note description: "Constants used to identify Dotnet Exception" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "$Author$" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EIFNET_EXCEPTION_CODE_CONSTANTS feature {NONE} -- Exception code except_exception: INTEGER = 0x02000012 --| 33554450 |-- --except_ambiguousmatchexception: INTEGER is 0x020000DD --| 1711157331 |-- except_ambiguousmatchexception: INTEGER = 0x0200012D --| 33554733 |-- except_appdomainunloadedexception: INTEGER = 0x02000037 --| 33554487 |-- except_applicationexception: INTEGER = 0x02000025 --| 33554469 |-- except_argumentexception: INTEGER = 0x02000038 --| 33554488 |-- except_argumentnullexception: INTEGER = 0x02000039 --| 33554489 |-- except_argumentoutofrangeexception: INTEGER = 0x0200003A --| 33554490 |-- except_arithmeticexception: INTEGER = 0x0200003C --| 33554492 |-- except_arraytypemismatchexception: INTEGER = 0x0200003D --| 33554493 |-- except_badimageformatexception: INTEGER = 0x02000041 --| 33554497 |-- except_cannotunloadappdomainexception: INTEGER = 0x02000046 --| 33554502 |-- except_comexception: INTEGER = 0x020002B4 --| 33555124 |-- except_contextmarshalexception: INTEGER = 0x02000055 --| 33554517 |-- except_cryptographicexception: INTEGER = 0x02000216 --| 33554966 |-- except_cryptographicunexpectedoperationexception: INTEGER = 0x02000217 --| 33554967 |-- except_customattributeformatexception: INTEGER = 0x02000144 --| 33554756 |-- except_directorynotfoundexception: INTEGER = 0x0200031C --| 33555228 |-- except_dividebyzeroexception: INTEGER = 0x02000065 --| 33554533 |-- except_dllnotfoundexception: INTEGER = 0x0200006B --| 33554539 |-- except_duplicatewaitobjectexception: INTEGER = 0x02000067 --| 33554535 |-- except_endofstreamexception: INTEGER = 0x0200031D --| 33555229 |-- except_entrypointnotfoundexception: INTEGER = 0x0200006A --| 33554538 |-- except_executionengineexception: INTEGER = 0x02000019 --| 33554457 |-- except_externalexception: INTEGER = 0x020002B3 --| 33555123 |-- except_fieldaccessexception: INTEGER = 0x02000070 --| 33554544 |-- except_fileloadexception: INTEGER = 0x02000322 --| 33555234 |-- except_filenotfoundexception: INTEGER = 0x02000323 --| 33555235 |-- except_formatexception: INTEGER = 0x02000072 --| 33554546 |-- except_indexoutofrangeexception: INTEGER = 0x02000079 --| 33554553 |-- except_invalidcastexception: INTEGER = 0x0200007E --| 33554558 |-- except_invalidcomobjectexception: INTEGER = 0x020002C0 --| 33555136 |-- except_invalidfiltercriteriaexception: INTEGER = 0x02000151 --| 33554769 |-- except_invalidolevarianttypeexception: INTEGER = 0x020002C1 --| 33555137 |-- except_invalidoperationexception: INTEGER = 0x0200007F --| 33554559 |-- except_invalidprogramexception: INTEGER = 0x02000080 --| 33554560 |-- except_ioexception: INTEGER = 0x0200031B --| 33555227 |-- except_isolatedstorageexception: INTEGER = 0x020004CC --| 33555660 |-- except_marshaldirectiveexception: INTEGER = 0x020002CF --| 33555151 |-- except_memberaccessexception: INTEGER = 0x02000023 --| 33554467 |-- except_methodaccessexception: INTEGER = 0x02000087 --| 33554567 |-- except_missingfieldexception: INTEGER = 0x02000089 --| 33554569 |-- except_missingmanifestresourceexception: INTEGER = 0x020001DE --| 33554910 |-- except_missingmemberexception: INTEGER = 0x02000088 --| 33554568 |-- except_missingmethodexception: INTEGER = 0x0200008A --| 33554570 |-- except_multicastnotsupportedexception: INTEGER = 0x0200008B --| 33554571 |-- except_notfinitenumberexception: INTEGER = 0x0200008D --| 33554573 |-- except_notimplementedexception: INTEGER = 0x0200008E --| 33554574 |-- except_notsupportedexception: INTEGER = 0x0200008F --| 33554575 |-- except_nullreferenceexception: INTEGER = 0x02000090 --| 33554576 |-- except_objectdisposedexception: INTEGER = 0x02000092 --| 33554578 |-- except_outofmemoryexception: INTEGER = 0x02000017 --| 33554455 |-- except_overflowexception: INTEGER = 0x02000096 --| 33554582 |-- except_pathtoolongexception: INTEGER = 0x0200032B --| 33555243 |-- except_platformnotsupportedexception: INTEGER = 0x0200009A --| 33554586 |-- except_policyexception: INTEGER = 0x0200026B --| 33555051 |-- except_rankexception: INTEGER = 0x0200009C --| 33554588 |-- except_reflectiontypeloadexception: INTEGER = 0x02000163 --| 33554787 |-- except_remotingexception: INTEGER = 0x02000480 --| 33555584 |-- except_remotingtimeoutexception: INTEGER = 0x02000482 --| 33555586 |-- except_safearrayrankmismatchexception: INTEGER = 0x020002D4 --| 33555156 |-- except_safearraytypemismatchexception: INTEGER = 0x020002D5 --| 33555157 |-- except_securityexception: INTEGER = 0x020003AB --| 33555371 |-- except_sehexception: INTEGER = 0x020002D6 --| 33555158 |-- except_serializationexception: INTEGER = 0x02000189 --| 33554825 |-- except_serverexception: INTEGER = 0x02000481 --| 33555585 |-- except_stackoverflowexception: INTEGER = 0x02000018 --| 33554456 |-- except_synchronizationlockexception: INTEGER = 0x020000CC --| 33554636 |-- except_systemexception: INTEGER = 0x02000016 --| 33554454 |-- except_targetexception: INTEGER = 0x0200016C --| 33554796 |-- except_targetinvocationexception: INTEGER = 0x0200016D --| 33554797 |-- except_targetparametercountexception: INTEGER = 0x0200016E --| 33554798 |-- except_threadabortexception: INTEGER = 0x020000CF --| 33554639 |-- except_threadinterruptedexception: INTEGER = 0x020000D2 --| 33554642 |-- except_threadstateexception: INTEGER = 0x020000DB --| 33554651 |-- except_threadstopexception: INTEGER = 0x020000DD --| 33554653 |-- except_typeinitializationexception: INTEGER = 0x020000B0 --| 33554608 |-- except_typeloadexception: INTEGER = 0x02000069 --| 33554537 |-- except_typeunloadedexception: INTEGER = 0x02000052 --| 33554514 |-- except_unauthorizedaccessexception: INTEGER = 0x020000B5 --| 33554613 |-- except_verificationexception: INTEGER = 0x020003B0 --| 33555376 |-- except_xmlsyntaxexception: INTEGER = 0x02000363 --| 33555299 |-- feature exception_string_representation (a_code: INTEGER): STRING -- String representation for entry `a_code' do inspect a_code when except_ambiguousmatchexception then Result := "[0x0200012D] AmbiguousMatchException" when except_appdomainunloadedexception then Result := "[0x02000037] AppDomainunLoadedException" when except_applicationexception then Result := "[0x02000025] ApplicationException" when except_argumentexception then Result := "[0x02000038] ArgumentException" when except_argumentnullexception then Result := "[0x02000039] ArgumentNullException" when except_argumentoutofrangeexception then Result := "[0x0200003A] ArgumentOutOfRangeException" when except_arithmeticexception then Result := "[0x0200003C] ArithmeticException" when except_arraytypemismatchexception then Result := "[0x0200003D] ArrayTypeMismatchException" when except_badimageformatexception then Result := "[0x02000041] BadImageFormatException" when except_cannotunloadappdomainexception then Result := "[0x02000046] CannotUnloadAppDomainException" when except_comexception then Result := "[0x020002B4] ComException" when except_contextmarshalexception then Result := "[0x02000055] ContextMarshalException" when except_cryptographicexception then Result := "[0x02000216] CryptographicException" when except_cryptographicunexpectedoperationexception then Result := "[0x02000217] CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException" when except_customattributeformatexception then Result := "[0x02000144] CustomAttributeFormatException" when except_directorynotfoundexception then Result := "[0x0200031C] DirectoryNotFoundException" when except_dividebyzeroexception then Result := "[0x02000065] DivideByZeroException" when except_dllnotfoundexception then Result := "[0x0200006B] DllNotFoundException" when except_duplicatewaitobjectexception then Result := "[0x02000067] DuplicateWaitObjectException" when except_endofstreamexception then Result := "[0x0200031D] EndOfStreamException" when except_entrypointnotfoundexception then Result := "[0x0200006A] EntryPointNotFoundException" when except_exception then Result := "[0x02000012] Exception" when except_executionengineexception then Result := "[0x02000019] ExecutionEngineException" when except_externalexception then Result := "[0x020002B3] ExternalException" when except_fieldaccessexception then Result := "[0x02000070] FieldAccessException" when except_fileloadexception then Result := "[0x02000322] FileLoadException" when except_filenotfoundexception then Result := "[0x02000323] FileNotFoundException" when except_formatexception then Result := "[0x02000072] FormatException" when except_indexoutofrangeexception then Result := "[0x02000079] IndexOutOfRangeException" when except_invalidcastexception then Result := "[0x0200007E] InvalidCastException" when except_invalidcomobjectexception then Result := "[0x020002C0] InvalidComObjectException" when except_invalidfiltercriteriaexception then Result := "[0x02000151] InvalidFilterCriteriaException" when except_invalidolevarianttypeexception then Result := "[0x020002C1] InvalidOleVariantTypeException" when except_invalidoperationexception then Result := "[0x0200007F] InvalidOperationException" when except_invalidprogramexception then Result := "[0x02000080] InvalidProgramException" when except_ioexception then Result := "[0x0200031B] IOException" when except_isolatedstorageexception then Result := "[0x020004CC] IsolatedStorageException" when except_marshaldirectiveexception then Result := "[0x020002CF] MarshalDirectiveException" when except_memberaccessexception then Result := "[0x02000023] MemberAccessException" when except_methodaccessexception then Result := "[0x02000087] MethodAccessException" when except_missingfieldexception then Result := "[0x02000089] MissingFieldException" when except_missingmanifestresourceexception then Result := "[0x020001DE] MissingManifestResourceException" when except_missingmemberexception then Result := "[0x02000088] MissingMemberException" when except_missingmethodexception then Result := "[0x0200008A] MissingMethodException" when except_multicastnotsupportedexception then Result := "[0x0200008B] MultiCastNotSupportedException" when except_notfinitenumberexception then Result := "[0x0200008D] NotFiniteNumberException" when except_notimplementedexception then Result := "[0x0200008E] NotImplementedException" when except_notsupportedexception then Result := "[0x0200008F] NotSupportedException" when except_nullreferenceexception then Result := "[0x02000090] NullReferenceException" when except_objectdisposedexception then Result := "[0x02000092] ObjectDisposedException" when except_outofmemoryexception then Result := "[0x02000017] OutOfMemoryException" when except_overflowexception then Result := "[0x02000096] OverflowException" when except_pathtoolongexception then Result := "[0x0200032B] PathTooLongException" when except_platformnotsupportedexception then Result := "[0x0200009A] PlatFormnotSupportedException" when except_policyexception then Result := "[0x0200026B] PolicyException" when except_rankexception then Result := "[0x0200009C] RankException" when except_reflectiontypeloadexception then Result := "[0x02000163] ReflectionTypeLoadException" when except_remotingexception then Result := "[0x02000480] RemotingException" when except_remotingtimeoutexception then Result := "[0x02000482] RemotingTimeoutException" when except_safearrayrankmismatchexception then Result := "[0x020002D4] SafeArrayRankMismatchException" when except_safearraytypemismatchexception then Result := "[0x020002D5] SafeArrayTypeMismatchException" when except_securityexception then Result := "[0x020003AB] SecurityException" when except_sehexception then Result := "[0x020002D6] SehException" when except_serializationexception then Result := "[0x02000189] SerializationException" when except_serverexception then Result := "[0x02000481] ServerException" when except_stackoverflowexception then Result := "[0x02000018] StackOverflowException" when except_synchronizationlockexception then Result := "[0x020000CC] SynchronizationLockException" when except_systemexception then Result := "[0x02000016] SystemException" when except_targetexception then Result := "[0x0200016C] TargetException" when except_targetinvocationexception then Result := "[0x0200016D] TargetInvocationException" when except_targetparametercountexception then Result := "[0x0200016E] TargetParameterCountException" when except_threadabortexception then Result := "[0x020000CF] ThreadAbortException" when except_threadinterruptedexception then Result := "[0x020000D2] ThreadInterruptedException" when except_threadstateexception then Result := "[0x020000DB] ThreadStateException" when except_threadstopexception then Result := "[0x020000DD] ThreadStopException" when except_typeinitializationexception then Result := "[0x020000B0] TypeInitializationException" when except_typeloadexception then Result := "[0x02000069] TypeLoadException" when except_typeunloadedexception then Result := "[0x02000052] TypeUnloadedException" when except_unauthorizedaccessexception then Result := "[0x020000B5] UnauthorizedAccessException" when except_verificationexception then Result := "[0x020003B0] VerificationException" when except_xmlsyntaxexception then Result := "[0x02000363] XmlSyntaxException" else Result := "Unknown Exception" end ensure Result_attached: Result /= Void end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2009, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end