note description: "[ Object Representing a method with code CIL instructions are added with the 'Add' feature of code container. ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CIL_METHOD inherit CIL_CODE_CONTAINER rename make as make_code redefine il_src_dump, pe_dump, compile end create make feature {NONE} --Initialization make (a_prototype: CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE; a_flags: CIL_QUALIFIERS; a_entry: BOOLEAN) do make_code (a_flags) prototype := a_prototype max_stack := 100 entry_point := a_entry invoke_mode := {CIL_INVOKE_MODE}.CIL pinvoke_type := {CIL_INVOKE_TYPE}.Stdcall create import_name.make_empty create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_LOCAL]} var_list.make (0) create pinvoke_name.make_empty if not (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.Static /= 0) then prototype.set_instance (True) end ensure import_name_set: import_name.is_empty pinvoke_name_set: pinvoke_name.is_empty invoke_mode_set: invoke_mode = {CIL_INVOKE_MODE}.CIL pinvoke_type_set: pinvoke_type = {CIL_INVOKE_TYPE}.Stdcall var_list_set: var_list.is_empty max_stack_set: max_stack = 100 entry_point_Set: entry_point = a_entry -- prototype set. end feature -- Access prototype: CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE -- signature. var_list: LIST [CIL_LOCAL] -- list of local variables. pinvoke_name: STRING_32 invoke_mode: CIL_INVOKE_MODE pinvoke_type: CIL_INVOKE_TYPE max_stack: INTEGER entry_point: BOOLEAN -- has entry point? rendering: detachable PE_METHOD import_name: STRING_32 item_local (a_index: INTEGER): CIL_LOCAL -- Item at `a_index'-th position require valid_index: a_index > 0 valid_index: a_index < var_list.count do Result := var_list [a_index] end token: NATURAL_32 -- redundant from `rendering.method_def` because PE_WRITER deletes all PE_METHODS feature -- Status Report is_pinvoke: BOOLEAN -- Is Pinvoke? do Result := invoke_mode = {CIL_INVOKE_MODE}.pinvoke end instance: BOOLEAN do -- TODO check the C++ code -- return !!(Flags().Value & Qualifiers::Instance); Result := not not (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.instance /= 0) end feature -- Change Element set_pinvoke (a_name: STRING_32; a_type: CIL_INVOKE_TYPE; a_import_name: STRING_32) -- Set Pinvoke DLL name --| default values --| type = Stdcall --| importName = "" do invoke_mode := {CIL_INVOKE_MODE}.PInvoke pinvoke_name := a_name pinvoke_type := a_type import_name := a_import_name ensure invoke_mode_set: invoke_mode = {CIL_INVOKE_MODE}.PInvoke pinvoke_name_set: pinvoke_name = a_name pinvoke_type_set: pinvoke_type = a_type import_name_set: import_name = a_import_name end set_entry_point (a_val: BOOLEAN) -- Set `has_entry_point` with `a_val`. do entry_point := a_val ensure entry_point_set: entry_point = a_val end add_local (a_local: CIL_LOCAL) -- Add a local variable `a_local`. do a_local.set_index (var_list.count) var_list.force (a_local) end set_instance (a_instance: BOOLEAN) do if a_instance then flags.set_flags (flags.flags | {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.instance) flags.set_flags (flags.flags & ⊝ ({CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.static)) else flags.set_flags (flags.flags & ⊝ {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.instance) flags.set_flags (flags.flags | ({CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.static)) end -- TODO double check if at some point -- prototype could be Void. prototype.set_instance (a_instance) end set_max_stack (a_stack: INTEGER) do max_stack := a_stack ensure max_stack_set: max_stack = a_stack end feature -- Write Body put_opcode (a_opcode: CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES) -- Insert the `a_opcode` in the current Method. do add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make (a_opcode, Void)) end put_opcode_label (a_opcode: CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES; a_operand: CIL_OPERAND) -- Insert the `a_opcode` with a label in the current Method. require label_operand: a_operand.type = {CIL_OPERAND_TYPE}.t_label do add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make (a_opcode, a_operand)) end put_opcode_integer_8 (a_opcode: CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES; a_integer: INTEGER_8) -- Insert the `a_opcode` with an integer `a_integer' in the current Method. local l_operand: CIL_OPERAND do l_operand := {CIL_OPERAND_FACTORY}.integer_operand (a_integer, {CIL_OPERAND_SIZE}.i8) add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make (a_opcode, l_operand)) end put_opcode_integer_16 (a_opcode: CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES; a_integer: INTEGER_16) -- Insert the `a_opcode` with an integer `a_integer' in the current Method. local l_operand: CIL_OPERAND do l_operand := {CIL_OPERAND_FACTORY}.integer_operand (a_integer, {CIL_OPERAND_SIZE}.i16) add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make (a_opcode, l_operand)) end put_opcode_integer_32 (a_opcode: CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES; a_integer: INTEGER_32) -- Insert the `a_opcode` with an integer `a_integer' in the current Method. local l_operand: CIL_OPERAND do l_operand := {CIL_OPERAND_FACTORY}.integer_operand (a_integer, {CIL_OPERAND_SIZE}.i32) add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make (a_opcode, l_operand)) end put_opcode_integer_64(a_opcode: CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES; a_integer: INTEGER_64) -- Insert the `a_opcode` with an integer `a_integer' in the current Method. local l_operand: CIL_OPERAND do l_operand := {CIL_OPERAND_FACTORY}.integer64_operand (a_integer, {CIL_OPERAND_SIZE}.i64) add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make (a_opcode, l_operand)) end put_opcode_natural_8 (a_opcode: CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES; a_natural: NATURAL_8) -- Insert the `a_opcode` with a natural `a_natural' in the current Method. local l_operand: CIL_OPERAND do l_operand := {CIL_OPERAND_FACTORY}.natural_operand (a_natural, {CIL_OPERAND_SIZE}.u8) add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make (a_opcode, l_operand)) end put_opcode_natural_16 (a_opcode: CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES; a_natural: NATURAL_16) -- Insert the `a_opcode` with a natural `a_natural' in the current Method. local l_operand: CIL_OPERAND do l_operand := {CIL_OPERAND_FACTORY}.natural_operand (a_natural, {CIL_OPERAND_SIZE}.u16) add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make (a_opcode, l_operand)) end put_opcode_natural_32 (a_opcode: CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES; a_natural: NATURAL_32) -- Insert the `a_opcode` with a natural `a_natural' in the current Method. local l_operand: CIL_OPERAND do l_operand := {CIL_OPERAND_FACTORY}.natural_operand (a_natural, {CIL_OPERAND_SIZE}.u32) add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make (a_opcode, l_operand)) end put_opcode_natural_64(a_opcode: CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES; a_natural: NATURAL_32) -- Insert the `a_opcode` with a natural `a_natural' in the current Method. local l_operand: CIL_OPERAND do l_operand := {CIL_OPERAND_FACTORY}.natural64_operand (a_natural, {CIL_OPERAND_SIZE}.u64) add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make (a_opcode, l_operand)) end put_opcode_real_32 (a_opcode: CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES; a_real: REAL_32) -- Insert the `a_opcode` with a real `a_real' in the current Method. local l_operand: CIL_OPERAND do l_operand := {CIL_OPERAND_FACTORY}.real_operand (a_real, {CIL_OPERAND_SIZE}.r4) add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make (a_opcode, l_operand)) end put_opcode_real_64(a_opcode: CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES; a_real: REAL_64) -- Insert the `a_opcode` with a real `a_real' in the current Method. local l_operand: CIL_OPERAND do l_operand := {CIL_OPERAND_FACTORY}.real_operand (a_real, {CIL_OPERAND_SIZE}.r8) add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make (a_opcode, l_operand)) end mark_label (a_operand: CIL_OPERAND) -- Insert a label `a_operand'. require label_operand: a_operand.type = {CIL_OPERAND_TYPE}.t_label do put_opcode_label ({CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES}.i_label, a_operand) end put_call (a_method: CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE) -- Insert a method call to `a_method' do add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make ({CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES}.i_call, {CIL_OPERAND_FACTORY}.complex_operand (create {CIL_METHOD_NAME}.make (a_method)))) end put_return -- Instert a return. do put_opcode ({CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES}.i_ret) end put_exception_block_start -- Insert exception block start do add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make_seh ({CIL_SEH}.seh_try, True, Void)) end put_exception_block_end -- Insert exception block end do add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make_seh ({CIL_SEH}.seh_try, False, Void)) end put_exception_catch_start (a_type: detachable CIL_TYPE) -- Insert exception catch block with a handler exceptin of type a_type if it's -- attached. do add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make_seh ({CIL_SEH}.seh_catch, True, a_type)) end put_exception_catch_end -- Insert the exception catch block end. do add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make_seh ({CIL_SEH}.seh_catch, False, Void)) end put_opcode_mdtoken (a_opcode: CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES; a_token: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Insert `a_opcode' manipulating a_metadata token `a_token'. do add_instruction (create {CIL_INSTRUCTION}.make (a_opcode, {CIL_OPERAND_FACTORY}.string_operand (a_token))) end feature -- Operations optimize local l_rescue: BOOLEAN do if not l_rescue then --calculate_live --calculate_max_stack --optimize_locals optimize_code -- From {CIL_CODE_CONTAINER} else -- do nothing. end rescue if attached exception_manager.last_exception as e then print (if attached e.description as l_description then l_description else "Unkown Exception" end) print ("%N") end l_rescue := True retry end feature {NONE} -- Exception Manager exception_manager: EXCEPTION_MANAGER once create Result end feature {NONE} -- Implementation calculate_live local labels_reached: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] done, skipping: BOOLEAN do from create labels_reached.make (0) labels_reached.compare_objects done := False until done loop done := True across instructions as ic loop if ic.opcode = {CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES}.i_SEH and then ic.seh_begin then ic.set_live (True) skipping := False elseif not skipping then ic.set_live (True) if ic.is_branch then if attached {CIL_OPERAND} ic.operand as l_operand and then labels_reached.has (l_operand.string_value) then done := False labels_reached.force (l_operand.string_value) end if ic.opcode = {CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES}.i_br then skipping := True end elseif ic.opcode = {CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES}.i_switch then if not ic.switches.is_empty then across ic.switches as switch loop if labels_reached.has (switch) then done := False labels_reached.force (switch) end end end end elseif ic.opcode = {CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES}.i_label then if labels_reached.has (ic.label) then ic.set_live (True) skipping := False end end end end end calculate_max_stack local l_labels: STRING_TABLE [INTEGER] n, m: INTEGER last_branch: BOOLEAN do create l_labels.make (0) labels.compare_objects max_stack := 0 across instructions as ins loop if then m := ins.stack_usage if m = -127 then n := 0 else n := n + m; end if n > max_stack then max_stack := n end if n < 0 then -- TODO reimplement. {EXCEPTIONS}.raise (generator + "calculate_max_stack Stack UnderFlow") end if ins.is_branch then last_branch := True if attached {CIL_OPERAND} ins.operand as l_operand then if attached l_labels.item (l_operand.string_value) as l_val and then l_val /= n then -- TODO reimplement. {EXCEPTIONS}.raise (generator + " MismatchedStack at " + l_operand.string_value.to_string_8) else l_labels.force (n, l_operand.string_value) end end elseif ins.opcode = {CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES}.i_switch then if not ins.switches.is_empty then across ins.switches as item loop if attached l_labels.item (item) as l_val and then l_val /= n then -- TODO reimplement. {EXCEPTIONS}.raise (generator + " MismatchedStack at " + item.to_string_8) else l_labels.force (n, item) end end end elseif ins.opcode = {CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES}.i_label then if last_branch then if attached l_labels.item (ins.label) as l_val then n := l_val else n := 0 end else if attached l_labels.item (ins.label) as l_val and then l_val /= n then -- TODO reimplement. {EXCEPTIONS}.raise (generator + " MismatchedStack at " + ins.label.to_string_8) else l_labels.force (n, ins.label) end end elseif ins.opcode = {CIL_INSTRUCTION_OPCODES}.i_comment then -- Placeholder. else last_branch := False end end end if n /= 0 then if n /= 1 or else attached prototype.return_type as l_return_type and then l_return_type.is_void then -- TODO reimplement. {EXCEPTIONS}.raise (generator + "calculate_max_stack Stack Not Empty at the end of function") end end end optimize_locals local l_sorter: SORTER [CIL_LOCAL] comparator: PREDICATE [CIL_LOCAL, CIL_LOCAL] l_index: INTEGER do across instructions as ins loop if attached {CIL_OPERAND} ins.operand as l_op then if attached {CIL_LOCAL} l_op.value as l_val then l_val.increment_uses end end end -- sort var_list comparator := agent (left, right: CIL_LOCAL): BOOLEAN do Result := left.uses > right.uses end create {QUICK_SORTER [CIL_LOCAL]} l_sorter.make ((create {AGENT_EQUALITY_TESTER [CIL_LOCAL]}.make (comparator))) l_sorter.sort (var_list) l_index := 0 across var_list as l_var loop l_var.index := l_index l_index := l_index + 1 end end feature -- Output il_src_dump (a_file: FILE_STREAM): BOOLEAN do a_file.put_string (".method") flags.il_src_dump_before_flags (a_file) if invoke_mode = {CIL_INVOKE_MODE}.PInvoke then a_file.put_string (" pinvokeimpl(%"") a_file.put_string (pinvoke_name) a_file.put_string ("%" ") a_file.put_string (if pinvoke_type = {CIL_INVOKE_TYPE}.Cdecl then "cdecl) " else "stdcall) " end) else a_file.put_string (" ") end Result := prototype.il_src_dump (a_file, invoke_mode /= {CIL_INVOKE_MODE}.PInvoke, False, invoke_mode = {CIL_INVOKE_MODE}.PInvoke) flags.il_src_dump_after_flags (a_file) if invoke_mode /= {CIL_INVOKE_MODE}.PInvoke then a_file.put_string ("{") a_file.put_new_line a_file.flush if (prototype.flags & {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.vararg) /= 0 and then (prototype.flags & {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.managed) /= 0 then -- TODO check why we need to include this references Hardcoded. -- Allow C# to use a_file.put_string ("%T.param%T[") a_file.put_integer (prototype.params.count) a_file.put_string ("]") a_file.put_new_line a_file.flush a_file.put_string ("%T.custom instance void [mscorlib]System.ParamArrayAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 )") a_file.put_new_line a_file.flush end if not var_list.is_empty then -- TODO -- heck section I I. The . locals directive a_file.put_string ("%T.locals (") a_file.put_new_line a_file.flush across var_list as it loop a_file.put_string ("%T%T[") a_file.put_integer (it.index) a_file.put_string ("]%T") if attached {CIL_TYPE} it.type as l_type and then l_type.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.class_ref then if attached {CIL_DATA_CONTAINER} l_type.type_ref as l_class and then (l_class.flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.value) /= 0 then a_file.put_string ("valuetype ") else a_file.put_string ("class ") end end if attached {CIL_TYPE} it.type as l_type then Result := l_type.il_src_dump (a_file) end a_file.put_string (" ") Result := it.il_src_dump (a_file) if @ it.cursor_index + 1 /= @ it.last_index then --a_file.put_string (")") a_file.put_new_line a_file.flush else a_file.put_string (",") a_file.put_new_line a_file.flush end end a_file.put_string ("%T)") a_file.put_new_line a_file.flush end if entry_point then a_file.put_string ("%T.entrypoint") a_file.put_new_line a_file.flush end a_file.put_string ("%T.maxstack ") a_file.put_integer (max_stack) a_file.put_new_line a_file.flush a_file.put_new_line a_file.flush Result := Precursor {CIL_CODE_CONTAINER} (a_file) a_file.put_string ("}") a_file.put_new_line a_file.flush else a_file.put_string ("{}") a_file.put_new_line a_file.flush end end pe_dump (a_stream: FILE_STREAM): BOOLEAN do if not is_pinvoke and then in_assembly_ref then Result := prototype.pe_dump (a_stream, False) else if attached rendering then -- Log a warning message -- "already dumped" << GetContainer()->Name().c_str() << Signature()->Name().c_str(); Result := True else Result := pe_dump_imp (a_stream) end end end compile (a_stream: FILE_STREAM) local l_sz: CELL [NATURAL_32] do if attached {PE_METHOD} rendering as l_rendering then create l_sz.put (l_rendering.code_size) -- code_ and codeSize_ are zero if no instruction, e.g. in delegate impls; seems a legal outcome l_rendering.code := compile_cc (a_stream, l_sz) l_rendering.code_size := l_sz.item compile_seh (l_rendering.seh_data) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation pe_dump_imp (a_stream: FILE_STREAM): BOOLEAN local l_sz: CELL [NATURAL_32] l_method_signature: NATURAL_32 l_sig: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_table: PE_TABLE_ENTRY_BASE l_res: NATURAL_8 l_last: CIL_INSTRUCTION l_pe_flags: INTEGER l_is_runtime: BOOLEAN l_rendering: like rendering l_impl_flags: INTEGER l_mf_flags: INTEGER l_name_index: NATURAL_32 l_import_name_index: NATURAL_32 l_param_index: NATURAL i: INTEGER l_last_param_index: NATURAL_32 l_flags: INTEGER l_module_name: NATURAL_32 l_module_ref: NATURAL_32 l_method_index: PE_MEMBER_FORWARDED l_attribute_type: NATURAL_32 l_attribute_data: NATURAL_32 l_ctor_index: NATURAL_32 l_data: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_data_sig: NATURAL_32 l_attribute: PE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE l_type: PE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE l_method_def: NATURAL_32 l_local_count: INTEGER l_signature: NATURAL_32 do create l_sz.put (0) if attached {CIL_TYPE} prototype.return_type as l_return_type then if l_return_type.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.class_ref and then attached {CIL_DATA_CONTAINER} l_return_type.type_ref as l_class and then l_class.in_assembly_ref then Result := l_class.pe_dump (a_stream) end if attached {CIL_TYPE} l_return_type.mod_opt as l_opt and then l_opt.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.class_ref and then attached {CIL_DATA_CONTAINER} l_opt.type_ref as l_class then Result := l_class.pe_dump (a_stream) end end if not prototype.params.is_empty then -- Assign an index to any params across prototype.params as param loop if attached {CIL_TYPE} param.type as l_tp and then l_tp.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.class_ref then if l_tp.pe_index = 0 then l_res := l_tp.render (a_stream, create {SPECIAL [NATURAL_8]}.make_filled (0, 256), 0) end end end end if not var_list.is_empty then -- Assign type indexes to any types that haven't already been defined across var_list as l_local loop if attached {CIL_TYPE} l_local.type as l_tp and then l_tp.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.class_ref then if l_tp.pe_index = 0 then l_res := l_tp.render (a_stream, create {SPECIAL [NATURAL_8]}.make_filled (0, 256), 0) end end end l_sig := {PE_SIGNATURE_GENERATOR_HELPER}.local_var_sig (Current, l_sz) if attached {PE_WRITER} a_stream.pe_writer as l_writer then l_method_signature := l_writer.hash_blob (l_sig, l_sz.item) create {PE_STANDALONE_SIG_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data (l_method_signature) l_method_signature := l_writer.add_table_entry (l_table) end end if not instructions.is_empty then l_last := instructions.last end l_is_runtime := (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.runtime).to_boolean if entry_point then l_pe_flags := l_pe_flags | {PE_METHOD}.entrypoint end if invoke_mode = {CIL_INVOKE_MODE}.cil and not l_is_runtime then l_pe_flags := l_pe_flags | {PE_METHOD}.cil end check rendering = Void end l_method_def := if attached {PE_WRITER} a_stream.pe_writer as l_writer then l_writer.next_table_index ({PE_TABLES}.tmethoddef) else {NATURAL_32} 0 end l_local_count := if attached l_last then (l_last.offset + l_last.instruction_size) else 0 end if l_method_signature /= 0 then l_signature := l_method_signature | ({PE_TABLES}.tstandalonesig |<< 24) else l_signature := 0 end create l_rendering.make (has_seh, l_pe_flags, l_method_def, max_stack, var_list.count, l_local_count, l_signature) token := l_rendering.method_def | ({PE_TABLES}.tmethoddef |<< 24) if invoke_mode = {CIL_INVOKE_MODE}.cil then if l_is_runtime and then not instructions.is_empty or else not l_is_runtime and then instructions.is_empty then -- "Invalid method\t" << GetContainer()->getAssembly()->Name().c_str() << GetContainer()->Name().c_str() << Signature()->Name().c_str(); end if attached {PE_WRITER} a_stream.pe_writer as l_writer then l_writer.add_method (l_rendering) end a_stream.add_method (Current) end if (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.CIL) /= 0 then l_impl_flags := l_impl_flags | {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY}.il elseif (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.Runtime) /= 0 then l_impl_flags := l_impl_flags | {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY}.runtime end if (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.Managed) /= 0 then l_impl_flags := l_impl_flags | {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY}.Managed end if (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.PreserveSig) /= 0 then l_impl_flags := l_impl_flags | {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY}.PreserveSig end if (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.Public) /= 0 then l_mf_flags := l_mf_flags | {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY}.Public elseif (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.Private) /= 0 then l_mf_flags := l_mf_flags | {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY}.Private end if (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.Virtual) /= 0 then l_mf_flags := l_mf_flags | {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY}.Virtual end if (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.NewSlot) /= 0 then l_mf_flags := l_mf_flags | {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY}.NewSlot end if (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.Static) /= 0 then l_mf_flags := l_mf_flags | {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY}.Static end if (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.SpecialName) /= 0 then l_mf_flags := l_mf_flags | {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY}.SpecialName end if (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.RTSpecialName) /= 0 then l_mf_flags := l_mf_flags | {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY}.RTSpecialName end if (flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.HideBySig) /= 0 then l_mf_flags := l_mf_flags | {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY}.HideBySig end if invoke_mode = {CIL_INVOKE_MODE}.PInvoke then l_mf_flags := l_mf_flags | {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY}.PinvokeImpl end if attached {PE_WRITER} a_stream.pe_writer as l_writer then l_name_index := l_writer.hash_string ( l_import_name_index := l_name_index if not import_name.is_empty then l_import_name_index := l_writer.hash_string (import_name) end l_param_index := l_writer.next_table_index ({PE_TABLES}.tparam) l_sig := {PE_SIGNATURE_GENERATOR_HELPER}.method_def_sig (prototype, l_sz) l_method_signature := l_writer.hash_blob (l_sig, l_sz.item.to_natural_8) create {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_method (l_rendering, l_impl_flags.to_integer_16, l_mf_flags.to_integer_16, l_name_index, l_method_signature, l_param_index) prototype.set_pe_index (l_writer.add_table_entry (l_table)) i := 1 l_last_param_index := 0 across prototype.params as param loop l_flags := 0 l_name_index := l_writer.hash_string ( create {PE_PARAM_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data (l_flags, i.to_natural_16, l_name_index) i := i + 1 l_last_param_index := l_writer.add_table_entry (l_table) end if invoke_mode = {CIL_INVOKE_MODE}.pinvoke then l_flags := 0 if pinvoke_type = {CIL_INVOKE_TYPE}.cdecl then l_flags := l_flags | {PE_IMPL_MAP_TABLE_ENTRY}.CallConvCdecl else l_flags := l_flags | {PE_IMPL_MAP_TABLE_ENTRY}.CallConvStdcall end l_module_name := l_writer.hash_string (pinvoke_name) l_module_ref := a_stream.module_ref [l_module_name] if l_module_ref = 0 then create {PE_MODULE_REF_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data (l_module_name) l_module_ref := l_writer.add_table_entry (l_table) a_stream.module_ref.force (l_module_ref, l_module_name) end create l_method_index.make_with_tag_and_index ({PE_MEMBER_FORWARDED}.methoddef, prototype.pe_index) create {PE_IMPL_MAP_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data (l_flags.to_integer_16, l_method_index, l_import_name_index, l_module_ref) l_res := l_writer.add_table_entry (l_table).to_natural_8 -- TODO fix this, the returned value is not needed. end if prototype.flags & {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.vararg /= 0 and then prototype.flags & {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.managed /= 0 then l_attribute_type := l_writer.param_attribute_type l_attribute_data := l_writer.param_attribute_data if not (l_attribute_type /= 0) and then not (l_attribute_data /= 0) then l_ctor_index := 0 if attached {CIL_METHOD} a_stream.find ("System.ParamArrayAttribute::.ctor") as l_result then Result := l_result.pe_dump (a_stream) l_ctor_index := l_result.prototype.pe_index_call_site end l_data := {ARRAY [NATURAL_8]} <<1, 0, 0, 0>> l_data_sig := l_writer.hash_blob (l_data, l_data.count.to_natural_8) l_writer.set_param_attribute (l_ctor_index, l_data_sig) l_attribute_type := l_writer.param_attribute_type l_attribute_data := l_writer.param_attribute_data create l_attribute.make_with_tag_and_index ({PE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE}.ParamDef, l_last_param_index) create l_type.make_with_tag_and_index ({PE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE}.Memberref, l_attribute_type) create {PE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data (l_attribute, l_type, l_attribute_data) l_res := l_writer.add_table_entry (l_table).to_natural_8 end end rendering := l_rendering end Result := True end end