note description: "[ Qualifiers is a generic class that holds all the 'tags' you would see on various objects in the assembly file. Where possible things are handled impicitly for example 'nested' will automatically be added when a class is nested in another class. ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CIL_QUALIFIERS inherit CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM create make, make_with_flags, make_from_other feature {NONE} -- Initialization make do flags := 0 end make_with_flags (a_flags: INTEGER) do flags := a_flags ensure flags_set: flags = a_flags end make_from_other (other: CIL_QUALIFIERS) do flags := other.flags ensure falgs_set: flags = other.flags end feature -- Access flags: INTEGER; after_flags: INTEGER do Result := {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.preservesig | {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.cil | {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.managed | {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.runtime ensure instance_free: class end feature -- Change Element set_flags (a_flag: INTEGER) -- Set `flags` with `a_flag`. do flags := a_flag end feature -- Static features qualifier_names: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] -- TODO check if this is a good way to represent and -- equivalent static field in C++ -- see QUALIFIERS class. once create Result.make_from_array (<< "public", "private", "static", "instance", "explicit", "ansi", "sealed", "enum", "value", "sequential", "auto", "literal", "hidebysig", "preservesig", "specialname", "rtspecialname", "cil", "managed", "runtime", "", "virtual", "newslot", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" >>) ensure instance_free: class end reverse_name_prefix (a_rv: STRING_32; a_parent: detachable CIL_DATA_CONTAINER; a_pos: INTEGER; a_type: BOOLEAN): INTEGER local pos: INTEGER do pos := a_pos if attached a_parent as l_parent then pos := reverse_name_prefix (a_rv, l_parent.parent, pos, a_type) if pos /= 0 then a_rv.append ( if attached {CIL_CLASS} l_parent and then (attached l_parent.parent or else not attached {CIL_CLASS} l_parent.parent) then if a_type then a_rv.append ("ø") else a_rv.append ("/") end else a_rv.append (".") end elseif attached {CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF} l_parent as l_parent_assembly then if l_parent_assembly.is_external then a_rv.append ("[") a_rv.append ( a_rv.append ("]") end end pos := pos + 1 Result := pos end ensure instance_free: class end name_prefix (a_parent: detachable CIL_DATA_CONTAINER; a_type: BOOLEAN): STRING_32 local pos: INTEGER do create Result.make_empty if attached a_parent then pos := 0 pos := reverse_name_prefix (Result, a_parent, pos, a_type) end ensure instance_free: class end name (a_root: STRING_32; a_parent: detachable CIL_DATA_CONTAINER; a_type: BOOLEAN): STRING_32 -- get a name for a DataContainer object, suitable for use in an ASM file --| The main problem is there is a separator character between the first class encountered --| and its members, which is different depending on whether it is a type or a field do Result := name_prefix (a_parent, a_type) if not Result.is_empty then Result := Result.substring (1, Result.count - 1) end if not a_root.is_empty then if not Result.is_empty then Result.append ("::") end Result.append_character (''') Result.append (a_root) Result.append_character (''') end ensure instance_free: class end object_name (a_stem: STRING_32; a_parent: CIL_DATA_CONTAINER): STRING_32 local pos, npos: INTEGER rv: STRING_32 l_dis: INTEGER do create rv.make_empty l_dis := reverse_name_prefix (rv, a_parent.parent, pos, False) npos := rv.index_of ('/', 1) if npos /= 0 then rv[npos] := '.' end if not rv.is_empty then if rv[rv.count] = '.' then if rv.count = 1 then rv := "" else rv := rv.substring (1, rv.count - 1) end end end if not a_stem.is_empty then if rv.is_empty then rv := a_stem else rv := rv + "::" + a_stem end end Result := rv end feature -- Output il_src_dump_before_flags (a_file: FILE_STREAM) -- most qualifiers come before the name of the item local n: INTEGER do n := after_flags.bit_not & flags across 0 |..| 31 as i loop if n & (1 |<< i) /= 0 then a_file.put_string (" ") a_file.put_string (qualifier_names [i + 1]) end end end il_src_dump_after_flags (a_file: FILE_STREAM) -- but a couple of the method qualifiers come after the method definition local n: INTEGER do n := after_flags & flags across 0 |..| 31 as i loop if n & (1 |<< i) /= 0 then a_file.put_string (" ") a_file.put_string (qualifier_names [i + 1]) end end end end