note description: "[ The signature for a method, has a return type and a list of params. Params can be either named or unnamed If the signature is not managed it is PINVOKE There are two types of vararg protocols supported. When performing a PINVOKE, the native CIL vararg mechanism is used because that is how things are marshalled. But if varars are used in the arguments to a managed function, the argument list will end with an argument which is an szarray of objects. It will be tagged appropriately so that other .Net assemblies e.g. C# programs know how to use it as a param list, including the ability to specify an arbitrary number of params. When these are passed about in a program you generate you may need to box simple values to fit them in the array... ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE inherit REFACTORING_HELPER create make, make_default feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_default do make ("", 0, Void) end make (a_name: STRING_32; a_flags: INTEGER; a_container: detachable CIL_DATA_CONTAINER) do container := a_container name := a_name flags := a_flags create display_name.make_empty create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_PARAM]} params.make (0) create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_PARAM]} vararg_params.make (0) create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_TYPE]} generic.make (0) create display_name.make_empty ensure container_set: attached container as l_container implies l_container = a_container name_set: name = a_name flags_set: flags = a_flags return_type_void: return_type = Void ref_set: not ref pe_index_set: pe_index = 0 pe_index_call_site_set: pe_index_call_site = 0 method_parent_void: method_parent = Void array_object_void: array_object = Void external_set: not is_external definitions_set: definitions = 0 generic_parent_void: generic_parent = Void generic_param_count_set: generic_param_count = 0 params_empty: params.is_empty vararg_params_empty: vararg_params.is_empty generic_empty: generic.is_empty display_name_empty: display_name.is_empty end internal_definitions: NATURAL -- definition count feature -- Access method_parent: detachable CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE -- the parent declaration for a call site signature with vararg -- params (the method_def version of the signature) container: detachable CIL_DATA_CONTAINER -- The data container. return_type: detachable CIL_TYPE -- return type. array_object: detachable CIL_TYPE -- The array object. name: STRING_32 -- The name. display_name: STRING_32 flags: INTEGER -- qualifiers. params: LIST [CIL_PARAM] vararg_params: LIST [CIL_PARAM] -- vararg parameters. ref: BOOLEAN -- is ref? pe_index: NATURAL_32 pe_index_call_site: NATURAL_32 pe_index_type: NATURAL_32 is_external: BOOLEAN -- not locally defined. generic: LIST [CIL_TYPE] -- The lists of generics. generic_parent: detachable CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE generic_param_count: INTEGER definitions: NATURAL -- Return definitions count. do Result := internal_definitions // 2; end feature -- Element change increment_definitions -- Increment definitions count. do internal_definitions := internal_definitions + 1 ensure definitions_incremented: old internal_definitions + 1 = internal_definitions end set_return_type (a_type: like return_type) -- Set `return_type` with `a_type`. do return_type := a_type ensure return_type_set: return_type = a_type end add_parameter (a_param: CIL_PARAM) -- Add a parameter `param` to the list of `params`. do if vararg_params.count > 0 then -- TODO add PELIB_ERROR class. {EXCEPTIONS}.raise ("VarargParamsAlreadyDeclared") end a_param.set_index (params.count) params.force (a_param) end add_vararg_param (a_param: CIL_PARAM) -- Add a vararg parameter `a_param`. --| These are NATIVE vararg parameters not --| C# ones. --| They are only added to signatures at a call site... --| Note: Call site I. Call site descriptors do a_param.set_index (params.count + vararg_params.count) vararg_params.force (a_param) end set_instance (a_instance: BOOLEAN) -- Make it an instance member. do if a_instance then flags := flags | {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.instance_flag else flags := flags & ({CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.instance_flag.bit_not) end end signature_parent (a_parent: CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE) -- the parent declaration `a_parent` for a call site signature with vararg -- params (the methoddef version of the signature) do method_parent := a_parent ensure method_parent_set: attached method_parent as l_method_parent implies l_method_parent = a_parent end set_container (a_container: like container) -- Set `container` with `a_container` do container := a_container ensure container_set: container = a_container end set_name (a_name: STRING_32) -- Set `name` with `a_name`. do name := a_name ensure name_set: name = a_name end set_array_object (a_type: like array_object) -- Set `array_object` with `a_type` do array_object := a_type ensure array_object_set: array_object = a_type end set_generic_parent (a_sig: like generic_parent) -- Set `generic_parent` with `a_sig` do generic_parent := a_sig ensure generic_parent_set: generic_parent = a_sig end set_vararg_flag -- Make it a vararg signature. do flags := flags | {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.vararg end set_pe_index (a_index: like pe_index) -- Set `pe_index` to `a_index`. do pe_index := a_index ensure pe_index_set: pe_index = a_index end set_is_external (a_val: BOOLEAN) -- Set `is_external` with `a_val`. do is_external := a_val ensure is_external_set: is_external = a_val end set_ref (a_val: BOOLEAN) -- Set `ref` with `a_val`. do ref := a_val ensure ref_set: ref = a_val end set_generic_param_count (a_count: INTEGER) -- Set `generic_param_count` with `a_count` do generic_param_count := a_count ensure generic_param_count_set: generic_param_count = a_count end set_flags (a_flags: like flags) -- Set flags with `a_flags'. do flags := a_flags end feature -- Status Report param_count: NATURAL_32 -- Return parameter count. do Result := params.count.to_natural_32 end vararg_param_count: NATURAL_32 do Result := vararg_params.count.to_natural_32 end instance: BOOLEAN -- Is an instance member? do Result := not not (flags & {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.instance_flag /= 0) end get_param (i: INTEGER; by_ordinal: BOOLEAN): CIL_PARAM -- Get a parameter. require valid_index: i > 0 and then i <= params.count do Result := params [i] -- TODO check -- if by_ordinal then -- Result := (i) -- else -- across params as ic until found loop -- if ic.index = i then -- found := True -- Result := ic -- end -- end -- end end matches_type (a_type: CIL_TYPE; a_other: CIL_TYPE): BOOLEAN local done: BOOLEAN do if a_other.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.type_var then -- nothing to do, it matches. elseif a_other.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.method_param then -- nothing to do, it matches. elseif a_type.basic_type = a_other.basic_type then -- this may need to deal with boxed types a little better if a_type.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.class_ref and then a_type.type_ref /= a_other.type_ref -- TODO check how to compare DATA_CONTAINER. then done := True Result := False end else done := True Result := False end if not done then if (a_type.pointer_level /= a_other.pointer_level and then a_other.pointer_level /= 1 and then a_other.basic_type /= {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.Void_) or else (a_type.array_level /= a_other.array_level) then Result := False else Result := True end end end matches (a_args: LIST [CIL_TYPE]): BOOLEAN local l_tpa: CIL_TYPE l_tpb: CIL_TYPE l_exit: BOOLEAN l_count: INTEGER do l_count := a_args.count -- this is only designed for managed functions ... if a_args.count = params.count or else (params.count > 0 and then a_args.count >= params.count - 1 and then flags & {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.vararg /= 0) then across 1 |..| l_count as ic until l_exit loop -- TODO double check this implementation. if attached (ic).type as l_type then l_tpb := l_type l_tpa := a_args [ic] if not matches_type (l_tpa, l_tpb) then l_exit := True Result := False end else l_exit := True Result := False end end if not l_exit then Result := True end else Result := False end end feature -- Output il_src_dump (a_file: FILE_STREAM; a_names: BOOLEAN; a_type: BOOLEAN; a_pinvoke: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN do -- this usage of vararg is for C style varargs -- occil uses C# style varags except in pinvoke and generates -- the associated object array argument if ((flags & {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.vararg) /= 0) and then not ((flags & {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.managed) /= 0) then a_file.put_string ("vararg ") end if (flags & {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.instance_flag) /= 0 then a_file.put_string ("instance ") end if attached return_type as l_ret_type and then l_ret_type.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.class_ref then if attached l_ret_type.type_ref as l_type_ref and then (l_type_ref.flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.value) /= 0 then a_file.put_string ("valuetype ") else a_file.put_string ("class ") end end if attached return_type as l_ret_type then Result := l_ret_Type.il_src_dump (a_file) end a_file.put_string (" ") if a_type then a_file.put_string (" *") elseif not name.is_empty then if attached array_object as l_array_obj then Result := l_array_obj.il_src_dump (a_file) a_file.put_string ("::'") a_file.put_string (name) a_file.put_string ("'") elseif a_names then a_file.put_string ("'") a_file.put_string (name) a_file.put_string ("'") else if attached {CIL_CLASS} container as l_container and then not l_container.generics.is_empty then if (l_container.flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.value) /= 0 then a_file.put_string ("valuetype ") else a_file.put_string ("class ") end -- TODO implement {CIL_QUALIFIERS}.name a_file.put_string ({CIL_QUALIFIERS}.name ("", l_container, False)) a_file.put_string (l_container.adorn_generics (False)) else -- TODO implement {CIL_QUALIFIERS}.name a_file.put_string ({CIL_QUALIFIERS}.name (name, container, False)) end end end a_file.put_string (adorn_generics (a_file, false)) a_file.put_string ("(") across params as it loop if attached {CIL_TYPE} it.type as l_type and then l_type.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.class_ref then if attached l_type.type_ref as l_type_ref and then (l_type_ref.flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.value) /= 0 then a_file.put_string ("valuetype ") else a_file.put_string ("class ") end end if attached {CIL_TYPE} it.type as l_type then Result := l_type.il_src_dump (a_file) if a_names and then l_type.basic_type /= {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.type_var and then l_type.basic_type /= {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.method_param then Result := it.il_src_dump (a_file) end if @ it.target_index + 1 < @ it.last_index then a_file.put_string (", ") end end end if not a_pinvoke and then (flags & {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.vararg /= 0) then if not ((flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.managed) /= 0) then a_file.put_string (", ...") if not vararg_params.is_empty then a_file.put_string (", ") across vararg_params as it loop if attached {CIL_TYPE} it.type as l_type then Result := l_type.il_src_dump (a_file) end if @ it.target_index + 1 < @ it.last_index then a_file.put_string (", ") end end end end end a_file.put_string (")") Result := True end il_signature_dump (a_stream: FILE_STREAM) local l_result: BOOLEAN do if attached return_type as l_return_type then l_result := l_return_type.il_src_dump (a_stream) end a_stream.put_string (" ") if attached {CIL_CLASS} container as l_class and then not l_class.generics.is_empty then if l_class.flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.value /= 0 then a_stream.put_string ("valuetype ") else a_stream.put_string ("class ") end a_stream.put_string ({CIL_QUALIFIERS}.name ({STRING_32} "", container, False)) a_stream.put_string (l_class.adorn_generics (false)) a_stream.put_string ("::'") a_stream.put_string (name) a_stream.put_string ("'(") -- double check else a_stream.put_string ({CIL_QUALIFIERS}.name (name, container, False)) end a_stream.put_string ("(") across params as param loop if attached {CIL_TYPE} param.type as l_type and then attached {CIL_DATA_CONTAINER} l_type.type_ref as l_class and then l_class.flags.flags & {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.value /= 0 then a_stream.put_string ("valuetype ") else a_stream.put_string ("class ") end if attached {CIL_TYPE} param.type as l_type then l_result := l_type.il_src_dump (a_stream) end if @ param.target_index + 1 < @ param.last_index then a_stream.put_string (", ") end end a_stream.put_string (")") end pe_dump (a_stream: FILE_STREAM; as_type: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN local l_sz: CELL [NATURAL_32] l_sig: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_method_signature: NATURAL_32 l_method_ref: PE_METHOD_DEF_OR_REF l_table: PE_TABLE_ENTRY_BASE l_function: NATURAL_32 l_cls: CIL_CLASS l_member_ref: PE_MEMBER_REF_PARENT l_parent_index: NATURAL_32 l_method_ref_type: INTEGER l_buf: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] l_dis: NATURAL_32 l_parent: NATURAL_32 l_exit: BOOLEAN do if attached container as l_container and then l_container.in_assembly_ref then if pe_index_call_site = 0 then Result := l_container.pe_dump (a_stream) if attached return_type as l_return_type and then l_return_type.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.class_ref then if attached {CIL_DATA_CONTAINER} l_return_type.type_ref as l_class and then l_class.in_assembly_ref then Result := l_class.pe_dump (a_stream) end end if attached return_type as l_return_type and then attached {CIL_TYPE} l_return_type.mod_opt as l_mod_opt and then l_mod_opt.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.class_ref then if attached {CIL_DATA_CONTAINER} l_mod_opt.type_ref as l_class and then l_class.in_assembly_ref then Result := l_class.pe_dump (a_stream) end end across params as param loop if attached {CIL_TYPE} param.type as l_type and then l_type.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.class_ref then -- NOTE: original called PEDump unconditionally, which leads to -- rendering of the same class and its methods more than once! -- If this is not called at all, not all referenced classes are considered -- in the meta tables, e.g. Display.FrameMsg in System.Recall, which is only used as param type. -- This lead to nil tokens in typerefs and assemblies which are only read up to this token by Mono! if attached {CIL_CLASS} l_type.type_ref as l_class and then l_class.in_assembly_ref and then l_class.pe_index = 0 then Result := l_class.pe_dump (a_stream) end end end create l_sz.put (0) if not generic.is_empty then if attached generic_parent as l_generic_parent then Result := l_generic_parent.pe_dump (a_stream, False) l_sig := {PE_SIGNATURE_GENERATOR_HELPER}.method_spec_sig (Current, l_sz) -- TODO what to do if pe_writer is Void if attached {PE_WRITER} a_stream.pe_writer as l_writer then l_method_signature := l_writer.hash_blob (l_sig, l_sz.item) create l_method_ref.make_with_tag_and_index ({PE_METHOD_DEF_OR_REF}.memberref, if attached generic_parent as ll_generic_parent then ll_generic_parent.pe_index_call_site else {NATURAL_32}0 end) create {PE_METHOD_SPEC_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data (l_method_ref, l_method_signature) pe_index_call_site := l_writer.add_table_entry (l_table) end end else if attached {PE_WRITER} a_stream.pe_writer as l_writer then l_function := l_writer.hash_string (name) end if attached {CIL_CLASS} container as l_class then l_cls := l_class end l_sig := {PE_SIGNATURE_GENERATOR_HELPER}.method_ref_sig (Current, l_sz) if attached {PE_WRITER} a_stream.pe_writer as l_writer then l_method_signature := l_writer.hash_blob (l_sig, l_sz.item) end if attached l_cls then create l_member_ref.make_with_tag_and_index ( if not l_cls.generics.is_empty then {PE_MEMBER_REF_PARENT}.typespec else {PE_MEMBER_REF_PARENT}.typeref end, if attached container as ll_container then ll_container.pe_index else {NATURAL_32}0 end) else create l_member_ref.make_with_tag_and_index ( 0, if attached container as ll_container then ll_container.pe_index else {NATURAL_32}0 end) end create {PE_MEMBER_REF_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data (l_member_ref, l_function, l_method_signature) if attached {PE_WRITER} a_stream.pe_writer as l_writer then pe_index_call_site := l_writer.add_table_entry (l_table) end end end elseif as_type then if pe_index_type /= 0 then create l_sz.put (0) l_sig := {PE_SIGNATURE_GENERATOR_HELPER}.method_ref_sig (Current, l_sz) if attached {PE_WRITER} a_stream.pe_writer as l_writer then l_method_signature := l_writer.hash_blob (l_sig, l_sz.item) create {PE_STANDALONE_SIG_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data (l_method_signature) pe_index_type := l_writer.add_table_entry (l_table) end end elseif (flags & {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.vararg /= 0) and then not (flags & {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.managed /= 0) then create l_sz.put (0) if attached {PE_WRITER} a_stream.pe_writer as l_write then l_function := l_write.hash_string (name) l_parent_index := if attached method_parent as l_method_parent then l_method_parent.pe_index_type else {NATURAL_32}0 end l_sig := {PE_SIGNATURE_GENERATOR_HELPER}.method_ref_sig (Current, l_sz) l_method_signature := l_write.hash_blob (l_sig, l_sz.item) pe_index_call_site := l_write.add_table_entry ( create {PE_MEMBER_REF_TABLE_ENTRY}.make_with_data (create {PE_MEMBER_REF_PARENT}.make_with_tag_and_index ({PE_MEMBER_REF_PARENT}.methoddef, l_parent_index) , l_function, l_method_signature)) end elseif pe_index_call_site = 0 then l_method_ref_type := {PE_MEMBER_REF_PARENT}.typeref create l_sz.put (0) if attached {PE_WRITER} a_stream.pe_writer as l_writer then l_function := l_writer.hash_string (name) if attached return_type as l_return_type and then l_return_type.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.class_ref then if attached l_return_type.type_ref as l_class and then l_class.in_assembly_ref then Result := l_class.pe_dump (a_stream) end end if attached {CIL_TYPE} return_type as l_return_type and then attached {CIL_TYPE} l_return_type.mod_opt as l_mod_opt and then l_mod_opt.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.class_ref then if attached l_mod_opt.type_ref as l_class and then l_class.in_assembly_ref then Result := l_class.pe_dump (a_stream) end end if attached {CIL_TYPE} array_object as l_array_object then l_method_ref_type := {PE_MEMBER_REF_PARENT}.TypeSpec create l_buf.make_filled (0, 16) -- TODO double check offset l_dis := l_array_object.render (a_stream, l_buf, 0) l_parent := l_array_object.pe_index elseif attached {CIL_DATA_CONTAINER} container as l_container then if l_container.pe_index = 0 then Result := l_container.pe_dump (a_stream) end l_parent := l_container.pe_index if attached {CIL_CLASS} container as l_class then if not l_class.generics.is_empty and then l_class.generics.first.basic_type /= {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.type_var then l_method_ref_type := {PE_MEMBER_REF_PARENT}.typespec end end else l_exit := True Result := False end if not l_exit then create l_member_ref.make_with_tag_and_index (l_method_ref_type, l_parent) l_sig := {PE_SIGNATURE_GENERATOR_HELPER}.method_def_sig (Current, l_sz) l_method_signature := l_writer.hash_blob (l_sig, l_sz.item) create {PE_MEMBER_REF_TABLE_ENTRY}l_table.make_with_data (l_member_ref, l_function, l_method_signature) pe_index_call_site := l_writer.add_table_entry (l_table) end end end Result := True end adorn_generics (a_stream: FILE_STREAM; a_names: BOOLEAN): STRING_32 local l_type: CIL_TYPE l_file: FILE_STREAM bool: BOOLEAN do create l_file.make_temp create Result.make_empty if not generic.is_empty then Result.append ("<") across generic as it loop if a_names and then it.basic_type = {CIL_BASIC_TYPE}.type_var then Result.append_character ('A' + (it.var_num // 26)) Result.append_character ('A' + (it.var_num \\ 26)) else l_type := it l_type.show_type := True bool := l_type.il_src_dump (l_file) end if @ it.target_index + 1 /= @ it.last_index then l_file.put_string (",") else l_file.put_string (">") end end end Result := l_file.text l_file.close end end