note description: "Representation of a blob data" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class MD_BLOB_DATA inherit DEBUG_OUTPUT create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Allocated `item'. do create item.make (Default_size) current_position := 0 end feature -- Access is_empty: BOOLEAN do Result := count = 0 end count: INTEGER -- Size of structure once emitted. do Result := current_position end item: MANAGED_POINTER -- C structures that holds signature. feature -- Element change put_boolean (v: BOOLEAN) -- Insert `v' at `current_position'. do if v then put_integer_8 (1) else put_integer_8 (0) end end put_character (c: CHARACTER) -- Insert `c' at `current_position'. do put_integer_16 (c.code.to_integer_16) end put_real_32 (r: REAL) -- Insert `r' at `current_position'. local l_pos: INTEGER do l_pos := current_position allocate (l_pos + 4) item.put_real_32_le (r, l_pos) current_position := l_pos + 4 end put_real_64 (d: DOUBLE) -- Insert `d' at `current_position'. local l_pos: INTEGER do l_pos := current_position allocate (l_pos + 8) item.put_real_64_le (d, l_pos) current_position := l_pos + 8 end put_integer_8 (i: INTEGER_8) -- Insert `i' at `current_position'. local l_pos: INTEGER do l_pos := current_position allocate (l_pos + 1) item.put_integer_8_le (i, l_pos) current_position := l_pos + 1 end put_integer_16 (i: INTEGER_16) -- Insert `i' at `current_position'. local l_pos: INTEGER do l_pos := current_position allocate (l_pos + 2) item.put_integer_16_le (i, l_pos) current_position := l_pos + 2 end put_integer_32 (i: INTEGER) -- Insert `i' at `current_position'. local l_pos: INTEGER do l_pos := current_position allocate (l_pos + 4) item.put_integer_32_le (i, l_pos) current_position := l_pos + 4 end put_integer_64 (i: INTEGER_64) -- Insert `i' at `current_position'. local l_pos: INTEGER do l_pos := current_position allocate (l_pos + 8) item.put_integer_64_le (i, l_pos) current_position := l_pos + 8 end put_natural_8 (n: NATURAL_8) -- Insert `n' at `current_position'. local l_pos: INTEGER do l_pos := current_position allocate (l_pos + 1) item.put_natural_8_le (n, l_pos) current_position := l_pos + 1 end put_natural_16 (n: NATURAL_16) -- Insert `n' at `current_position'. local l_pos: INTEGER do l_pos := current_position allocate (l_pos + 2) item.put_natural_16_le (n, l_pos) current_position := l_pos + 2 end put_natural_32 (n: NATURAL_32) -- Insert `n' at `current_position'. local l_pos: INTEGER do l_pos := current_position allocate (l_pos + 4) item.put_natural_32_le (n, l_pos) current_position := l_pos + 4 end put_natural_64 (n: NATURAL_64) -- Insert `n' at `current_position'. local l_pos: INTEGER do l_pos := current_position allocate (l_pos + 8) item.put_natural_64_le (n, l_pos) current_position := l_pos + 8 end feature -- Compressed data put_compressed_natural_32 (v: NATURAL_32) do compress_unsigned_data (v.to_integer_32) end put_compressed_signed_integer_32 (v: INTEGER_32) do compress_signed_data (v) end feature -- Copy as_special: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] -- Copy of Current as SPECIAL. local i, nb: INTEGER do from i := 0 nb := current_position create Result.make_filled (0, nb) until i = nb loop Result.put (item.read_natural_8 (i), i) i := i + 1 end ensure as_special_not_void: Result /= Void same_count: Result.count = current_position end as_array: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] -- Copy of Current as ARRAY do create Result.make_from_special (as_special) end feature -- Status report debug_output: STRING local n: INTEGER n8: NATURAL_8 do n := count * 2 create Result.make (n) across as_array as ic loop n8 := ic.item Result.append_string (n8.to_hex_string) Result.append_character('-') end Result.remove_tail (1) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation compress_unsigned_data (i: INTEGER) -- Compress `i' using Partition II 23.2 specification -- and store it at currrent_position in current. note eis: "name=Unsigned Integers", "src=,116,848", "protocol=uri" require valid_i: i <= 0x20000000 local l_pos, l_incr: INTEGER n16: NATURAL_16 n32: NATURAL_32 do l_pos := current_position if i <= 0x7F then -- Simply copy first byte. internal_put (i.to_integer_8, l_pos) l_incr := 1; elseif i <= 0x3FFF then -- Copy two bytes added with 0x00008000. n16 := i.to_natural_16 + 0x00008000 internal_put (((n16 & 0x0000FF00) |>> 8).to_integer_8, l_pos) internal_put ((n16 & 0x000000FF).to_integer_8, l_pos + 1) l_incr := 2 else -- Copy four bytes added with 0xC0000000 n32 := i.to_natural_32 + 0xC0000000 internal_put (((n32 & 0xFF000000) |>> 24).to_integer_8, l_pos) internal_put (((n32 & 0x00FF0000) |>> 16).to_integer_8, l_pos + 1) internal_put (((n32 & 0x0000FF00) |>> 8).to_integer_8, l_pos + 2) internal_put ((n32 & 0x000000FF).to_integer_8, l_pos + 3) l_incr := 4 end current_position := l_pos + l_incr end compress_signed_data (i: INTEGER) -- Compress `i' using using Partition II 23.2 specification for -- signed integers and store it at currrent_position in current. note eis: "name=Signed Integers", "src=,116,848", "protocol=uri" require valid_i: i >= -0x10000000 and i <= 0x0FFFFFFF --checks if the input integer i lies between -2^28 and 2^28 - 1 inclusive local l_pos, l_incr: INTEGER n8: NATURAL_8 n16: NATURAL_16 n32: NATURAL_32 do l_pos := current_position if -0x40 <= i and i <= 0x3F then -- 2^6 and 2^6 -1 inclusive -- Represent the value as a 7-bit 2’s complement number, giving 0x40 (-2^6) to 0x3F (2^6-1); n8 := i.to_natural_8 -- Rotate this value 1 bit left, giving 0x01 (-2^6) to 0x7E (2^6-1); n8 := (n8 |<< 1 + (n8 & 0b1000_0000) |>> 7) & 0b0111_1111 -- Encode as a one-byte integer, bit 7 clear, rotated value in bits 6 through 0, giving 0x01 (-2^6) to 0x7E (2^6-1). n8 := n8 & 0x7F internal_put (n8.to_integer_8, l_pos) l_incr := 1 elseif -0x2000 <= i and i <= 0x1FFF then -- 2^13 and 2^13 -1 inclusive n16 := i.to_natural_16 -- Represent the value as a 14-bit 2’s complement number, giving 0x2000 (-2^13) to 0x1FFF (2^13-1) n16 := n16 & 0b0011_1111_1111_1111 -- Rotate this value 1 bit left, giving 0x0001 (-2^13) to 0x3FFE (2^13-1); n16 := (n16 |<< 1 + (n16 & 0b0010_0000_0000_0000) |>> 13) & 0b0011_1111_1111_1111 -- Encode as a two-byte integer: bit 15 set, bit 14 clear, rotated value -- in bits 13 through 0, giving 0x8001 (-2^13) to 0xBFFE (2^13-1). n16 := (n16 + 0b1000_0000_0000_0000) & 0b1011_1111_1111_1111 internal_put (((n16 & 0b1111_1111_0000_0000) |>> 8).to_integer_8, l_pos) internal_put ( (n16 & 0b0000_0000_1111_1111).to_integer_8, l_pos + 1) l_incr := 2 else n32 := i.to_natural_32 -- Represent the value as a 29-bit 2’s complement representation, -- giving 0x10000000 (-2^28) to 0xFFFFFFF (2^28-1); n32 := n32 & 0b0011_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111 -- Rotate this value 1-bit left, giving 0x00000001 (-2^28) to 0x1FFFFFFE (2^28-1) n32 := (n32 |<< 1 + (n32 & 0b0010_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000) |>> 29) & 0b0011_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111 -- Encode as a four-byte integer: bit 31 set, bit 30 set, bit 29 clear, -- rotated value in bits 28 through 0 n32 := (n32 + 0b1100_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000) & 0b1101_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111 internal_put (((n32 & 0xFF000000) |>> 24).to_integer_8, l_pos) internal_put (((n32 & 0x00FF0000) |>> 16).to_integer_8, l_pos + 1) internal_put (((n32 & 0x0000FF00) |>> 8).to_integer_8, l_pos + 2) internal_put ( (n32 & 0x000000FF).to_integer_8, l_pos + 3) l_incr := 4 end current_position := l_pos + l_incr end internal_put (val: INTEGER_8; pos: INTEGER) -- Safe insertion that will resize `internal_body' if needed. require valid_pos: pos >= 0 do allocate (pos + 1) item.put_integer_8_le (val, pos) end feature -- Uncompressing uncompressed_unsigned_data (v: MANAGED_POINTER; pos: INTEGER; nb_bytes: detachable CELL [INTEGER_32]): INTEGER_32 local i1, i2, i3, i4: NATURAL_8 res: NATURAL_32 l_bytes_count: INTEGER do --| See II.23.2 Blobs and signatures ( i1 := v.read_natural_8 (pos + 0) if i1 & 0x80 = 0 then --<= 0x7F then res := i1 l_bytes_count := 1 else i2 := v.read_natural_8 (pos + 1) if i1 & 0x40 = 0 then l_bytes_count := 2 res := ((i1 & 0x3F).to_natural_32 |<< 8) | i2.to_natural_32 else i3 := v.read_natural_8 (pos + 2) i4 := v.read_natural_8 (pos + 3) if i1 & 0x20 = 0 then l_bytes_count := 4 res := ((i1.to_natural_32 & 0x1F) |<< 24).to_natural_32 | ( i2.to_natural_32 |<< 16).to_natural_32 | ( i3.to_natural_32 |<< 8).to_natural_32 | ( i4).to_natural_32 end end end if nb_bytes /= Void then nb_bytes.replace (l_bytes_count) end Result := res.to_integer_32 ensure class end uncompressed_signed_data (v: MANAGED_POINTER; pos: INTEGER; nb_bytes: detachable CELL [INTEGER_32]): INTEGER_32 local l_bytes_count: INTEGER l_sign_extend: BOOLEAN val: INTEGER_32 l_nb_bytes: CELL [INTEGER_32] do l_nb_bytes := nb_bytes if l_nb_bytes = Void then create l_nb_bytes.put (0) end val := uncompressed_unsigned_data (v, pos, l_nb_bytes) l_bytes_count := l_nb_bytes.item l_sign_extend := (val & 0x1) /= 0 val := val |>> 1 if l_sign_extend then inspect l_bytes_count when 1 then val := val | 0xFFFF_FFC0 when 2 then val := val | 0xFFFF_E000 else val := val | 0xF000_0000 end end Result := val if nb_bytes /= Void then nb_bytes.replace (l_bytes_count) end ensure class end feature {NONE} -- Internal signature current_position: INTEGER -- Current position in `internal_body' for next insertion. default_size: INTEGER = 20 -- Default allocated size for a signature. feature {NONE} -- Stack depth management allocate (new_size: INTEGER) -- Resize `item' if needed so that it can accomdate `new_size'. local l_capacity: INTEGER do l_capacity := item.count if new_size > l_capacity then item.resize (new_size.max (l_capacity + Default_size)) end ensure enough_size: item.count >= new_size end invariant item_not_void: item /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2024, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end