note description: "[ Box containing the result for library search. ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EIFFEL_SEARCH_ITEMS_BOX [G -> ES_LIBRARY_PROVIDER_ITEM] inherit CONF_GUI_INTERFACE_CONSTANTS SHARED_BENCH_NAMES create make convert widget: {EV_WIDGET} feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_target: like target) do target := a_target create on_item_selected_actions create on_item_deselected_actions create box build_interface (box) end build_interface (b: EV_VERTICAL_BOX) local g: like grid l_col: EV_GRID_COLUMN do create g grid := g g.enable_always_selected g.enable_single_row_selection g.set_column_count_to (last_column) l_col := g.column (name_column) l_col.set_title (conf_interface_names.dialog_create_library_name) l_col.set_width (100) l_col := g.column (status_column) l_col.set_title (conf_interface_names.dialog_create_library_status) l_col.set_width (100) l_col := g.column (info_column) l_col.set_title (conf_interface_names.dialog_create_library_information) l_col.set_width (100) g.disable_border g.disable_row_height_fixed -- g.set_row_height (5 * g.row_height // 4) g.enable_row_separators g.enable_column_separators b.extend (g) grid := g end feature -- Access widget: EV_WIDGET -- Widget representing Current box. do Result := box end target: CONF_TARGET -- Target where we add the group. items: detachable LIST [G] assign set_items -- CONF_SYSTEM_VIEW indexed by path. feature -- Change set_items (a_lst: like items) do items := a_lst end select_row_by_value (p: ANY) local g: like grid i, n: INTEGER l_done: BOOLEAN do g := grid n := g.row_count if n > 0 then from i := 1 until l_done or i > n loop if attached g.row (i) as r and then attached {G} as l_search_item then if l_search_item.value = p then l_done := True r.ensure_visible r.enable_select end end i := i + 1 end end end feature -- Callback on_item_selected (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; a_item: G) -- Called when an item is selected. do ([a_item]) end on_item_deselected (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; a_item: G) -- Called when an item is deselected.. do ([a_item]) end on_item_selected_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [TUPLE [data: G]] -- Actions to be triggered when a package is selected. on_item_deselected_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [TUPLE [data: G]] -- Actions to be triggered when a package is deselected. feature -- Event hide do widget.hide end show do end set_focus do grid.set_focus end set_minimum_size (w,h: INTEGER) do grid.set_minimum_size (w, h) end update_grid -- Update grid require populated_items_attached: items /= Void local lst: like items g: like grid l_row: EV_GRID_ROW l_col: EV_GRID_COLUMN l_widths: ARRAY [INTEGER] i: INTEGER l_width: INTEGER do g := grid g.remove_and_clear_all_rows lst := items if lst /= Void and then lst.count > 0 then -- Build item widgets g.set_row_count_to (lst.count) from create l_widths.make_filled (0, name_column, last_column) i := 0 lst.start until lst.after loop i := i + 1 check same_index: i = lst.index end l_row := g.row (i) if attached lst.item as l_search_item then l_row.set_data (l_search_item) compute_grid_row (l_row, l_widths) l_row.select_actions.extend (agent on_item_selected (l_row, l_search_item)) l_row.deselect_actions.extend (agent on_item_deselected (l_row, l_search_item)) end lst.forth end l_col := g.column (info_column) l_col.resize_to_content l_col.set_width (l_col.width + 3) l_col := g.column (name_column) l_width := l_widths[name_column] if l_col.width < l_width then l_col.set_width (l_width) end end end compute_grid_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; a_max_widths: ARRAY [INTEGER]) local l_item: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM do if attached {G} as l_data then if attached {CONF_SYSTEM_VIEW} l_data.value as l_cfg_data then compute_conf_system_grid_row (l_data, l_cfg_data, a_row, a_max_widths) elseif attached {IRON_PACKAGE} l_data.value as l_iron_package then compute_iron_package_grid_row (l_data, l_iron_package, a_row, a_max_widths) elseif attached {LIBRARY_INFO} l_data.value as l_info then compute_library_info_grid_row (l_data, l_info, a_row, a_max_widths) else create l_item.make_with_text ("Score is " + l_data.score.out) l_item.align_text_top a_row.set_item (name_column, l_item) end --DEBUG a_row.item (1).set_tooltip (l_data.score.out) if attached a_row.item (name_column) as i then a_max_widths[name_column] := (a_max_widths[name_column]).max (i.required_width + 10) end end end compute_conf_system_grid_row (a_data: G; a_cfg_data: CONF_SYSTEM_VIEW; a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; a_max_widths: ARRAY [INTEGER_32]) local l_item: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM l_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_description: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 l_name_item: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM l_information: STRING_32 l_tags_text: detachable STRING_32 nb_lines: INTEGER do l_path := a_cfg_data.original_location -- Extract description l_description := a_cfg_data.description if (l_description = Void or else l_description.is_empty) and then attached {READABLE_STRING_GENERAL} ("description") as l_info_description then l_description := l_info_description.as_string_32 end -- Library name create l_name_item.make_with_text (a_cfg_data.system_name) if l_path.starts_with ("iron:") then l_name_item.set_pixmap (conf_pixmaps.library_iron_library_icon) else l_name_item.set_pixmap (conf_pixmaps.new_library_icon) end if l_description = Void or else l_description.is_empty then l_name_item.set_tooltip (once "No description available") else l_name_item.set_tooltip (l_description) end l_name_item.align_text_top a_row.set_item (name_column, l_name_item) -- Void safety status. if attached a_cfg_data.conf_option as l_options then create l_item.make_with_text (conf_interface_names.option_void_safety_value [l_options.void_safety.index] + {STRING_32} " " + conf_interface_names.option_void_safety_name) l_item.set_tooltip (conf_interface_names.option_void_safety_value_description [l_options.void_safety.index]) if l_options.is_void_safety_supported (target.options) then -- Library void-safety setting perfectly matches the one used by the target. l_item.set_pixmap (conf_pixmaps.general_tick_icon) elseif l_options.is_void_safety_sufficient (target.options) then -- Library void-safety setting is usable by the target with a warning. l_item.set_pixmap (conf_pixmaps.general_warning_icon) else -- Library void-safety setting is too weak for the target. a_row.hide end a_row.set_item (status_column, l_item) l_item.align_text_top else a_row.set_item (status_column, create {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM}) end -- Information create l_information.make_empty if attached one_line_description (l_description) as desc then l_information.append_string_general (desc) end -- l_information.append (conf_interface_names.dialog_create_library_location) -- l_information.append_character (':') -- l_information.append_character (' ') -- l_information.append_string_general (l_path) if attached ("tags") as l_tags then create l_tags_text.make (30) l_tags_text.append (conf_interface_names.iron_box_tags_label) l_tags_text.append_character (':') l_tags_text.append_character (' ') l_tags_text.append (l_tags) -- if not l_information.is_empty then -- l_information.append_character ('%N') -- end -- l_information.append_character (l_tags_text) end create l_item.make_with_text (l_information) if l_tags_text /= Void then l_item.set_tooltip (l_tags_text) end l_item.align_text_top a_row.set_item (info_column, l_item) nb_lines := l_information.occurrences ('%N') + 1 if nb_lines > 1 then a_row.set_height (nb_lines * a_row.height) end end one_line_description (a_desc: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL local s: STRING_32 i: INTEGER do if a_desc /= Void then create s.make_from_string_general (a_desc) s.left_adjust s.right_adjust if not s.is_empty then i := a_desc.index_of ('%N', 1) if i > 0 then s.keep_head (i - 1) s.right_adjust s.append ("...") Result := s else Result := s end end end end compute_iron_package_grid_row (a_data: G; a_iron_package: IRON_PACKAGE; a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; a_max_widths: ARRAY [INTEGER_32]) local l_item: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM l_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_description: READABLE_STRING_32 l_name_item: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM s: STRING_32 l_tags_text: STRING_32 l_is_installed: BOOLEAN l_information: STRING_32 nb_lines: INTEGER do l_path := a_iron_package.location.string -- Extract description l_description := a_iron_package.description l_is_installed := attached {BOOLEAN} ("is_installed") as b and then b -- Library name create l_name_item.make_with_text (a_iron_package.identifier) l_name_item.set_pixmap (conf_pixmaps.library_iron_package_icon) if l_description = Void or else l_description.is_empty then l_name_item.set_tooltip ("No description available") else l_name_item.set_tooltip (l_description) end l_name_item.align_text_top a_row.set_item (name_column, l_name_item) -- Void safety status. if l_is_installed then create l_item.make_with_text (conf_interface_names.iron_box_package_installed_label) else create l_item.make_with_text (conf_interface_names.iron_box_package_not_yet_installed_label) l_item.set_pixmap (conf_pixmaps.general_add_icon) end a_row.set_item (status_column, l_item) l_item.align_text_top -- Information create l_information.make_empty if attached one_line_description (l_description) as desc then l_information.append_string_general (desc) end -- l_information.append (conf_interface_names.dialog_create_library_location) -- l_information.append_character (':') -- l_information.append_character (' ') -- l_information.append_string_general (l_path) if attached a_iron_package.tags as l_tags and then not l_tags.is_empty then create s.make_empty across l_tags as ic loop if not s.is_empty then s.append_character (',') s.append_character (' ') end s.append (ic) end create l_tags_text.make (30) l_tags_text.append (conf_interface_names.iron_box_tags_label) l_tags_text.append_character (':') l_tags_text.append_character (' ') l_tags_text.append (s) -- if not l_information.is_empty then -- l_information.append_character ('%N') -- end -- l_information.append (l_tags_text) end create l_item.make_with_text (l_information) if l_tags_text /= Void then l_item.set_tooltip (l_tags_text) end l_item.align_text_top a_row.set_item (info_column, l_item) nb_lines := l_information.occurrences ('%N') + 1 if nb_lines > 1 then a_row.set_height (nb_lines * a_row.height) end l_item.align_text_top end compute_library_info_grid_row (a_data: G; a_lib_info: LIBRARY_INFO; a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; a_max_widths: ARRAY [INTEGER_32]) local l_item: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM l_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_description: READABLE_STRING_32 l_name_item: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM s: STRING_32 nb: INTEGER l_information: STRING_32 nb_lines: INTEGER l_classes_txt: detachable STRING_32 do l_path := -- Extract description -- l_description := "Library info" if attached {READABLE_STRING_GENERAL} ("description") as d then l_description := d.as_string_32 end -- Library name create l_name_item.make_with_text ( l_name_item.set_pixmap (conf_pixmaps.new_library_icon) if l_description = Void or else l_description.is_empty then l_name_item.set_tooltip ("No description available") else l_name_item.set_tooltip (l_description) end l_name_item.align_text_top a_row.set_item (name_column, l_name_item) -- Status. nb := 0 if attached {ITERABLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]} ("classes") as l_classes then create s.make_empty across l_classes as ic loop nb := nb + 1 if not s.is_empty then s.append_character (',') s.append_character (' ') end s.append_string_general (ic) end create l_classes_txt.make_from_string (conf_interface_names.dialog_search_classes) l_classes_txt.append_character (':') l_classes_txt.append_character (' ') l_classes_txt.append (s) if l_classes_txt.is_whitespace then l_classes_txt := Void end end create l_item.make_with_text (conf_interface_names.dialog_search_found_n_classes (nb)) a_row.set_item (status_column, l_item) l_item.align_text_top -- Information create l_information.make_empty if attached one_line_description (l_description) as desc then l_information.append_string_general (desc) elseif l_classes_txt = Void then l_information.append (conf_interface_names.dialog_create_library_location) l_information.append_character (':') l_information.append_character (' ') l_information.append_string_general (l_path) end if l_classes_txt /= Void then if not l_information.is_empty then l_information.append_character ('%N') end l_information.append (l_classes_txt) end create l_item.make_with_text (l_information) l_item.align_text_top a_row.set_item (info_column, l_item) nb_lines := l_information.occurrences ('%N') + 1 if nb_lines > 1 then a_row.set_height (nb_lines * a_row.height) end l_item.align_text_top end feature -- Widgets box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX grid: ES_GRID feature {NONE} -- Constants name_column: INTEGER = 1 -- Index of a column with name. status_column: INTEGER = 2 -- Index of a column with void-safety status. info_column: INTEGER = 3 -- Index of a column with a information. last_column: INTEGER = 3 ;note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end