note description: "[ A recoverable INI parser that creates an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) reprentation of a parsed buffer. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class INI_PARSER create make, make_with_factory feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_max_errors: like max_syntax_errors) -- Initialize a recoverable parser. require a_max_errors_positive: a_max_errors > 0 do make_with_factory (a_max_errors, create {INI_DEFAULT_NODE_FACTORY}) ensure max_syntax_errors_set: max_syntax_errors = a_max_errors end make_with_factory (a_max_errors: like max_syntax_errors; a_factory: like factory) -- Initialize a recoverable parser. require a_max_errors_positive: a_max_errors > 0 a_factory_attached: a_factory /= Void do create parsed_root_node.make max_syntax_errors := a_max_errors factory := a_factory create internal_syntax_errors.make (0) ensure max_syntax_errors_set: max_syntax_errors = a_max_errors factory_set: factory = a_factory end feature -- Access syntax_errors: LIST [INI_SYNTAX_ERROR] -- Syntax errors found in last parsed ini file local l_result: like internal_syntax_errors do Result := internal_syntax_errors if Result = Void then create l_result.make (0) internal_syntax_errors := l_result Result := l_result end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end successful: BOOLEAN -- Was last parse successful? do Result := syntax_errors.is_empty end max_syntax_errors: INTEGER -- Maximum number of recoverable syntax errors before parser -- gives up ignore_syntax_errors: BOOLEAN assign set_ignore_syntax_errors -- Should all syntax errors be ignored? parsed_root_node: INI_DOCUMENT_NODE -- Root INI file abstract syntax node feature -- Basic Operations parse_source (a_buffer: STRING) -- Parses source buffer `a_buffer'. require a_buffer_attached: a_buffer /= Void local l_lines: LIST [STRING] l_line: STRING l_max_errors: like max_syntax_errors l_errors: like syntax_errors l_scanner: INI_SCANNER l_state: INI_SCANNER_STATE l_type: INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_TYPE l_line_tokens: ARRAYED_LIST [INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_INFO] l_index: INTEGER l_count: INTEGER l_stop: BOOLEAN do create parsed_root_node.make l_max_errors := max_syntax_errors l_errors := syntax_errors create l_scanner.make l_lines := a_buffer.split ('%N') from l_lines.start until l_lines.after or l_stop loop l_line := l_lines.item l_line.prune_all_trailing ('%R') if not l_line.is_empty then -- Scan line create l_line_tokens.make (3) from l_count := l_line.count l_state := l_scanner.initial_state l_index := 1 until l_index > l_count loop l_scanner.scan_for_next_token_info (l_line.substring (l_index, l_count), l_index, l_state) if attached l_scanner.token as l_token and then attached l_scanner.next_state as s then l_state := s l_type := l_token.type if l_type /= {INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_TYPE}.comment and l_type /= {INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_TYPE}.whitespace then l_line_tokens.extend (l_token) end l_index := l_token.end_index + 1 else -- There is no token: exit the loop. l_index := l_count + 1 end end if not l_line_tokens.is_empty then -- Process scanned tokens process_line_tokens (l_line_tokens, l_lines.index) -- Error handling l_stop := l_errors.count >= l_max_errors end end l_lines.forth end ensure parsed_root_node_attached: parsed_root_node /= Void end reset -- Resets parser local l_errors: like internal_syntax_errors do l_errors := internal_syntax_errors if l_errors /= Void then l_errors.wipe_out end ensure successful: successful end feature -- Status Setting set_ignore_syntax_errors (a_ignore: like ignore_syntax_errors) -- Set `ignore_syntax_errors' to `a_ignore'. do ignore_syntax_errors := a_ignore ensure ignore_syntax_errors_set: ignore_syntax_errors = a_ignore end feature {NONE} -- Token Processing process_line_tokens (a_tokens: LIST [INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_INFO]; a_line: INTEGER) -- Processes list of tokens `a_token' which are on line `a_line'. require a_tokens_attached: a_tokens /= Void not_a_token_is_empty: not a_tokens.is_empty a_line_positive: a_line > 0 local l_line_type: like token_line_type do l_line_type := token_line_type (a_tokens) inspect l_line_type.to_integer when {INI_PARSER_TOKEN_LINE_TYPE}.section then process_section_tokens (a_tokens, a_line) when {INI_PARSER_TOKEN_LINE_TYPE}.property then process_property_tokens (a_tokens, a_line) when {INI_PARSER_TOKEN_LINE_TYPE}.comment then --| Ignore comments when {INI_PARSER_TOKEN_LINE_TYPE}.unknown then --| Unexpected extend_syntax_error (create {INI_UNEXPECTED_SYNTAX_ERROR}.make (a_tokens.first.text, a_line, 0)) else check False end end end process_section_tokens (a_tokens: LIST [INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_INFO]; a_line: INTEGER) -- Processes list of tokens `a_token' which are on line `a_line'. require a_tokens_attached: a_tokens /= Void not_a_tokens_is_empty: not a_tokens.is_empty is_section_line: token_line_type (a_tokens) = {INI_PARSER_TOKEN_LINE_TYPE}.section a_line_positive: a_line > 0 parsed_root_node_attached: parsed_root_node /= Void local l_open_bracket: INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_INFO l_label: INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_INFO l_close_bracket: INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_INFO l_section_as: INI_SECTION_NODE l_factory: like factory do a_tokens.start l_open_bracket := a_tokens.item a_tokens.forth if not then l_label := a_tokens.item if l_label.type = {INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_TYPE}.section_label then a_tokens.forth if not then l_close_bracket := a_tokens.item if l_close_bracket.type = {INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_TYPE}.section_close then l_factory := factory l_section_as := l_factory.new_section_node ( l_factory.new_symbol_node (l_open_bracket.text, create {INI_TEXT_SPAN}.make (a_line, l_open_bracket.start_index, a_line, l_open_bracket.end_index)), l_factory.new_id_node (l_label.text, create {INI_TEXT_SPAN}.make (a_line, l_label.start_index, a_line, l_label.end_index)), l_factory.new_symbol_node (l_close_bracket.text, create {INI_TEXT_SPAN}.make (a_line, l_close_bracket.start_index, a_line, l_close_bracket.end_index)) ) parsed_root_node.extend_section (l_section_as) a_tokens.forth if not then --| Unexpected trailing text extend_syntax_error (create {INI_UNEXPECTED_SYNTAX_ERROR}.make (a_tokens.item.text, a_line, a_tokens.item.start_index)) end else --| Expecting ']' extend_syntax_error (create {INI_EXPECTED_SYNTAX_ERROR}.make ({INI_SCANNER_SYMBOLS}.section_end_indicator.out, a_line, l_close_bracket.start_index)) end else extend_syntax_error (create {INI_EXPECTED_SYNTAX_ERROR}.make ({INI_SCANNER_SYMBOLS}.section_end_indicator.out, a_line, l_label.end_index + 1)) end else --| Expecting label error extend_syntax_error (create {INI_EXPECTED_SYNTAX_ERROR}.make ("label", a_line, l_label.start_index)) end else --| Expecting label error extend_syntax_error (create {INI_EXPECTED_SYNTAX_ERROR}.make ("label", a_line, l_open_bracket.end_index + 1)) end end process_property_tokens (a_tokens: LIST [INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_INFO]; a_line: INTEGER) -- Processes list of tokens `a_token' which are on line `a_line'. require a_tokens_attached: a_tokens /= Void not_a_tokens_is_empty: not a_tokens.is_empty is_section_line: token_line_type (a_tokens) = {INI_PARSER_TOKEN_LINE_TYPE}.property a_line_positive: a_line > 0 parsed_root_node_attached: parsed_root_node /= Void local l_identifier: INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_INFO l_assigner: INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_INFO l_value: INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_INFO l_factory: like factory l_id_as: INI_ID_NODE l_value_as: INI_VALUE_NODE l_literal_as: INI_LITERAL_NODE l_property_as: INI_PROPERTY_NODE do a_tokens.start -- Check optional identifier l_identifier := a_tokens.item if l_identifier.type = {INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_TYPE}.identifier then a_tokens.forth else l_identifier := Void end -- Check for assigner if not then l_assigner := a_tokens.item if l_assigner.type = {INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_TYPE}.assigner then a_tokens.forth -- Check for assigner value if not then l_value := a_tokens.item end if l_identifier /= Void or l_value /= Void then l_factory := factory if l_identifier /= Void then l_id_as := l_factory.new_id_node (l_identifier.text, create {INI_TEXT_SPAN}.make (a_line, l_identifier.start_index, a_line, l_identifier.end_index)) end if l_value /= Void then l_value_as := l_factory.new_value_node (l_value.text, create {INI_TEXT_SPAN}.make (a_line, l_value.start_index, a_line, l_value.end_index)) end l_property_as := l_factory.new_property_node (l_id_as, l_factory.new_symbol_node (l_assigner.text, create {INI_TEXT_SPAN}.make (a_line, l_assigner.start_index, a_line, l_assigner.end_index)), l_value_as ) parsed_root_node.extend_property (l_property_as) if not then a_tokens.forth if not then --| Unexpected trailing text. extend_syntax_error (create {INI_UNEXPECTED_SYNTAX_ERROR}.make (a_tokens.item.text, a_line, a_tokens.item.start_index)) end end else --| Expected value extend_syntax_error (create {INI_EXPECTED_SYNTAX_ERROR}.make ("default property value", a_line, l_assigner.end_index + 1)) end elseif l_identifier /= Void then --| Assigner expected extend_syntax_error (create {INI_EXPECTED_SYNTAX_ERROR}.make ({INI_SCANNER_SYMBOLS}.assigner_indicator.out, a_line, l_assigner.start_index)) end else if l_identifier /= Void then l_literal_as := factory.new_literal_node (l_identifier.text, create {INI_TEXT_SPAN}.make (a_line, l_identifier.start_index, a_line, l_identifier.end_index)) parsed_root_node.extend_literal (l_literal_as) else --| Assigner expected extend_syntax_error (create {INI_EXPECTED_SYNTAX_ERROR}.make ({INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_TYPE}.assigner.out, a_line, a_tokens.item.start_index)) end end end token_line_type (a_tokens: LIST [INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_INFO]): INI_PARSER_TOKEN_LINE_TYPE -- Retrieve type of toke line for list of tokens `a_token'. require a_tokens_attached: a_tokens /= Void not_a_tokens_is_empty: not a_tokens.is_empty do inspect a_tokens.first.type.to_integer when {INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_TYPE}.section_open then Result := {INI_PARSER_TOKEN_LINE_TYPE}.section when {INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_TYPE}.comment then Result := {INI_PARSER_TOKEN_LINE_TYPE}.comment when {INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_TYPE}.identifier, {INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_TYPE}.assigner then Result := {INI_PARSER_TOKEN_LINE_TYPE}.property else Result := {INI_PARSER_TOKEN_LINE_TYPE}.unknown end end feature {NONE} -- Error Handling extend_syntax_error (a_error: INI_SYNTAX_ERROR) -- Add a syntax error. require a_error_attached: a_error /= Void already_added: not internal_syntax_errors.has (a_error) local l_errors: like internal_syntax_errors do l_errors := internal_syntax_errors if l_errors.count < max_syntax_errors then l_errors.extend (a_error) end ensure error_added: old internal_syntax_errors.count < max_syntax_errors implies internal_syntax_errors.has (a_error) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation token_span (a_token: INI_SCANNER_TOKEN_INFO; a_line: INTEGER): INI_TEXT_SPAN -- require a_token_attached: a_token /= Void a_line_positive: a_line > 0 do create Result.make (a_line, a_token.start_index, a_line, a_token.end_index) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end factory: INI_NODE_FACTORY -- Factory used to create AS nodes feature {NONE} -- Internal Implementation Cache internal_syntax_errors: ARRAYED_LIST [INI_SYNTAX_ERROR] -- Cached version of `syntax_errors' -- Note: Do not use directly! invariant max_syntax_errors_positive: not ignore_syntax_errors implies max_syntax_errors > 0 internal_syntax_errors_attached: internal_syntax_errors /= Void factory_attached: factory /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end