT_THREAD_SAFE_LINE_READER -- Non blocking reader for compiler-stderr unset_running -- Set `is_running' to `False'. do is_running := False ensure not_running: not is_running end ise_eiffel_edition_extension: STRING -- Extension for the desired EiffelStudio edition to be used as compiler. -- NOTE: This does influence the search for `eiffel_compiler_executable_name' over the registry only ec_process: PROCESS -- 'ec' process ise_eiffel_common_root_key: STRING = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ISE" -- Key where ISE Eiffel installation will register themselves latest_ise_eiffel_key: STRING -- Registry key to the latest installed version of ISE Eiffel -- or `Void' if no version installed at all require registry_available: registry.is_available local list: DS_LINEAR [STRING] cs: DS_LINEAR_CURSOR [STRING] matcher: RX_PCRE_MATCHER version_string: STRING version_number: INTEGER max_version_number: INTEGER do create matcher.make matcher.compile ("Eiffel([0-9][0-9])" + ise_eiffel_edition_extension) check compiled_sucessfully: matcher.is_compiled end from list := registry.subkeys (ise_eiffel_common_root_key) cs := list.new_cursor cs.start until loop matcher.match (cs.item) if matcher.has_matched then check version_number_match: matcher.is_captured_substring_defined (1) end version_string := matcher.captured_substring (1) check valid_number: version_string.is_integer end version_number := version_string.to_integer if version_number > max_version_number then max_version_number := version_number Result := cs.item end end cs.forth end if Result /= Void then Result.prepend_character ('\') Result.prepend_string (ise_eiffel_common_root_key) end ensure key_not_empty: Result /= Void implies Result.count > 0 end invariant is_running_implies_ec_process_not_void: is_running implies (ec_process /= Void) ise_eiffel_edition_extension_not_void: ise_eiffel_edition_extension /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2011, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end