note description: "Helper class to generate a PE file." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class PE_GENERATOR inherit PE_TABLE_CONSTANTS REFACTORING_HELPER create make, make_pdb feature {NONE} -- Initalizatiob make -- Creation procedure to instance a new object. do set_is_pe_generator (True) initialize end make_pdb (a_associated_pe: PE_GENERATOR) -- Creation procedure to instance a new object. do set_is_pdb_generator (True) associated_pe := a_associated_pe initialize end initialize do create stream_headers.make_filled (0, streams_count, 2) create guid.make create blob.make create us.make create strings.make create tables_header create string_map.make (0) initialize_metadata_tables create pdb_stream.make end initialize_metadata_tables -- Initialize an in-memory metadata tables local i,n: INTEGER do from i := 0 n := {PE_TABLE_CONSTANTS}.max_tables create tables.make_empty (n) until i >= n loop tables.force (create {MD_TABLE}.make (i.to_natural_32), i) i := i + 1 end end feature -- Access associated_pe: detachable PE_GENERATOR -- Associated PE file generator when generating PDB content. feature -- Constant version_string: STRING -- PE or PDB version string (after the BSJB binary sequence) do if is_pe_generator then Result := Runtime_version_STRING else check is_pdb_generator end Result := PDB_version_string end end Runtime_version_STRING: STRING = "v4.0.30319" --this is a CUSTOM version string for microsoft. --standard CIL differs --| The Version string shall be 'Standard CLI 2005' --| for any file that is intended to be executed on any --| conforming implementation of the CLI PDB_version_string: STRING = "PDB v1.0" feature -- Streams indexes streams_count: INTEGER stream_pdb_index: INTEGER -- #Pdb stream_tilda_index: INTEGER -- #~ stream_strings_index: INTEGER -- #Strings stream_us_index: INTEGER -- #US stream_guid_index: INTEGER -- #GUID stream_blob_index: INTEGER -- #Blob feature -- Access / table tables: SPECIAL [MD_TABLE] -- in-memory metadata tables is_valid_md_table_id (a_tb_id: NATURAL_32): BOOLEAN do Result := tables.valid_index (a_tb_id.to_integer_32) end md_table (a_tb_id: NATURAL_32): MD_TABLE require is_valid_md_table_id (a_tb_id) do Result := tables [a_tb_id.to_integer_32] end md_table_entry (a_token: NATURAL_32): detachable PE_TABLE_ENTRY_BASE -- MD Table entry for token `a_token`. do if attached {MD_EMIT}.extract_table_type_and_row (a_token.to_integer_32) as d then if is_valid_md_table_id (d.table_type_index) then Result := md_table (d.table_type_index)[d.table_row_index] end end end next_md_table_index (a_table_id: NATURAL_32): NATURAL_32 -- Table for id `a_table_id` -- See `{PE_TABLES}` for table ids. require valid_table_index: is_valid_md_table_id (a_table_id) do Result := md_table (a_table_id).next_index end feature -- Table change add_table_entry (a_entry: PE_TABLE_ENTRY_BASE): NATURAL_32 -- Index in related MD_TABLE -- add an entry to one of the tables -- note the data for the table will be a class inherited from TableEntryBase, -- and this class will self-report the table index to use require valid_entry_table_index: is_valid_md_table_id (a_entry.table_index) local l_table_id: NATURAL_32 l_md_table: MD_TABLE do l_table_id := a_entry.table_index l_md_table := md_table (l_table_id) inspect a_entry.table_index when {PE_TABLES}.tmethoddef, {PE_TABLES}.tparam, {PE_TABLES}.tfield, {PE_TABLES}.tassemblydef, {PE_TABLES}.tClassLayout, -- Not used. {PE_TABLES}.tconstant, -- Not used. {PE_TABLES}.tcustomattribute, {PE_TABLES}.tfieldmarshal, {PE_TABLES}.tfieldrva, {PE_TABLES}.tGenericParam, -- Not used. {PE_TABLES}.tImplMap, {PE_TABLES}.tMethodSemantics, {PE_TABLES}.tNestedClass, -- Not used {PE_TABLES}.tStandaloneSig then -- No duplication checking do_nothing -- line to be able to set breakpoint when {PE_TABLES}.tmodule, {PE_TABLES}.ttypedef, {PE_TABLES}.tassemblyref, {PE_TABLES}.ttyperef, {PE_TABLES}.tmemberref, {PE_TABLES}.tmoduleref, {PE_TABLES}.tinterfaceimpl then Result := a_entry.token_from_table (l_md_table) when {PDB_TABLES}.tmethoddebuginformation, {PDB_TABLES}.tlocalscope, {PDB_TABLES}.tlocalvariable, {PDB_TABLES}.tlocalconstant, {PDB_TABLES}.timportscope, {PDB_TABLES}.tstatemachinemethod, {PDB_TABLES}.tCustomDebugInformation then -- No duplication checking do_nothing -- line to be able to set breakpoint when {PDB_TABLES}.tdocument then Result := a_entry.token_from_table (l_md_table) else Result := a_entry.token_from_table (l_md_table) end if Result = 0 then l_md_table.force (a_entry) Result := l_md_table.size end Result := (l_table_id |<< 24) | Result ensure entry_added: a_entry.token_from_table (md_table (a_entry.table_index)) > 0 end feature -- Headers tables_header: PE_DOTNET_META_TABLES_HEADER -- `tables_header' feature -- Access / streams stream_headers: ARRAY2 [NATURAL_32] -- defined as streamHeaders_[5][2] --| There are five possible kinds of streams. --| - stream header with name `#~` that points to the physical representation of a set of tables. --| - stream header with name `#Strings` that points to the physical representation of the --| strings heap where identifier strings are stored --| - stream header with name `#US` that points to the physical representation of the --| user strings heap --| - stream header with name `#Blob` that points to the physical representation of the blob heap, --| - stream header with name `#GUID` that points to the physical representation of the GUID heap --| --| And for PDB file generation, an additional stream (at first position): --| - stream header with name `#Pdb` that points to the PDB debugging data. stream_names: ARRAY [STRING_32] do if is_pe_generator then Result := {ARRAY [STRING_32]} <<"#~", "#Strings", "#US", "#GUID", "#Blob">> else check is_pdb_generator end Result := {ARRAY [STRING_32]} <<"#Pdb", "#~", "#Strings", "#US", "#GUID", "#Blob">> end end default_us: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] -- defined as static Byte defaultUS_[]; --| Byte defined as 1 byte. do Result := {ARRAY [NATURAL_8]} <<0, 3, 0x20, 0, 0>> Result.conservative_resize_with_default (0, 1, 8) end string_map: STRING_TABLE [NATURAL_32] -- reflection of the String stream so that we can keep from doing duplicates. -- right now we don't check duplicates on any of the other streams... strings: PE_POOL --#Strings header is the physical --representation of the logical string heap us: PE_POOL -- #US Strean od bytes physical representation of logical -- Userstring -- The first entry in this hesp is empty that consists of the single byte 0x00. blob: PE_POOL -- The #blob heap -- The first entry in this hesp is empty that consists of the single byte 0x00. guid: PE_POOL -- The #GUID header points to a sequence of 128-bit GUIDs pdb_stream: CLI_PDB_STREAM -- #Pdb only used when generate a pdb stream feature -- Status report is_pe_generator: BOOLEAN assign set_is_pe_generator -- Is pe generator? do Result := not is_pdb_generator end is_pdb_generator: BOOLEAN assign set_is_pdb_generator -- Is PDB generator? feature -- Status settings set_is_pe_generator (b: BOOLEAN) do set_is_pdb_generator (not b) ensure is_pe_generator = b b implies stream_blob_index = 5 end set_is_pdb_generator (b: BOOLEAN) local i: INTEGER do is_pdb_generator := b if b then i := 1 else i := 0 end stream_pdb_index := i stream_tilda_index := i + 1 stream_strings_index := i + 2 stream_us_index := i + 3 stream_guid_index := i + 4 stream_blob_index := i + 5 streams_count := stream_blob_index ensure is_pdb_generator = b b implies stream_blob_index = 6 end feature -- Sizes us_heap_size: NATURAL_32 -- User string heap size. do Result := us.size end guid_heap_size: NATURAL_32 -- Guid heap size do Result := guid.size end blob_heap_size: NATURAL_32 -- Blob heap size do Result := blob.size end strings_heap_size: NATURAL_32 -- String heap size do Result := strings.size end feature -- Stream functions hash_string (a_utf8: STRING_32): NATURAL_32 -- return the stream index --| TODO add a precondition to verify a_utf8 is a valid UTF_8 local l_str: STRING_8 l_converter: BYTE_ARRAY_CONVERTER do if string_map.has_key (a_utf8) and then attached string_map.item (a_utf8) as l_val then Result := l_val else if strings.size = 0 then strings.increment_size end strings.confirm (strings.size + 1) Result := strings.size l_str := {UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (a_utf8) create l_converter.make_from_string (l_str) strings.copy_data (strings.size.to_integer_32, l_converter.to_natural_8_array, (l_str.count + 1).to_natural_32) strings.increment_size_by ((a_utf8.count + 1).to_natural_32) string_map.force (Result, a_utf8) end end string_at (idx: PE_STRING): detachable STRING_32 -- String value for "Strings" index `idx` local l_heap: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] l_size: INTEGER_32 i, k, current_size: INTEGER mp: MANAGED_POINTER do l_heap := strings.base l_size := strings.size.to_integer_32 i := {MD_EMIT}.extract_table_type_and_row (idx.index.to_integer_32).table_row_index.to_integer_32 if i <= l_size then from k := 0 until (l_heap [i + k] = 0) or (i + k > l_size) loop k := k + 1 end current_size := k create mp.make (k + 1) from until k = 0 loop mp.put_natural_8_le (l_heap[i + k - 1], k - 1) k := k - 1 end Result := {UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_8_0_pointer_to_escaped_string_32 (mp) end end hash_us (a_str: STRING_32; a_length: INTEGER): NATURAL_32 -- UserString (US) stream index -- See: ECMA-335 6th edition, II.24.2.4 #US and #Blob heaps -- Computes the hash of a UserString `a_str' -- if the UserString already exists in a heap, returns the index of the existing value -- otherwise computes the hash and returns the index of the new value. local l_flag: NATURAL_8 len: NATURAL_32 n: INTEGER l_converter: BYTE_ARRAY_CONVERTER l_data: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] do create l_converter.make_from_string ({UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_32_string_to_utf_16le_string_8 (a_str)) l_data := l_converter.to_natural_8_array Result := check_us (us, l_data) if Result = 0 then if us.size = 0 then us.increment_size end check a_str.count = a_length end len := (l_data.count + 1).to_natural_32 -- +1 for the flag us.confirm (len + 5) Result := us.size if len < 0x80 then us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := len.to_natural_8 us.increment_size elseif len <= 0x3fff then us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := ((len |>> 8) | 0x80).to_natural_8 us.increment_size us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := len.to_natural_8 us.increment_size else len := len & 0x1fffffff us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := ((len |>> 24) | 0xc0).to_natural_8 us.increment_size us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := (len |>> 16).to_natural_8 us.increment_size us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := (len |>> 8).to_natural_8 us.increment_size us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := (len |>> 0).to_natural_8 us.increment_size end us.copy_data ((us.size).to_integer_32, l_data, len - 1) -- -1: len include the flag byte. us.increment_size_by (len - 1) -- See II.24.2.4 from ECMA-335 6th Edition -- This final byte holds the value 1 if and only if any UTF16 character within the string has any bit -- set in its top byte, or its low byte is any of the following: -- 0x01–0x08, 0x0E–0x1F, 0x27, 0x2D, 0x7F. -- Otherwise, it holds 0. The 1 signifies Unicode characters that require handling beyond that normally -- provided for 8-bit encoding sets. across a_str as i until l_flag = {NATURAL_8} 1 loop n := i.code if (n & 0xff00) /= 0 then l_flag := {NATURAL_8} 1 else inspect n when 0x01..0x08 then l_flag := {NATURAL_8} 1 when 0x0e..0x1F then l_flag := {NATURAL_8} 1 when 0x27, 0x2d, 0x7f then l_flag := {NATURAL_8} 1 else l_flag := {NATURAL_8} 0 end end end us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := l_flag -- 0 or 1 us.increment_size end end check_us (a_us: PE_POOL; target_us: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]): NATURAL_32 -- Check if `target_us` exists in `a_us` and return its index if found, otherwise return 0. local us_heap: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] us_size: NATURAL_32; i, j, k, target_size, current_size: INTEGER do us_heap := a_us.base us_size := a_us.size -- Result := 0 -- not found (yet) target_size := target_us.count from -- note: The first entry in both these heaps is the empty 'blob' that consists of the single byte 0x00. -- SPECIAL are 0-based, skip first entry. i := 1 until i.to_natural_32 >= us_size or else Result > 0 loop -- Check if the current user string matches the target user string. if us_heap [i] < 0x80 then -- 128 = 0x80 = 1000 0000 current_size := us_heap [i] j := i + 1 elseif us_heap [i] < 0xC0 then -- 0xC0 = 1100 0000 -- 192 = 0xC0 = 1100 0000 -- 256 = 0x100 = 1 0000 0000 current_size := (us_heap [i] - 0x80) * 0x100 + us_heap [i + 1] j := i + 2 else -- 16777216 = 0x100_0000 = 1 00000000 00000000 00000000 -- 65 536 = 0x1_0000 = 1 00000000 00000000 -- 256 = 0x100 = 1 00000000 current_size := (us_heap [i] - 0xC0) * 0x100_0000 + us_heap [i + 1] * 0x1_0000 + us_heap [i + 2] * 0x100 + us_heap [i + 3] j := i + 4 end -- Note: the `current_size` for #US includes the final byte 0 or 1. if current_size - 1 = target_size then -- Exclude the final byte from the comparison: 0 or 1 from k := 1 until (j + k - 1).to_natural_32 >= us_size or else k > target_size or else target_us [k] /= us_heap [j + k - 1] loop k := k + 1 end if (k - 1) = target_size then -- Found a match. Result := i.to_natural_32 end end i := j + current_size end ensure valid_result: Result >= 0 end hash_guid (a_guid: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]): NATURAL_32 -- return the GUID stream index do guid.confirm (17) -- 128 // 8 + 1 (null char) Result := guid.size guid.copy_data (Result.to_integer_32, a_guid, 16) guid.increment_size_by (16) Result := Result // 16 + 1 end check_guid (a_guid: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]): NATURAL_32 -- Check if `a_guid` exists in `guid` and return its index if found, otherwise return 0. local l_heap: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] l_heap_size: NATURAL_32 i, k, target_size, current_size: INTEGER do -- Result := 0 -- not found (yet) l_heap := guid.base l_heap_size := guid.size target_size := a_guid.count from i := 0 --| Special are 0-based until i.to_natural_32 >= l_heap_size or else Result /= 0 loop current_size := a_guid.count check current_size = 16 end from k := 1 until (i + k - 1).to_natural_32 > l_heap_size or else k > target_size or else a_guid [k] /= l_heap [i + k - 1] loop k := k + 1 end if (k - 1) = target_size then -- Found a match. Result := (i + 1).to_natural_32 end i := i + current_size end ensure valid_result: Result >= 0 end hash_blob (a_blob_data: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]; a_blob_len: NATURAL_32): NATURAL_32 -- Blob stream index. -- See: ECMA-335 6th edition, II.24.2.4 #US and #Blob heaps -- Computes the hash of a blob `a_blob_data' -- if the blob already exists in a heap, returns the index of the existing blob -- otherwise computes the hash and returns the index of the new blob. local l_blob_len: NATURAL_32 do Result := check_blob (a_blob_data) if Result = 0 then l_blob_len := a_blob_len if blob.size = 0 then blob.increment_size end blob.confirm (a_blob_len + 4) Result := blob.size if a_blob_len < 0x80 then blob.base [blob.size.to_integer_32] := l_blob_len.to_natural_8 blob.increment_size elseif a_blob_len <= 0x3fff then blob.base [blob.size.to_integer_32] := ((l_blob_len |>> 8) | 0x80).to_natural_8 blob.increment_size blob.base [blob.size.to_integer_32] := l_blob_len.to_natural_8 blob.increment_size else l_blob_len := l_blob_len & 0x1fffffff blob.base [blob.size.to_integer_32] := ((l_blob_len |>> 24) | 0xc0).to_natural_8 blob.increment_size blob.base [blob.size.to_integer_32] := (l_blob_len |>> 16).to_natural_8 blob.increment_size blob.base [blob.size.to_integer_32] := (l_blob_len |>> 8).to_natural_8 blob.increment_size blob.base [blob.size.to_integer_32] := (l_blob_len |>> 0).to_natural_8 blob.increment_size end blob.copy_data ((blob.size).to_integer_32, a_blob_data, l_blob_len) blob.increment_size_by (l_blob_len) end ensure hashed: Result = check_blob (a_blob_data) end blob_at (idx: PE_BLOB): detachable MANAGED_POINTER local blob_heap: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] blob_size: INTEGER_32 i, j, k, current_size: INTEGER do blob_heap := blob.base blob_size := blob.size.to_integer_32 i := {MD_EMIT}.extract_table_type_and_row (idx.index.to_integer_32).table_row_index.to_integer_32 if i <= blob_size then -- Check if the blob header matches the target blob size. if blob_heap [i] < 0x80 then -- 128 = 0x80 = 1000 0000 current_size := blob_heap [i] j := i + 1 elseif blob_heap [i] < 0xC0 then -- 0xC0 = 1100 0000 -- 192 = 0xC0 = 1100 0000 -- 256 = 0x100 = 1 0000 0000 current_size := (blob_heap [i] - 0x80) * 0x100 + blob_heap [i + 1] j := i + 2 else -- 16777216 = 0x100 0000 = 1 00000000 00000000 00000000 -- 65 536 = 0x1 0000 = 1 00000000 00000000 -- 256 = 0x100 = 1 00000000 current_size := (blob_heap [i] - 0xC0) * 0x100_0000 + blob_heap [i + 1] * 0x1_0000 + blob_heap [i + 2] * 0x100 + blob_heap [i + 3] j := i + 4 end create Result.make (current_size) from k := 1 until k > current_size or (j + k - 1) > blob_size loop Result.put_natural_8_le (blob_heap[j + k - 1], k - 1) k := k + 1 end end end check_blob (target_blob: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]): NATURAL_32 -- Check if `target_blob` exists in `blob` and return its index if found, otherwise return 0. local blob_heap: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] blob_size: NATURAL_32 i, j, k, target_size, current_size: INTEGER do -- Result := 0 -- not found (yet) blob_heap := blob.base blob_size := blob.size target_size := target_blob.count from i := 1 --| 2 - 1 Special are 0-based until i.to_natural_32 >= blob_size or else Result /= 0 loop -- Check if the blob header matches the target blob size. if blob_heap [i] < 0x80 then -- 128 = 0x80 = 1000 0000 current_size := blob_heap [i] j := i + 1 elseif blob_heap [i] < 0xC0 then -- 0xC0 = 1100 0000 -- 192 = 0xC0 = 1100 0000 -- 256 = 0x100 = 1 0000 0000 current_size := (blob_heap [i] - 0x80) * 0x100 + blob_heap [i + 1] j := i + 2 else -- 16777216 = 0x100 0000 = 1 00000000 00000000 00000000 -- 65 536 = 0x1 0000 = 1 00000000 00000000 -- 256 = 0x100 = 1 00000000 current_size := (blob_heap [i] - 0xC0) * 0x100_0000 + blob_heap [i + 1] * 0x1_0000 + blob_heap [i + 2] * 0x100 + blob_heap [i + 3] j := i + 4 end -- Check if the current blob matches the target blob. if current_size = target_size then from k := 1 until (j + k - 1).to_natural_32 > blob_size or else k > target_size or else target_blob [k] /= blob_heap [j + k - 1] loop k := k + 1 end if (k - 1) = target_size then -- Found a match. Result := i.to_natural_32 end end i := j + current_size end ensure valid_result: Result >= 0 end hash_blob_file_content (a_path: CLI_STRING; a_algo: INTEGER): NATURAL_32 -- File content hashed using the specified hash algorithm -- TODO: define `a_algo` type: -- ff1816ec-aa5e-4d10-87f7-6f4963833460 SHA-1 hash -- 8829d00f-11b8-4213-878b-770e8597ac16 SHA-256 hash local l_hash: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] do -- TODO: implementation if a_algo = hash_algo_sha1 then l_hash := {MD_HASH_UTILITIES}.sha1_bytes_for_file_name (a_path.string_32) elseif a_algo = hash_algo_sha256 then l_hash := {MD_HASH_UTILITIES}.sha256_bytes_for_file_name (a_path.string_32) else l_hash := {ARRAY [NATURAL_8]} <<0>> -- FIXME end Result := hash_blob (l_hash, l_hash.count.to_natural_32) end hash_algo_sha1: INTEGER = 1 hash_algo_sha256: INTEGER = 256 feature -- Operations create_guid: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] -- Create a new GUID as a byte array do Result := new_random_guid end feature -- hash_guid helpers sha1_hash_algorithm_guid_index: NATURAL_32 hash_guid_for_sha1_hash_algorithm: NATURAL_32 local conv: BYTE_ARRAY_CONVERTER do Result := sha1_hash_algorithm_guid_index if Result = 0 then -- See: -- HashAlgorithm field value hash field semantics -- ff1816ec-aa5e-4d10-87f7-6f4963833460 SHA-1 hash -- 8829d00f-11b8-4213-878b-770e8597ac16 SHA-256 hash create conv.make_from_string ("ff1816ec-aa5e-4d10-87f7-6f4963833460") Result := hash_guid (conv.to_natural_8_array) sha1_hash_algorithm_guid_index := Result end end sha256_hash_algorithm_guid_index: NATURAL_32 hash_guid_for_sha256_hash_algorithm: NATURAL_32 local conv: BYTE_ARRAY_CONVERTER do Result := sha256_hash_algorithm_guid_index if Result = 0 then -- See: -- HashAlgorithm field value hash field semantics -- ff1816ec-aa5e-4d10-87f7-6f4963833460 SHA-1 hash -- 8829d00f-11b8-4213-878b-770e8597ac16 SHA-256 hash create conv.make_from_string ("8829d00f-11b8-4213-878b-770e8597ac16") Result := hash_guid (conv.to_natural_8_array) sha256_hash_algorithm_guid_index := Result end end feature {MD_EMIT} -- Implementation meta_header1: PE_DOTNET_META_HEADER do create Result Result.set_signature ({PE_DOTNET_META_HEADER}.meta_sig) Result.set_major (1) Result.set_minor (1) Result.set_reserved (0) ensure instance_free: class end compute_version_string_size: NATURAL do Result := (version_string.count + 1).to_natural_32 end computed_metadata_size: NATURAL_32 -- metadata size computed by previous call to `compute_metadata_size` compute_metadata_size --| Computes the size of the PE metadata for the current emitted assembly. --| Iterate through each table and multiplying the size of the table by the number of entries in the table. --| Adds the size of each heap (string, user string, blob, and GUID) --| The size of the metadata header and table header. --| The size of the metadata (in bytes) in stored into `computed_metadata_size` attribute. note EIS: "name=Metadata Root", "src=", "protocol=uri" local l_current_rva: NATURAL_32 l_counts: ARRAY [NATURAL_32] l_temp: NATURAL_32 l_buffer: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] i,n: INTEGER l_stream_headers: ARRAY2 [NATURAL_32] l_tables_header: PE_DOTNET_META_TABLES_HEADER l_md_tables: like {PE_GENERATOR}.tables do computed_metadata_size := 0 l_md_tables := tables l_stream_headers := stream_headers l_tables_header := tables_header l_current_rva := 16 -- metadata header offest -- Signature + Major Version + MinorVersion + Reserved + Length l_current_rva := l_current_rva + compute_version_string_size -- Version (PE or PDB) if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end -- Padding to next 4 byte boundary l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 2 -- flags l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 2 -- streams, will be 5 in our implementation -- check stream_names feature. -- StreamHeaders. Array of n StreamHdr structures -- ("#Pdb), "#~", "#Strings", "#US", "#GUID", "#Blob" across stream_names as elem loop l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 8 + (elem.count + 1).to_natural_32 if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end end if is_pdb_generator then l_stream_headers [stream_pdb_index, 1] := l_current_rva l_current_rva := l_current_rva + pdb_stream.size_of.to_natural_32 -- TODO: check l_stream_headers [stream_pdb_index, 2] := l_current_rva - l_stream_headers [stream_pdb_index, 1] l_stream_headers [stream_tilda_index, 1] := l_current_rva else l_stream_headers [stream_tilda_index, 1] := l_current_rva end -- Double check how to filter this code for PDB file generator. -- table_header is not used see l_tables_header.major_version := 2 l_tables_header.reserved2 := 1 if is_pe_generator then -- Why having Event and Property sorted? anyway, the Eiffel compiler does not use them. -- l_tables_header.mask_sorted := 0b00000000_00000000_00010110_00000000_00110011_00100101_11111010_00000000 l_tables_header.mask_sorted := 0b00000000_00000000_00010110_00000000_00110011_00000001_11111010_00000000 else check is_pdb_generator end -- Sorted tables are 0x32 LocalScope and 0x37 CustomDebugInformation l_tables_header.mask_sorted := 0b00000000_10000100_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000 -- TO CHANGE ! end --FIXME: check if size is about rows count, or offset (for Blob) -- See II.24.2.6 #~ stream -- Check size >= 2^16 = 0x1_0000 if strings_heap_size >= 0x1_0000 then l_tables_header.heap_offset_sizes := l_tables_header.heap_offset_sizes | 0x1 end if guid_heap_size >= 0x1_0000 then l_tables_header.heap_offset_sizes := l_tables_header.heap_offset_sizes | 0x2 end if blob_heap_size >= 0x1_0000 then l_tables_header.heap_offset_sizes := l_tables_header.heap_offset_sizes | 0x4 end create l_counts.make_filled (0, 1, Max_tables + Extra_indexes) l_counts [t_string + 1] := strings_heap_size l_counts [t_us + 1] := us_heap_size l_counts [t_guid + 1] := guid_heap_size l_counts [t_blob + 1] := blob_heap_size from i := 0 n := l_md_tables.count until i >= n loop if not l_md_tables [i].is_empty then l_counts [i + 1] := l_md_tables [i].size l_tables_header.mask_valid := l_tables_header.mask_valid | ({INTEGER_64} 1 |<< i) l_temp := l_temp + 1 end i := i + 1 end l_current_rva := l_current_rva + l_tables_header.size_of.to_natural_32 -- tables header l_current_rva := l_current_rva + (l_temp * ({PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes).to_natural_32) -- table counts -- Dword is 4 bytes. from i := 0 n := l_md_tables.count until i >= n loop if l_counts [i + 1] /= 0 then create l_buffer.make_filled (0, 1, 512) l_temp := l_md_tables [i][{NATURAL_32} 1].render (l_counts, l_buffer) l_temp := l_temp * (l_counts [i + 1]) l_current_rva := l_current_rva + l_temp end i := i + 1 end if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end l_stream_headers [stream_tilda_index, 2] := l_current_rva - l_stream_headers [stream_tilda_index, 1] l_stream_headers [stream_strings_index, 1] := l_current_rva l_current_rva := l_current_rva + strings.size if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end l_stream_headers [stream_strings_index, 2] := l_current_rva - l_stream_headers [stream_strings_index, 1] l_stream_headers [stream_us_index, 1] := l_current_rva if us.size = 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + default_us.count.to_natural_32 -- US May be empty in our implementation we put an empty string there else l_current_rva := l_current_rva + us.size end -- TODO refactor this code into a feature. if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end l_stream_headers [stream_us_index, 2] := l_current_rva - l_stream_headers [stream_us_index, 1] l_stream_headers [stream_guid_index, 1] := l_current_rva l_current_rva := l_current_rva + guid.size if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end l_stream_headers [stream_guid_index, 2] := l_current_rva - l_stream_headers [stream_guid_index, 1] l_stream_headers [stream_blob_index, 1] := l_current_rva l_current_rva := l_current_rva + blob.size if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end l_stream_headers [stream_blob_index, 2] := l_current_rva - l_stream_headers [stream_blob_index, 1] computed_metadata_size := l_current_rva.to_natural_32 ensure computed_metadata_size > 0 end update_pdb_stream -- Update the current pdb stream with -- ReferencedTypeSystemTables and TypeSystemTableRows local l_pdb_md_tables: like {PE_GENERATOR}.tables l_pe_md_tables: like {PE_GENERATOR}.tables i,j,n,l_upper: INTEGER l_referenced_type_system_tables: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_type_system_table_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [NATURAL_32] do -- Compute the ReferencedTypeSystemTables and TypeSystemTableRows -- there is potentially 64 md tables create l_referenced_type_system_tables.make_filled (0, 1, 8) -- 1-based index. create l_type_system_table_rows.make (1) l_pdb_md_tables := tables if attached associated_pe as pe then l_pe_md_tables := pe.tables else check has_associated_pe: False end -- when generating PDB , the associated_pe should be set! l_pe_md_tables := l_pdb_md_tables end from i := l_pe_md_tables.lower l_upper := l_pe_md_tables.upper j := 1 -- 1-based index n := 0 -- the number of bits that are 1 in l_referenced_type_system_tables until i >= l_upper loop if is_known_pdb_table (i) then -- the PDB stream only includes the information for the PE tables (not the PDB, see tables header for those) else if l_pe_md_tables /= Void and then not l_pe_md_tables [i].is_empty then -- Update the bit vector using bit or. l_referenced_type_system_tables [j // 8 + 1] := l_referenced_type_system_tables [j // 8 + 1] | ({NATURAL_8} 1 |<< ((j-1).to_natural_8 \\ 8)) -- Update the l_type_system_table_rows array l_type_system_table_rows.force (l_pe_md_tables [i].size) n := n + 1 end end j := j + 1 i := i + 1 end -- Update pdb stream pdb_stream.set_referenced_type_system_tables (l_referenced_type_system_tables) pdb_stream.set_type_system_table_rows (l_type_system_table_rows.to_array) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation is_known_pdb_table (i: INTEGER): BOOLEAN do Result := ({PDB_TABLES}.tKnownTablesMask.bit_and ({NATURAL_64} 1 |<< i.to_integer_32)) /= 0 end new_random_guid: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] -- Create a random GUID. local l_random: RANDOM l_data1: NATURAL_32 l_data2: NATURAL_16 l_data3: NATURAL_16 l_data4: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_seed: INTEGER l_time: TIME l_val: NATURAL_8 l_guid: CIL_GUID do create l_time.make_now l_seed := l_time.hour l_seed := l_seed * 60 + l_time.minute l_seed := l_seed * 60 + l_time.second l_seed := l_seed * 1000 + l_time.milli_second create l_random.set_seed (l_seed) l_random.start l_data1 := l_random.item.to_natural_32 l_random.forth l_data2 := ((l_random.item.to_natural_32 \\ {NATURAL_16}.max_value) + 1).to_natural_16 l_random.forth l_data3 := ((l_random.item.to_natural_32 \\ {NATURAL_16}.max_value) + 1).to_natural_16 l_random.forth l_data4 := {ARRAY [NATURAL_8]} <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> across 1 |..| 8 as i loop l_val := ((l_random.item.to_natural_32 \\ {NATURAL_8}.max_value) + 1).to_natural_8 l_data4 [i] := l_val l_random.forth end create l_guid.make (l_data1, l_data2, l_data3, l_data4) Result := l_guid.to_array_natural_8 end end