note description: "Merge partial classes into one" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EPC_MERGER inherit SHARED_ERROR_HANDLER redefine default_create end INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER undefine default_create end feature {NONE} -- Initialization default_create -- Create. do create class_text.make_empty line_return := Default_line_return error_message := Void end feature -- Access class_text: STRING -- Resulting class text error_message: detachable STRING_32 -- Error message if any feature -- Status Report successful: BOOLEAN -- Was last call to `merge' successful? ast_from_file (a_file: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable CLASS_AS -- AST from text in file `a_file' if syntactically correct -- Otherwise set `successful' to False and initialize `error_message' require attached_file: a_file /= Void local l_errors: detachable LIST [ERROR] l_new_pragma: STRING l_index: INTEGER l_match_list: detachable LEAF_AS_LIST l_retried: BOOLEAN l_file: KL_BINARY_INPUT_FILE gobo: GOBO_FILE_UTILITIES e: like error_message do if not l_retried then l_file := gobo.make_binary_input_file (a_file) l_file.open_read roundtrip_eiffel_parser.parse (l_file) l_file.close Result := roundtrip_eiffel_parser.root_node if Result = Void then successful := False l_errors := Error_handler.error_list if l_errors /= Void and then not l_errors.is_empty then if attached {SYNTAX_ERROR} l_errors.first as l_syntax_error then create e.make (256) error_message := e e.append ({STRING_32} "Syntax error at line ") e.append_string_general (l_syntax_error.line.out) if not l_syntax_error.error_message.is_empty then e.append ({STRING_32} ": ") e.append_string_general (l_syntax_error.error_message) end else error_message := {STRING_32} "Syntax error" end else error_message := {STRING_32} "Syntax error" end else analyze_file (a_file) if attached first_line_pragma as l_first_line_pragma and attached Result.features as l_features then l_index := l_first_line_pragma.index_of ('"', 1) if l_index > 0 then l_match_list := roundtrip_eiffel_parser.match_list if l_match_list /= Void then create l_new_pragma.make (300) l_new_pragma.append ("--#line ") if attached l_features.first_token (l_match_list) as first_token then l_new_pragma.append ((first_token.line - 1).out) end l_new_pragma.append (l_first_line_pragma.substring (l_index - 1, l_first_line_pragma.count)) l_new_pragma.append (line_return) l_features.prepend_text (l_new_pragma, l_match_list) else check has_match_list: False end end end end successful := True error_message := Void end else successful := False error_message := {STRING_32} "Could not open file " + a_file.to_string_32 end rescue l_retried := True retry end merge (a_file_names: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]) -- Merge content of files in `a_file_names' into one class. -- `a_file_names': Files to be merged. require attached_file_names: a_file_names /= Void valid_file_names: not a_file_names.is_empty -- Contain source for same class local l_ast, l_new_ast: detachable CLASS_AS l_match_list, l_new_match_list: detachable LEAF_AS_LIST l_is_deferred, l_is_expanded, l_is_once: BOOLEAN do successful := False error_message := Void create class_text.make_empty a_file_names.start l_ast := ast_from_file (a_file_names.item) if successful and then l_ast /= Void then l_match_list := roundtrip_eiffel_parser.match_list if l_match_list /= Void and then l_ast.is_partial and then attached l_ast.class_keyword (l_match_list) as class_keyword then class_keyword.replace_text ("class", l_match_list) end l_is_deferred := l_ast.is_deferred l_is_expanded := l_ast.is_expanded l_is_once := l_ast.is_once from a_file_names.forth until a_file_names.after or not successful loop l_new_ast := ast_from_file (a_file_names.item) if successful and then l_new_ast /= Void then l_new_match_list := roundtrip_eiffel_parser.match_list l_is_deferred := l_is_deferred or l_new_ast.is_deferred l_is_expanded := l_is_expanded or l_new_ast.is_expanded l_is_once := l_is_once or l_new_ast.is_once if l_match_list /= Void and l_new_match_list /= Void then append_features (l_match_list, l_new_match_list, l_ast, l_new_ast) append_invariants (l_match_list, l_new_match_list, l_ast, l_new_ast) merge_inheritance_clauses (l_match_list, l_new_match_list, l_ast, l_new_ast) append_indexing_clauses (l_match_list, l_new_match_list, l_ast, l_new_ast) merge_creation_routines (l_match_list, l_new_match_list, l_ast, l_new_ast) else check successful_implies_match_list_attached: False end end else check successful implies l_new_ast /= Void end end a_file_names.forth end if successful and l_match_list /= Void then if not l_ast.is_deferred and l_is_deferred and then attached l_ast.class_keyword (l_match_list) as class_keyword then class_keyword.prepend_text ("deferred ", l_match_list) end if not l_ast.is_expanded and l_is_expanded and then attached l_ast.class_keyword (l_match_list) as class_keyword then class_keyword.prepend_text ("expanded ", l_match_list) end if not l_ast.is_once and l_is_once and then attached l_ast.class_keyword (l_match_list) as class_keyword then class_keyword.prepend_text ("once ", l_match_list) end class_text := l_ast.text (l_match_list) else check successful implies l_match_list /= Void end end end ensure successful_if_attached_class_text_and_name: successful = (not class_text.is_empty) error_message_void_iff_successful: successful = (error_message = Void) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation append_features (a_match_list, a_new_match_list: LEAF_AS_LIST; a_ast, a_new_ast: CLASS_AS) -- Append features in `l_match_list' and `l_ast' to `l_new_ast'. require attached_match_list: a_match_list /= Void attached_new_match_list: a_new_match_list /= Void attached_ast: a_ast /= Void attached_new_ast: a_new_ast /= Void do if attached a_new_ast.features as l_new_features then if attached a_ast.features as l_features then l_features.append_text (l_new_features.text (a_new_match_list), a_match_list) elseif attached a_new_ast.features as features then post_features_ast (a_ast).prepend_text (features.text (a_new_match_list), a_match_list) end end end post_features_ast (a_ast: CLASS_AS): AST_EIFFEL -- First node after 'feature' keyword require attached_ast: a_ast /= Void do if attached a_ast.invariant_part as l_invariant_part then Result := l_invariant_part elseif attached a_ast.bottom_indexes as l_bottom_indexes then Result := l_bottom_indexes else Result := a_ast.end_keyword end ensure attached_ast: Result /= Void end append_invariants (a_match_list, a_new_match_list: LEAF_AS_LIST; a_ast, a_new_ast: CLASS_AS) -- Append invariants in `l_match_list' and `l_ast' to `l_new_ast'. require attached_match_list: a_match_list /= Void attached_new_match_list: a_new_match_list /= Void attached_ast: a_ast /= Void attached_new_ast: a_new_ast /= Void do if attached a_new_ast.invariant_part as l_new_invariant then if attached a_ast.internal_invariant as l_invariant then if attached l_invariant.full_assertion_list as l_list and then not l_list.is_empty and then l_list.i_th (l_list.count).expr = Void then l_list.i_th (l_list.count).replace_text ("", a_match_list) end l_invariant.append_text (line_return, a_match_list) l_invariant.append_text ("%T", a_match_list) if attached l_new_invariant.assertion_list as l then l_invariant.append_text (l.text (a_new_match_list), a_match_list) end elseif attached a_ast.features as features then features.append_text (l_new_invariant.text (a_new_match_list) + line_return, a_match_list) end end end merge_inheritance_clauses (a_match_list, a_new_match_list: LEAF_AS_LIST; a_ast, a_new_ast: CLASS_AS) -- Merge inheritance clauses in `l_match_list' and `l_ast' into `l_new_ast'. require attached_match_list: a_match_list /= Void attached_new_match_list: a_new_match_list /= Void attached_ast: a_ast /= Void attached_new_ast: a_new_ast /= Void do (create {ERT_PARENT_LIST_MODIFIER}.make (a_ast, a_match_list, a_new_ast, a_new_match_list)).apply end append_indexing_clauses (a_match_list, a_new_match_list: LEAF_AS_LIST; a_ast, a_new_ast: CLASS_AS) -- Append indexing clauses in `l_match_list' and `l_ast' to `l_new_ast'. require attached_match_list: a_match_list /= Void attached_new_match_list: a_new_match_list /= Void attached_ast: a_ast /= Void attached_new_ast: a_new_ast /= Void local l_mod: ERT_EIFFEL_LIST_MODIFIER l_count: INTEGER do if attached a_new_ast.top_indexes as l_new_indexes then if attached a_ast.internal_top_indexes as l_indexes then l_count := l_indexes.count create l_mod.make (l_indexes, a_match_list) l_mod.set_separator_32 (line_return + "%T") from l_new_indexes.start until l_new_indexes.after loop l_mod.append (l_new_indexes.item.text (a_new_match_list)) l_new_indexes.forth end l_mod.apply elseif attached a_ast.first_token (a_match_list) as first_token then first_token.prepend_text (l_new_indexes.text (a_new_match_list) + line_return + line_return, a_match_list) end end end merge_creation_routines (a_match_list, a_new_match_list: LEAF_AS_LIST; a_ast, a_new_ast: CLASS_AS) -- Append creation routines in `l_match_list' and `l_ast' to `l_new_ast'. require attached_match_list: a_match_list /= Void attached_new_match_list: a_new_match_list /= Void attached_ast: a_ast /= Void attached_new_ast: a_new_ast /= Void local l_mod: ERT_EIFFEL_LIST_MODIFIER l_new_creator: CREATE_AS l_index: INTEGER do if attached a_new_ast.creators as l_new_creators then if attached a_ast.creators as l_creators then from l_new_creators.start until l_new_creators.after loop l_new_creator := l_new_creators.item l_index := equiv_client_index (l_new_creator, l_creators) if l_index <= 0 then create l_mod.make (l_creators, a_match_list) l_mod.set_separator_32 (line_return) l_mod.append (l_new_creator.text (a_new_match_list)) l_mod.apply elseif attached l_creators.i_th (l_index).feature_list as l_list then create l_mod.make (l_list, a_match_list) l_mod.set_separator_32 (", ") if attached l_new_creator.feature_list as l_new_list then across l_new_list as n loop l_mod.append (n.text (a_new_match_list)) end end l_mod.apply end l_new_creators.forth end elseif attached a_ast.features as features then features.prepend_text (l_new_creators.text (a_new_match_list) + line_return + line_return, a_match_list) end end end equiv_client_index (a_creator: CREATE_AS; a_creators: EIFFEL_LIST [CREATE_AS]): INTEGER -- Index in `l_creators' of create_as with equivalient client export, -- 0 if none. require attached_creator: a_creator /= Void attached_creators: a_creators /= Void local l_clients, l_other_clients: detachable CLIENT_AS do from l_clients := a_creator.clients a_creators.start until a_creators.after or (Result > 0) loop l_other_clients := a_creators.item.clients if (l_other_clients = Void) and (l_clients = Void) or ((l_other_clients /= Void) and then (l_clients /= Void) and then l_other_clients.is_equiv (l_clients)) then Result := a_creators.index end a_creators.forth end ensure Definition: (Result > 0) implies ( (a_creators.i_th (Result).clients = Void and a_creator.clients = Void) or (attached a_creators.i_th (Result).clients as el_i_th_client and then attached a_creator.clients as el_clients and then el_i_th_client.is_equiv (el_clients) ) ) end analyze_file (a_file_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Analyze file located at `a_file_path'. -- Set `line_return' accordingly. -- Set `first_line_pragma' accodingly. require attached_path: a_file_path /= Void local l_retried, l_done: BOOLEAN l_file: RAW_FILE l_read: STRING c: INTEGER_8 do line_return := Default_line_return first_line_pragma := Void if not l_retried then create l_file.make_with_name (a_file_path) if l_file.exists then l_file.open_read if l_file.count > 8 then from create l_read.make (1024) until l_done loop l_file.read_integer_8 c := l_file.last_integer_8 if c = 13 then l_file.read_integer_8 if l_file.last_integer_8 = 10 then line_return := "%R%N" l_done := True else l_read.append_character (c.to_character_8) l_read.append_character (l_file.last_integer_8.to_character_8) end elseif c = 10 then line_return := "%N" l_done := True elseif c = -1 then l_done := True else l_read.append_character (c.to_character_8) end end if l_read.substring_index ("--#line ", 1) = 1 then first_line_pragma := l_read end end l_file.close end end rescue l_retried := True retry end feature {NONE} -- Onces roundtrip_eiffel_parser: EIFFEL_PARSER -- Shared instance of roundtrip parser once create Result.make_with_factory (create {AST_ROUNDTRIP_FACTORY}) Result.set_il_parser -- This is to accept class alias syntax ensure attached_eiffel_parser: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Private Access line_return: STRING -- String to use for line returns (i.e. "%N" or "%R%N") first_line_pragma: detachable STRING -- First line pragma of last partial class analyzed with `ast_from_file' if any Default_line_return: STRING = "%R%N" -- Default line return in case `analyze' fails. -- Use Windows convention as partial classes have more chances to be used on that platform. invariant successful_iff_attached_class_text_and_name: successful = (class_text /= Void) error_message_void_iff_successful: successful = (error_message = Void) valid_line_return: line_return.same_string ("%N") or line_return.same_string ("%R%N") valid_first_line_pragma: attached first_line_pragma as p implies p.substring (1, 8).is_equal ("--#line ") note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end