note description: "This is the main class for generating a PE file" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class PE_WRITER inherit PE_TABLE_CONSTANTS REFACTORING_HELPER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (is_exe: BOOLEAN; is_gui: BOOLEAN; a_snk_file: STRING_32) -- Creation procedure to instance a new object. do dll := not is_exe gui := is_gui file_align := 0x200 object_align := 0x2000 image_base := 0x400000 language := 0x4b0 create snk_file.make_from_string (a_snk_file) create meta_header.make_from_other (meta_header1) create string_map.make (0) initialize_dnl_tables create {ARRAYED_LIST [PE_METHOD]} methods.make (0) create rva.make create guid.make create blob.make create us.make create strings.make create rsa_encoder.make create stream_headers.make_filled (0, 5, 2) create assembly_version.make_filled (0, 1, 4) create file_version.make_filled (0, 1, 4) create product_version.make_filled (0, 1, 4) ensure dll_set: dll = not is_exe gui_set: gui = is_gui object_base_zero: object_base = 0 value_base_zero: value_base = 0 enum_base_zero: enum_base = 0 system_index_zero: system_index = 0 entry_point_zero: entry_point = 0 param_attribute_type_zero: param_attribute_type = 0 param_attribute_data_zero: param_attribute_data = 0 file_align_set: file_align = 0x200 object_align_set: object_align = 0x2000 image_base_set: image_base = 0x400000 language_set: language = 0x4b0 pe_header_void: pe_header = Void pe_object_void: pe_objects = Void cor20_header_void: cor20_header = Void tables_header_void: tables_header = Void snk_file_set: snk_file.same_string_general (a_snk_file) snk_len_zero: snk_len = 0 output_file_void: output_file = Void pe_base_zero: pe_base = 0 cor_base_zero: cor_base = 0 snk_base = 0 string_map_empty: string_map.is_empty methods_empty: methods.is_empty end initialize_dnl_tables do -- create {ARRAYED_LIST [DNL_TABLE]} tables.make ({PE_TABLE_CONSTANTS}.max_tables) create tables.make_empty ({PE_TABLE_CONSTANTS}.max_tables) across 0 |..| ({PE_TABLE_CONSTANTS}.max_tables - 1) as i loop tables.force ((create {DNL_TABLE}.make), i) end end feature -- Constant RTV_STRING: STRING = "v4.0.30319" --this is a CUSTOM version string for microsoft. --standard CIL differs feature -- Access snk_base: NATURAL assign set_snk_base -- `snk_base' cor_base: NATURAL assign set_cor_base -- `cor_base' pe_base: NATURAL assign set_pe_base -- `pe_base' snk_len: NATURAL_32 assign set_snk_len -- `snk_len' snk_file: STRING_32 -- `snk_file' tables_header: detachable PE_DOTNET_META_TABLES_HEADER -- `tables_header' cor20_header: detachable PE_DOTNET_COR20_HEADER -- `cor20_header' pe_objects: detachable LIST [PE_OBJECT] -- `pe_objects' pe_header: detachable PE_HEADER -- `pe_header' -- TODO double check if we need a list of headers. language: NATURAL_32 -- `language' -- C++ defined as four bytes -- DWord language_; image_base: NATURAL_32 assign set_image_base -- `image_base' object_align: NATURAL_32 assign set_object_align -- `object_align' file_align: NATURAL_32 assign set_file_align -- `file_align' param_attribute_data: NATURAL_32 assign set_param_attribute_data -- `param_attribute_data' param_attribute_type: NATURAL_32 assign set_param_attribute_type -- `param_attribute_type' entry_point: NATURAL_32 assign set_entry_point -- `entry_point' system_index: NATURAL_32 assign set_system_index -- `system_index' enum_base: NATURAL_32 assign set_enum_base -- `enum_base' value_base: NATURAL_32 assign set_value_base -- `value_base' object_base: NATURAL_32 assign set_object_base -- `object_base' gui: BOOLEAN assign set_gui -- `gui' dll: BOOLEAN assign set_dll -- `dll' output_file: detachable FILE_STREAM assembly_version: ARRAY [NATURAL_16] --| C++ defined as Word assemblyVersion_[4]; --| Word is two bytes. file_version: ARRAY [NATURAL_16] product_version: ARRAY [NATURAL_16] stream_headers: ARRAY2 [NATURAL_32] -- defined as streamHeaders_[5][2]; rsa_encoder: CIL_RSA_ENCODER mzh_header: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] -- MS-DOS header do Result := {ARRAY [NATURAL_8]} << 0x4d, 0x5a, 0x90, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x1f, 0xba, 0x0e, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x09, 0xcd, 0x21, 0xb8, 0x01, 0x4c, 0xcd, 0x21, 0x54, 0x68, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x72, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x20, 0x63, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x20, 0x62, 0x65, 0x20, 0x72, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x44, 0x4f, 0x53, 0x20, 0x6d, 0x6f, 0x64, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x0d, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x24, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00>> ensure instance_free: class end meta_header: PE_DOTNET_META_HEADER stream_names: ARRAY [STRING_32] do Result := {ARRAY [STRING_32]} <<"#~", "#Strings", "#US", "#GUID", "#Blob">> ensure instance_free: class end default_us: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] -- defined as static Byte defaultUS_[]; --| Byte defined as 1 byte. do Result := {ARRAY [NATURAL_8]} <<0, 3, 0x20, 0, 0>> Result.conservative_resize_with_default (0, 1, 8) end string_map: STRING_TABLE [NATURAL_32] -- reflection of the String stream so that we can keep from doing duplicates. -- right now we don't check duplicates on any of the other streams... tables: SPECIAL [DNL_TABLE] -- tables that can appear in a PE file. methods: LIST [PE_METHOD] strings: PE_POOL us: PE_POOL blob: PE_POOL guid: PE_POOL rva: PE_POOL feature {MD_EMIT} -- Implemenation meta_header1: PE_DOTNET_META_HEADER do create Result Result.set_signature ({PE_DOTNET_META_HEADER}.meta_sig) Result.set_major (1) Result.set_minor (1) Result.set_reserved (0) ensure instance_free: class end feature -- Element change set_snk_base (a_snk_base: like snk_base) -- Assign `snk_base' with `a_snk_base'. do snk_base := a_snk_base ensure snk_base_assigned: snk_base = a_snk_base end set_cor_base (a_cor_base: like cor_base) -- Assign `cor_base' with `a_cor_base'. do cor_base := a_cor_base ensure cor_base_assigned: cor_base = a_cor_base end set_pe_base (a_pe_base: like pe_base) -- Assign `pe_base' with `a_pe_base'. do pe_base := a_pe_base ensure pe_base_assigned: pe_base = a_pe_base end set_snk_len (a_snk_len: like snk_len) -- Assign `snk_len' with `a_snk_len'. do snk_len := a_snk_len ensure snk_len_assigned: snk_len = a_snk_len end set_snk_file (a_snk_file: like snk_file) -- Assign `snk_file' with `a_snk_file'. do snk_file := a_snk_file ensure snk_file_assigned: snk_file = a_snk_file end set_tables_header (a_tables_header: like tables_header) -- Assign `tables_header' with `a_tables_header'. do tables_header := a_tables_header ensure tables_header_assigned: tables_header = a_tables_header end set_cor20_header (a_cor20_header: like cor20_header) -- Assign `cor20_header' with `a_cor20_header'. do cor20_header := a_cor20_header ensure cor20_header_assigned: cor20_header = a_cor20_header end set_pe_object (a_pe_object: like pe_objects) -- Assign `pe_objects' with `a_pe_object'. do pe_objects := a_pe_object ensure pe_object_assigned: pe_objects = a_pe_object end set_pe_header (a_pe_header: like pe_header) -- Assign `pe_header' with `a_pe_header'. do pe_header := a_pe_header ensure pe_header_assigned: pe_header = a_pe_header end set_language (a_language: like language) -- Assign `language' with `a_language'. do language := a_language ensure language_assigned: language = a_language end set_image_base (an_image_base: like image_base) -- Assign `image_base' with `an_image_base'. do image_base := an_image_base ensure image_base_assigned: image_base = an_image_base end set_object_align (an_object_align: like object_align) -- Assign `object_align' with `an_object_align'. do object_align := an_object_align ensure object_align_assigned: object_align = an_object_align end set_file_align (a_file_align: like file_align) -- Assign `file_align' with `a_file_align'. do file_align := a_file_align ensure file_align_assigned: file_align = a_file_align end set_param_attribute_data (a_param_attribute_data: like param_attribute_data) -- Assign `param_attribute_data' with `a_param_attribute_data'. do param_attribute_data := a_param_attribute_data ensure param_attribute_data_assigned: param_attribute_data = a_param_attribute_data end set_param_attribute_type (a_param_attribute_type: like param_attribute_type) -- Assign `param_attribute_type' with `a_param_attribute_type'. do param_attribute_type := a_param_attribute_type ensure param_attribute_type_assigned: param_attribute_type = a_param_attribute_type end set_entry_point (an_entry_point: like entry_point) -- Assign `entry_point' with `an_entry_point'. do entry_point := an_entry_point ensure entry_point_assigned: entry_point = an_entry_point end set_system_index (a_system_index: like system_index) -- Assign `system_index' with `a_system_index'. do system_index := a_system_index ensure system_index_assigned: system_index = a_system_index end set_enum_base (an_enum_base: like enum_base) -- Assign `enum_base' with `an_enum_base'. do enum_base := an_enum_base ensure enum_base_assigned: enum_base = an_enum_base end set_value_base (a_value_base: like value_base) -- Assign `value_base' with `a_value_base'. do value_base := a_value_base ensure value_base_assigned: value_base = a_value_base end set_object_base (an_object_base: like object_base) -- Assign `object_base' with `an_object_base'. do object_base := an_object_base ensure object_base_assigned: object_base = an_object_base end set_gui (a_gui: like gui) -- Assign `gui' with `a_gui'. do gui := a_gui ensure gui_assigned: gui = a_gui end set_dll (a_dll: like dll) -- Assign `dll' with `a_dll'. do dll := a_dll ensure dll_assigned: dll = a_dll end feature -- Element Change add_table_entry (a_entry: PE_TABLE_ENTRY_BASE): NATURAL_32 -- add an entry to one of the tables -- note the data for the table will be a class inherited from TableEntryBase, -- and this class will self-report the table index to use local n: INTEGER l_token: NATURAL_32 tb: DNL_TABLE do n := a_entry.table_index.to_integer_32 tb := tables [n] tb.table.force (a_entry) debug ("pe_writer") -- Check C++ code PEWriter::AddTableEntry -- #if 0 -- // seems to alway apply -- if( n == tMethodDef ) -- { {} -- MethodDefTableEntry* e = (MethodDefTableEntry*)entry; -- const int id = tables_[n].size(); -- Q_ASSERT( id == e->method_->methodDef_ ); -- } -- #endif to_implement ("Double check if its requried.") end Result := tb.size.to_natural_32 l_token := (n |<< 24).to_natural_32 | Result end add_method (a_method: PE_METHOD) -- add a method entry to the output list. Note that Index_(D methods won't be added here. do if a_method.flags & {PE_METHOD_CONSTANTS}.EntryPoint /= 0 then if entry_point /= 0 then {EXCEPTIONS}.raise (generator + "Multiple entry points") else entry_point := a_method.method_def | ({PE_TABLES}.tMethodDef |<< 24) end end methods.force (a_method) end feature -- Status Report is_entry_point: BOOLEAN do Result := entry_point /= 0 end feature -- Stream functions hash_string (a_utf8: STRING_32): NATURAL_32 -- return the stream index --| TODO add a precondition to verify a_utf8 is a valid UTF_8 local l_str: STRING_8 l_converter: BYTE_ARRAY_CONVERTER do if string_map.has_key (a_utf8) and then attached string_map.item (a_utf8) as l_val then Result := l_val else if strings.size = 0 then strings.increment_size end strings.confirm (strings.size + 1) Result := strings.size l_str := {UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (a_utf8) create l_converter.make_from_string (l_str) strings.copy_data (strings.size.to_integer_32, l_converter.to_natural_8_array, (l_str.count + 1).to_natural_32) strings.increment_size_by ((a_utf8.count + 1).to_natural_32) string_map.force (Result, a_utf8) end end hash_us (a_str: STRING_32; a_length: INTEGER): NATURAL_32 -- UserString (US) stream index -- See: ECMA-335 6th edition, II.24.2.4 #US and #Blob heaps local l_flag: NATURAL_8 len: NATURAL_32 n: INTEGER l_converter: BYTE_ARRAY_CONVERTER l_data: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] do if us.size = 0 then us.increment_size end check a_str.count = a_length end create l_converter.make_from_string ({UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_32_string_to_utf_16le_string_8 (a_str)) l_data := l_converter.to_natural_8_array len := (l_data.count + 1).to_natural_32 -- +1 for the flag us.confirm (len + 5) Result := us.size if len < 0x80 then us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := len.to_natural_8 us.increment_size elseif len <= 0x3fff then us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := ((len |>> 8) | 0x80).to_natural_8 us.increment_size us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := len.to_natural_8 us.increment_size else len := len & 0x1fffffff us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := ((len |>> 24) | 0xc0).to_natural_8 us.increment_size us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := (len |>> 16).to_natural_8 us.increment_size us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := (len |>> 8).to_natural_8 us.increment_size us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := (len |>> 0).to_natural_8 us.increment_size end us.copy_data ((us.size).to_integer_32, l_data, len - 1) -- -1: len include the flag byte. us.increment_size_by (len - 1) -- See II.24.2.4 from ECMA-335 6th Edition -- This final byte holds the value 1 if and only if any UTF16 character within the string has any bit -- set in its top byte, or its low byte is any of the following: -- 0x01–0x08, 0x0E–0x1F, 0x27, 0x2D, 0x7F. -- Otherwise, it holds 0. The 1 signifies Unicode characters that require handling beyond that normally -- provided for 8-bit encoding sets. across a_str as i until l_flag = {NATURAL_8} 1 loop n := i.code if (n & 0xff00) /= 0 then l_flag := {NATURAL_8} 1 else inspect n when 0x01 .. 0x08 then l_flag := {NATURAL_8} 1 when 0x0e .. 0x1F then l_flag := {NATURAL_8} 1 when 0x27, 0x2d, 0x7f then l_flag := {NATURAL_8} 1 else l_flag := {NATURAL_8} 0 end end end us.base [us.size.to_integer_32] := l_flag -- 0 or 1 us.increment_size end hash_guid (a_guid: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]): NATURAL_32 -- return the stream index do guid.confirm (16) -- 128 // 8 Result := guid.size guid.copy_data (Result.to_integer_32, a_guid, 16) guid.increment_size_by (16) Result := Result // 16 + 1 end hash_blob (a_blob_data: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]; a_blob_len: NATURAL_32): NATURAL_32 -- Blob stream index. -- See: ECMA-335 6th edition, II.24.2.4 #US and #Blob heaps local l_rv: NATURAL_32 l_blob_len: NATURAL_32 do l_blob_len := a_blob_len if blob.size = 0 then blob.increment_size end blob.confirm (a_blob_len + 4) l_rv := blob.size if a_blob_len < 0x80 then blob.base [blob.size.to_integer_32] := l_blob_len.to_natural_8 blob.increment_size elseif a_blob_len <= 0x3fff then blob.base [blob.size.to_integer_32] := ((l_blob_len |>> 8) | 0x80).to_natural_8 blob.increment_size blob.base [blob.size.to_integer_32] := l_blob_len.to_natural_8 blob.increment_size else l_blob_len := l_blob_len & 0x1fffffff blob.base [blob.size.to_integer_32] := ((l_blob_len |>> 24) | 0xc0).to_natural_8 blob.increment_size blob.base [blob.size.to_integer_32] := (l_blob_len |>> 16).to_natural_8 blob.increment_size blob.base [blob.size.to_integer_32] := (l_blob_len |>> 8).to_natural_8 blob.increment_size blob.base [blob.size.to_integer_32] := (l_blob_len |>> 0).to_natural_8 blob.increment_size end blob.copy_data ((blob.size).to_integer_32, a_blob_data, l_blob_len) blob.increment_size_by (l_blob_len) Result := l_rv end feature -- Various Operations RVA_bytes (a_bytes: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]; a_data_len: NATURAL_32): NATURAL_32 -- this is the 'cildata' contents. Again we emit into the cildata and it returns the offset in -- the cildata to use. It does NOT return the rva immediately, that is calculated later. local l_pos: INTEGER l_rv: NATURAL_32 do l_pos := rva.size.to_integer_32 rva.confirm (a_data_len + l_pos.to_natural_32 - rva.size) l_rv := rva.size rva.increment_size_by (l_pos.to_natural_32 - rva.size + a_data_len) a_bytes.make_from_special (rva.base) Result := l_rv end set_base_classes (a_object_index: NATURAL_32; a_value_index: NATURAL_32; a_enum_index: NATURAL_32; a_system_index: NATURAL_32) -- Set the indexes of the various classes which can be extended to make new classes -- these are typically in the typeref table -- Also set the index of the System namespace entry which is t do {PE_SIGNATURE_GENERATOR_HELPER}.set_object_type (a_object_index) object_base := a_object_index value_base := a_value_index enum_base := a_enum_index system_index := a_system_index ensure object_base_set: object_base = a_object_index value_index_set: value_base = a_value_index enum_base_set: enum_base = a_enum_index system_index_set: system_index = a_system_index end set_param_attribute (a_param_attribute_type: NATURAL_32; a_param_attribute_data: NATURAL_32) -- this sets the data for the paramater attribute we support -- we aren't generally supporting attributes in this version but we do need to be able to -- set a single attribute that means a function has a variable length argument list do param_attribute_data := a_param_attribute_data param_attribute_type := a_param_attribute_type ensure param_attribute_data_set: param_attribute_data = a_param_attribute_data param_attribute_type_set: param_attribute_type = a_param_attribute_type end create_guid: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] -- Create a new GUID as a byte array do Result := new_random_guid end next_table_index (a_table: NATURAL_32): NATURAL do -- TODO double check if we need the + 1. Result := (tables [a_table.to_integer_32].size + 1).to_natural_32 end write_file (a_corFlags: INTEGER; a_out: FILE_STREAM): BOOLEAN local l_rv: BOOLEAN l_context: CIL_SHA1_CONTEXT l_off: INTEGER l_sz: INTEGER l_dis: INTEGER l_sig_hash: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_sig_len: CELL [NATURAL_32] l_output_file: like output_file do l_output_file := a_out output_file := l_output_file if not is_entry_point and not dll then {EXCEPTIONS}.raise (generator + " Missing Entry Point ") end calculate_objects (a_corflags) --l_rv := write_blob --debug -- check write_tables l_rv := write_mz_data and then write_pe_header and then write_pe_objects and then write_iat and then write_core_header and then write_static_data and then write_methods and then write_metadata_headers and then write_tables and then write_strings and then write_us and then write_guid and then write_blob and then write_imports and then write_entry_point and then write_hash_data and then --write_version_info (a_file_name: STRING_32) write_relocs --end if l_rv and then snk_len /= 0 then create l_context.make l_context.sha1_reset hash_part_of_file (l_context, 0, 0x80) -- if there was something between here and the PE header we would hash it now -- well we are supposed to zero the pe header checksum and the -- authenticode signature pointer, but, since we don't set them nonzero anyway -- this is fine. hash_part_of_file (l_context, 0x80, 0xf8) fixme ("Double check this call to hash_part_of_file") hash_part_of_file (l_context, (0x80 + 0xf8).to_natural_32, ({PE_OBJECT}.size_of * if attached pe_header as l_header then l_header.num_objects else {INTEGER_16} 0 end).to_natural_32) -- yes we do NOT hash the gap between the objects table and the first section. if attached pe_header as l_header and then attached pe_objects as l_objects and then attached cor20_header as l_cor20_header then across 0 |..| (l_header.num_objects - 1) as i loop if l_objects [i + 1].virtual_addr > l_cor20_header.strong_name_signature [1].to_integer_32 and then l_cor20_header.strong_name_signature [1].to_integer_32 < l_objects [i + 1].virtual_addr + l_objects [i + 1].virtual_size then l_off := l_cor20_header.strong_name_signature [1].to_integer_32 - l_objects [i].virtual_addr l_sz := l_cor20_header.strong_name_signature [2].to_integer_32 hash_part_of_file (l_context, l_objects [i + 1].raw_ptr.to_natural_32, l_off.to_natural_32) hash_part_of_file (l_context, (l_objects [i + 1].raw_ptr + l_off + l_sz).to_natural_32, (l_objects [i + 1].raw_size - l_off - l_sz).to_natural_32) else hash_part_of_file (l_context, l_objects [i + 1].raw_ptr.to_natural_32, l_objects [i + 1].raw_size.to_natural_32) end end end l_dis := l_context.sha1_result create l_sig_hash.make_filled (0, 1, 16384) l_sig_hash.area.fill_with (0xfe, 1, 128) create l_sig_len.put (0) rsa_encoder.get_strong_name_signature (l_sig_hash, l_sig_len, l_context.message_digest_byte, 20) -- TODO review l_output_file.go (snk_base.to_integer_32) l_output_file.put_string (byte_array_to_string (l_sig_hash, l_sig_len.item.to_integer_32)) end Result := l_rv end hash_part_of_file (a_context: CIL_SHA1_CONTEXT; a_offset: NATURAL_32; a_len: NATURAL_32) local l_buf: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_sz: INTEGER l_len: INTEGER do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.go (a_offset.to_integer_32) create l_buf.make_filled (0, 1, 8192) from l_sz := 0x0 until l_sz >= a_len.to_integer_32 loop l_len := if a_len.to_integer_32 - l_sz > 8192 then 8192 else a_len.to_integer_32 - l_sz end l_stream.read_stream (l_buf, l_len) l_sz := l_sz + l_len end end end cildata_rva: PE_CILDATA_RVA do create Result ensure instance_free: class end -- TODO double check. -- another thing that makes this lib not thread safe, the RVA for -- the beginning of the .data section gets put here after it is calculated --| defined as --| static DWord cildata_rva_; --| DWord =:: four bytes feature -- Operations calculate_objects (a_cor_flags: INTEGER) -- this calculates various addresses and offsets that will be used and referenced -- when we actually generate the data. This must be kept in sync with the code to -- generate data require pe_header_void: pe_header = Void local l_pe_header: PE_HEADER l_pe_objects: like pe_objects l_n: INTEGER l_current_rva: NATURAL_32 l_core_20_header: PE_DOTNET_COR20_HEADER l_last_rva: NATURAL_32 l_end: INTEGER l_data: CIL_SEH_DATA l_edata: CIL_SEH_DATA l_exit: BOOLEAN l_etiny: BOOLEAN l_tables_header: PE_DOTNET_META_TABLES_HEADER l_counts: ARRAY [NATURAL_32] l_buffer: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_buf: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_len: CELL [NATURAL_32] l_sect: INTEGER i,n: INTEGER do -- pe_header setup. check pe_header = Void end create l_pe_header l_pe_header.signature := {PE_HEADER_CONSTANTS}.PESIG l_pe_header.cpu_type := {PE_HEADER_CONSTANTS}.pe_intel386.to_integer_16 l_pe_header.magic := {PE_HEADER_CONSTANTS}.pe_magicnum.to_integer_16 l_pe_header.nt_hdr_size := 0xe0 -- optional header size l_pe_header.flags := ({PE_HEADER_CONSTANTS}.pe_file_executable + if dll then {PE_HEADER_CONSTANTS}.pe_file_library else 0 end).to_integer_16 l_pe_header.linker_major_version := 6 l_pe_header.object_align := object_align.to_integer_32 l_pe_header.file_align := file_align.to_integer_32 l_pe_header.image_base := image_base.to_integer_32 l_pe_header.os_major_version := 4 l_pe_header.subsys_major_version := 4 l_pe_header.subsystem := (if gui then {PE_HEADER_CONSTANTS}.PE_SUBSYS_WINDOWS else {PE_HEADER_CONSTANTS}.PE_SUBSYS_CONSOLE end).to_integer_16 l_pe_header.dll_flags := 0x8540 -- magic! l_pe_header.stack_size := 0x100000 l_pe_header.stack_commit := 0x1000 l_pe_header.heap_size := 0x100000 l_pe_header.heap_commit := 0x1000 l_pe_header.num_rvas := 16 l_pe_header.num_objects := 2 l_pe_header.header_size := mzh_header.count + {PE_HEADER}.size_of + l_pe_header.num_objects * {PE_OBJECT}.size_of if (l_pe_header.header_size \\ file_align.to_integer_32) /= 0 then l_pe_header.header_size := l_pe_header.header_size + (file_align.to_integer_32 - (l_pe_header.header_size \\ file_align.to_integer_32)) end l_pe_header.time := number_of_seconds_since_epoch -- pe_objects setup check pe_objects = Void end create {ARRAYED_LIST [PE_OBJECT]} l_pe_objects.make (max_pe_objects) from i := 1 n := Max_pe_objects until i > n loop l_pe_objects.force (create {PE_OBJECT}) i := i + 1 end l_n := 1 -- TODO find a better way to write a string with format with 8 characters and null terminator. -- similar to C strncpy l_pe_objects [l_n].name := ".text%U%U%U" l_pe_objects [l_n].flags := {PE_HEADER_CONSTANTS}.winf_execute | {PE_HEADER_CONSTANTS}.winf_code | {PE_HEADER_CONSTANTS}.winf_readable l_n := l_n + 1 l_pe_objects [l_n].name := ".reloc%U%U" l_pe_objects [l_n].flags := {PE_HEADER_CONSTANTS}.WINF_INITDATA | {PE_HEADER_CONSTANTS}.WINF_READABLE | {PE_HEADER_CONSTANTS}.WINF_DISCARDABLE l_current_rva := mzh_header.count.to_natural_32 + {PE_HEADER}.size_of.to_natural_32 + l_pe_header.num_objects.to_natural_32 * {PE_OBJECT}.size_of.to_natural_32 if (l_current_rva \\ object_align) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + object_align - (l_current_rva \\ object_align) end l_pe_objects [1].virtual_addr := l_current_rva.to_integer_32 l_pe_objects [1].raw_ptr := l_pe_header.header_size l_pe_header.code_base := l_current_rva.to_integer_32 l_pe_header.iat_rva := l_current_rva.to_integer_32 l_pe_header.iat_size := 8 l_current_rva := l_current_rva + l_pe_header.iat_size.to_natural_32 l_pe_header.com_rva := l_current_rva.to_integer_32 l_pe_header.com_size := {PE_DOTNET_COR20_HEADER}.size_of l_current_rva := l_current_rva + l_pe_header.com_size.to_natural_32 -- cor20_header setup check cor20_header = Void end create l_core_20_header l_core_20_header.cb := {PE_DOTNET_COR20_HEADER}.size_of.to_natural_32 l_core_20_header.major_runtime_version := 2 l_core_20_header.minor_runtime_version := 5 -- standard CIL expects ONLY bit 0, we are using bit 1 as well -- for interoperability with the microsoft runtimes. l_core_20_header.flags := a_cor_flags.to_natural_32 l_core_20_header.entry_point_token := entry_point if not snk_file.is_empty then snk_len := rsa_encoder.load_strong_name_keys (snk_file) if snk_len /= 0 then create l_buf.make_filled (0, 1, 16384) create l_len.put (0) rsa_encoder.get_public_key_data (l_buf, l_len) if attached {PE_ASSEMBLY_DEF_TABLE_ENTRY} tables [{PE_TABLES}.index_of ({PE_TABLES}.tassemblydef).to_integer_32].table [1] as l_table then l_table.public_key_index := (create {PE_BLOB}.make_with_index (hash_blob (l_buf, l_len.item))) l_table.flags := l_table.flags | {PE_ASSEMBLY_FLAGS}.publickey end l_core_20_header.flags := l_core_20_header.flags | 8 -- Strong name signed. if snk_len = 0 then print ("%NWarning: key file not found or invalid. Assembly will not be signed") io.put_new_line end end end cildata_rva.set_value (l_current_rva.to_natural_32) if rva.size /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + rva.size if l_current_rva \\ 8 /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 8 - (l_current_rva \\ 8) end end l_last_rva := l_current_rva across methods as method loop if method.flags & {PE_METHOD_CONSTANTS}.cil /= 0 then if (method.flags & 3) = {PE_METHOD_CONSTANTS}.tinyformat then method.set_rva (l_current_rva) l_last_rva := l_current_rva l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 1 else if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end method.set_rva (l_current_rva) l_last_rva := l_current_rva l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 12 end l_current_rva := l_current_rva + method.code_size if not method.seh_data.is_empty then if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end l_end := 1 l_data := method.seh_data [l_end] from until l_end > method.seh_data.count or else L_exit loop l_edata := method.seh_data [l_end] l_etiny := l_edata.try_offset < 65536 and then l_edata.try_length < 256 and then l_edata.handler_offset < 65536 and then l_edata.handler_length < 256 if not l_etiny then l_exit := true else l_end := l_end + 1 end end if l_end > method.seh_data.count and then method.seh_data.count < 21 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 + (method.seh_data.count * 12).to_natural_32 else l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 + (method.seh_data.count * 24).to_natural_32 end end else method.set_rva (0) end end if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end l_core_20_header.metadata [1] := l_current_rva -- metadata root l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 12 -- metadata header l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 -- version size l_current_rva := l_current_rva + compute_rtv_string_size if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 2 -- flags l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 2 -- streams, will be 5 in our implementation -- check stream_names feature. across stream_names as elem loop l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 8 + (elem.count + 1).to_natural_32 if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end end stream_headers [1, 1] := l_current_rva - l_core_20_header.metadata [1] -- tables_header set_up check tables_header = Void end create l_tables_header l_tables_header.major_version := 2 l_tables_header.reserved2 := 1 l_tables_header.mask_sorted := ({INTEGER_64} 0x1600 |<< 32) + 0x3325FA00 if strings.size >= 65536 then l_tables_header.heap_offset_sizes := l_tables_header.heap_offset_sizes | 1 end if guid.size >= 65536 then l_tables_header.heap_offset_sizes := l_tables_header.heap_offset_sizes | 2 end if blob.size >= 65536 then l_tables_header.heap_offset_sizes := l_tables_header.heap_offset_sizes | 4 end create l_counts.make_filled (0, 1, Max_tables + Extra_indexes) l_counts [t_string + 1] := strings.size l_counts [t_us + 1] := us.size l_counts [t_guid + 1] := guid.size l_counts [t_blob + 1] := blob.size l_n := 0 from i := 0 n := max_tables until i >= n loop if not tables [i].is_empty then l_counts [i + 1] := tables [i].size.to_natural_32 l_tables_header.mask_valid := l_tables_header.mask_valid | ({INTEGER_64} 1 |<< i) l_n := l_n + 1 end i := i + 1 end l_current_rva := l_current_rva + l_tables_header.size_of.to_natural_32 -- tables header l_current_rva := l_current_rva + (l_n * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes).to_natural_32 --table counts -- Dword is 4 bytes. from i := 0 n := max_tables until i >= n loop if l_counts [i + 1] /= 0 then create l_buffer.make_filled (0, 1, 512) check tables [i].table.valid_index (1) end l_n := tables [i].table [1].render (l_counts, l_buffer).to_integer_32 l_n := l_n * (l_counts [i + 1]).to_integer_32 l_current_rva := l_current_rva + l_n.to_natural_32 end i := i + 1 end if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end stream_headers [1, 2] := l_current_rva - stream_headers [1, 1] - l_core_20_header.metadata [1] stream_headers [2, 1] := l_current_rva - l_core_20_header.metadata [1] l_current_rva := l_current_rva + strings.size if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end stream_headers [2, 2] := l_current_rva - stream_headers [2, 1] - l_core_20_header.metadata [1] stream_headers [3, 1] := l_current_rva - l_core_20_header.metadata [1] if us.size = 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + default_us.count.to_natural_32 -- US May be empty in our implementation we put an empty string there else l_current_rva := l_current_rva + us.size end -- TODO refactor this code into a feature. if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end stream_headers [3, 2] := l_current_rva - stream_headers [3, 1] - l_core_20_header.metadata [1] stream_headers [4, 1] := l_current_rva - l_core_20_header.metadata [1] l_current_rva := l_current_rva + guid.size if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end stream_headers [4, 2] := l_current_rva - stream_headers [4, 1] - l_core_20_header.metadata [1] stream_headers [5, 1] := l_current_rva - l_core_20_header.metadata [1] l_current_rva := l_current_rva + blob.size if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end stream_headers [5, 2] := l_current_rva - stream_headers [5, 1] - l_core_20_header.metadata [1] l_core_20_header.metadata [2] := l_current_rva - l_core_20_header.metadata [1] l_pe_header.import_rva := l_current_rva.to_integer_32 l_current_rva := l_current_rva + ({PE_IMPORT_DIR}.size_of * 2).to_natural_32 + 8 if (l_current_rva \\ 16) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 16 - (l_current_rva \\ 16) end l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 2 + (create {STRING}.make_from_string ("_CorXXXMain%U")).count.to_natural_32 + (create {STRING}.make_from_string ("mscoree.dll%U")).count.to_natural_32 + 1 l_pe_header.import_size := l_current_rva.to_integer_32 - l_pe_header.import_rva if (l_current_rva \\ 4) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 4 - (l_current_rva \\ 4) end l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 2 l_pe_header.entry_point := l_current_rva.to_integer_32 l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 6 if snk_len /= 0 then l_core_20_header.strong_name_signature [1] := l_current_rva l_core_20_header.strong_name_signature [2] := snk_len l_current_rva := l_current_rva + snk_len end l_sect := 1 l_pe_objects [l_sect].virtual_size := l_current_rva.to_integer_32 - l_pe_objects [l_sect].virtual_addr l_n := l_pe_objects [l_sect].virtual_size if ((l_n \\ file_align.to_integer_32) /= 0) then l_n := l_n + file_align.to_integer_32 - (l_n \\ file_align.to_integer_32) end l_pe_objects [l_sect].raw_size := l_n l_pe_header.code_size := l_n if (l_current_rva \\ object_align) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + object_align - (l_current_rva \\ object_align) end l_pe_objects [l_sect + 1].raw_ptr := l_pe_objects [l_sect].raw_ptr + l_pe_objects [l_sect].raw_size l_pe_objects [l_sect + 1].virtual_addr := l_current_rva.to_integer_32 l_pe_header.data_base := l_current_rva.to_integer_32 l_sect := l_sect + 1 --#if 0 -- peHeader_->resource_rva = currentRVA; -- currentRVA += (sizeof(PEResourceDirTable) + sizeof(PEResourceDirEntry)) * 3; /* resource dirs */ -- currentRVA += sizeof(PEResourceDataEntry); -- currentRVA += 2; /* size of version info */ -- currentRVA += 48; /* fixed info */ -- currentRVA += 68; /* VarFileInfo */ -- currentRVA += 368 - 72; /* String file info base */ -- std::string nn = peLib.FileName(); -- n = nn.find_last_of("\\"); -- if (n != std::string::npos) -- n = nn.size() - n; -- else -- n = nn.size(); -- if (n % 4) -- n += 4 - (n % 4); -- currentRVA += n * 2; -- char temp[256]; -- sprintf(temp, "%d.%d.%d.%d", fileVersion[0], fileVersion[1], fileVersion[2], fileVersion[3]); -- n = strlen(temp); -- if (n % 4) -- n += 4 - (n % 4); -- n *= 2; -- currentRVA += n; -- sprintf(temp, "%d.%d.%d.%d", productVersion[0], productVersion[1], productVersion[2], productVersion[3]); -- n = strlen(temp); -- if (n % 4) -- n += 4 - (n % 4); -- n *= 2; -- currentRVA += n; -- sprintf(temp, "%d.%d.%d.%d", assemblyVersion[0], assemblyVersion[1], assemblyVersion[2], assemblyVersion[3]); -- n = strlen(temp); -- if (n % 4) -- n += 4 - (n % 4); -- n *= 2; -- currentRVA += n; -- peObjects_[sect].virtual_size = currentRVA - peObjects_[sect].virtual_addr; -- peHeader_->resource_size = peObjects_[sect].virtual_size; -- n = peObjects_[sect].virtual_size; -- if (n % fileAlign); -- n += fileAlign - n % fileAlign; -- peObjects_[sect].raw_size = n; -- peHeader_->data_size += n; -- if (currentRVA %objectAlign) -- currentRVA += objectAlign - currentRVA % objectAlign; -- peObjects_[sect + 1].raw_ptr = peObjects_[sect].raw_ptr + peObjects_[sect].raw_size; -- peObjects_[sect + 1].virtual_addr = currentRVA; -- sect++; --#endif l_pe_header.fixup_rva := l_current_rva.to_integer_32 l_current_rva := l_current_rva + 12 -- sizeof relocs l_pe_objects [l_sect].virtual_size := l_current_rva.to_integer_32 - l_pe_objects [l_sect].virtual_addr l_pe_header.fixup_size := l_pe_objects [l_sect].virtual_size l_n := l_pe_objects [l_sect].virtual_size if (l_n \\ file_align.to_integer_32) /= 0 then l_n := l_n + file_align.to_integer_32 - (l_n \\ file_align.to_integer_32) end l_pe_objects [l_sect].raw_size := l_n l_pe_header.data_size := l_pe_header.data_size + l_n if (l_current_rva \\ object_align) /= 0 then l_current_rva := l_current_rva + object_align - (l_current_rva \\ object_align) end l_pe_objects [l_sect + 1].raw_ptr := l_pe_objects [l_sect].raw_ptr + l_pe_objects [l_sect].raw_size l_pe_objects [l_sect + 1].virtual_addr := l_current_rva.to_integer_32 l_pe_header.image_size := l_current_rva.to_integer_32 pe_header := l_pe_header pe_objects := l_pe_objects cor20_header := l_core_20_header tables_header := l_tables_header end feature {MD_EMIT} -- Implementation number_of_seconds_since_epoch: INTEGER_32 -- calculate the number of seconds since epoch in eiffel local l_date_epoch: DATE_TIME l_date_now: DATE_TIME do create l_date_epoch.make_from_epoch (0) create l_date_now.make_now_utc Result := l_date_now.definite_duration (l_date_epoch).seconds_count.to_integer ensure is_class: class end c_sizeof (a_str: POINTER): INTEGER external "C inline" alias "return (EIF_INTEGER)sizeof($a_str);" end compute_rtv_string_size: NATURAL do fixme ("To double check this works as expected") Result := (rtv_string.count + 1).to_natural_32 end feature -- Write operations write_mz_data: BOOLEAN do put_mz_header (mzh_header) Result := True end write_pe_header: BOOLEAN do if attached output_file as l_stream and then attached pe_header as l_pe_header then pe_base := l_stream.count.to_natural_32 put_pe_header (l_pe_header) end Result := True end write_pe_objects: BOOLEAN do if attached output_file as l_stream and then attached pe_objects as l_objects then put_pe_objects (l_objects) end Result := True end write_iat: BOOLEAN local l_import_rva: NATURAL_32 l_n: NATURAL_32 do if attached pe_header as l_pe_header then align (file_align) l_import_rva := l_pe_header.import_rva.to_natural_32 l_n := l_import_rva + ({PE_IMPORT_DIR}.size_of * 2 + 4).to_natural_32 if (l_n \\ 16) /= 0 then l_n := l_n + 16 - (l_n \\ 16) end put_natural_32 (l_n) l_n := 0 put_natural_32 (l_n) end Result := True end write_core_header: BOOLEAN do if attached output_file as l_stream and then attached cor20_header as l_cor20_header then cor_base := l_stream.count.to_natural_32 put_core20_header (l_cor20_header) end Result := True end write_hash_data: BOOLEAN local l_buf: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] do if attached output_file as l_stream then snk_base := l_stream.count.to_natural_32 if snk_len /= 0 then -- the original code does the following -- Byte buf[2048] -- memset(buf, 0, snkLen_) -- put(buf, snkLen_) -- but if snkLen_ is greater than 2048, the buffer -- will not be large enough. create l_buf.make_filled (0, 1, snk_base.to_integer_32) fixme ("To improve performance we can create a put_ntimes_natural_8 (0, snk_base") put_array (l_buf) end end Result := True end write_static_data: BOOLEAN do if attached output_file as l_stream and then rva.size /= 0 then -- To double check if the rva.base size is the -- same as rva.size. put_array (rva.base.to_array) align (8) end Result := True end write_methods: BOOLEAN local l_counts: ARRAY [NATURAL_32] l_dis: NATURAL_32 do if attached output_file as l_stream then create l_counts.make_filled (0, 1, max_tables + extra_indexes) l_counts [t_string + 1] := strings.size l_counts [t_us + 1] := us.size l_counts [t_guid + 1] := guid.size l_counts [t_blob + 1] := blob.size across 0 |..| (max_tables - 1) as i loop l_counts [i + 1] := tables [i].size.to_natural_32 end across methods as m loop if m.flags & {PE_METHOD}.cil /= 0 then if m.flags & 3 = {PE_METHOD}.fatformat then align (4) end l_dis := m.write (l_counts, l_stream) end end end Result := True end write_metadata_headers: BOOLEAN local n: INTEGER l_flags: NATURAL_16 l_data: NATURAL_16 l_rvt_string: STRING_32 do align (4) put_metadata_headers (meta_header1) l_rvt_string := rtv_string + "%U" n := l_rvt_string.count if n \\ 4 /= 0 then n := n + 4 - (n \\ 4) end put_integer_32 (n) put_string (l_rvt_string) align (4) l_flags := 0 put_natural_16 (0) l_data := 5 put_natural_16 (l_data) across 1 |..| 5 as i loop -- TODO double check -- C++ code uses put(&streamHeaders_[i][0], 4); put_natural_32 (stream_headers [i, 1]) put_natural_32 (stream_headers [i, 2]) -- Adding a null character a the end of the string -- C++ code uses put(streamNames_[i], strlen(streamNames_[i]) + 1); put_string (stream_names [i] + "%U") align (4) end Result := True end write_tables: BOOLEAN local l_counts: ARRAY [NATURAL_32] l_buffer: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_sz: NATURAL_32 i,n: INTEGER j,m: NATURAL_32 tb: DNL_TABLE do if attached tables_header as l_tables_header then create l_counts.make_filled (0, 1, max_tables + extra_indexes) l_counts [t_string + 1] := strings.size l_counts [t_us + 1] := us.size l_counts [t_guid + 1] := guid.size l_counts [t_blob + 1] := blob.size put_tables_header (l_tables_header) from i := 0 n := tables.count until i > n loop l_sz := tables [i].size.to_natural_32 l_counts [i + 1] := l_sz if l_sz /= 0 then put_natural_32 (l_sz) end i := i + 1 end from i := 0 n := tables.count until i > n loop tb := tables [i] from j := 0 m := tb.size.to_natural_32 until j > m loop create l_buffer.make_filled (0, 1, 512) l_sz := tb.table [(j + 1).to_integer_32].render (l_counts, l_buffer) -- TODO double check -- this is not efficient. put_array (l_buffer.subarray (1, l_sz.to_integer_32)) j := j + 1 end i := i + 1 end align (4) -- Commented code in C++ implementation to be double check. -- Dword n = 0 -- put(&n, sizeof(n)); end Result := True end write_strings: BOOLEAN do put_array_with_size (strings.base.to_array, strings.size.to_integer_32) align (4) Result := True end write_us: BOOLEAN do if us.size = 0 then put_array (default_us) else put_array_with_size (us.base.to_array, us.size.to_integer_32) end align (4) Result := True end write_guid: BOOLEAN do put_array_with_size (guid.base.to_array, guid.size.to_integer_32) align (4) Result := True end write_blob: BOOLEAN do put_array_with_size (blob.base.to_array, blob.size.to_integer_32) align (4) Result := True end write_imports: BOOLEAN local l_dir: ARRAY [PE_IMPORT_DIR] l_item: NATURAL_32 l_main_name: NATURAL_32 do if attached pe_header as l_pe_header then create l_dir.make_filled (create {PE_IMPORT_DIR}, 1, 2) l_dir [1] := (create {PE_IMPORT_DIR}) l_dir [1].thunk_pos2 := l_pe_header.import_rva + 2 * {PE_IMPORT_DIR}.size_of l_item := (l_dir [1].thunk_pos2 + 8).to_natural_32 if l_item \\ 16 /= 0 then l_item := l_item + 16 - (l_item \\ 16) end l_main_name := l_item l_item := l_item + 2 l_item := l_item + 12 -- in C++ sizeof("_CorXXXMain"); l_dir [1].dll_name := l_item.to_integer_32 l_dir [1].thunk_pos := l_pe_header.iat_rva put_import_dir (l_dir) put_natural_32 (l_main_name) l_item := 0 -- thunk put_natural_32 (l_item) align (16) -- ord put_natural_16 (l_item.to_natural_16) if dll then put_string ({STRING_32} "_CorDllMain%U") else put_string ({STRING_32} "_CorExeMain%U") end put_string ({STRING_32} "mscoree.dll%U") align (4) end Result := True end write_entry_point: BOOLEAN local l_item: NATURAL_32 do if attached pe_objects as l_pe_objects and then attached pe_header as l_pe_header then l_item := 0 put_natural_16 (l_item.to_natural_16) l_item := 0x25ff -- JMP[xxx] put_natural_16 (l_item.to_natural_16) l_item := l_pe_objects [1].virtual_addr.to_natural_32 + l_pe_header.image_base.to_natural_32 put_natural_32 (l_item) end Result := True end write_version_info (a_file_name: STRING_32): BOOLEAN local l_res_table: PE_RESOURCE_DIR_TABLE l_dir: PE_RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY l_resource_data: PE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY l_n1: NATURAL_16 l_version_info: PE_FIXED_VERSION_INFO l_n: NATURAL_32 l_path: PATH l_index: INTEGER l_file_name: STRING_32 l_versions: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] l_buf: STRING_32 do if attached pe_header as l_pe_header then align (file_align) create l_res_table create l_dir l_res_table.ident_entry := 1 --version info l_dir.rva_or_id := 16 -- points to a subdir l_dir.escape := 1 l_dir.subdir_or_data := {PE_RESOURCE_DIR_TABLE}.size_of + {PE_RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY}.size_of put_resource_dir_table (l_res_table) put_resource_dir_entry (l_dir) -- index l_dir.rva_or_id := 1 l_dir.subdir_or_data := l_dir.subdir_or_data + {PE_RESOURCE_DIR_TABLE}.size_of + {PE_RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY}.size_of put_resource_dir_table (l_res_table) put_resource_dir_entry (l_dir) l_dir.rva_or_id := 0 -- points to a data table l_dir.escape := 0 l_dir.subdir_or_data := l_dir.subdir_or_data + {PE_RESOURCE_DIR_TABLE}.size_of + {PE_RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY}.size_of put_resource_dir_table (l_res_table) put_resource_dir_entry (l_dir) create l_resource_data l_resource_data.rva := l_dir.subdir_or_data + l_pe_header.resource_rva + {PE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY}.size_of l_resource_data.size := l_pe_header.resource_size - l_dir.subdir_or_data + {PE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY}.size_of put_resource_data_entry (l_resource_data) l_n1 := l_resource_data.size_of.to_natural_16 -- length of resource put_natural_16 (l_n1) -- length of the first record l_n1 := 0x34 put_natural_16 (l_n1) -- Type bin l_n1 := 0 put_natural_16 (l_n1) -- the strings in this section presume WINDOWS compilers which compile -- strings to two Bytes, GNU compilers would compile them to 4. --| we don't have put_string_32 put_string_32 ({STRING_32} "VS_VERSION_INFO") align (4) create l_version_info l_version_info.signature := 0x0FEEF04BD l_version_info.struct_version := 0x10000 l_version_info.file_flags_mask := 0x3f l_version_info.file_os := 4 l_version_info.file_type := 1 l_version_info.file_version_ms := (file_version [4] |<< 16) + file_version [3] l_version_info.file_version_ls := (file_version [2] |<< 16) + file_version [1] l_version_info.product_version_ms := (product_version [4] |<< 16) + product_version [3] l_version_info.product_version_ls := (product_version [2] |<< 16) + product_version [1] put_version_info (l_version_info) -- length l_n1 := 0x44 put_natural_16 (l_n1) -- value length l_n1 := 0 put_natural_16 (l_n1) --type text l_n1 := 1 put_natural_16 (l_n1) put_string_32 ({STRING_32} "VarFileInfo") align (4) -- length (nester) l_n1 := 0x24 put_natural_16 (l_n1) -- value length l_n1 := 4 put_natural_16 (l_n1) -- type text l_n1 := 1 put_natural_16 (l_n1) put_string_32 ({STRING_32} "VarFileInfo") align (4) -- C++ uses Translation with the size of Language. -- seems to be wrong. put_string_32 ({STRING_32} "Translation") align (4) l_n := language |<< 16 put_natural_32 (l_n) -- C++ code leave the \ in the filename, seems to be wrong. -- Check PEWriter::WriteVersionInfo create l_path.make_from_string (a_file_name) l_index := l_path.components.count l_file_name := l_path.components [l_index].name l_n := l_file_name.count.to_natural_32 l_n := l_n + 368 create l_versions.make (3) l_versions.force (file_version [1].out + "." + file_version [2].out + "." + file_version [3].out + "." + file_version [4].out) l_n := l_n + l_versions [1].count.to_natural_32 l_versions.force (file_version [1].out + "." + file_version [2].out + "." + file_version [3].out + "." + file_version [4].out) l_n := l_n + l_versions [2].count.to_natural_32 l_versions.force (file_version [1].out + "." + file_version [2].out + "." + file_version [3].out + "." + file_version [4].out) l_n := l_n + l_versions [3].count.to_natural_32 -- outer length l_n1 := (l_n + 0x24).to_natural_16 put_natural_16 (l_n1) -- value length l_n1 := 0 put_natural_16 (l_n1) -- type text l_n1 := 1 put_natural_16 (l_n1) -- inner length l_n1 := l_n.to_natural_16 put_natural_16 (l_n1) -- value length l_n1 := 0 put_natural_16 (l_n1) --type text l_n1 := 1 put_natural_16 (l_n1) l_buf := language.to_hex_string.to_string_32 l_buf.append_character ('%U') put_string_32 (l_buf) align (4) version_string ({STRING_32} "FileDescription", " ") version_string ({STRING_32} "FileVersion", l_versions [1]) version_string ({STRING_32} "InternalName", l_file_name) version_string ({STRING_32} "LegalCopyright", " ") version_string ({STRING_32} "OriginalFileName", l_file_name) version_string ({STRING_32} "ProductVersion", l_versions [2]) version_string ({STRING_32} "Assembly Version", l_versions [3]) end Result := True end write_relocs: BOOLEAN local n: NATURAL_32 n1: NATURAL_16 do if attached pe_header as l_pe_header then align (file_align) n := (l_pe_header.entry_point + 2).to_natural_32 n1 := (({PE_HEADER_CONSTANTS}.pe_fixup_highlow |<< 12) | (n.to_integer_32 & 0xfff)).to_natural_16 n := (n.to_integer_32 & (0xfff).bit_not).to_natural_32 put_natural_32 (n) -- block size n := 12 put_natural_32 (n) put_natural_16 (n1) n1 := 0 put_natural_16 (n1) -- aligns the end of the file align (file_align) end Result := True end feature {NONE} -- Output Helpers version_string (a_name: STRING_32; a_value: STRING_32) -- a helper to put a string into the string area of the version information local n1: NATURAL_16 n: NATURAL_32 l_buf: STRING_32 l_name: STRING_32 l_index: INTEGER do n1 := (a_name.count * 2 + a_value.count * 2 + 6 + 2 + 2).to_natural_16 n := (a_name.count + 2).to_natural_32 if n \\ 4 /= 0 then n1 := n1 + (n - n \\ 4).to_natural_16 end n := ((a_value.count + 1) * 2).to_natural_32 if n \\ 4 /= 0 then n1 := n1 + (n - n \\ 4).to_natural_16 end -- length put_natural_16 (n1) -- value length n1 := ((a_value.count + 1) * 2).to_natural_16 -- length put_natural_16 (n1) create l_buf.make_from_string_general (a_value) l_buf.append_character ('%U') -- type string n1 := 1 -- length put_natural_16 (n1) -- put_wide_character. create l_name.make_from_string_general (a_name) l_name.append_character ('%U') l_index := l_name.count // 2 across 1 |..| l_index as i loop put_natural_16 (l_name.code (i).to_natural_16) end put_character ( (l_index + 1).to_character_8) align (4) across 1 |..| ((n1 * 2).to_integer_32 - 1) as i loop put_natural_16 (l_buf.code (i).to_natural_16) end align (4) end put (a_data: ANY; a_size: NATURAL) do if attached output_file as l_file then -- outputFile_->write((char *)data, size) end end put_mz_header (a_data: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]) do if attached output_file as l_stream then --l_stream.put_string (byte_array_to_string (a_data, a_data.count)) l_stream.put_managed_pointer (create {MANAGED_POINTER}.make_from_array (a_data)) end end put_pe_header (a_header: PE_HEADER) do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_managed_pointer (a_header.managed_pointer) end end put_pe_objects (a_objects: LIST [PE_OBJECT]) local l_mp: MANAGED_POINTER do if attached output_file as l_stream and then attached pe_header as l_pe_header then create l_mp.make (0) across 1 |..| l_pe_header.num_objects as i loop l_mp.append ( (i).managed_pointer) end l_stream.put_managed_pointer (l_mp) end end put_array (a_data: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]) local mp: MANAGED_POINTER do fixme ("Double check if we need to merge the current code with put_mz_header") create mp.make (a_data.count) mp.put_array (a_data, 0) if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_managed_pointer (mp) end end put_array_with_size (a_data: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]; a_size: INTEGER_32) local mp: MANAGED_POINTER do fixme ("Double check if we need to merge the current code with put_mz_header") create mp.make (a_size) mp.put_array (a_data.subarray (1, a_size), 0) if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_managed_pointer (mp) end end put_natural_32 (a_value: NATURAL_32) do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_natural_32 (a_value) end end put_natural_64 (a_value: NATURAL_32) do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_natural_64 (a_value) end end put_integer_32 (a_value: INTEGER_32) do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_integer (a_value) end end put_natural_16 (a_value: NATURAL_16) do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_natural_16 (a_value) end end put_core20_header (a_core20_header: PE_DOTNET_COR20_HEADER) do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_managed_pointer (a_core20_header.managed_pointer) end end put_metadata_headers (a_header: PE_DOTNET_META_HEADER) do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_managed_pointer (a_header.managed_pointer) end end put_string (a_str: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_string (a_str) end end put_tables_header (a_header: PE_DOTNET_META_TABLES_HEADER) do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_managed_pointer (a_header.managed_pointer) end end put_import_dir (a_dirs: ARRAY [PE_IMPORT_DIR]) local l_mp: MANAGED_POINTER do if attached output_file as l_stream then create l_mp.make (0) across a_dirs as l_dir loop l_mp.append (l_dir.managed_pointer) end l_stream.put_managed_pointer (l_mp) end end put_resource_dir_table (a_table: PE_RESOURCE_DIR_TABLE) do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_managed_pointer (a_table.managed_pointer) end end put_resource_dir_entry (a_entry: PE_RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY) do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_managed_pointer (a_entry.managed_pointer) end end put_resource_data_entry (a_data: PE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY) do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_managed_pointer (a_data.managed_pointer) end end put_version_info (a_version_info: PE_FIXED_VERSION_INFO) do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_managed_pointer (a_version_info.managed_pointer) end end put_string_32 (a_str: READABLE_STRING_32) do across 1 |..| a_str.count as i loop put_natural_32 (a_str.code (i)) end end put_character (a_char: CHARACTER_8) do if attached output_file as l_stream then l_stream.put_character (a_char) end end align (a_align: NATURAL_32) local l_current_offset: NATURAL_32 l_array: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_bytes_needed: NATURAL_32 do if attached output_file as l_stream then -- Current offset. l_current_offset := l_stream.count.to_natural_32 -- Check if the current offset is align with the desired value. if (l_current_offset \\ a_align) /= 0 then -- assumes the alignments are 65536 or less -- Compute the number of 0 bytes needed to align the offset. l_bytes_needed := a_align - (l_current_offset \\ a_align) create l_array.make_filled (0, 1, l_bytes_needed.to_integer_32) put_array (l_array) end end end feature -- Constants MAX_PE_OBJECTS: INTEGER = 4 -- the maximum number of PE objects we will generate -- this includes the following: -- .text / cildata -- .reloc (for the single necessary reloc entry) -- .rsrc (not implemented yet, will hold version info record) feature {NONE} -- Helper features byte_array_to_string (a_arr: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]; a_len: INTEGER): STRING_32 do create Result.make (a_len) across 1 |..| a_len as i loop Result.append_character (a_arr [i].to_character_8) end end new_random_guid: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] -- Create a random GUID. local l_random: RANDOM l_data1: NATURAL_32 l_data2: NATURAL_16 l_data3: NATURAL_16 l_data4: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_seed: INTEGER l_time: TIME l_val: NATURAL_8 l_guid: CIL_GUID do create l_time.make_now l_seed := l_time.hour l_seed := l_seed * 60 + l_time.minute l_seed := l_seed * 60 + l_time.second l_seed := l_seed * 1000 + l_time.milli_second create l_random.set_seed (l_seed) l_random.start l_data1 := l_random.item.to_natural_32 l_random.forth l_data2 := ((l_random.item.to_natural_32 \\ {NATURAL_16}.max_value) + 1).to_natural_16 l_random.forth l_data3 := ((l_random.item.to_natural_32 \\ {NATURAL_16}.max_value) + 1).to_natural_16 l_random.forth l_data4 := {ARRAY [NATURAL_8]} <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> across 1 |..| 8 as i loop l_val := ((l_random.item.to_natural_32 \\ {NATURAL_8}.max_value) + 1).to_natural_8 l_data4 [i] := l_val l_random.forth end create l_guid.make (l_data1, l_data2, l_data3, l_data4) Result := l_guid.to_array_natural_8 end end