note description: "[ Representation for byte array (item value between 0 and 255). Could be useful in protocol, encoding, ... computations. It provides useful representations as hex, bin, and also generic base N representation ... ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class BYTE_ARRAY_CONVERTER inherit ITERABLE [NATURAL_8] READABLE_INDEXABLE [NATURAL_8] rename upper as count end create make, make_from_string, make_from_hex_string, make_from_bin_string, make_from_base_n_string, make_from_natural_32, make_from_natural_64 convert to_natural_64: {NATURAL_64} , to_natural_8_special: {SPECIAL [NATURAL_8]} feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (nb: INTEGER) -- Create current byte array with a capacity of `nb' items. do create string.make (nb) end make_from_string (s: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Create current byte array from string, i.e an array of character 8 values, i.e from 0 to 255. do string := s.to_string_8 end make_from_hex_string (hex: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Create Current byte array from hexadecimal representation of byte array `hex'. -- each item is represented by 2 hexadecimal characters, that represents a byte from 0 to 255 -- i.e from 00 to FF. do make_from_base_n_string (hex, 16, 2) end make_from_bin_string (a_bin_string: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Create Current byte array from binary representation of byte array `a_bin_string'. -- each item is represented by 8 bin characters, for a value between 0 to 255 -- i.e from 0000 0000 to 1111 1111. local i,j,n: INTEGER s: STRING f, v: NATURAL_8 do n := a_bin_string.count create s.make (n // 8) string := s from i := n until i <= 0 loop v := 0 from j := 1 f := 1 until j > 8 or i < 1 loop if a_bin_string [i] = '1' then v := v + f -- * 1 end f := f * 2 -- base = 2 j := j + 1 i := i - 1 end s.prepend_character (v.to_character_8) end end make_from_base_n_string (a_base_string: READABLE_STRING_8; a_base: NATURAL_8; a_char_len: INTEGER) -- Create Current byte array from base representation of byte array `a_base_string'. -- each item is represented by `a_char_len' characters, for a value between 0 to 255 require char_len_big_enough: a_char_len >= number_of_characters_required_for_base_n_representation (255, a_base) local i,j,n: INTEGER s: STRING v: NATURAL_8 f: NATURAL_8 do n := a_base_string.count create s.make (n // a_char_len) string := s from i := n until i <= 0 loop v := 0 from j := 1 f := 1 until j > a_char_len or i < 1 loop v := v + base_n_character_to_natural (a_base_string [i]) * f f := f * a_base j := j + 1 i := i - 1 end s.prepend_character (v.to_character_8) end end make_from_natural_32 (nb: INTEGER; a_natural: NATURAL_32) -- Create Current byte array representing `a_natural` on at least `nb` items. local v: NATURAL_32 byte: NATURAL_8 do make (0) from v := a_natural until v = 0 loop byte := (v & 0b1111_1111).to_natural_8 v := v.bit_shift_right (8) prepend (byte) end from until count >= nb loop prepend (0) end end make_from_natural_64 (nb: INTEGER; a_natural: NATURAL_64) -- Create Current byte array representing `a_natural` on at least `nb` items. local v: NATURAL_64 byte: NATURAL_8 do make (0) from v := a_natural until v = 0 loop byte := (v & 0b1111_1111).to_natural_8 v := v.bit_shift_right (8) prepend (byte) end from until count >= nb loop prepend (0) end end feature -- Access lower: INTEGER = 1 -- Lower index; count: INTEGER -- Count of items. -- (also knows as upper). do Result := string.count end natural_8_item, item alias "[]" (i: INTEGER): NATURAL_8 -- Item at index `i' represented as natural value. do Result := string.item_code (i).as_natural_8 end string: STRING_8 -- String representation of Current byte array. -- Each natural 8 item is represented by the associated character with same code. feature -- Element change prepend (a_byte: NATURAL_8) -- Prepend `a_byte' to Current byte array. do string.prepend_character (a_byte.to_character_8) end extend (a_byte: NATURAL_8) -- Extend `a_byte' to Curren byte array. do string.append_character (a_byte.to_character_8) end insert_byte (a_byte: NATURAL_8; i: INTEGER) -- Insert `a_byte' at index `i', shifting bytes between ranks -- `i' and `count' rightwards. require valid_insertion_index: 1 <= i and i <= count + 1 do string.insert_character (a_byte.to_character_8, i) end remove (i: INTEGER) -- Remove `i'-th byte. require valid_index: valid_index (i) do string.remove (i) end remove_sub_array (start_index, end_index: INTEGER) -- Remove all bytes from `start_index' to `end_index' inclusive. require valid_start_index: 1 <= start_index valid_end_index: end_index <= count meaningful_interval: start_index <= end_index + 1 do string.remove_substring (start_index, end_index) end append (a_byte_array: BYTE_ARRAY_CONVERTER) do append_bytes (a_byte_array) end append_bytes (a_bytes: ITERABLE [NATURAL_8]) do across a_bytes as ic loop extend (ic.item) end end sub_array (start_index, end_index: INTEGER): like Current require valid_start_index: 1 <= start_index valid_end_index: end_index <= count meaningful_interval: start_index <= end_index + 1 do create Result.make_from_string (string.substring (start_index, end_index)) end feature -- Access and item representations. integer_8_item (i: INTEGER): INTEGER_8 -- Item at index `i' represented as integer value from -128 to 127. require valid_index: valid_index (i) local n8: like natural_8_item do n8 := natural_8_item (i) if n8 >= 128 then Result := (-256 + n8.as_integer_32).to_integer_8 else Result := n8.to_integer_8 end end base_n_item (i: INTEGER; a_base: NATURAL_8; a_char_len: INTEGER): STRING_8 -- Item at index `i' represented with base `a_base' and using `a_char_len' characters. -- Support base from 2 to 10 (bin to decimal). require valid_index: valid_index (i) accepted_base: 2 <= a_base and then a_base <= 36 char_len_big_enough: a_char_len >= number_of_characters_required_for_base_n_representation (255, a_base) local n8: NATURAL_8 q8: NATURAL_8 do n8 := natural_8_item (i) create Result.make (a_char_len) from until n8 = 0 loop if n8 < a_base then prepend_based_natural_8_to (n8, a_base, Result) n8 := 0 else q8 := n8 // a_base prepend_based_natural_8_to (n8 - q8 * a_base, a_base, Result) n8 := q8 end end if Result.count < a_char_len then from until Result.count >= a_char_len loop Result.prepend_character ('0') end end end hex_item (i: INTEGER): STRING_8 -- Item at index `i' represented as hexadecimal value. require valid_index: valid_index (i) do Result := item (i).to_hex_string if Result.count = 1 then Result.prepend_character ('0') end end oct_item (i: INTEGER): STRING_8 -- Item at index `i' represented as octal value on 3 characters. require valid_index: valid_index (i) do Result := base_n_item (i, 8, 3) end bin_item (i: INTEGER): STRING_8 -- Item at index `i' represented as binary value on 8 characters. require valid_index: valid_index (i) local n8: NATURAL_8 j,v: INTEGER do n8 := natural_8_item (i) create Result.make_filled ('0', 8) from j := 8 v := 128 -- 2 ^ 7 until j = 0 loop if n8 & v = v then Result [8 - j + 1] := '1' else Result [8 - j + 1] := '0' end v := v // 2 j := j - 1 end end feature -- Status report valid_index (i: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `i' a valid index? do Result := 1 <= i and i <= count end feature -- Conversion to_natural_64: NATURAL_64 -- Natural 64 representation of Current. local nb: INTEGER do nb := 0 across new_cursor.reversed as ic loop Result := Result | ic.item.as_natural_64.bit_shift_left (nb) nb := nb + 8 end end to_natural_8_special: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] -- SPECIAL 8 array representation of Current. -- following format of `natural_8_item'. local i,n: INTEGER do from i := 1 n := count create Result.make_filled ({NATURAL_8} 0, n) until i > n loop Result.put (natural_8_item (i), i - 1) i := i + 1 end end to_natural_8_array: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] -- Natural 8 array representation of Current. -- following format of `natural_8_item'. local i,n: INTEGER do from i := 1 n := count create Result.make_filled ({NATURAL_8} 0, i, n) until i > n loop Result[i] := natural_8_item (i) i := i + 1 end end to_integer_8_array: ARRAY [INTEGER_8] -- Integer 8 array representation of Current. -- following format of `integer_8_item'. local i,n: INTEGER do from i := 1 n := count create Result.make_filled ({INTEGER_8} 0, i, n) until i > n loop Result[i] := integer_8_item (i) i := i + 1 end end feature -- Conversion settings is_lower_case: BOOLEAN -- Using lower case of string generation (default). do Result := not is_upper_case end is_upper_case: BOOLEAN -- Using upper case of string generation. string_output_item_separator: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 -- Optional item separator in string output representations. feature -- Conversion settings change use_lower_case -- String generation is using lowercase letters. -- relevant for encoding with base > 10. -- Default. do is_upper_case := False end use_upper_case -- String generation is using uppercase letters. -- relevant for encoding with base > 10. do is_upper_case := True end set_string_output_item_separator (s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8) -- Set optional item separator in string output representations `string_output_item_separator' to `s'. do string_output_item_separator := s end feature -- Conversion to string append_hex_string_to (a_string: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append to `a_string' the byte array representation with sequence of 2 hexadecimal characters. local i,n: INTEGER s: like string_output_item_separator do s := string_output_item_separator from i := 1 n := count until i > n loop if s /= Void and i > 1 then a_string.append (s) end a_string.append (hex_item (i)) i := i + 1 end end append_dec_string_to (a_string: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append to `a_string' the byte array representation with sequence of 3 decimal characters. do append_base_n_string_to (a_string, 10, 3) end append_oct_string_to (a_string: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append to `a_string' the byte array representation with sequence of 3 octal characters. do append_base_n_string_to (a_string, 8, 3) end append_bin_string_to (a_string: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append to `a_string' the byte array representation with sequence of 8 binary characters. local i,n: INTEGER s: like string_output_item_separator do s := string_output_item_separator from i := 1 n := count until i > n loop if s /= Void and i > 1 then a_string.append (s) end a_string.append (bin_item (i)) i := i + 1 end end append_base_n_string_to (a_string: STRING_GENERAL; a_base: NATURAL_8; a_char_len: INTEGER) -- Append to `a_string' the byte array representation with sequence of `a_char_len' characters formatted with base `a_base'. require char_len_big_enough: a_char_len >= number_of_characters_required_for_base_n_representation (255, a_base) accepted_base: 2 <= a_base and then a_base <= 36 local i,n: INTEGER s: like string_output_item_separator do s := string_output_item_separator from i := 1 n := count until i > n loop if s /= Void and i > 1 then a_string.append (s) end a_string.append (base_n_item (i, a_base, a_char_len)) i := i + 1 end end to_hex_string: STRING_8 -- Byte array representation with sequence of 2 hexadecimal characters. do create Result.make (2 * count) append_hex_string_to (Result) end to_dec_string: STRING_8 -- Byte array representation with sequence of 3 decimal characters. do Result := to_base_n_string (10, 3) end to_oct_string: STRING_8 -- Byte array representation with sequence of 3 octal characters. do Result := to_base_n_string (8, 3) end to_bin_string: STRING_8 -- Byte array representation with sequence of 8 binary characters. do create Result.make (2 * count) append_bin_string_to (Result) ensure across Result as ic all ic.item = '0' or ic.item = '1' or (attached string_output_item_separator as s and then s.has (ic.item)) end end to_base_n_string (a_base: NATURAL_8; a_char_len: INTEGER): STRING_8 -- Byte array representation with sequence of `a_char_len' characters formatted with base `a_base'. require char_len_big_enough: a_char_len >= number_of_characters_required_for_base_n_representation (255, a_base) accepted_base: 2 <= a_base and then a_base <= 36 do create Result.make (a_char_len * count) append_base_n_string_to (Result, a_base, a_char_len) end to_base_n_string_with_separator (a_base: NATURAL_8; a_char_len: INTEGER; sep: READABLE_STRING_8): STRING_8 -- Byte array representation with sequence of `a_char_len' characters formatted with base `a_base'. require char_len_big_enough: a_char_len >= number_of_characters_required_for_base_n_representation (255, a_base) accepted_base: 2 <= a_base and then a_base <= 36 local l_old_sep: like string_output_item_separator do l_old_sep := string_output_item_separator set_string_output_item_separator (sep) Result := to_base_n_string (a_base, a_char_len) set_string_output_item_separator (l_old_sep) end feature -- Helpers number_of_characters_required_for_base_n_representation (a_value: NATURAL_8; a_base: NATURAL_8): NATURAL_8 -- Number of character needed to represent `a_value' using base N `a_base'. local v: NATURAL_8 do from v := a_value until v = 0 loop v := v // a_base Result := Result + 1 end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation prepend_based_natural_8_to (a_value: NATURAL_8; a_base: NATURAL_8; a_string: STRING) -- Prepend `a_value' to a_string using `a_base' encoding. require valid_value: a_value < a_base accepted_base: 2 <= a_base and then a_base <= 36 do if a_value < 10 or a_base <= 10 then a_string.prepend (a_value.out) elseif is_lower_case then a_string.prepend_character ('a' + a_value - 10) else check is_upper_case end a_string.prepend_character ('A' + a_value - 10) end end base_n_character_to_natural (c: CHARACTER_8): NATURAL_8 -- Natural 8 value for base n encoded character `c'. do inspect c when '0' then Result := {NATURAL_8} 0 when '1' then Result := {NATURAL_8} 1 when '2' then Result := {NATURAL_8} 2 when '3' then Result := {NATURAL_8} 3 when '4' then Result := {NATURAL_8} 4 when '5' then Result := {NATURAL_8} 5 when '6' then Result := {NATURAL_8} 6 when '7' then Result := {NATURAL_8} 7 when '8' then Result := {NATURAL_8} 8 when '9' then Result := {NATURAL_8} 9 else if 'a' <= c and c <= 'z' then Result := ((c.code - ('a').code) + 10).as_natural_8 elseif 'A' <= c and c <= 'Z' then Result := ((c.code - ('A').code) + 10).as_natural_8 else check is_hexa: False end end end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end