note description: "[ MD_EMIT represents a set of in-memory metadata tables and creates a unique module version identifier (GUID) for the metadata. The class has the ability to add entries to the metadata tables and define the assembly information in the metadata. ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class MD_EMIT inherit MD_EMIT_I redefine prepare_to_save end MD_EMIT_IMPLEMENTATION PE_TABLE_CONSTANTS REFACTORING_HELPER export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} make (a_md_ui: MD_UI) -- Create a new instance of METADATA_EMIT --| creates a set of in-memory metadata tables, --| generates a unique GUID (module version identifier, or MVID) for the metadata, do md_ui := a_md_ui -- Using PE_GENERATOR to get access helper features. create pe_writer.make create pdb_writer.make_pdb (pe_writer) initialize_module_guid initialize_compilation_unit -- we don't initialize the compilation unit since we don't provide the name of it (similar to the COM interface) create opt_data_for_type_def.make (5) ensure module_guid_set: module_guid.count = 16 end initialize_compilation_unit -- Initialize the compilation unit local l_type_def: PE_TYPEDEF_OR_REF l_table: PE_TYPE_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY l_unused_token: NATURAL_32 do -- initializes the necessary metadata tables for the module and type definition entries. module_index := pe_writer.hash_string ({STRING_32} "") create l_type_def.make_with_tag_and_index ({PE_TYPEDEF_OR_REF}.typedef, 0) create l_table.make_with_uninitialized_field_and_method (0, module_index, 0, l_type_def) l_unused_token := add_table_entry (l_table) end initialize_module_guid -- Create a unique GUID. --| The module version identifier. do module_guid := pe_writer.create_guid guid_index := pe_writer.hash_guid (module_guid) end feature -- Access pe_writer: PE_GENERATOR -- helper class to generate the PE file. --| using as a helper class to access needed features. pdb_writer: PE_GENERATOR -- helper class to generate the PDB content|file. --| using as a helper class to access needed features. md_ui: MD_UI -- Integration with UI to process UI events. feature -- Optimization opt_data_for_type_def: HASH_TABLE [MD_TYPE_DEF_DATA_FOR_OPTIMIZATION, NATURAL_32] -- Data used for optimization Indexed by TypeDef token opt_data_for_type_def_dump: STRING -- Dump of `opt_data_for_type_def`, for debugging. do create Result.make (0) if attached opt_data_for_type_def as tb then Result.append ("TYPES DATA:%N") across tb as tdata loop Result.append ("TypeDef 0x" + @tdata.key.to_hex_string + "%N") if attached tdata.field_list as lst then Result.append (" Fields ("+lst.count.out+"):%N") across lst as f loop Result.append (" - 0x" + f.to_hex_string + "%N") end end if attached tdata.method_def_list as lst then Result.append (" Methods ("+lst.count.out+"):%N") across lst as m loop Result.append (" - 0x" + m.to_hex_string + "%N") end end end Result.append ("%N") end end feature -- Access module_guid: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] -- Unique GUID --|the length should be 16. guid_index: NATURAL_32 -- Guid index module_index: NATURAL_32 -- Index of the GUID -- where it should be located in the metadata tables. feature -- Status report is_successful: BOOLEAN -- Was last call successful? do debug ("refactor_fixme") to_implement ("TODO: for now, always return True") end Result := True end appending_to_file_supported: BOOLEAN = True -- Is `append_to_file` supported? feature -- Access save_size: INTEGER -- Size of Current emitted assembly in memory if we were to emit it now. do --| Computes the size of the metadata for the current emitted assembly. --| Iterate through each table and multiplying the size of the table by the number of entries in the table. --| Adds the size of each heap (string, user string, blob, and GUID) --| The size of the metadata header and table header. --| The final result is the size of the metadata in bytes. Result := pe_writer.computed_metadata_size.to_integer_32 if Result = 0 then pe_writer.compute_metadata_size Result := pe_writer.computed_metadata_size.to_integer_32 end end save_pdb_size: INTEGER -- Size of Current emitted assembly in memory if we were to emit it now. do --| Computes the size of the metadata for the current emitted assembly. --| Iterate through each table and multiplying the size of the table by the number of entries in the table. --| Adds the size of each heap (string, user string, blob, and GUID) --| The size of the metadata header and table header. --| The final result is the size of the metadata in bytes. Result := pdb_writer.computed_metadata_size.to_integer_32 if Result = 0 then pdb_writer.compute_metadata_size Result := pdb_writer.computed_metadata_size.to_integer_32 end end feature -- Pre-Save prepare_to_save (fn: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Prepare data to be save local md: MD_TABLE_UTILITIES do Precursor (fn) create md.make (Current, fn) md.prepare_to_save end prepare_pdb_to_save (fn: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Prepare data to be save local md: MD_TABLE_UTILITIES do create md.make (Current, fn) md.prepare_pdb_to_save end feature -- Save save (f_name: CLI_STRING) -- Save current assembly to file `f_name'. local l_file: FILE do -- This code also writes the PE_DOTNET_META_HEADER -- see II.24.2 File headers, II.24.2.1 Metadata root -- -- and the rtv_string. create {RAW_FILE} l_file.make_create_read_write (f_name.string_32) append_to_file (l_file) l_file.close end append_to_file (f: FILE) -- Append current assembly to file `f`. -- note: this does not include PDB content. local l_expected_size: INTEGER do l_expected_size := f.count + save_size -- This code also writes the PE_DOTNET_META_HEADER -- see II.24.2 File headers, II.24.2.1 Metadata root -- -- and the rtv_string. write_metadata_headers (pe_writer, f) write_tables (pe_writer, f) write_strings (pe_writer, f) write_us (pe_writer, f) write_guid (pe_writer, f) write_blob (pe_writer, f) -- Workaround to align if not is_aligned (f, 4) then check should_not_happen: False end align (f, 4) end check valid_size: l_expected_size = f.count end end append_to_pdb_file (f: FILE) -- Append current assembly to file `f`. local l_expected_size: INTEGER do l_expected_size := f.count + save_pdb_size -- This code also writes the PE_DOTNET_META_HEADER -- see II.24.2 File headers, II.24.2.1 Metadata root -- -- and the version_string. write_metadata_headers (pdb_writer, f) write_pdb_streams (pdb_writer, f) write_tables (pdb_writer, f) write_strings (pdb_writer, f) write_us (pdb_writer, f) write_guid (pdb_writer, f) write_blob (pdb_writer, f) -- Workaround to align if not is_aligned (f, 4) then check should_not_happen: False end align (f, 4) end check valid_size: l_expected_size = f.count end end update_pdb_stream_pdb_id (a_pdb_id: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]) -- Update the pdb_id using a `a_pdb_id`. require a_pdb_id.count = 20 do pdb_writer.pdb_stream.set_pdb_id (a_pdb_id) end update_pdb_stream_entry_point (a_entry_point: INTEGER) -- Update the pdb entry_point with `a_entry_point` do pdb_writer.pdb_stream.set_entry_point (a_entry_point) end update_pdb_stream -- Update the current pdb stream with -- ReferencedTypeSystemTables and TypeSystemTableRows do pdb_writer.update_pdb_stream end feature {NONE} -- Implementation write_tables (a_writer: PE_GENERATOR; a_file: FILE) -- Write the metadata table to a binary file `a_file'. require open_write: a_file.is_open_write local l_counts: ARRAY [NATURAL_32] l_buffer: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_sz: NATURAL_32 tb: MD_TABLE i,n: INTEGER j,m: NATURAL_32 do create l_counts.make_filled (0, 1, max_tables + extra_indexes) l_counts [t_string + 1] := a_writer.strings_heap_size l_counts [t_us + 1] := a_writer.us_heap_size l_counts [t_guid + 1] := a_writer.guid_heap_size l_counts [t_blob + 1] := a_writer.blob_heap_size put_tables_header (a_file, a_writer.tables_header) -- Write table size from i := 0 n := max_tables until i >= n loop tb := a_writer.md_table (i.to_natural_32) l_sz := tb.size debug("il_emitter_table") if l_sz /= 0 then print ("[" + a_file.count.to_hex_string + "] " +generator + ".write_tables: Table #" + i.to_natural_8.to_hex_string + " -> count=" + l_sz.out + "%N") end end l_counts [i + 1] := l_sz if l_sz /= 0 then a_file.put_natural_32 (l_sz) end i := i + 1 end -- Write table entries from create l_buffer.make_filled (0, 1, 512) i := 0 n := max_tables until i >= n loop tb := a_writer.md_table (i.to_natural_32) if not tb.is_empty then -- TODO: what if l_counts [i + 1] = 0 ? debug ("il_emitter_table") if tb.size /= 0 and l_counts [i + 1] = 0 then check potential_issue: False end end end from j := 1 m := tb.size until j > m loop l_buffer.clear_all l_sz := tb [j].render (l_counts, l_buffer) debug("il_emitter_table") if l_sz /= 0 then print ("[" + a_file.count.to_hex_string + "] " +generator + ".write_tables[0x" + i.to_natural_8.to_hex_string + "]["+ j.out +"] -> entry size=" + l_sz.out + " content=" + {MD_DEBUG}.dump_special (l_buffer.to_special, 0, l_sz.to_integer_32) + "%N") end end -- TODO double check -- this is not efficient. put_subarray (a_file, l_buffer, l_buffer.lower, l_sz.to_integer_32) j := j + 1 end end i := i + 1 end align (a_file, 4) end write_pdb_streams (a_writer: PE_GENERATOR; a_file: FILE) -- Write the Pdb stream to a binary file. require open_write: a_file.is_open_write local l_pdb_stream: CLI_PDB_STREAM do l_pdb_stream := a_writer.pdb_stream -- record the file offset, in order to overwrite later the 20 bytes PDB id l_pdb_stream.record_binary_position (a_file.position) a_file.put_managed_pointer (l_pdb_stream.item.managed_pointer, 0, l_pdb_stream.size_of) align (a_file, 4) end write_strings (a_writer: PE_GENERATOR; a_file: FILE) -- Write the string heap to a binary file. -- II.24.2.3 #Strings heap require open_write: a_file.is_open_write do put_subspecial (a_file, a_writer.strings.base, 0, a_writer.strings.size.to_integer_32) align (a_file, 4) end write_us (a_writer: PE_GENERATOR; a_file: FILE) -- Write the user string heap to a binary file -- II.24.2.4 #US heap require open_write: a_file.is_open_write do -- TODO check how to write String as a manifest string instead of a Byte Array. if = 0 then put_array (a_file, a_writer.default_us) else put_subspecial (a_file,, 0, end align (a_file, 4) end write_guid (a_writer: PE_GENERATOR; a_file: FILE) -- Write the guid heap to a file. -- II.24.2.5 #GUID heap require open_write: a_file.is_open_write do put_subspecial (a_file, a_writer.guid.base, 0, a_writer.guid.size.to_integer_32) align (a_file, 4) end write_blob (a_writer: PE_GENERATOR; a_file: FILE) -- Write the blob heap to a binary file -- II.24.2.4 #Blob heap require open_write: a_file.is_open_write do put_subspecial (a_file, a_writer.blob.base, 0, a_writer.blob.size.to_integer_32) align (a_file, 4) end write_metadata_headers (a_writer: PE_GENERATOR; a_file: FILE) -- Write the metadata headers to binary file. require open_write: a_file.is_open_write local n: INTEGER l_flags: NATURAL_16 l_data: NATURAL_16 l_names: STRING_32 l_version_string: STRING_32 stream_headers: ARRAY2 [NATURAL_32] do --| TODO: check if we need to use --| UTF-8 for l_names. align (a_file, 4) put_metadata_headers (a_file, a_writer.meta_header1) stream_headers := a_writer.stream_headers l_version_string := a_writer.version_string + "%U" n := l_version_string.count if n \\ 4 /= 0 then n := n + 4 - (n \\ 4) end a_file.put_integer_32 (n) a_file.put_string (l_version_string.to_string_8) align (a_file, 4) l_flags := 0 a_file.put_natural_16 (0) l_data := a_writer.streams_count.to_natural_16 -- 5 for PE, 6 for PDB a_file.put_natural_16 (l_data) across 1 |..| a_writer.streams_count as i loop -- TODO double check -- C++ code uses put(&streamHeaders_[i][0], 4); a_file.put_natural_32 (stream_headers [i, 1]) a_file.put_natural_32 (stream_headers [i, 2]) -- Adding a null character a the end of the string -- C++ code uses put(streamNames_[i], strlen(streamNames_[i]) + 1); l_names := a_writer.stream_names [i].twin if l_names.same_string_general ("#~") and ( a_writer.md_table ({PE_TABLES}.tmethodptr).count + a_writer.md_table ({PE_TABLES}.tfieldptr).count > 0 ) then check a_writer.is_pe_generator end -- When using FieldPointer or MethodPointer tables, #~ should be #- l_names := "#-" end l_names.append_character ('%U') a_file.put_string (l_names.to_string_8) align (a_file, 4) end end put_array_with_size (a_file: FILE; a_data: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]; a_size: INTEGER_32) local mp: MANAGED_POINTER do create mp.make (a_size) mp.put_array (a_data.subarray (1, a_size), 0) a_file.put_managed_pointer (mp, 0, mp.count) end put_metadata_headers (a_file: FILE; a_header: PE_DOTNET_META_HEADER) local mp: MANAGED_POINTER do mp := a_header.managed_pointer a_file.put_managed_pointer (mp, 0, mp.count) end put_tables_header (a_file: FILE; a_header: PE_DOTNET_META_TABLES_HEADER) local mp: MANAGED_POINTER do mp := a_header.managed_pointer a_file.put_managed_pointer (mp, 0, mp.count) end put_array (a_file: FILE; a_data: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]) local mp: MANAGED_POINTER do create mp.make (a_data.count) mp.put_array (a_data, 0) a_file.put_managed_pointer (mp, 0, mp.count) ensure a_file.count = old (a_file.count) + a_data.count * {PLATFORM}.natural_8_bytes end put_subarray (a_file: FILE; a_data: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]; a_start_index: INTEGER; a_count: INTEGER) require valid_start_index: a_data.valid_index (a_start_index) valid_count: a_start_index + a_count <= a_data.upper do put_subspecial (a_file, a_data.to_special, a_start_index - a_data.lower, a_count) ensure a_file.count = old (a_file.count) + a_count * {PLATFORM}.natural_8_bytes end put_subspecial (a_file: FILE; a_data: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8]; a_start_index: INTEGER; a_count: INTEGER) require valid_start_index: a_data.valid_index (a_start_index) valid_count: a_start_index + a_count <= a_data.count local mp: MANAGED_POINTER do create mp.make (a_count) mp.put_special_natural_8 (a_data, a_start_index, 0, a_count) a_file.put_managed_pointer (mp, 0, mp.count) ensure a_file.count = old (a_file.count) + a_count * {PLATFORM}.natural_8_bytes end align (a_file: FILE; a_align: INTEGER) -- Aligns the output file `a_file' by appending zero bytes to the end of the file until the current offset -- is aligned with the desired value `a_align'. local l_current_offset: INTEGER l_array: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_bytes_needed: INTEGER do -- Current offset. l_current_offset := a_file.count -- Check if the current offset is align with the desired value. if (l_current_offset \\ a_align) /= 0 then -- assumes the alignments are 65536 or less -- Compute the number of 0 bytes needed to align the offset. l_bytes_needed := a_align - (l_current_offset \\ a_align) create l_array.make_filled (0, 1, l_bytes_needed.to_integer_32) put_array (a_file, l_array) end ensure is_aligned (a_file, a_align) end is_aligned (a_file: FILE; a_align: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_file` content aligned on `a_align` bytes. do Result := (a_file.count \\ a_align) = 0 end feature -- Settings module_name: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 set_module_name (a_name: CLI_STRING) -- Set the module name for the compilation unit being emitted. local l_name_index: NATURAL_32 l_entry: PE_TABLE_ENTRY_BASE l_unused_token: NATURAL_32 do module_name := a_name.string_32 l_name_index := pe_writer.hash_string (a_name.string_32) create {PE_MODULE_TABLE_ENTRY} l_entry.make_with_data (l_name_index, guid_index) l_unused_token := add_table_entry (l_entry) end set_method_rva (method_token, rva: INTEGER) -- Set RVA of `method_token' to `rva'. do -- Extract table type and row index from method token -- Retrieve method definition table entry using row index -- TODO create a helper features -- retrieve_table_entry (from the metadata tables), -- retrieve_table_row (from specific table entry) if attached extract_table_type_and_row (method_token) as d and then attached pe_writer.md_table (d.table_type_index) as l_method_def_table and then attached {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY} l_method_def_table [d.table_row_index] as l_method_def then -- Set RVA value in method definition table entry if not l_method_def.has_abstract then -- FIXME: how do we reach this point for abstract method? l_method_def.set_rva (rva.to_natural_32) end else check has_method_def_entry: False end end end feature -- Definition: Access define_assembly_ref (assembly_name: CLI_STRING; assembly_info: MD_ASSEMBLY_INFO; public_key_token: detachable MD_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN): INTEGER -- Add assembly reference information to the metadata tables. do Result := assembly_emitter.define_assembly_ref (assembly_name, assembly_info, public_key_token) end define_type_ref (type_name: CLI_STRING; resolution_scope: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Adds type reference information to the metadata tables. note EIS: "name=TypeRef", "src=", "protocol=uri" local l_name_index: NATURAL_32 l_entry: PE_TABLE_ENTRY_BASE l_scope: INTEGER l_namespace_index: NATURAL_32 l_tuple: like extract_table_type_and_row last_dot: INTEGER l_type_name: STRING_32 do -- II.22.38 TypeRef : 0x01 l_tuple := extract_table_type_and_row (resolution_scope) --| TODO checks --| l_table_type is valid. We need to add a is_valid_table --| {PE_TABLES}.is_valid_table (l_table_type) --| --| l_table_row: exists. check exist_table_row: attached pe_writer.md_table (l_tuple.table_type_index)[l_tuple.table_row_index] end -- ResolutionScope : an index into a Module, ModuleRef, AssemblyRef or TypeRef table,or null if resolution_scope & Md_mask = md_module then l_scope := {PE_RESOLUTION_SCOPE}.module elseif resolution_scope & Md_mask = Md_module_ref then l_scope := {PE_RESOLUTION_SCOPE}.moduleref elseif resolution_scope & Md_mask = Md_assembly_ref then l_scope := {PE_RESOLUTION_SCOPE}.assemblyref elseif resolution_scope & Md_mask = Md_type_ref then l_scope := {PE_RESOLUTION_SCOPE}.typeref end -- NamespaceIndex and TypeIndex -- The full name of the type need not be stored directly. Instead, it can be split into two parts at any -- included “.” (although typically this is done at the last “.” in the full name). The part preceding the “.” -- is stored as the TypeNamespace and that following the “.” is stored as the TypeName. If there is no “.” -- in the full name, then the TypeNamespace shall be the index of the empty string. l_type_name := type_name.string_32 last_dot := l_type_name.last_index_of ('.', l_type_name.count) if last_dot = 0 then l_namespace_index := 0 l_name_index := pe_writer.hash_string (l_type_name) else l_namespace_index := pe_writer.hash_string (l_type_name.substring (1, last_dot - 1)) l_name_index := pe_writer.hash_string (l_type_name.substring (last_dot + 1, l_type_name.count)) end -- TODO: ResolutionScope : null needs to be checked. create {PE_TYPE_REF_TABLE_ENTRY} l_entry.make_with_data (create {PE_RESOLUTION_SCOPE}.make_with_tag_and_index (l_scope, l_tuple.table_row_index), l_name_index, l_namespace_index) Result := add_table_entry (l_entry).to_integer_32 end define_member_ref (method_name: CLI_STRING; in_class_token: INTEGER; a_signature: MD_SIGNATURE): INTEGER -- Create reference to member in class `in_class_token'. local l_member_ref: PE_MEMBER_REF_PARENT l_member_ref_entry: PE_MEMBER_REF_TABLE_ENTRY l_tuple: like extract_table_type_and_row l_method_signature: NATURAL_32 l_name_index: NATURAL_32 do -- Extract table type and row from the in_class_token l_tuple := extract_table_type_and_row (in_class_token) -- Create a new PE_MEMBER_REF_PARENT instance with the extracted table row index and the in_class_tokebn l_member_ref := create_member_ref (in_class_token, l_tuple.table_row_index) l_method_signature := pe_writer.hash_blob (a_signature.as_array, a_signature.count.to_natural_32) l_name_index := pe_writer.hash_string (method_name.string_32) -- Create a new PE_MEMBER_REF_TABLE_ENTRY instance with the given data create l_member_ref_entry.make_with_data (l_member_ref, l_name_index, l_method_signature) -- Add the new PE_MEMBER_REF_TABLE_ENTRY instance to the metadata tables. Result := add_table_entry (l_member_ref_entry).to_integer_32 end define_module_ref (a_name: CLI_STRING): INTEGER -- Define a new module reference for the given `module_name`. -- Returns the generated token. local l_name_index: NATURAL_32 l_module_ref_entry: PE_MODULE_REF_TABLE_ENTRY do -- Hash the module name and create a new PE_MODULE_REF_TABLE_ENTRY instance. l_name_index := pe_writer.hash_string (a_name.string_32) create l_module_ref_entry.make_with_data (l_name_index) -- Add the new PE_MODULE_REF_TABLE_ENTRY instance to the metadata tables. Result := add_table_entry (l_module_ref_entry).to_integer_32 end feature -- Definition: Creation define_assembly (assembly_name: CLI_STRING; assembly_flags: INTEGER; assembly_info: MD_ASSEMBLY_INFO; public_key: detachable MD_PUBLIC_KEY): INTEGER -- Add assembly metadata information to the metadata tables. --| the public key could be null. do Result := assembly_emitter.define_assembly (assembly_name, assembly_flags, assembly_info, public_key) end define_manifest_resource (resource_name: CLI_STRING; implementation_token: INTEGER; offset, resource_flags: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Define a new assembly. do Result := assembly_emitter.define_manifest_resource (resource_name, implementation_token, offset, resource_flags) end define_type (type_name: CLI_STRING; flags: INTEGER; extend_token: INTEGER; implements: detachable ARRAY [INTEGER]): INTEGER -- Define a new type in the metadata. note EIS: "name=TypeDef", "src=", "protocol=uri" local l_name_index: NATURAL_32 l_namespace_index: NATURAL_32 l_entry: PE_TABLE_ENTRY_BASE --i: INTEGER l_extends: PE_TYPEDEF_OR_REF last_dot: INTEGER l_type_name: STRING_32 -- l_field_index, l_method_index: NATURAL l_class_index: NATURAL_32 last_token: NATURAL_32 tdata: MD_TYPE_DEF_DATA_FOR_OPTIMIZATION do l_type_name := type_name.string_32 debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} "TypeDef: " + l_type_name) end last_dot := l_type_name.last_index_of ('.', l_type_name.count) if last_dot = 0 then l_namespace_index := 0 l_name_index := pe_writer.hash_string (l_type_name) else l_namespace_index := pe_writer.hash_string (l_type_name.substring (1, last_dot - 1)) l_name_index := pe_writer.hash_string (l_type_name.substring (last_dot + 1, l_type_name.count)) end if extend_token /= 0 and then attached extract_table_type_and_row (extend_token) as ext_tuple then l_extends := create_type_def_or_ref (extend_token, ext_tuple.table_row_index) end -- -- FieldList (an index into the Field table; it marks the first of a contiguous run of Fields owned by this Type). -- l_field_index := 1 -- Not yet initialized -- -- MethodList (an index into the MethodDef table; it marks the first of a continguous run of Methods owned by this Type). -- l_method_index := 1 -- Not yet initialized create {PE_TYPE_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY} l_entry.make_with_uninitialized_field_and_method (flags, l_name_index, l_namespace_index, l_extends) l_class_index := next_table_index (l_entry.table_index) Result := add_table_entry (l_entry).to_integer_32 debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} " -> #" + l_class_index.out + " token="+ Result.to_hex_string + "%N") end tdata := opt_data_for_type_def [Result.to_natural_32] if tdata = Void then create tdata opt_data_for_type_def [Result.to_natural_32] := tdata end -- Adds entries in the PE_INTERFACE_IMPL_TABLE_ENTRY table for each implemented interface, if any. if attached implements then across implements as i loop if i /= 0 then if attached extract_table_type_and_row (i) as imp_tuple then l_extends := create_type_def_or_ref (i, imp_tuple.table_row_index) create {PE_INTERFACE_IMPL_TABLE_ENTRY} l_entry.make_with_data (l_class_index, l_extends) --note: l_dis is not used. last_token := add_table_entry (l_entry) else check has_info: False end end else -- '0' seems to be passed as the end of the container -- but more for the cli_writer implementation, that -- passes the native C array ending with 0. -- For the il_emitter, no need for final 0 -- thus ignore it. end end end end define_type_spec (a_signature: MD_TYPE_SIGNATURE): INTEGER -- Define a new token of TypeSpec for a type represented by `a_signature'. -- To be used to define different type for .NET arrays. local l_type_def_entry: PE_TYPE_SPEC_TABLE_ENTRY l_type_signature: NATURAL_32 do l_type_signature := pe_writer.hash_blob (a_signature.as_array, a_signature.count.to_natural_32) -- Create a new PE_TYPE_SPEC_TABLE_ENTRY instance with the given data create l_type_def_entry.make_with_data (l_type_signature) -- Add the new PE_TYPE_SPEC_TABLE_ENTRY instance to the metadata tables. Result := add_table_entry (l_type_def_entry).to_integer_32 end define_exported_type (type_name: CLI_STRING; implementation_token: INTEGER; type_def_token: INTEGER; type_flags: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Create a row in ExportedType table. do Result := assembly_emitter.define_exported_type (type_name, implementation_token, type_def_token, type_flags) end define_file (file_name: CLI_STRING; hash_value: MANAGED_POINTER; file_flags: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Create a row in File table do Result := assembly_emitter.define_file (file_name, hash_value, file_flags) end last_define_method_class: INTEGER define_method (method_name: CLI_STRING; in_class_token: INTEGER; method_flags: INTEGER; a_signature: MD_METHOD_SIGNATURE; impl_flags: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Create reference to method in class `in_class_token`. local l_method_def_entry: PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY l_method_signature: NATURAL_32 l_name_index: NATURAL_32 l_method_index: NATURAL_32 do debug ("il_emitter_table") if in_class_token < last_define_method_class then print ({STRING_32} " ") end last_define_method_class := in_class_token print ({STRING_32} "Method: " + method_name.string_32 + " (class:"+ in_class_token.to_hex_string + ")") end -- See II.22.26 MethodDef : 0x06 l_method_signature := pe_writer.hash_blob (a_signature.as_array, a_signature.count.to_natural_32) l_name_index := pe_writer.hash_string (method_name.string_32) -- Create a new PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY instance with the given data create l_method_def_entry.make_without_param_index (impl_flags.to_integer_16, method_flags.to_integer_16, l_name_index, l_method_signature) -- Add the new PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY instance to the metadata tables. l_method_index := next_table_index ({PE_TABLES}.tmethoddef) Result := add_table_entry (l_method_def_entry).to_integer_32 debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} " -> #"+ l_method_index.out +" token=" + Result.to_hex_string +"%N") end if attached opt_data_for_type_def [in_class_token.to_natural_32] as tdata then tdata.record_method_def (Result.to_natural_32) else check has_type_data: False end end -- Extract table type and row from the in_class_token if attached extract_table_type_and_row (in_class_token) as d and then attached {MD_TABLE} pe_writer.md_table (d.table_type_index) as tb and then attached {PE_TYPE_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY} tb[d.table_row_index] as e then if not e.is_method_list_index_set then e.set_method_list_index (l_method_index) do_nothing end end end define_method_impl (in_class_token, method_token, used_method_declaration_token: INTEGER) -- Define a method impl from `used_method_declaration_token' from inherited -- class to method `method_token' defined in `in_class_token'. local l_method_impl_entry: PE_METHOD_IMPL_TABLE_ENTRY l_tuple: like extract_table_type_and_row l_method_body: PE_METHOD_DEF_OR_REF l_method_declaration: PE_METHOD_DEF_OR_REF l_method_impl_index: NATURAL_32 last_token : NATURAL_32 do debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} "MethodImpl: class=" + in_class_token.to_hex_string + " method="+ method_token.to_hex_string + " used_method_declaration_token=" + used_method_declaration_token.to_hex_string) end -- Get the method body and method declaration from their tokens l_method_body := create_method_def_or_ref (method_token, extract_table_type_and_row (method_token).table_row_index) l_method_declaration := create_method_def_or_ref (used_method_declaration_token, extract_table_type_and_row(used_method_declaration_token).table_row_index) -- Extract table type and row from the in_class_token l_tuple := extract_table_type_and_row (in_class_token) -- Create a new PE_METHOD_IMPL_TABLE_ENTRY instance with the given data create l_method_impl_entry.make_with_data (l_tuple.table_row_index, l_method_body, l_method_declaration) -- Add the new PE_METHOD_IMPL_TABLE_ENTRY instance to the metadata tables. l_method_impl_index := next_table_index (l_method_impl_entry.table_index) last_token := add_table_entry (l_method_impl_entry) debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} " -> #" + l_method_impl_index.out + " token=" + last_token.to_hex_string +"%N") end end define_method_spec (method_token: INTEGER; a_signature: MD_METHOD_SIGNATURE): INTEGER -- Token for new method spec from `method_token` and `a_signature`. local l_method_spec_entry: PE_METHOD_SPEC_TABLE_ENTRY l_method: PE_METHOD_DEF_OR_REF l_method_signature: NATURAL_32 l_method_spec_index: NATURAL_32 do debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} "MethodSpec: method="+ method_token.to_hex_string + " signature=" + a_signature.debug_output) end -- Get the method body and method declaration from their tokens l_method := create_method_def_or_ref (method_token, extract_table_type_and_row (method_token).table_row_index) -- Get Method signature data l_method_signature := pe_writer.hash_blob (a_signature.as_array, a_signature.count.to_natural_32) -- Create a new PE_METHOD_IMPL_TABLE_ENTRY instance with the given data create l_method_spec_entry.make_with_data (l_method, l_method_signature) -- Add the new PE_METHOD_IMPL_TABLE_ENTRY instance to the metadata tables. l_method_spec_index := next_table_index (l_method_spec_entry.table_index) Result := add_table_entry (l_method_spec_entry).to_integer_32 debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} " -> #"+ l_method_spec_index.out +" token=" + Result.to_hex_string +"%N") end end define_property (type_token: INTEGER; name: CLI_STRING; flags: NATURAL_32; signature: MD_PROPERTY_SIGNATURE; setter_token: INTEGER; getter_token: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Define property `name' for a type `type_token'. local l_property: PE_PROPERTY_TABLE_ENTRY l_property_signature: NATURAL_32 l_semantics: PE_SEMANTICS l_table: PE_TABLE_ENTRY_BASE l_tuple: like extract_table_type_and_row l_property_index, l_unused_token: NATURAL_32 do debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} "Property: type=" + type_token.to_hex_string + " name="+ name.string_32 + " .. ") end -- Compute the signature token l_property_signature := pe_writer.hash_blob (signature.as_array, signature.count.to_natural_32) -- Create a new PE_PROPERTY_TABLE_ENTRY instance with the given data. create {PE_PROPERTY_TABLE_ENTRY} l_property.make_with_data ( flags.to_natural_16, pe_writer.hash_string (name.string_32), l_property_signature ) -- Add the new PE_PROPERTY_TABLE_ENTRY instance to the metadata tables. l_property_index := next_table_index (l_property.table_index) -- Return the metadata token for the new property. Result := add_table_entry (l_property).to_integer_32 debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} " -> #" + l_property_index.out + " token=" + Result.to_hex_string +"%N") end -- Define the method implementations for the getter and setter, if provided. create l_semantics.make_with_tag_and_index ({PE_SEMANTICS}.property, l_property_index) if getter_token /= 0 then l_tuple := extract_table_type_and_row (getter_token) create {PE_METHOD_SEMANTICS_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data ( {PE_METHOD_SEMANTICS_TABLE_ENTRY}.getter.to_natural_16, l_tuple.table_row_index, l_semantics ) l_unused_token := add_table_entry (l_table) end if setter_token /= 0 then l_tuple := extract_table_type_and_row (setter_token) create {PE_METHOD_SEMANTICS_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data ( {PE_METHOD_SEMANTICS_TABLE_ENTRY}.setter.to_natural_16, l_tuple.table_row_index, l_semantics ) l_unused_token := add_table_entry (l_table) end l_tuple := extract_table_type_and_row (type_token) create {PE_PROPERTY_MAP_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data (l_tuple.table_row_index, l_property_index) l_unused_token := add_table_entry (l_table) end define_pinvoke_map (method_token, mapping_flags: INTEGER; import_name: CLI_STRING; module_ref: INTEGER) -- Further specification of a pinvoke method location defined by `method_token'. local l_member_forwarded: PE_MEMBER_FORWARDED l_name_index: NATURAL_32 l_impl_map_entry: PE_IMPL_MAP_TABLE_ENTRY l_tuple_method: like extract_table_type_and_row l_unused_token: NATURAL_32 do l_tuple_method := extract_table_type_and_row (method_token) -- Get the name index of the imported function l_name_index := pe_writer.hash_string (import_name.string_32) -- Create a new PE_MEMBER_FORWARDED instance with the given data create l_member_forwarded.make_with_tag_and_index ({PE_MEMBER_FORWARDED}.MethodDef, l_tuple_method.table_row_index) -- Create a new PE_IMPL_MAP_TABLE_ENTRY instance with the given data create l_impl_map_entry.make_with_data (mapping_flags.to_integer_16, l_member_forwarded, l_name_index, module_ref.to_natural_32) -- Add the PE_IMPL_MAP_TABLE_ENTRY instance to the table l_unused_token := add_table_entry (l_impl_map_entry) end define_parameter (in_method_token: INTEGER; param_name: CLI_STRING; param_pos: INTEGER; param_flags: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Create a new parameter specification token for method `in_method_token'. note eis: "name=Param Attributes", "src=,116,938", "protocol" eis: "name=Param table II.22.33", "src=", "protocol" local l_method_index: NATURAL_32 l_param_entry: PE_PARAM_TABLE_ENTRY d: like extract_table_type_and_row l_param_name_index: INTEGER_32 l_param_flags: INTEGER l_param_index: NATURAL l_param_entry_index: NATURAL_32 do debug ("refactor_fixme") to_implement ("Review need ensure every row in the Param table is owned by one, and only one, row in the MethodDef table") end -- Extract table type and row from the method token d := extract_table_type_and_row (in_method_token) l_method_index := d.table_row_index debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} "Param: method=" + in_method_token.to_hex_string + " method.index="+ l_method_index.out + " name=" + param_name.string_32 + " pos=" + param_pos.out) end -- Convert the parameter name to UTF-16 and add it to the string heap l_param_name_index := pe_writer.hash_string (param_name.string_32).to_integer_32 l_param_flags := param_flags -- Sequence shall have a value >= 0 and <= number of parameters in owner method. A -- Sequence value of 0 refers to the owner method’s return type; its parameters are then -- numbered from 1 onwards [ERROR] l_param_index := param_pos.to_natural_16 -- Create a new PE_PARAM_TABLE_ENTRY instance with the given data create l_param_entry.make_with_data (l_param_flags, l_param_index.to_natural_16, l_param_name_index.to_natural_32) -- Add the new PE_PARAM_TABLE_ENTRY instance to the metadata tables. l_param_entry_index := next_table_index ({PE_TABLES}.tparam) Result := add_table_entry (l_param_entry).to_integer_32 debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} " -> #" + l_param_index.out + " token="+ Result.to_hex_string + "%N") end if attached {PE_METHOD_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY} pe_writer.md_table (d.table_type_index)[d.table_row_index] as e then if not e.is_param_list_index_set then e.set_param_list_index (l_param_entry_index) end end end set_field_marshal (a_token: INTEGER; a_native_type_sig: MD_NATIVE_TYPE_SIGNATURE) -- Set a particular marshaling for `a_token'. --| TODO: double check this: Limited to parameter token for the moment. local l_entry: PE_FIELD_MARSHAL_TABLE_ENTRY l_tuple: like extract_table_type_and_row l_parent: PE_FIELD_MARSHAL l_index_native_type: NATURAL_32 l_unused_token: NATURAL_32 do -- Extract the table type and row index from `a_token`. l_tuple := extract_table_type_and_row (a_token) -- Create a new `PE_FIELD_MARSHAL` instance with the given `a_token` and row index. l_parent := create_field_marshal (a_token, l_tuple.table_row_index) -- Generate an index for the native type by hashing its blob representation. l_index_native_type := pe_writer.hash_blob (a_native_type_sig.as_array, a_native_type_sig.count.to_natural_32) -- Create a new `PE_FIELD_MARSHAL_TABLE_ENTRY` instance with the parent and native type index. create l_entry.make_with_data (l_parent, l_index_native_type) -- Add the new `PE_FIELD_MARSHAL_TABLE_ENTRY` instance to the metadata tables. l_unused_token := add_table_entry (l_entry) end define_field (field_name: CLI_STRING; in_class_token: INTEGER; field_flags: INTEGER; a_signature: MD_FIELD_SIGNATURE): INTEGER -- Create a new field in class `in_class_token'. local l_field_def_entry: PE_FIELD_TABLE_ENTRY l_field_signature: NATURAL_32 l_name_index: NATURAL_32 l_field_index: NATURAL_32 do debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} "Field: " + field_name.string_32 + " (class:"+ in_class_token.to_hex_string) end l_field_signature := pe_writer.hash_blob (a_signature.as_array, a_signature.count.to_natural_32) l_name_index := pe_writer.hash_string (field_name.string_32) -- Create a new PE_FIELD_TABLE_ENTRY instance with the given data create l_field_def_entry.make_with_data (field_flags, l_name_index, l_field_signature) -- Add the new PE_FIELD_TABLE_ENTRY instance to the metadata tables. l_field_index := next_table_index (l_field_def_entry.table_index) -- Return the generated token. Result := add_table_entry (l_field_def_entry).to_integer_32 debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} " -> #"+ l_field_index.out +" token=" + Result.to_hex_string +"%N") end if attached opt_data_for_type_def [in_class_token.to_natural_32] as tdata then tdata.record_field (Result.to_natural_32) else check has_type_data: False end end if attached extract_table_type_and_row (in_class_token) as d and then attached {MD_TABLE} pe_writer.md_table (d.table_type_index) as tb and then attached {PE_TYPE_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY} tb [d.table_row_index] as e then if not e.is_field_list_index_set then e.set_field_list_index (l_field_index) end end end define_signature (a_signature: MD_LOCAL_SIGNATURE): INTEGER -- Define a new token for `a_signature'. To be used only for -- local signature. local l_signature_hash: NATURAL_32 l_signature_entry: PE_STANDALONE_SIG_TABLE_ENTRY do l_signature_hash := pe_writer.hash_blob (a_signature.as_array, a_signature.count.to_natural_32) create l_signature_entry.make_with_data (l_signature_hash) Result := add_table_entry (l_signature_entry).to_integer_32 end define_string_constant (field_name: CLI_STRING; in_class_token: INTEGER; field_flags: INTEGER; a_string: STRING): INTEGER do to_implement ("TODO add implementation, not used by cli_writer on EiffelStudio.") end define_string (str: CLI_STRING): INTEGER -- Define a new token for `str'. local l_str: STRING_32 l_us_index: NATURAL_32 do create l_str.make_from_string (str.string_32) l_us_index := pe_writer.hash_us (l_str, l_str.count) Result := (l_us_index | ({NATURAL_32} 0x70 |<< 24)).to_integer_32 end define_custom_attribute (owner, constructor: INTEGER; ca: MD_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE): INTEGER -- Define a new token for `ca' applied on token `owner' with using `constructor' as creation procedure. note eis: "name=CustomAttribute", "src=,116,794", "protocol=uri" local l_ca_blob: NATURAL_32 l_ca_entry: PE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_ENTRY l_owner_tuple: like extract_table_type_and_row l_constructor_tuple: like extract_table_type_and_row blob_count: INTEGER l_ca: PE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE l_ca_type: PE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE pe_index: NATURAL_32 do -- See II.22.10 CustomAttribute : 0x0C -- Extract table type and row from the owner token l_owner_tuple := extract_table_type_and_row (owner) -- Extract table type and row from the l_constructor_tuple token l_constructor_tuple := extract_table_type_and_row (constructor) if ca /= Void then blob_count := ca.count -- Compute the blob signature of the custom attribute l_ca_blob := pe_writer.hash_blob (ca.item.read_array (0, blob_count), blob_count.to_natural_32) end -- Create a new PE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE instance with the corresponding tag and index l_ca := create_pe_custom_attribute (owner, l_owner_tuple.table_row_index) -- Create a new PE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE instance with the corresponding tag and index l_ca_type := create_pe_custom_attribute_type (constructor, l_constructor_tuple.table_row_index) debug ("il_emitter_table") if attached module_name as modn then print ({STRING_32} "<<"+modn+">> ") end print ({STRING_32} "CustomAttribute: " + " owner="+ owner.to_hex_string +" [" + l_owner_tuple.table_row_index.to_natural_32.to_hex_string + "]" + " ctor="+ constructor.to_hex_string +" [" + l_constructor_tuple.table_row_index.to_natural_32.to_hex_string + "]" ) end create l_ca_entry.make_with_data (l_ca, l_ca_type, l_ca_blob) -- Add the new PE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_ENTRY instance to the metadata tables. pe_index := next_table_index (l_ca_entry.table_index) Result := add_table_entry (l_ca_entry).to_integer_32 debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} " -> #"+ pe_index.out +" token=" + Result.to_hex_string +"%N") end end define_generic_param (a_name: CLI_STRING; token: INTEGER; index: INTEGER; param_flags: INTEGER; type_constraints: ARRAY [INTEGER]): INTEGER --| Define a formal type parameter for the given TypeDef or MethodDef `token'. --| token: TypeDef or MethodDef --| type_constratins : Array of type constraints (TypeDef,TypeRef,TypeSpec) --| index: Index of the type parameter --| param_flags: Flags, for future use (e.g. variance) --| a_name: Name -- Define a formal type parameter for the given TypeDef or MethodDef `token'. note eis: "name=GenericParam table II.22.20", "src=,116,309", "protocol" local l_owner_index: NATURAL_32 l_generic_param_entry: PE_GENERIC_PARAM_TABLE_ENTRY d: like extract_table_type_and_row l_generic_param_name_index: INTEGER_32 l_generic_param_flags: INTEGER l_generic_param_entry_index: NATURAL_32 do -- Extract table type and row from the method token d := extract_table_type_and_row (token) l_owner_index := d.table_row_index debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} "GenericParam: owner=" + token.to_hex_string + " owner.index=" + l_owner_index.out + " name=" + a_name.string_32 + " index=" + index.out) end -- Convert the parameter name to UTF-16 and add it to the string heap l_generic_param_name_index := pe_writer.hash_string (a_name.string_32).to_integer_32 l_generic_param_flags := param_flags -- Create a new PE_GENERIC_PARAM_TABLE_ENTRY instance with the given data create l_generic_param_entry.make_with_data (index.to_natural_16, l_generic_param_flags.to_natural_16, create_type_def_or_method_def (token, l_owner_index), l_generic_param_name_index.to_natural_32) -- Add the new PE_GENERIC_PARAM_TABLE_ENTRY instance to the metadata tables. l_generic_param_entry_index := next_table_index ({PE_TABLES}.tGenericParam) Result := add_table_entry (l_generic_param_entry).to_integer_32 debug ("il_emitter_table") print ({STRING_32} " -> #" + index.out + " token=" + Result.to_hex_string + "%N") end end feature -- PDB creation define_pdb_string (str: CLI_STRING): INTEGER -- Define a new token for `str'. local l_str: STRING_32 l_us_index: NATURAL_32 do create l_str.make_from_string (str.string_32) l_us_index := pdb_writer.hash_us (l_str, l_str.count) Result := (l_us_index | ({NATURAL_32} 0x70 |<< 24)).to_integer_32 end feature -- Constants accurate: INTEGER = 0x0000 quick: INTEGER = 0x0001 -- Value taken from CorSaveSize enumeration in `correg.h'. feature {NONE} -- Access assembly_emitter: MD_ASSEMBLY_EMIT -- Interface that knows how to define assemblies do Result := internal_assembly_emitter if Result = Void then create Result.make (Current) internal_assembly_emitter := Result end end internal_assembly_emitter: detachable like assembly_emitter -- Cached value for `assembly_emitter`. invariant end