note description: "[ Encapsulation of ISymUnmanagedWriter COM interface to create PDB files for CLI images. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class DBG_WRITER inherit COM_OBJECT export {DBG_DOCUMENT_WRITER, DBG_WRITER_I} item end DBG_WRITER_I create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (emitter: MD_EMIT_I; name: CLI_STRING; full_build: BOOLEAN) -- Create a new SymUnmanagedWriter object using `emitter' in a file `name'. do -- Initialize COM. (create {CLI_COM}).initialize_com make_by_pointer (c_new_sym_writer) if attached {MD_EMIT} emitter as e then last_call_success := c_initialize (item, e.item, name.item, default_pointer, full_build) else check is_expected_emitter: False end end is_closed := False ensure not_is_closed: not is_closed item_set: item /= default_pointer end feature -- Update close (a_pe_file: detachable CLI_PE_FILE) -- Stop all processing on current. do last_call_success := c_close (item) is_closed := True end close_method -- Close current method. do last_call_success := c_close_method (item) end open_method (a_meth_token: INTEGER) -- Open method `a_meth_token'. do last_call_success := c_open_method (item, a_meth_token) end open_scope (start_offset: INTEGER) -- Create a new scope for defining local variables. local l_scope_id: INTEGER do last_call_success := c_open_scope (item, start_offset, $l_scope_id) end close_scope (end_offset: INTEGER) -- Close most recently opened scope. do last_call_success := c_close_scope (item, end_offset) end open_local_signature (a_doc: DBG_DOCUMENT_WRITER_I; a_token: INTEGER) -- Open Local signature token for the current method token. do -- Not implemented for COM interface. last_call_success := 0 end close_local_signature (a_doc: DBG_DOCUMENT_WRITER_I) -- Close local signature fo the current Method. do -- Not implemented for COM interface. last_call_success := 0 end feature -- PE file data codeview_debug_info (a_dbg_directory: CLI_DEBUG_DIRECTORY): MANAGED_POINTER -- Retrieve debug info required to be inserted in PE file. local l_count: INTEGER l_data: MANAGED_POINTER do create l_data.make (1024) last_call_success := c_debug_info (item, a_dbg_directory.item, l_data.count, $l_count, l_data.item) create Result.make (l_count) Result.item.memory_copy (l_data.item, l_count) end checksum_debug_info (a_dbg_directory: CLI_DEBUG_DIRECTORY): MANAGED_POINTER -- Retrieve checksum info required to be inserted in PE file. do -- Not implemented for COM interface. create Result.make (0) end feature -- Status report is_closed: BOOLEAN -- Can further operation be applied on Current? feature -- Definition define_document (url: CLI_STRING; language, vendor, doc_type: CIL_GUID): DBG_DOCUMENT_WRITER_I -- Create a new document writer needed to generated debug info. local p: POINTER do last_call_success := c_define_document (item, url.item, language.item.item, vendor.item.item, doc_type.item.item, $p) check p_not_null: p /= default_pointer end create {DBG_DOCUMENT_WRITER} Result.make (Current, p) end define_sequence_points (document: DBG_DOCUMENT_WRITER_I; count: INTEGER; offsets, start_lines, start_columns, end_lines, end_columns: ARRAY [INTEGER]) -- Set sequence points for `document' local j, n: INTEGER_32 do -- debug ("il_emitter_dbg") print (generator + ".define_sequence_points (doc, " + count.out + ", ") if count > 0 then j := 0 across <> as arr loop print (", ") j := j + 1 inspect j when 2 then print ("# start_lines") when 3 then print ("# start_columns") when 4 then print ("# end_lines") when 5 then print ("# end_columns") else print ("# ") end print ("[") n := 0 across arr as i until n >= count loop print (i.out) n := n + 1 if n < count then print (",") end end print ("]") end else print (",,,,,") end print (")%N") -- end; document.define_sequence_points (count, offsets, start_lines, start_columns, end_lines, end_columns) if attached {DBG_DOCUMENT_WRITER} document as doc then last_call_success := doc.last_call_success else check expected_dbg_document_writer: False end end end define_local_variable (name: CLI_STRING; pos: INTEGER; signature: MD_TYPE_SIGNATURE) -- Define local variable `name' at position `pos' in current method using -- `signature' of current method. do last_call_success := c_define_local_variable (item, name.item, 0, signature.count, signature.item.item, 1, pos, 0, 0, 0, 0) end define_parameter (name: CLI_STRING; pos: INTEGER) -- Define parameter `name' at position `pos' in current method. do last_call_success := c_define_parameter (item, name.item, 0, pos, 1, pos, 0, 0) end feature -- Settings set_user_entry_point (entry_point_token: INTEGER) -- Set `entry_point_token' as entry point. do last_call_success := c_set_user_entry_point (item, entry_point_token) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation c_new_sym_writer: POINTER -- Create a new instance of ISymUnmanagedWriter implementation. external "C use %"cli_writer.h%"" alias "new_sym_writer" end c_close (an_item: POINTER): INTEGER -- Call `ISymUnmanagedWriter->Close'. external "C++ ISymUnmanagedWriter signature : EIF_INTEGER use %"cli_headers.h%"" alias "Close" end c_close_method (an_item: POINTER): INTEGER -- Call `ISymUnmanagedWriter->CloseMethod'. external "C++ ISymUnmanagedWriter signature : EIF_INTEGER use %"cli_headers.h%"" alias "CloseMethod" end c_close_scope (an_item: POINTER; end_offset: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Call `ISymUnmanagedWriter->CloseScope'. external "C++ ISymUnmanagedWriter signature (ULONG32): EIF_INTEGER use %"cli_headers.h%"" alias "CloseScope" end c_debug_info (an_item: POINTER; debug_directory: POINTER; input_data_size: INTEGER; output_data_size: POINTER; data: POINTER): INTEGER -- Call `ISymUnmanagedWriter->GetDebugInfo'. external "[ C++ ISymUnmanagedWriter signature (IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY *, DWORD, DWORD *, BYTE *): EIF_INTEGER use "cli_headers.h" ]" alias "GetDebugInfo" end c_define_document (an_item: POINTER; name: POINTER; lang_guid, lang_vendor, doc_type: POINTER; sym_writer: POINTER): INTEGER -- Call `ISymUnmanagedWriter->DefineDocument'. external "[ C++ ISymUnmanagedWriter signature (LPWSTR, GUID *, GUID *, GUID *, ISymUnmanagedDocumentWriter **): EIF_INTEGER use "cli_headers.h" ]" alias "DefineDocument" end c_define_local_variable (an_item: POINTER; name: POINTER; attributes, signature_length: INTEGER; signature: POINTER; Addresskind, local_pos, unused2, unused3, start_offset, end_offset: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Call `ISymUnmanagedWriter->DefineLocalVariable'. external "[ C++ ISymUnmanagedWriter signature (LPWSTR, ULONG32, ULONG32, unsigned char *, ULONG32, ULONG32, ULONG32, ULONG32, ULONG32, ULONG32): EIF_INTEGER use "cli_headers.h" ]" alias "DefineLocalVariable" end c_define_parameter (an_item: POINTER; name: POINTER; attributes, param_pos: INTEGER; Addresskind, unused1, unused2, unused3: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Call `ISymUnmanagedWriter->DefineParameter'. external "[ C++ ISymUnmanagedWriter signature (LPWSTR, ULONG32, ULONG32, ULONG32, ULONG32, ULONG32, ULONG32): EIF_INTEGER use "cli_headers.h" ]" alias "DefineParameter" end c_define_sequence_points (an_item: POINTER; document: POINTER; count: INTEGER; offsets, lines, columns, end_lines, end_columns: POINTER): INTEGER -- Call `ISymUnmanagedWriter->DefineSequencePoints'. external "[ C++ ISymUnmanagedWriter signature (ISymUnmanagedDocumentWriter *, ULONG32, ULONG32 *, ULONG32 *, ULONG32 *, ULONG32 *, ULONG32 *): EIF_INTEGER use "cli_headers.h" ]" alias "DefineSequencePoints" end c_initialize (an_item: POINTER; md_emitter: POINTER; filename: POINTER; stream: POINTER; full_build: BOOLEAN): INTEGER -- Call `ISymUnmanagedWriter->Initialize'. external "[ C++ ISymUnmanagedWriter signature (IUnknown *, LPWSTR, IStream *, BOOL): EIF_INTEGER use "cli_headers.h" ]" alias "Initialize" end c_open_method (an_item: POINTER; method_token: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Call `ISymUnmanagedWriter->OpenMethod'. external "C++ ISymUnmanagedWriter signature (mdMethodDef): EIF_INTEGER use %"cli_headers.h%"" alias "OpenMethod" end c_open_scope (an_item: POINTER; start_offset: INTEGER; scope_id: POINTER): INTEGER -- Call `ISymUnmanagedWriter->OpenScope'. external "[ C++ ISymUnmanagedWriter signature (ULONG32, ULONG32 *): EIF_INTEGER use "cli_headers.h" ]" alias "OpenScope" end c_set_user_entry_point (an_item: POINTER; token: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Call `ISymUnmanagedWriter->SetUserEntryPoint'. external "[ C++ ISymUnmanagedWriter signature (ULONG32): EIF_INTEGER use "cli_headers.h" ]" alias "SetUserEntryPoint" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2024, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class DBG_WRITER