note description: "[ // TODO: the AST of PELib can be considerably simplified (we actually only need what the IlEmitter API provides) // TODO: the PEDump implementation still has issues (e.g. redundant calls to PEDump out in the tree leading to // redundant types with different IDs and thus runtime exceptions because of "wrong" signatures) Main class to instantiate the creation procedure creates a working assembly, you put all your code and data into that ]" author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class PE_LIB inherit REFACTORING_HELPER create make, make_with_name feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Create the working assembly -- Note that this will ALLWAYS be the first assembly in the list. do core_flags := {PE_LIB}.il_only create module_refs.make (0) create {LINKED_LIST [CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF]} assembly_refs.make assembly_refs.compare_objects create p_invoke_signatures.make (0) create p_invoke_references.make (0) create assembly_name.make_empty create file_name.make_empty create unmanaged_routines.make (0) create using_list.make (0) create container_stack.make create module_guid.make_filled (0, 1, 16) create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_METHOD]} all_methods.make (0) create source_file.make_empty create lib_path.make_empty ensure valid_obj_input_size: obj_input_size = 0 valid_obj_input_pos: obj_input_pos = 0 valid_obj_input_cache: obj_input_cache = 0 core_flags_set: core_flags = {PE_LIB}.il_only module_refs_empty: module_refs.is_empty assembly_name_empty: assembly_name.is_empty assembly_refs_set: assembly_refs.is_empty using_list_empty: using_list.is_empty file_name_empty: file_name.is_empty unmanaged_routines_empty: unmanaged_routines.is_empty pe_writer_void: pe_writer = Void container_stack_empty: container_stack.is_empty code_container_void: code_container = Void p_invoke_references_empty: p_invoke_references.is_empty p_invoke_signatures_empty: p_invoke_signatures.is_empty module_guid_set: module_guid.count = 16 all_method_set: all_methods.is_empty source_file_empty: source_file.is_empty lib_path_empty: lib_path.is_empty end make_with_name (a_name: STRING_32; a_core_flags: INTEGER) -- Create the working assembly -- Note that this will ALLWAYS be the first assembly in the list. local l_assembly_ref: CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF do core_flags := a_core_flags create module_refs.make (0) create {LINKED_LIST [CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF]} assembly_refs.make assembly_refs.compare_objects create p_invoke_signatures.make (0) create p_invoke_references.make (0) create assembly_name.make_empty create file_name.make_empty create unmanaged_routines.make (0) create using_list.make (0) create container_stack.make -- Create the working assembly. -- Note that this will ALWAYS be the fisrt -- assembly in the list. create l_assembly_ref.make (a_name, False, create {ARRAY [NATURAL_8]}.make_filled (0, 1, 8)) assembly_refs.force (l_assembly_ref) create module_guid.make_filled (0, 1, 16) create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_METHOD]} all_methods.make (0) create source_file.make_empty create lib_path.make_empty ensure valid_obj_input_size: obj_input_size = 0 valid_obj_input_pos: obj_input_pos = 0 valid_obj_input_cache: obj_input_cache = 0 core_flags_set: core_flags = a_core_flags module_refs_empty: module_refs.is_empty assembly_name_empty: assembly_name.is_empty assembly_refs_set: assembly_refs.count = 1 using_list_empty: using_list.is_empty file_name_empty: file_name.is_empty unmanaged_routines_empty: unmanaged_routines.is_empty pe_writer_void: pe_writer = Void container_stack_empty: container_stack.is_empty code_container_void: code_container = Void p_invoke_references_empty: p_invoke_references.is_empty p_invoke_signatures_empty: p_invoke_signatures.is_empty module_guid_set: module_guid.count = 16 all_method_set: all_methods.is_empty source_file_empty: source_file.is_empty lib_path_empty: lib_path.is_empty end feature -- Access assembly_refs: LIST [CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF] p_invoke_signatures: STRING_TABLE [CIL_METHOD] p_invoke_references: STRING_TABLE [LIST [CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE]] -- Use it as a multimap. -- Multimap is an associative container that contains a sorted list of key-value pairs, while permitting multiple entries with the same key. -- Sorting is done according to the comparison function Compare, applied to the keys. Search, insertion, and removal operations have logarithmic complexity. assembly_name: STRING_32 assign set_assembly_name output_stream: detachable FILE_STREAM file_name: STRING_32 unmanaged_routines: STRING_TABLE [STRING_32] core_flags: INTEGER -- the core flags. pe_writer: detachable PE_WRITER using_list: ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_NAMESPACE] container_stack: LINKED_LIST [CIL_DATA_CONTAINER] -- Use it as a deque -- deque (usually pronounced like "deck") is an irregular acronym of double-ended queue. -- Double-ended queues are sequence containers with dynamic sizes that can be expanded or contracted on both ends (either its front or its back). code_container: detachable CIL_CODE_CONTAINER obj_input_buf: detachable STRING obj_input_size: INTEGER obj_input_pos: INTEGER obj_input_cache: INTEGER module_refs: HASH_TABLE [NATURAL, NATURAL] module_GUID: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] -- the length should be 16. source_file: STRING_32 all_methods: LIST [CIL_METHOD] lib_path: STRING_32 feature -- Access::CorFlags -- TODO check if we can use once classes il_only: INTEGER = 1 -- Set this for compatibility with .net assembly imports, -- unset it for standalone assemblies if you want to modify your -- sdata bits32: INTEGER = 2 -- Set this if you want to force 32 bits - you will possibly need it -- for pinvokes feature -- Operations: PInvoke add_pinvoke_reference (a_method_sig: CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE; a_dll_name: STRING_32; iscdecl: BOOLEAN) -- References as always added to this object. local l_method: CIL_METHOD do create l_method.make (a_method_sig, create {CIL_QUALIFIERS}.make_with_flags ({CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.pinvokefunc | {CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.public), False) l_method.set_pinvoke (a_dll_name, if iscdecl then {CIL_INVOKE_TYPE}.Cdecl else {CIL_INVOKE_TYPE}.Stdcall end, "") p_invoke_signatures.force (l_method, end add_pinvoke_with_varargs (a_signature: CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE) local list: LIST [CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE] do if attached {LIST [CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE]} p_invoke_references.item ( as l_list then l_list.force (a_signature) else create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE]} list.make (1) list.force (a_signature) p_invoke_references.force (list, end end remove_pinvoke_reference (a_name: STRING_32) -- Remove pinvoke reference associated with `a_name', if present. do p_invoke_references.remove (a_name) end find_pinvoke (a_name: STRING_32): detachable CIL_METHOD do if attached {CIL_METHOD} p_invoke_signatures.item (a_name) as l_method then Result := l_method end end find_pinvoke_with_varargs (a_name: STRING_32; a_vargs: LIST [CIL_PARAM]): detachable CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE local i: INTEGER exit: BOOLEAN do if attached {LIST [CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE]} p_invoke_references.item (a_name) as l_list then across l_list as ic until exit loop if a_vargs.count = ic.vararg_params.count then from i := 1 until i > l_list.count or else exit loop -- -- TODO double check this condition. if attached {CIL_TYPE} ic.vararg_params [i].type as l_type1 and then attached {CIL_TYPE} a_vargs [i].type as l_type2 and then not l_type1.matches (l_type2) then exit := True else i := i + 1 end if i > l_list.count and then not exit then Result := l_list [i - 1] exit := True end end end end end end feature -- Operations traverse (a_callback: CIL_CALLBACK) -- Traverse the declaration tree. do fixme ("In C++ code, there is a method declaration in PElib.h, but there is no implementation in the PElib.cpp") end allocate_method (a_method_sig: CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE; a_flags: CIL_QUALIFIERS; a_entry: BOOLEAN): CIL_METHOD do -- TODO double check if we really need this feature. -- since we can create it directly. -- In C++ it's needed since the class it's responsible to Manage the Memory create Result.make (a_method_sig, a_flags, a_entry) end find_or_create_generics (a_name: STRING_32; a_generics: LIST [CIL_TYPE]): detachable CIL_CLASS local l_tuple: TUPLE [type: CIL_FIND_TYPE; resource: detachable ANY] l_class: CIL_CLASS l_m1: CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE l_nm: CIL_METHOD do l_tuple := find (a_name, a_generics, Void) if l_tuple.type = {CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_class then if attached {CIL_CLASS} l_tuple.resource as l_resource then Result := l_resource end else l_tuple := find (a_name, Void, Void) if l_tuple.type = {CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_class and then attached {CIL_CLASS} l_tuple.resource as l_resource then create l_class.make_from_class (l_resource) l_class.set_generics (a_generics) l_class.set_generic_parent (l_resource) if attached l_resource.parent as l_parent then l_parent.add (l_class) end l_class.clear across l_resource.methods as m loop -- only doing methods right now ... if attached {CIL_METHOD} m as l_old then -- TODO double check, maybe we need a new creation procedure -- make_from_signature in the class CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE l_m1 := l_old.prototype.twin l_m1.set_container (l_class) create l_nm.make (l_m1, l_old.flags, False) l_class.add (l_nm) end end Result := l_class end end end feature -- Assembly working_assembly: CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF -- Get the working assembly -- This is the one with your code and data, that gets written to the output do Result := assembly_refs.first end empty_working_assembly (a_assembly_name: STRING_32): CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF -- Replace the working assembly with an empty one. -- Data is not deleted and still remains a part of the PELib instance. do create Result.make (a_assembly_name, False, Void) if attached assembly_refs.first as l_first then assembly_refs.prune (l_first) assembly_refs.put_i_th (Result, assembly_refs.lower) else assembly_refs.force (Result) end end mscorlib_assembly: CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF -- loads the MSCorLib assembly. local l_result: CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF l_system: CIL_NAMESPACE l_object, l_value, l_enum: CIL_CLASS do -- [mscorlib]System.ParamArrayAttribute -- System. + typeNames_[tp_] l_result := find_assembly ({STRING_32} "mscorlib") if l_result = Void then l_result := add_external_assembly ("mscorlib", Void) create l_system.make ({STRING_32} "System") l_result.add (l_system) create l_object.make ({STRING_32} "Object", create {CIL_QUALIFIERS}.make_with_flags ({CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.public), -1, -1) l_system.add (l_object) create l_value.make ({STRING_32} "ValueType", create {CIL_QUALIFIERS}.make_with_flags ({CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.public), -1, -1) l_value.set_extend_from (l_object) l_system.add (l_value) create l_enum.make ({STRING_32} "Enum", create {CIL_QUALIFIERS}.make_with_flags ({CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.public), -1, -1) l_enum.set_extend_from (l_value) l_system.add (l_enum) end Result := l_result end runtime_assembly: CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF -- loads the Runtime assembly. local l_result: CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF l_system: CIL_NAMESPACE l_object, l_value, l_enum: CIL_CLASS do -- [mscorlib]System.ParamArrayAttribute -- System. + typeNames_[tp_] l_result := find_assembly ({STRING_32} "System.Runtime") if l_result = Void then l_result := add_external_assembly ("System.Runtime", Void) create l_system.make ({STRING_32} "System") l_result.add (l_system) create l_object.make ({STRING_32} "Object", create {CIL_QUALIFIERS}.make_with_flags ({CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.public), -1, -1) l_system.add (l_object) create l_value.make ({STRING_32} "ValueType", create {CIL_QUALIFIERS}.make_with_flags ({CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.public), -1, -1) l_value.set_extend_from (l_object) l_system.add (l_value) create l_enum.make ({STRING_32} "Enum", create {CIL_QUALIFIERS}.make_with_flags ({CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.public), -1, -1) l_enum.set_extend_from (l_value) l_system.add (l_enum) end Result := l_result end console_assembly: CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF -- loads the Runtime assembly. local l_result: CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF l_system: CIL_NAMESPACE l_console: CIL_CLASS do -- [mscorlib]System.ParamArrayAttribute -- System. + typeNames_[tp_] l_result := find_assembly ({STRING_32} "System.Console") if l_result = Void then l_result := add_external_assembly ("System.Console", Void) create l_system.make ({STRING_32} "System") l_result.add (l_system) create l_console.make ({STRING_32} "Console", create {CIL_QUALIFIERS}.make_with_flags ({CIL_QUALIFIERS_ENUM}.public), -1, -1) l_system.add (l_console) end Result := l_result end load_assembly (a_assembly_name: STRING_32; a_major, a_minor, a_build, a_revision: INTEGER) -- Load data out of an assembly. local reader: PE_READER l_assembly: CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF do l_assembly := find_assembly (a_assembly_name) if l_assembly = Void or else attached l_assembly and then not l_assembly.is_loaded then create reader.make reader.managed_load (a_assembly_name, a_major, a_minor, a_build, a_revision) end end find_assembly (a_name: STRING_32): detachable CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF -- Find an assembly --| in the already loaded set. local found: BOOLEAN do across assembly_refs as it until found loop if (a_name) then found := True Result := it end end end add_external_assembly (a_assembly: STRING_32; a_token: detachable ARRAY [NATURAL_8]): CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF -- Add a reference to another assembly -- this is an empty assembly you can put stuff in if you want to --| Deprecated do create Result.make (a_assembly, True, Void) assembly_refs.force (Result) end find (a_path: STRING_32; a_generics: detachable LIST [CIL_TYPE]; a_assembly: detachable CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF): TUPLE [type: CIL_FIND_TYPE; resource: detachable ANY] -- find `a_path`, return value tells what type of object was found --| Correspond to C++ method --| PELib::eFindType PELib::Find(std::string path, Resource **result, --| std::deque* generics = nullptr, AssemblyDef *assembly = nullptr); local l_npos: INTEGER l_assembly_name: STRING_32 l_path: STRING_32 l_assembly: CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF l_split: LIST [STRING_32] l_found: LIST [CIL_DATA_CONTAINER] l_found_field: LIST [CIL_FIELD] l_found_method: LIST [CIL_METHOD] l_found_property: LIST [CIL_PROPERTY] l_tuple: TUPLE [index: INTEGER; dc: detachable CIL_DATA_CONTAINER] n: INTEGER exit: BOOLEAN o: detachable ANY do l_assembly := a_assembly Result := [{CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_notfound, o] create l_path.make_from_string (a_path) l_path.replace_substring_all ("/", ".") if not l_path.is_empty and then l_path [1] = '[' then l_npos := l_path.index_of (']', 1) if l_npos /= 0 then l_assembly_name := l_path.substring (2, l_npos - 1) l_path := l_path.substring (l_npos + 1, l_path.count) l_assembly := find_assembly (l_assembly_name) end end l_split := split_path (l_path) create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_DATA_CONTAINER]} l_found.make (0) create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_FIELD]} l_found_field.make (0) create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_METHOD]} l_found_method.make (0) create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_PROPERTY]} l_found_property.make (0) across assembly_refs as ic loop if not (attached a_assembly) or else attached a_assembly and then a_assembly.is_equal (ic) -- TODO check then l_tuple := ic.find_container_collection (l_split, a_generics, false) if attached l_tuple.dc as l_dc then if l_tuple.index = l_split.count then l_found.force (l_dc) elseif l_tuple.index = l_split.count - 1 and then -- TODO double check attached {CIL_CLASS} l_dc or else attached {CIL_ENUM} l_dc or else attached {CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF} l_dc then across l_dc.fields as field loop -- TODO double check the index since C++ is 0 based. if (l_split [l_tuple.index + 1]) then l_found_field.force (field) end end across l_dc.methods as cc loop if attached {CIL_METHOD} cc as l_method and then (l_split [l_tuple.index + 1]) then l_found_method.force (l_method) end end if attached {CIL_CLASS} l_dc as l_class then across as cc loop l_found_property.force (cc) end end end end end end across using_list as u loop l_tuple := u.find_container_collection (l_split, a_generics, false) if attached l_tuple.dc as l_dc then if l_tuple.index = l_split.count then l_found.force (l_dc) elseif l_tuple.index = l_split.count - 1 and then (attached {CIL_CLASS} l_dc or else attached {CIL_ENUM} l_dc) then across l_dc.fields as field loop -- TODO double check the index since C++ is 0 based. if (l_split [l_tuple.index]) then l_found_field.force (field) end end across l_dc.methods as cc loop if attached {CIL_METHOD} cc as l_method and then (l_split [n]) then l_found_method.force (l_method) end end if attached {CIL_CLASS} l_dc as l_class then across as cc loop l_found_property.force (cc) end end end end end n := l_found.count + l_found_field.count + l_found_method.count + l_found_property.count if n = 0 then exit := True Result := [{CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_notfound, Void] elseif not exit and then n > 1 then exit := True Result := [{CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_ambiguous, Void] elseif not exit and then not l_found.is_empty then Result.resource := l_found.first if attached {CIL_NAMESPACE} l_found.first then Result.type := {CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_namespace elseif attached {CIL_CLASS} l_found.first then Result.type := {CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_class elseif attached {CIL_ENUM} l_found.first then Result.type := {CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_enum end exit := True elseif not exit and then not l_found_method.is_empty then Result := [{CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_method, l_found_method.first] exit := True elseif not exit and then not l_found_field.is_empty then Result := [{CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_field, l_found_field.first] exit := True elseif not exit and then not l_found_property.is_empty then Result := [{CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_property, l_found_property.first] exit := True end end find_method (a_path: STRING_32; a_args: LIST [CIL_TYPE]; a_rv: detachable CIL_TYPE; a_generics: detachable LIST [CIL_TYPE]; a_assembly: detachable CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF; a_match_args: BOOLEAN): TUPLE [type: CIL_FIND_TYPE; res: detachable CIL_METHOD] -- find a method, with overload matching. --| Correspong to C++ method --| PELib::eFindType PELib::Find(std::string path, Method **result, const std::vector& args, Type* rv = nullptr, --| std::deque* generics = nullptr, AssemblyDef *assembly = nullptr, bool matchArgs = true); local l_npos: INTEGER l_assembly_name: STRING_32 l_path: STRING_32 l_assembly: CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF l_split: LIST [STRING_32] l_found_method: LIST [CIL_METHOD] l_tuple: TUPLE [index: INTEGER; dc: detachable CIL_DATA_CONTAINER] l_method: CIL_METHOD do l_assembly := a_assembly create l_path.make_from_string (a_path) Result := [{CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_notfound, Void] if not l_path.is_empty and l_path [1] = '[' then l_npos := l_path.index_of ('[', 1) if l_npos /= 0 then l_assembly_name := l_path.substring (1, l_npos - 1) l_path := l_path.substring (l_npos + 1, l_path.count) l_assembly := find_assembly (l_assembly_name) end end l_split := split_path (l_path) create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_METHOD]} l_found_method.make (0) across assembly_refs as a loop if not (attached a_assembly) or else attached a_assembly and then a_assembly.is_equal (a) then -- TODO check l_tuple := a.find_container_collection (l_split, a_generics, True) if attached l_tuple.dc as l_dc then if l_tuple.index = l_split.count - 1 and then -- TODO double check attached {CIL_CLASS} l_dc or else attached {CIL_ENUM} l_dc or else attached {CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF} l_dc then across l_dc.methods as cc loop if attached {CIL_METHOD} cc as ll_method and then (l_split [l_tuple.index + 1]) then l_found_method.force (ll_method) end end end end end end across using_list as u loop l_tuple := u.find_container_collection (l_split, a_generics, false) if attached l_tuple.dc as l_dc then if l_tuple.index = l_split.count - 1 and then (attached {CIL_CLASS} l_dc or else attached {CIL_ENUM} l_dc) then across l_dc.methods as cc loop if attached {CIL_METHOD} cc as ll_method and then (l_split [l_tuple.index + 1]) then l_found_method.force (ll_method) end end end end end -- TODO review if a_match_args then across l_found_method as it loop if it.prototype.matches (a_args) or else attached a_rv as l_rv and not (attached a_rv as l_rv and then attached it.prototype.return_type as l_return_type and then it.prototype.matches_type (l_return_type, l_rv)) then l_found_method.prune (it) end end end if l_found_method.count > 1 then across l_found_method as it loop if it.prototype.flags & {CIL_METHOD_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTES}.vararg /= 0 then l_found_method.prune (it) end end end if l_found_method.is_empty then l_method := find_pinvoke (l_path) if attached l_method then Result.res := l_method Result.type := {CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_method else Result.type := {CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_notfound end elseif l_found_method.count > 1 then Result.type := {CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_ambiguous else Result.res := l_found_method [1] Result.type := {CIL_FIND_TYPE}.s_method end end set_lib_path (a_paths: STRING_32) -- Set the paths where assemblies are looked for. More than one path can be separated by ';'. do lib_path := a_paths ensure lib_path_set: lib_path = a_paths end set_assembly_name (a_name: STRING_32) -- Set assembly_name with `a_name`. do assembly_name := a_name ensure assembly_name_set: assembly_name.same_string_general (a_name) end feature -- Element Change add_using (a_path: STRING_32): BOOLEAN -- add to the search path, returns true if it finds a namespace at `a_path`. -- in any assembly. local l_split: LIST [STRING_32] l_res: TUPLE [index: INTEGER; dc: detachable CIL_DATA_CONTAINER] do l_split := split_path (a_path) across assembly_refs as elem loop l_res := elem.find_container_collection (l_split, Void, False) if l_res.index = l_split.count and then attached {CIL_NAMESPACE} l_res.dc as l_namespace then using_list.force (l_namespace) Result := True end end end feature {ANY} -- Implementation split_path (a_path: STRING_32): LIST [STRING_32] local l_last: STRING_32 l_path: STRING_32 n: INTEGER_32 do l_last := "" create {ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32]} Result.make (0) create l_path.make_from_string (a_path) n := l_path.index_of (':', 1) if n /= 0 and then n < l_path.count - 2 and then l_path [n + 1] = ':' then l_last := l_path.substring (n + 2, l_path.count) l_path := l_path.substring (1, n - 1) end n := l_path.index_of ('.', 1) from until n = 0 loop Result.force (l_path.substring (1, n - 1)) if l_path.count > n + 1 then l_path := l_path.substring (n + 1, l_path.count) else l_path := "" end n := l_path.index_of ('.', 1) end if not l_path.is_empty then Result.force (l_path) end if not l_last.is_empty then Result.force (l_last) end if Result.count > 2 then if Result [Result.count].same_string ("ctor") or else Result [Result.count].same_string ("cctor") then if Result [Result.count - 1].is_empty then Result [Result.count - 1] := {STRING_32} "." + Result [Result.count] Result.prune (Result [Result.count]) end end end end feature -- Output dump_output_file (a_file_name: STRING_32; a_mode: CIL_OUTPUT_MODE; a_gui: BOOLEAN) -- write an output file, possibilities are a .il file, an EXE or a DLL -- the file can also be tagged as either console or win32 local rv: BOOLEAN l_stream: FILE_STREAM do if a_mode = {CIL_OUTPUT_MODE}.ilasm or else a_mode = {CIL_OUTPUT_MODE}.object then create l_stream.make (a_file_name) else create l_stream.make_binary (a_file_name) end debug ("debug-cli") l_stream.enable_debug end output_stream := l_stream inspect a_mode when {CIL_OUTPUT_MODE}.ilasm then rv := il_src_dump when {CIL_OUTPUT_MODE}.peexe then rv := dump_pe_file (a_file_name, True, a_gui) when {CIL_OUTPUT_MODE}.pedll then rv := dump_pe_file (a_file_name, False, a_gui) when {CIL_OUTPUT_MODE}.object then rv := obj_out else rv := False end l_stream.close end feature {NONE} -- Output Implementation il_src_dump: BOOLEAN do Result := il_src_dump_header and then il_src_dump_file end il_src_dump_header: BOOLEAN local rv: BOOLEAN do if attached output_stream as l_stream then l_stream.put_string (".corflags ") l_stream.put_integer (core_flags) l_stream.put_new_line l_stream.flush l_stream.put_new_line l_stream.flush across assembly_refs as it loop rv := it.il_header_dump (l_stream) end l_stream.put_new_line l_stream.flush Result := True else Result := False end end il_src_dump_file: BOOLEAN do if attached output_stream as l_stream then Result := working_assembly.il_src_dump (l_stream) across p_invoke_signatures as ic loop Result := ic.il_src_dump (l_stream) end else Result := False end end dump_pe_file (a_file_name: STRING_32; a_is_exe: BOOLEAN; a_is_gui: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN local n: NATURAL l_pe_writer: PE_WRITER l_module_index: NATURAL_32 l_type_def: PE_TYPEDEF_OR_REF l_table: PE_TABLE_ENTRY_BASE l_typedef_entry: PE_TYPE_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY l_n: NATURAL_32 l_base_types: CELL [INTEGER] -- l_system_index: NATURAL_32 -- l_object_index: NATURAL_32 -- l_value_index: NATURAL_32 -- l_enum_index: NATURAL_32 -- l_mscorlib_assembly: CIL_ASSEMBLY_DEF -- l_assembly_index: NATURAL_32 -- l_rs: PE_RESOLUTION_SCOPE -- l_result: TUPLE [type: CIL_FIND_TYPE; resource: detachable ANY] l_pos: INTEGER l_file_name: STRING_32 -- l_name_index: NATURAL_32 l_guid_index: NATURAL_32 do if attached output_stream as l_stream then n := 1 -- Give initial PE Indexes for field resolution.. n := working_assembly.number (n) create l_pe_writer.make (a_is_exe, a_is_gui, working_assembly.snk_file) -- RK: Unhandled Exception on Mono 3 and 5: -- System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Module' from assembly 'test6, Version=, Culture=neutral, -- PublicKeyToken=null'. -- [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Module' from assembly 'test6, -- Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. l_module_index := l_pe_writer.hash_string ({STRING_32} "") -- RK fix: "" instead of "Module" fixes the issue create l_type_def.make_with_tag_and_index ({PE_TYPEDEF_OR_REF}.typedef, 0) create l_typedef_entry.make_with_uninitialized_field_and_method (0, l_module_index, 0, l_type_def) l_n := l_pe_writer.add_table_entry (l_typedef_entry) create l_base_types.put (0) working_assembly.base_types (l_base_types) if l_base_types.item /= 0 then if attached mscorlib_assembly then end end -- ***************************************************************************************** -- NOTE: the following code is commented to be able to generate an empty Assembly -- using the IL_EMITTER OM approach, similar to the COM interface -- ***************************************************************************************** -- if l_base_types.item /= 0 then -- l_system_index := l_pe_writer.hash_string ("System") -- if l_base_types.item & {CIL_DATA_CONTAINER}.base_type_object /= 0 then -- l_object_index := l_pe_writer.hash_string ("Object") -- end -- if l_base_types.item & {CIL_DATA_CONTAINER}.base_type_value /= 0 then -- l_value_index := l_pe_writer.hash_string ("ValueType") -- end -- if l_base_types.item & {CIL_DATA_CONTAINER}.base_type_enum /= 0 then -- l_enum_index := l_pe_writer.hash_string ("Enum") -- end -- end l_stream.set_stream (l_pe_writer, Current) -- across assembly_refs as assembly loop -- Result := assembly.pe_header_dump (l_stream) -- end -- if l_base_types.item /= 0 then -- l_mscorlib_assembly := mscorlib_assembly -- l_assembly_index := l_mscorlib_assembly.pe_index -- create l_rs.make_with_tag_and_index ({PE_RESOLUTION_SCOPE}.AssemblyRef, l_assembly_index) -- if l_base_types.item & {CIL_DATA_CONTAINER}.base_type_object /= 0 then -- create {PE_TYPE_REF_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data (l_rs, l_object_index, l_system_index) -- l_object_index := l_pe_writer.add_table_entry (l_table) -- l_result := find ("[mscorlib]System::Object", Void, Void) -- if attached {CIL_CLASS} l_result.resource as l_resource then -- l_resource.set_peindex (l_object_index) -- end -- end -- if l_base_types.item & {CIL_DATA_CONTAINER}.base_type_value /= 0 then -- create {PE_TYPE_REF_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data (l_rs, l_value_index, l_system_index) -- l_value_index := l_pe_writer.add_table_entry (l_table) -- l_result := find ("[mscorlib]System::ValueType", Void, Void) -- if attached {CIL_CLASS} l_result.resource as l_resource then -- l_resource.set_peindex (l_value_index) -- end -- end -- if l_base_types.item & {CIL_DATA_CONTAINER}.base_type_enum /= 0 then -- create {PE_TYPE_REF_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data (l_rs, l_enum_index, l_system_index) -- l_enum_index := l_pe_writer.add_table_entry (l_table) -- l_result := find ("[mscorlib]System::ValueType", Void, Void) -- if attached {CIL_CLASS} l_result.resource as l_resource then -- l_resource.set_peindex (l_enum_index) -- end -- end -- l_pe_writer.set_base_classes (l_object_index, l_value_index, l_enum_index, l_system_index) -- end -- ***************************************************************************************** -- End -- ***************************************************************************************** -- TODO double check create l_file_name.make_from_string (a_file_name) l_pos := a_file_name.last_index_of ('\', l_file_name.count) if l_pos /= 0 and then l_pos /= a_file_name.count then l_file_name := l_file_name.substring (1, l_pos) end -- l_name_index := l_pe_writer.hash_string (l_file_name) module_guid := l_pe_writer.create_guid l_guid_index := l_pe_writer.hash_guid (module_guid) create {PE_MODULE_TABLE_ENTRY} l_table.make_with_data (0, l_guid_index) l_n := l_pe_writer.add_table_entry (l_table) across p_invoke_signatures as signature loop Result := signature.pe_dump (l_stream) end Result := working_assembly.pe_dump (l_stream) working_assembly.compile (l_stream) Result := l_pe_writer.write_file (core_flags, l_stream) end end obj_out: BOOLEAN do to_implement ("Add Implementation") end end