note description: "test application root class" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class OLD_TESTS inherit SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT feature -- Old tests test local list: LIST [INTEGER] found: BOOLEAN do create {ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER]} list.make_from_array (<<2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9>>) across list as i until found loop if i = 6 then found := True end print (i.out) end across list as i until found loop if i = 6 then list.prune (i) end end list.do_all (agent (item: INTEGER) do print ("%N" + item.out) end) across list as i loop print ("%NCursor index" + (@ i.cursor_index).out) print (" - Value: " + i.out) end end test_2 local l_list: LIST [STRING_32] do l_list := (create {PE_LIB}.make_with_name ("", 0)).split_path ("System::Console.WriteLine") l_list := (create {PE_LIB}.make_with_name ("", 0)).split_path ("System.IO.FileStream..ctor") end test_3 local l_seh: CIL_SEH l_special: ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_SEH] do l_seh := {CIL_SEH}.seh_try create {ARRAYED_LIST [CIL_SEH]} l_special.make_from_iterable ({CIL_SEH}.instances) print ("Position" + l_special.area.index_of (l_seh, l_special.area.lower).out) end test4 local str: STRING_32 cursor: STRING_ITERATION_CURSOR l_exit: BOOLEAN do str := "Eiffel Programming Language" create cursor.make (str) across cursor as ic loop print (ic.code.out) io.put_new_line end print ("%N===============%N") across str as i until l_exit loop print (i.code.out) io.put_new_line if i = 'P' then l_exit := True end end print ({UTF_CONVERTER}.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 ("Do you wish to send anyway?")) IO.put_new_line print ({UTF_CONVERTER}.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 ("In the last decade, the German word %"�ber%" has come to be used frequently in colloquial English.")) end escaped_string (string_value: STRING_32): STRING_32 local l_doit: BOOLEAN l_ret_val: STRING_32 l_item: INTEGER_32 l_ch: CHARACTER_32 l_a: CHARACTER_32 l_b: CHARACTER_32 l_f: CHARACTER_32 l_n: CHARACTER_32 l_r: CHARACTER_32 l_v: CHARACTER_32 l_t: CHARACTER_32 l_0: CHARACTER_32 do l_a := '%A' l_b := '%B' l_f := '%F' l_n := '%N' l_r := '%R' l_v := '%V' l_t := '%T' l_0 := '0' create l_ret_val.make_empty across string_value as i until l_doit loop if i.code < 32 or else i.code > 126 or else i = '\' or else i = '"' then l_doit := True end end if l_doit then across string_value as i loop l_item := i.code & 0xff if l_item < 32 then if l_a.code = l_item then l_ch := 'a' l_item := l_ch.code elseif l_b.code = l_item then l_ch := 'b' l_item := l_ch.code elseif l_f.code = l_item then l_ch := 'f' l_item := l_ch.code elseif l_n.code = l_item then l_ch := 'n' l_item := l_ch.code elseif l_r.code = l_item then l_ch := 'r' l_item := l_ch.code elseif l_v.code = l_item then l_ch := 'v' l_item := l_ch.code elseif l_t.code = l_item then l_ch := 't' l_item := l_ch.code end if l_item < 32 then l_ret_val.append ("\0") l_ret_val.append_character ((l_item // 8 + l_0.code).to_character_32) l_ret_val.append_character ((l_item & 7 + l_0.code).to_character_32) else l_ret_val.append ("\") l_ret_val.append_character (l_item.to_character_32) end elseif l_item.to_character_32 = '"' or else l_item.to_character_32 = '%H' then l_ret_val.append ("\") l_ret_val.append_character (l_item.to_character_32) elseif l_item > 126 then l_ret_val.append ("\") l_ret_val.append_character ((l_item // 64 + l_0.code).to_character_32) l_ret_val.append_character (((l_item // 8) & 7 + l_0.code).to_character_32) l_ret_val.append_character ((l_item & 7 + l_0.code).to_character_32) else l_ret_val.append_character (l_item.to_character_32) end end Result := l_ret_val else Result := string_value end end fn (val: CELL [INTEGER]) local l_test: INTEGER do val.put (val.item + 5) end compute_size: INTEGER local l_internal: INTERNAL n: INTEGER l_obj: PE_HEADER l_size: INTEGER do create l_obj create l_internal n := l_internal.field_count (l_obj) across 1 |..| n as ic loop if attached l_internal.field (ic, l_obj) as l_field then if attached {INTEGER_32} l_field then Result := Result + {PLATFORM}.integer_32_bytes elseif attached {INTEGER_16} l_field then Result := Result + {PLATFORM}.integer_16_bytes elseif attached {NATURAL_8} l_field then Result := Result + {PLATFORM}.natural_8_bytes end end end end compute_pe_object_size: INTEGER local l_internal: INTERNAL n: INTEGER l_obj: PE_OBJECT l_size: INTEGER do create l_obj create l_internal n := l_internal.field_count (l_obj) across 1 |..| n as ic loop if attached l_internal.field (ic, l_obj) as l_field then if attached {INTEGER_32} l_field then Result := Result + {PLATFORM}.integer_32_bytes elseif attached {STRING} l_field as l_str then Result := Result + l_str.capacity elseif attached {ARRAY [INTEGER]} l_field as l_arr then Result := Result + (l_arr.count * {PLATFORM}.integer_32_bytes) end end end end number_of_seconds_since_epoch: INTEGER_32 -- calculate the number of seconds since epoch in eiffel local l_date_epoch: DATE_TIME l_date_now: DATE_TIME l_diff: INTEGER_32 do create l_date_epoch.make_from_epoch (0) create l_date_now.make_now_utc Result := l_date_now.definite_duration (l_date_epoch).seconds_count.to_integer ensure is_class: class end feature -- Test Path test_path_entries local l_file_name: STRING_32 l_path: PATH n: INTEGER do --l_file_name := {STRING_32}"C:\\Documents\\Newsletters\\Summer2018.pdf" l_file_name := {STRING_32} "Summer2018.pdf" create l_path.make_from_string (l_file_name) n := l_path.components.count l_file_name := l_path.components [n].name end feature -- Test BigDigits test_big_digits local l_result: ARRAY [NATURAL_32] -- Array to hold the result of the operation l_base: ARRAY [NATURAL_32] -- Array holding the base number l_exponent: ARRAY [NATURAL_32] -- Array holding the exponent l_modulus: ARRAY [NATURAL_32] -- Array holding the modulus l_ndigits: NATURAL_64 -- Number of digits in the base number. l_dis: INTEGER do -- create l_result.make_filled (0, 1, 50) -- create l_base.make_filled (0, 1, 50) -- l_base [1] := 9 -- create l_exponent.make_filled (0, 1, 50) -- l_exponent [1] := 3 -- create l_modulus.make_filled (0, 1, 50) -- l_modulus [1] := 10 -- l_ndigits := 1 -- l_dis := {CIL_RSA_ENCODER}.c_mp_mod_exp (l_result.area.base_address, l_base.area.base_address, l_exponent.area.base_address, l_modulus.area.base_address, l_ndigits) -- check expected_9: l_result [1] = 9 end end feature -- C Byte Array test_byte_array local l_arr, l_arr2: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_mp: MANAGED_POINTER l_special: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] do -- l_arr := {ARRAY [NATURAL_8]} <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> -- l_special := l_arr.to_special -- create l_mp.make_from_array (l_arr) -- l_mp.put_integer_32 (2147483646, 0) -- l_arr := l_mp.read_array (0, 8) -- {BYTE_ARRAY_HELPER}.put_array_integer_32 (l_special, 2147483646, 0) -- l_arr := {ARRAY [NATURAL_8]} <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> -- {BYTE_ARRAY_HELPER}.put_array_integer_32 (l_arr, 26, 0) end test_byte_array_to_string local l_arr: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_bc: BYTE_ARRAY_CONVERTER str: STRING_32 do create l_bc.make_from_string ("This is an apple") l_arr := l_bc.to_natural_8_array create str.make (l_arr.count) across 1 |..| l_arr.count as i loop str.append_character (l_arr [i].to_character_8) end print (str) end test_natural_64 local l_val: NATURAL_64 l_sp: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_mp: MANAGED_POINTER do create l_sp.make_filled (0, 1, 8) fun_test (l_sp) create l_mp.make_from_array (l_sp) l_val := l_mp.read_natural_64 (0) end fun_test (a_arr: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]) do {BYTE_ARRAY_HELPER}.put_integer_32 (a_arr, 2 | (27 |<< 24), 0) end file_test local l_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do create l_file.make_create_read_write ("test.txt") l_file.put_string ("This is an apple") l_file.go (l_file.count - 7) l_file.put_string (" sam") l_file.close end text_hexadecimal_value local l_file: RAW_FILE l_fmt_int: FORMAT_INTEGER language: NATURAL_32 l_buf: STRING_32 do create l_file.make_create_read_write ("eiffel_test.bin") language := 0x4b0 l_buf := language.to_hex_string.to_string_32 l_buf.append_character ('%U') put_string_32 (l_buf, l_file) l_file.close end put_string_32 (a_str: READABLE_STRING_32; a_file: RAW_FILE) do across 1 |..| a_str.count as i loop a_file.put_natural_32 (a_str.code (i)) end end feature -- PE Reader test_pe_reader local l_reader: PE_READER do create l_reader.make end feature -- Test Arrays test_copy_arrays local l_result: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_pos: INTEGER l_tmp: NATURAL_8 do create l_result.make_filled (0, 1, 50) l_result.fill_with (0xff) l_result [1] := 0 l_result [2] := 1 l_pos := l_result.count - 20 - der_header.count -- C++ version uses sizeof. --|result.size() - 20 - sizeof(DerHeader) - 1; l_result [l_pos] := 0 l_result.subcopy (der_header, 1, der_header.count, l_pos + 1) l_pos := l_result.count - 20 -- reverse it before encryption.. across 1 |..| (l_result.count // 2) as i loop l_tmp := l_result [i] l_result [i] := l_result [l_result.count - i] l_result [l_result.count - i] := l_tmp end end feature -- Static der_header: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] do Result := {ARRAY [NATURAL_8]} <<0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x0e, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1a, 0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14>> ensure instance_free: class end test_arrays local l_arr: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_arr2: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] mp: MANAGED_POINTER l_file: RAW_FILE do create l_file.make_create_read_write ("eif_array.bin") create l_arr.make_filled (0, 1, 100) create mp.share_from_pointer (l_arr.area.base_address, 100) mp.put_natural_32_le (0x2400, 0) mp.put_natural_32_le (0x8004, 1 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le ((0x14 + 20 // 8).to_natural_32, 2 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (1, 3 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (2, 4 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (3, 5 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (4, 6 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (5, 7 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (6, 8 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (7, 9 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (8, 10 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (9, 11 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (10, 12 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (11, 13 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (12, 14 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (13, 15 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (14, 16 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (15, 17 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (16, 18 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (17, 19 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (18, 20 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (19, 21 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (20, 22 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (21, 23 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) mp.put_natural_32_le (22, 24 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) -- mp.put_character ('1', 23 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) -- change to RSA1 (pub key only) mp.put_natural_8_le (6, 12 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes) -- change to pub key only print ("%N((char*)dkey)[12 + 0x0b] :=" + mp.read_character (23 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes).out) print ("%N(dkey[12 + 0x0b] :=" + mp.read_natural_32_le (23 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes).out) print ("%N((char*)dkey)[12 + 0] :=" + mp.read_natural_8_le (12 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes).out) print ("%N(dkey[12 + 0] :=" + mp.read_natural_32_le (12 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes).out) l_file.put_managed_pointer (mp, l_file.count, mp.count) l_file.close end test_array_wrapped_code local l_arr: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_mp: MANAGED_POINTER l_size: NATURAL_64 l_file: RAW_FILE do create l_arr.make_filled (0, 1, 100) --create l_mp.share_from_pointer (l_arr.area.base_address, 100) c_array_wrap_code (l_arr.area.base_address, $l_size, 20) ---- print ("%N((char*)dkey)[12 + 0x0b] :=" + l_mp.read_natural_8_le (23 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes).out) ---- print ("%N(dkey[12 + 0x0b] :=" + l_mp.read_natural_32_le (23 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes).out) ---- print ("%N((char*)dkey)[12 + 0] :=" + l_mp.read_natural_8_le (12 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes).out) ---- print ("%N(dkey[12 + 0] :=" + l_mp.read_natural_32_le (12 * {PLATFORM}.natural_32_bytes).out) create l_file.make_create_read_write ("eif_carray.bin") l_file.put_managed_pointer (create {MANAGED_POINTER}.make_from_array (l_arr), l_file.count, l_arr.count) l_file.close end c_array_wrap_code (a_key: POINTER; a_key_size: TYPED_POINTER [NATURAL_64]; a_modulus_bits: NATURAL_64) external "C++ inline use , " alias "[ { typedef uint32_t DIGIT_T; DIGIT_T* dkey = (DIGIT_T*)$a_key; dkey[0] = 0x2400; dkey[1] = 0x8004; dkey[2] = 0x14 + $a_modulus_bits / 8; // //memcpy(dkey + 3, keyPair, dkey[2]); // // Code for testing dkey[2] = 0x14 + $a_modulus_bits / 8; dkey[3] = 1; dkey[4] = 2; dkey[5] = 3; dkey[6] = 4; dkey[7] = 5; dkey[8] = 6; dkey[9] = 7; dkey[10] = 8; dkey[11] = 9; dkey[12] = 10; dkey[13] = 11; dkey[14] = 12; dkey[15] = 13; dkey[16] = 14; dkey[17] = 15; dkey[18] = 16; dkey[19] = 17; dkey[20] = 18; dkey[21] = 19; dkey[22] = 20; dkey[23] = 21; dkey[24] = 22; ((char*)dkey)[12 + 0x0b] = '1'; // change to RSA1 (pub key only) ((char*)dkey)[12 + 0] = 6; // change to pub key only *($a_key_size) = dkey[2] + 12; std::cout << "dkey[12 + 0x0b] = " << dkey[12 + 0x0b] << std::endl; std::cout << "((char*)dkey)[12 + 0x0b] = " << ((char*)dkey)[12 + 0x0b] << std::endl; std::cout << "dkey[12 + 0] = " << dkey[12 + 0] << std::endl; std::cout << "((char*)dkey)[12 + 0] = " << ((char*)dkey)[12 + 0] << std::endl; std::ofstream outfile;"carray_key.bin", std::ios::binary); outfile.write(((char*)($a_key)), 100); outfile.close(); std::ofstream outfile2;"carray_dkey.bin", std::ios::binary); outfile2.write(((char*)(dkey)), 100); outfile2.close(); } ]" end feature -- PE Writer tests test_string_to_buf local l_str: STRING_32 l_str2: STRING l_buf: STRING_32 l_size: INTEGER do l_str := {STRING_32} "Hello" l_str.append_character ('%U') end test_pe_version_string (a_name: STRING_32; a_value: STRING) local l_file: RAW_FILE n1: NATURAL_16 n: NATURAL_32 l_buf: STRING_32 l_name: STRING_32 l_index: INTEGER do print (a_name.substring (1, a_name.count)) create l_file.make_create_read_write ("eiffel_test.bin") n1 := (a_name.count * 2 + a_value.count * 2 + 6 + 2 + 2).to_natural_16 n := (a_name.count + 2).to_natural_32 if n \\ 4 /= 0 then n1 := n1 + (n - n \\ 4).to_natural_16 end n := ((a_value.count + 1) * 2).to_natural_32 if n \\ 4 /= 0 then n1 := n1 + (n - n \\ 4).to_natural_16 end l_file.put_natural_16 (n1) n1 := ((a_value.count + 1) * 2).to_natural_16 l_file.put_natural_16 (n1) create l_buf.make_from_string_general (a_value) l_buf.append_character ('%U') n1 := 1 l_file.put_natural_16 (n1) -- put_wide_character. create l_name.make_from_string_general (a_name) l_name.append_character ('%U') l_index := l_name.count // 2 across 1 |..| l_index as i loop l_file.put_natural_16 (l_name.code (i).to_natural_16) end l_file.put_character ( (l_index + 1).to_character_8) n1 := 1 across 1 |..| ((n1 * 2).to_integer_32 - 1) as i loop l_file.put_natural_16 (l_buf.code (i).to_natural_16) end l_file.close end test_pe_strings_32 local l_file: RAW_FILE l_converter: UTF_CONVERTER l_string: STRING_32 l_arr: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] do l_string := {STRING_32} "V" create l_file.make_create_read_write ("eiffel_test.bin") across 1 |..| l_string.count as i loop l_file.put_natural_32 (l_string.code (i)) end l_file.close end test_pe_naturals local l_file: RAW_FILE l_val: NATURAL_32 do l_val := 0 create l_file.make_create_read_write ("eiffel_test.bin") l_file.put_natural_16 (l_val.to_natural_16) l_val := 0x25ff l_file.put_natural_16 (l_val.to_natural_16) l_file.close end test_pe_import_dir local l_file: RAW_FILE l_dir: ARRAY [PE_IMPORT_DIR] l_item: NATURAL_32 l_main_name: NATURAL_32 l_mp: MANAGED_POINTER do create l_dir.make_filled (create {PE_IMPORT_DIR}, 1, 2) l_dir [1] := (create {PE_IMPORT_DIR}) l_dir [1].thunk_pos2 := 10 + 2 * {PE_IMPORT_DIR}.size_of l_item := (l_dir [1].thunk_pos2 + 8).to_natural_32 if l_item \\ 16 /= 0 then l_item := l_item + 16 - (l_item \\ 16) end l_main_name := l_item l_item := l_item + 2 l_item := l_item + 12 -- in C++ sizeof("_CorXXXMain"); l_dir [1].dll_name := l_item.to_integer_32 l_dir [1].thunk_pos := 10 create l_file.make_create_read_write ("eiffel_test.bin") create l_mp.make (0) across l_dir as dir loop l_mp.append (dir.managed_pointer) end l_file.put_managed_pointer (l_mp, l_file.count, l_mp.count) l_file.close end test_pe_write_string local l_file: RAW_FILE l_str: STRING do l_str := "#Strings" l_str.append_character ('%U') create l_file.make_create_read_write ("eiffel_test.bin") l_file.put_string (l_str) l_file.close end feature -- GUID test_guid local l_guid: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] do create l_guid.make_filled (0, 1, 16) create_guid (l_guid) end create_guid (a_guid: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]) local l_mp: MANAGED_POINTER do -- create l_mp.make (16) -- c_create_guid (l_mp.item) -- a_guid.make_from_array (l_mp.read_array (0, 16)) end test_random local l_random: RANDOM l_data1: NATURAL_32 l_data2: NATURAL_16 l_data3: NATURAL_16 l_data4: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_seed: INTEGER l_time: TIME l_guid: CIL_GUID l_val: NATURAL_8 cil_guid: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] do create l_time.make_now l_seed := l_time.hour l_seed := l_seed * 60 + l_time.minute l_seed := l_seed * 60 + l_time.second l_seed := l_seed * 1000 + l_time.milli_second -- make (data1: NATURAL_32; data2, data3: NATURAL_16; data4: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]) create l_random.set_seed (l_seed) l_random.start l_data1 := l_random.item.to_natural_32 l_random.forth l_data2 := ((l_random.item.to_natural_32 \\ {NATURAL_16}.max_value) + 1).to_natural_16 l_random.forth l_data3 := ((l_random.item.to_natural_32 \\ {NATURAL_16}.max_value) + 1).to_natural_16 l_random.forth l_data4 := {ARRAY [NATURAL_8]} <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> across 1 |..| 8 as i loop l_val := ((l_random.item.to_natural_32 \\ {NATURAL_8}.max_value) + 1).to_natural_8 l_data4 [i] := l_val l_random.forth end create l_guid.make (l_data1, l_data2, l_data3, l_data4) print (l_guid.to_array_natural_8) end feature -- Settings is_using_sub_directory_per_test: BOOLEAN test_directory: detachable PATH feature {NONE} -- Implementation pre_test (tn: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local p: PATH fut: FILE_UTILITIES do if is_using_sub_directory_per_test and then attached test_directory as loc then p := loc.extended (tn) if not fut.directory_path_exists (p) then fut.create_directory_path (p) end execution_environment.change_working_path (p) end end post_test (tn: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end