note description: "[ Base class that contains other data_containers or code_containers that means it can contain namespaces, classes, methods, or fields The main assemblyref which holds everything is one of these, which means it acts as the 'unnamed' namespace. when this class is overridden as something other than a namespace, it cannot contain namespaces ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CIL_DATA_CONTAINER inherit REFACTORING_HELPER create make feature {NONE} --Initialization make (a_name: STRING_32; a_flags: CIL_QUALIFIERS) do name := a_name flags := a_flags instantiated := False pe_index := 0 create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_DATA_CONTAINER]} children.make (0) assembly_ref := False create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_CODE_CONTAINER]} methods.make (0) create sorted_children.make (0) create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_FIELD]} fields.make (0) end feature -- Access children: LIST [CIL_DATA_CONTAINER] methods: LIST [CIL_CODE_CONTAINER] -- Current list of methods. sorted_children: STRING_TABLE [LIST [CIL_DATA_CONTAINER]] fields: LIST [CIL_FIELD] -- Current list of fields. parent: detachable CIL_DATA_CONTAINER -- The immediate parent. flags: CIL_QUALIFIERS -- the qualifiers. instantiated: BOOLEAN -- use to tell if the class has been instantiated, for example it might be used after a forward reference is resolved. pe_index: NATURAL_32 -- metatable index in the PE file for this data container. assembly_ref: BOOLEAN name: STRING_32 -- The name. feature -- Access parent_namespace (a_lib: FILE_STREAM): NATURAL_32 -- The inner namespace parent. local l_current: CIL_DATA_CONTAINER l_res: BOOLEAN do l_current := Current.parent from until l_current = Void or attached {CIL_NAMESPACE} l_current loop l_current := l_current.parent end if attached {CIL_NAMESPACE} l_current as l_current_namespace then if l_current.in_assembly_ref then l_res := l_current_namespace.pe_dump (a_lib) end Result := l_current.pe_index end -- by default Result is 0 end parent_class (a_lib: FILE_STREAM): NATURAL_32 -- The closest parent class. local l_current: CIL_DATA_CONTAINER l_res: BOOLEAN do l_current := parent if attached {CIL_CLASS} l_current as l_current_class then if l_current.in_assembly_ref then l_res := l_current_class.pe_dump (a_lib) end Result := l_current.pe_index end -- by default Result is 0 end parent_assembly (a_lib: FILE_STREAM): NATURAL_32 -- The parent assembly. local l_current: CIL_DATA_CONTAINER do -- the parent assembly is always at top of the datacontainer tree l_current := parent from until l_current /= Void and then l_current.parent = Void and then attached {CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF} l_current loop l_current := if attached l_current then l_current.parent else Void end end if l_current /= Void then -- attached {CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF} l_current as l_current_assembly -- if l_current.in_assembly_ref then -- TODO original leads to infinite loop: static_cast(current)->PEDump(peLib); -- l_current_assembly.pe_dum (a_lib) -- end Result := l_current.pe_index end end feature -- Access Enumerations -- all classes have to extend from SOMETHING... -- this is enumerations for the ones we can create by default -- TODO extract into a once class. base_type_object: INTEGER = 1 -- reference to 'System::Object' base_type_value: INTEGER = 2 -- reference to 'System::Value' base_type_enum: INTEGER = 4 -- reference to 'System::Enum' base_index_system: INTEGER = 8 -- reference to 'System' namespace feature -- Status Report in_assembly_ref: BOOLEAN do Result := if attached parent as l_parent then l_parent.in_assembly_ref else False end end get_assembly: detachable CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF do Result := if attached parent as l_parent then l_parent.get_assembly else Void end end feature --Element Change add (a_item: ANY) -- Add an `a_item` to a container -- This could be a -- data container -- code container -- field container do if attached {CIL_DATA_CONTAINER} a_item as l_data then add_data_container (l_data) elseif attached {CIL_CODE_CONTAINER} a_item as l_code then add_code_container (l_code) elseif attached {CIL_FIELD} a_item as l_field then add_field_container (l_field) end end add_data_container (a_item: CIL_DATA_CONTAINER) -- Add another data container -- This could be an assemblydef, namespace, class, or enumeration. do a_item.set_parent (Current) children.force (a_item) set_sorted_children (, a_item) end add_code_container (item: CIL_CODE_CONTAINER) -- Add a code container -- This is always a Method definition do item.set_container (Current) methods.force (item) end add_field_container (item: CIL_FIELD) -- Add a field do item.set_container (Current) fields.force (item) end set_parent (a_item: CIL_DATA_CONTAINER) -- Set `parent` with `a_item` --|The immediate parent do parent := a_item ensure parent_set: parent = a_item end set_sorted_children (a_name: STRING_32; a_item: CIL_DATA_CONTAINER) local l_list: ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_DATA_CONTAINER] do if attached {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_DATA_CONTAINER]} (a_name) as l_adj then l_adj.force (a_item) else create l_list.make (1) l_list.force (a_item) sorted_children.force (l_list, a_name) end ensure -- To be added. end number (n: NATURAL): NATURAL do if not (attached {CIL_NAMESPACE} Current) then Result := n + 1 pe_index := Result end across children as child loop Result := child.number (Result) end end set_instantiated -- Set instantiated to true. do instantiated := True ensure is_instantiated: instantiated = True end set_peindex (a_index: NATURAL_32) -- Set `pe_index` with `a_index`. do pe_index := a_index ensure pe_index_set: pe_index = a_index end wipe_out, clear -- Remove all the items of -- children -- methods -- sorted_children -- fields do fixme ("Refactor rename and only use wipe_out") children.wipe_out methods.wipe_out sorted_children.wipe_out fields.wipe_out ensure children.is_empty methods.is_empty sorted_children.is_empty fields.is_empty end set_name (a_name: like name) -- Set `name' with `a_name' do name := a_name ensure name_set: name = a_name end feature -- Traverse traverse (a_callback: CIL_CALLBACK): BOOLEAN -- Traverse the declaration tree. local l_exit: BOOLEAN l_continue: BOOLEAN do across children as child until l_exit loop if attached {CIL_CLASS} child as l_class then if not a_callback.enter_class (l_class) then l_continue := True end if not l_continue and then not child.traverse (a_callback) then Result := true l_exit := True end if not l_continue and then not l_exit and then not a_callback.exit_class (l_class) then Result := False l_exit := True end elseif attached {CIL_ENUM} child as l_enum then if not a_callback.enter_enum (l_enum) then l_continue := True end if not l_continue and then not child.traverse (a_callback) then Result := true l_exit := True end if not l_continue and then not l_exit and then not a_callback.exit_enum (l_enum) then Result := False l_exit := True end elseif attached {CIL_NAMESPACE} child as l_namespace then if not a_callback.enter_namespace (l_namespace) then l_continue := True end if not l_continue and then not child.traverse (a_callback) then Result := true l_exit := True end if not l_continue and then not l_exit and then not a_callback.exit_namespace (l_namespace) then Result := False l_exit := True end end l_continue := False end if not l_exit then across fields as field until l_exit loop if not a_callback.enter_field (field) then Result := False l_exit := True end end end if not l_exit then across methods as method until l_exit loop if attached {CIL_METHOD} method as l_method and then not a_callback.enter_method (l_method) then Result := False l_exit := True end end end if not l_exit then Result := True end end feature -- Status Report find_container_string (a_name: STRING_32; a_Generics: detachable LIST [CIL_TYPE]): detachable CIL_DATA_CONTAINER -- Find a subcontainer. --| Correspond to --| DataContainer *FindContainer(const std::string& name, std::deque* generics = nullptr); local exit: BOOLEAN do if a_generics = Void then if attached {LIST [CIL_DATA_CONTAINER]} (a_name) as l_items and then l_items.count > 0 then Result := l_items.first end else across sorted_children as ic until exit loop if attached {CIL_CLASS} @ ic as l_class then if l_class.matches_generic (a_generics) then Result := l_class exit := True end end end end end find_container_collection (a_split: LIST [STRING_32]; a_generics: detachable LIST [CIL_TYPE]; a_method: BOOLEAN): TUPLE [index: INTEGER; dc: detachable CIL_DATA_CONTAINER] -- Find a sub container. --| Correspond to ///** Find a sub- container --| DataContainer *FindContainer(std::vector& split, size_t &n, --| std::deque* generics = nullptr, bool method = false); local n: INTEGER count: INTEGER rv, dc_current: CIL_DATA_CONTAINER i: INTEGER exit: BOOLEAN do n := 0 count := 1 if a_method then count := count + 1 end dc_current := Current rv := dc_current from i := 1 until exit or else i > a_split.count loop -- TODO check the index. if attached dc_current then dc_current := dc_current.find_container_string (a_split [i], if i = a_split.count - count then a_generics else Void end) end if dc_current = Void then exit := True else rv := dc_current i := i + 1 n := n + 1 end end Result := [n, rv] end feature -- Operations base_types (a_type: CELL [INTEGER]) do across methods as method loop method.base_types (a_type) end across children as child loop child.base_types (a_type) end if attached {CIL_ENUM} Current then a_type.put (a_type.item | base_type_enum) else if not attached {CIL_NAMESPACE} Current then if flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.value /= 0 then a_type.put (a_type.item | base_type_value) else a_type.put (a_type.item | base_type_object) end end end end compile (a_stream: FILE_STREAM) do across methods as method loop method.compile (a_stream) end across children as child loop child.compile(a_stream) end end render (a_stream: FILE_STREAM) -- sometimes we want to traverse upwards in the tree do -- empty implementation end feature -- Output pe_dump (a_stream: FILE_STREAM): BOOLEAN do across fields as field loop Result := field.pe_dump (a_stream) end across methods as method loop Result := method.pe_dump (a_stream) end across children as child loop Result := child.pe_dump (a_stream) end end il_src_dump (a_file: FILE_STREAM): BOOLEAN do across fields as field loop Result := field.il_src_dump (a_file) end across methods as method loop Result := method.il_src_dump (a_file) end across children as l_child loop Result := l_child.il_src_dump (a_file) end end end