note description: "Used to read assemblies and extract basic metadata information." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." class ASSEMBLY_PROPERTIES_READER inherit DISPOSABLE create make feature {NONE} -- Initialize make (a_runtime_version: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Initialize Current. Initialize `exists' accordingly. require a_runtime_version_not_void: a_runtime_version /= Void not_a_runtime_version_is_empty: not a_runtime_version.is_empty local l_reg: WEL_REGISTRY l_p: POINTER l_dir: STRING_32 l_dis: like dispenser l_cache: like assembly_cache do create l_reg l_p := l_reg.open_key ({WEL_REGISTRY}.hkey_local_machine, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework", {WEL_REGISTRY_ACCESS_MODE}.key_read) if l_p /= default_pointer then if attached l_reg.key_value (l_p, "InstallRoot") as l_val and then l_val.type = {WEL_REGISTRY_KEY_VALUE}.reg_sz then l_dir := l_val.string_value l_dir.prune_all_trailing ('\') l_dir.prune_all_trailing ('/') if (create {DIRECTORY}.make (l_dir)).exists then l_dir.append ("\") l_dir.append (a_runtime_version) l_dir.append ("\") add_runtime_path (l_dir) -- Check DLL exists. strong_name_retriveable := (create {WEL_DLL}.make ("mscorsn.dll")).exists end end l_reg.close_key (l_p) end (create {CLI_COM}).initialize_com c_initialize_dispenser ($l_dis).do_nothing c_create_cache ($l_cache, 0).do_nothing dispenser := l_dis assembly_cache := l_cache end feature -- Clean up dispose -- Cleans up any allocated resources local l_dis: like dispenser l_cache: like assembly_cache do if exists then l_dis := dispenser l_cache := assembly_cache c_uninitialize ($l_dis, $l_cache) dispenser := default_pointer assembly_cache := default_pointer end ensure then not_exists: not exists end feature -- Basic operations retrieve_assembly_properties (a_file_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ASSEMBLY_PROPERTIES -- Retrieves assembly properties for `a_file_name' require a_file_name_attached: a_file_name /= Void not_a_file_name_is_empty: not a_file_name.is_empty a_file_name_exists: (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_name (a_file_name)).exists a_file_name_is_pe_file: (create {PE_FILE_INFO}).is_com2_pe_file (a_file_name) exists: exists local l_scope: POINTER l_cache: like assembly_cache l_amd: ASSEMBLY_METADATA l_fn: WEL_STRING l_hash: NATURAL_64 l_name: WEL_STRING l_name_len: NATURAL_32 l_flags: NATURAL_32 l_key: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] l_bytes: MANAGED_POINTER l_p: POINTER l_bytes_len: NATURAL_64 l_len: INTEGER l_res: INTEGER i: INTEGER do create l_fn.make (a_file_name) l_res := cpp_open_scope (dispenser, l_fn.item, 0, $l_scope) if l_res = 0 then l_bytes_len := 8 l_name_len := 512 create l_name.make_empty ((l_name_len + 2).to_integer_32) create l_amd.make l_res := cpp_assembly_props (l_scope, $l_hash, l_name.item, $l_name_len, $l_flags, l_amd) if l_res = 0 then if strong_name_retriveable and then strong_name_token_from_assembly (l_fn.item, $l_p, $l_bytes_len) then create l_bytes.make_from_pointer (l_p, l_bytes_len.to_integer_32) l_len := l_bytes_len.to_integer_32 create l_key.make_filled (0, 1, l_len) from until i = l_len loop l_key.put (l_bytes.read_natural_8 (i), i + 1) i := i + 1 end strong_name_free_buffer (l_p) end l_name.set_count (l_name_len.to_integer_32) l_cache := assembly_cache create Result.make (a_file_name, l_name.string, l_hash, l_key, l_flags, l_amd) if l_cache /= default_pointer and Result.is_signed then create l_name.make (Result.full_name) if c_is_in_cache (l_cache, l_name.item) then Result.set_is_locatable_in_gac else -- Check 1.x create l_name.make (Result.full_name_v1x) if c_is_in_cache (l_cache, l_name.item) then Result.set_is_locatable_in_gac end end end end cpp_close_scope ($l_scope) end end feature -- Status report exists: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if reader was successfully initialized and is read for use. do Result := dispenser /= default_pointer end fusion_exists: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if fusion was successfully initialized and is read for use. do Result := assembly_cache /= default_pointer end feature {NONE} -- Caching add_runtime_path (a_path: STRING_32) -- Add's `a_path' to PATH environment variable, if it has not already been added require a_path_attached: a_path /= Void not_a_path_is_empty: not a_path.is_empty local l_access: EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT l_name, l_path, l_new_path: STRING_32 l_wname, l_wpath: WEL_STRING do if not added_paths.has (a_path) then create l_access l_name := "PATH" -- Get path environment variable l_path := l_access.item (l_name) -- Create new path variable create l_new_path.make (256) l_new_path.append (a_path) if l_path /= Void then l_new_path.append_character (';') l_new_path.append (l_path) end -- Set it with new value l_access.put (l_new_path, l_name) -- Really set the variable because on .NET ENVIRONMENT_ACCESS.put does not work. create l_wname.make (l_name) create l_wpath.make (l_new_path) c_set_environment_variable (l_wname.item, l_wpath.item).do_nothing added_paths.force (True, a_path) end ensure has_path: added_paths.has (a_path) end added_paths: STRING_TABLE [BOOLEAN] -- List of paths added to PATH environment variable once create Result.make (1) Result.compare_objects ensure result_attached: Result /= Void result_compares_objects: Result.object_comparison end feature {NONE} -- Implementation strong_name_retriveable: BOOLEAN -- Inidicates if strong name can be retrieved dispenser: POINTER -- Pointer to a IMetadataDespenser interface, when /= default_pointer assembly_cache: POINTER -- Pointer to a IAssemblyCache interface, when /= default_pointer feature {NONE} -- Externals c_initialize_dispenser (a_dispenser: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]): INTEGER -- Initializes metadata dispenser external "C++ inline use " alias "[ IMetaDataDispenser* pDispenser = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = CoCreateInstance (CLSID_CorMetaDataDispenserRuntime, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMetaDataDispenser, (LPVOID*)&pDispenser); if (SUCCEEDED (hr) && (pDispenser != NULL)) { pDispenser->AddRef(); *$a_dispenser = (EIF_POINTER)pDispenser; } return hr; ]" ensure succeeded: Result = 0 end c_uninitialize (a_dispenser: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]; a_cache: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]) -- Uninitializes unmanaged COM resources external "C++ inline use " alias "[ if (NULL != *$a_dispenser) { ((IUnknown*)*$a_dispenser)->Release(); *$a_dispenser = (EIF_POINTER)NULL; } if (NULL != $a_cache) { ((IUnknown*)*$a_cache)->Release(); *$a_cache = (EIF_POINTER)NULL; } // We cannot CoUninitialize here as we have to take into consideration that // another library is still using COM. ]" end cpp_open_scope (a_dispenser: POINTER; a_fn: POINTER; a_flags: NATURAL; a_scope: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]): INTEGER -- Opens an assembly scope require not_a_dispenser_is_null: a_dispenser /= default_pointer not_a_fn_is_null: a_fn /= default_pointer external "C++ inline use " alias "[ IUnknown* pUnk = (IUnknown*)$a_dispenser; IMetaDataDispenser* pMDD = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = pUnk->QueryInterface (IID_IMetaDataDispenser, (LPVOID*)&pMDD); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { IMetaDataAssemblyImport* pMDI = NULL; hr = pMDD->OpenScope ((LPCWSTR)$a_fn, (DWORD)$a_flags, IID_IMetaDataAssemblyImport, (IUnknown**)&pMDI); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { *$a_scope = (EIF_POINTER)pMDI; } pMDD->Release(); } else { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } return hr; ]" end cpp_close_scope (a_scope: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]) -- Closes an opened scope. require not_a_scope_is_null: a_scope /= default_pointer external "C++ inline use " alias "[ if (NULL != *$a_scope) { IUnknown* pUnk = (IUnknown*)*$a_scope; pUnk->Release(); *$a_scope = NULL; } ]" end cpp_assembly_props (a_scope: POINTER; a_hash: TYPED_POINTER [NATURAL_64]; a_name: POINTER; a_name_len: TYPED_POINTER [NATURAL_32]; a_flags: TYPED_POINTER [NATURAL_32]; a_md: POINTER): INTEGER -- Retrieves a number of assembly properties require not_a_scope_is_null: a_scope /= default_pointer external "C++ inline use " alias "[ IMetaDataAssemblyImport* pMDA = (IMetaDataAssemblyImport*)$a_scope; mdAssembly tScope; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = pMDA->GetAssemblyFromScope (&tScope); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BYTE* pKey = NULL; ULONG cbKey = 0; hr = pMDA->GetAssemblyProps (tScope, (const void **)&pKey, (ULONG*)&cbKey, (ULONG*)$a_hash, (LPWSTR)$a_name, (ULONG)*$a_name_len, (ULONG*)$a_name_len, (ASSEMBLYMETADATA*)$a_md, (DWORD*)$a_flags); } return hr; ]" end strong_name_token_from_assembly (a_container_name: POINTER; a_key_blob: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]; a_key_blob_size: TYPED_POINTER [NATURAL_64]): BOOLEAN -- Retrieve the public portion of a key pair. require strong_name_retriveable: -- strong_name_retriveable external "dllwin mscorsn.dll signature (LPCWSTR, BYTE**, ULONG*): EIF_BOOLEAN use " alias "StrongNameTokenFromAssembly" end strong_name_free_buffer (a_key_blob: POINTER) -- Retrieve the public portion of a key pair. require strong_name_retriveable: -- strong_name_retriveable external "dllwin mscorsn.dll signature (BYTE*) use " alias "StrongNameFreeBuffer" end c_set_environment_variable (a_name, a_value: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- The SetEnvironmentVariable function sets the contents of the specified environment variable for the current process. external "C (LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR): BOOL | " alias "SetEnvironmentVariable" end c_create_cache (a_cache: TYPED_POINTER [POINTER]; a_reserved: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Retrieve the public portion of a key pair. external "dllwin fusion.dll signature (IAssemblyCache**, DWORD): HRESULT use " alias "CreateAssemblyCache" end c_is_in_cache (a_cache: POINTER; a_name: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Determines if assembly is in the instatiate cache require not_a_cache_is_null: a_cache /= default_pointer not_a_name_is_null: a_name /= default_pointer external "C++ inline use " alias "[ IAssemblyCache* pCache = (IAssemblyCache*)$a_cache; ASSEMBLY_INFO asmInfo; WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; ZeroMemory ((LPVOID)&asmInfo, sizeof (ASSEMBLY_INFO)); asmInfo.cbAssemblyInfo = sizeof (ASSEMBLY_INFO); asmInfo.pszCurrentAssemblyPathBuf = path; asmInfo.cchBuf = MAX_PATH; hr = pCache->QueryAssemblyInfo (0, (LPCWSTR)$a_name, &asmInfo); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return (EIF_BOOLEAN) (ASSEMBLYINFO_FLAG_INSTALLED == asmInfo.dwAssemblyFlags); } return (EIF_BOOLEAN)FALSE; ]" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end