note description: "[ A property, note we are only supporting classic properties here, not any * extensions that are allowed in the image file format ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CIL_PROPERTY inherit REFACTORING_HELPER create make, make_with_lib feature {NONE} -- Intialization make do create name.make_empty flags := Special_name instance := True ensure name_empty: name.is_empty parent_void: parent = Void type_void: type = Void setter_void: setter = Void getter_void: getter = Void flags_set: flags = special_name instance_set: instance = True end make_with_lib (a_lib: PE_LIB; a_name: STRING_32; a_type: CIL_TYPE; a_indices: LIST [CIL_TYPE]; has_setter: BOOLEAN; a_parent: detachable CIL_DATA_CONTAINER) do name := a_name type := a_type flags := special_name instance := True parent := a_parent create_functions (a_lib, a_indices, has_setter) ensure name_set: name = a_name type_set: type = a_type flags_set: flags = special_name instance_set: instance = True parent_set: parent = a_parent end feature -- Access parent: detachable CIL_DATA_CONTAINER -- The parent container (always a class). -- Add an invariant. instance: BOOLEAN -- It is an instance member or an static property. name: STRING_32 -- the name. type: detachable CIL_TYPE -- the type. getter: detachable CIL_METHOD -- the getter setter: detachable CIL_METHOD -- the setter. flags: INTEGER feature -- Enums -- TODO check if it's ok to -- create a once class. Special_name: INTEGER = 0x200 RT_special_name: INTEGER = 0x400 Has_default: INTEGER = 0x1000 feature -- Element Change set_name (a_name: STRING_32) -- Set `name` with `a_name`. do name := a_name ensure name_set: name = a_name end set_instance (a_val: BOOLEAN) -- Set `instance` with `a_val`. --| choose whether it is an instance member or static property. do instance := a_val if attached getter as l_getter then l_getter.set_instance (a_val) end if attached setter as l_setter then l_setter.set_instance (a_val) end ensure instance_set: instance = a_val end set_type (a_type: like type) -- Set `type` with `a_type`. do type := a_type ensure type_set: type = a_type end call_get (a_lib: PE_LIB; a_code: CIL_CODE_CONTAINER) -- Call the getter, leaving property on stack -- If you had other arguments you should push them before the call. do if attached getter as l_getter then a_code.add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make ({CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES}.i_call, {CIL_OPERAND_FACTORY}.complex_operand (create {CIL_METHOD_NAME}.make (l_getter.prototype)))) end end call_set (a_lib: PE_LIB; a_code: CIL_CODE_CONTAINER) -- Call the setter -- If you had other arguments you should push them before the call -- then push the value you want to set do if attached setter as l_setter then a_code.add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make ({CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES}.i_call, {CIL_OPERAND_FACTORY}.complex_operand (create {CIL_METHOD_NAME}.make (l_setter.prototype)))) end end set_getter (a_getter: like getter) -- Set `getter` with `a_getter`. do getter := a_getter ensure getter_set: getter = a_getter end set_setter (a_setter: like setter) -- Set `setter` with `a_setter`. do setter := a_setter ensure setter_set: setter = a_setter end set_container (a_parent: CIL_DATA_CONTAINER; a_add: BOOLEAN) -- Set the parent container --| always a class. require is_class: attached {CIL_CLASS} a_parent local l_parent: like parent do l_parent := a_parent if a_add then if attached getter as l_getter then l_parent.add (l_getter) l_getter.prototype.set_container (a_parent) end if attached setter as l_setter then l_parent.add (l_setter) l_setter.prototype.set_container (a_parent) end end parent := l_parent end feature {NONE} -- Implementation create_functions (a_lib: PE_LIB; a_indices: LIST [CIL_TYPE]; has_setter: BOOLEAN) local l_found: BOOLEAN l_exit: BOOLEAN l_prototype: CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE l_getter_name: STRING_32 l_setter_name: STRING_32 l_count: INTEGER l_stream: STRING_32 do l_getter_name := {STRING_32}"get_" + name if attached parent as l_parent then across l_parent.methods as m until l_exit loop if attached {CIL_METHOD} m as l_method and then (l_getter_name) then l_found := True l_exit := True getter := l_method end end end if getter = Void then create l_prototype.make (l_getter_name, {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.managed, parent) create getter.make (l_prototype, create {CIL_QUALIFIERS}.make_with_flags ({CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.public | if instance then {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.instance else {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.static end), False) end if has_setter then fixme ("Refactor setter/getter code") l_setter_name := {STRING_32}"set_" + name if attached parent as l_parent then l_exit := False across l_parent.methods as m until l_exit loop if attached {CIL_METHOD} m as l_method and then (l_setter_name) then l_found := True l_exit := True setter := l_method end end end if setter = Void then create l_prototype.make (l_setter_name, {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.managed, parent) create setter.make (l_prototype, create {CIL_QUALIFIERS}.make_with_flags ({CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.public | if instance then {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.instance else {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.static end), False) end end if not l_found then l_count := 1 across a_indices as i loop create l_stream.make_from_string ("P") l_stream.append ("P") l_stream.append_integer (l_count) if attached getter as l_getter then l_getter.prototype.add_parameter (create {CIL_PARAM}.make_with_index (l_stream, Void, @ i.cursor_index - 1)) end if attached setter as l_setter then l_setter.prototype.add_parameter (create {CIL_PARAM}.make_with_index (l_stream, Void, @ i.cursor_index - 1)) end l_count := l_count + 1 end if attached getter as l_getter then l_getter.prototype.set_return_type (type) end if attached setter as l_setter then l_setter.prototype.add_parameter (create {CIL_PARAM}.make ("Value", type)) l_setter.prototype.set_return_type (create {CIL_TYPE}.make_with_pointer_level ({CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.void_, 0)) end end end feature -- Output il_src_dump (a_stream: FILE_STREAM): BOOLEAN do a_stream.put_string (".property ") if flags & special_name /= 0 then a_stream.put_string ("specialname ") end if instance then a_stream.put_string ("instance ") end if attached type as l_type then Result := l_type.il_src_dump (a_stream) end a_stream.put_string (" ") a_stream.put_string (name) a_stream.put_string ("() {") a_stream.put_new_line a_stream.flush if attached getter as l_getter then a_stream.put_string (".get") l_getter.prototype.il_signature_dump (a_stream) a_stream.put_new_line end if attached setter as l_setter then a_stream.put_string (".set") l_setter.prototype.il_signature_dump (a_stream) a_stream.put_new_line end a_stream.put_string ("}") Result := True end pe_dump (a_stream: FILE_STREAM): BOOLEAN local l_property_index: NATURAL_32 l_name_index: NATURAL_32 l_sig: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_sz: CELL [NATURAL_32] l_property_signature: NATURAL_32 l_table: PE_TABLE_ENTRY_BASE l_semantics: PE_SEMANTICS l_dis: NATURAL_32 do if attached {PE_WRITER} a_stream.pe_writer as l_writer then -- TODO chec if the index it's ok or we need to add 1. l_property_index := l_writer.next_table_index ({PE_TABLES}.tproperty) l_name_index := l_writer.hash_string (name) create l_sz.put (0) l_sig := {PE_SIGNATURE_GENERATOR_HELPER}.property_sig (Current, l_sz) l_property_signature := l_writer.hash_blob (l_sig, l_sz.item) create {PE_PROPERTY_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data (flags.to_natural_16, l_name_index, l_property_signature) l_dis := l_writer.add_table_entry (l_table) create l_semantics.make_with_tag_and_index ({PE_SEMANTICS}.property, l_property_index) -- FIXME : Coverity complains that the following 'new' statements leak memory, however, I think -- the design is that the related constructors have side effects and the whole point of the new is to invoke those -- however, this is an awkard design that is hard to maintain and should probably be reworked. create {PE_METHOD_SEMANTICS_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data ({PE_METHOD_SEMANTICS_TABLE_ENTRY}.getter.to_natural_16, if attached getter as l_getter then l_getter.prototype.pe_index else {NATURAL_32} 0 end, l_semantics) l_dis := l_writer.add_table_entry (l_table) if attached setter as l_setter then create {PE_METHOD_SEMANTICS_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data ({PE_METHOD_SEMANTICS_TABLE_ENTRY}.setter.to_natural_16, l_setter.prototype.pe_index, l_semantics) l_dis := l_writer.add_table_entry (l_table) end end Result := True end end