note description: "Names used in tty." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EWB_NAMES inherit SHARED_LOCALE feature -- Access yes_or_no: STRING = " [y|n] " arrow_class_name: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> Class name: ") end arrow_feature_name: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> Feature name: ") end arrow_filter_name: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> Filter name: ") end arrow_profile_infomation_file_name: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> Profile information file name (default: `profinfo'): ") end arrow_compile_type: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> Compile type (default: `workbench'): ") end arrow_used_profiler: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> Used profiler (default: `eiffel'): ") end arrow_subquery: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> Subquery: ") end arrow_arguments: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> Arguments: ") end arrow_operator_index_followed_by: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> Operator index followed by operator ('and' or 'or'): ") end arrow_please_enter_an_operator_index: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> Please enter an operator index followed by an operator ('and' or 'or'): ") end arrow_operator_index: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> Operator index: ") end arrow_new_operator: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> New operator: ") end arrow_keep_assertions: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> Keep assertions") end arrow_subquery_index: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> Subquery index: ") end arrow_file_name: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> File name: ") end arrow_filenames: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("--> Filename(s): ") end command_arrow: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Command => ") end want_to_update_new_compiler: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Do you want to update to new version of compiler?") end enter_name_for_configuration_file: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Enter name for configuration file: ") end project_contains_no_compilable_target: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("This project contains no compilable target.") end has_more_than_one_target: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("This project has more than one target: ") end can_not_choose_a_target: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("You cannot choose a target because of the -stop/-batch option.") end select_the_target_you_want: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Select the target you want (0 to quit): ") end invalid_target: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Invalid target, select the target you want: ") end cannot_choose_name_because_of: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("You cannot choose the project location%Nbecause of the -stop/-batch option.%N") end enter_location_for_new_project: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Enter location for new project: ") end precompile_will_automtically_be_built: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Precompile will automatically be built%Nbecause of the -stop/-batch option.%N") end incorrect_options: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation (": incorrect options%N") end usage: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Usage:%N%T") end options: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("%NOptions:%N") end default_quick_melt_the_system: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("%Tdefault (no option): quick melt the system.%N%N") end disable: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("disable") end enable: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("enable") end no_previous_value: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("No previous value%N") end all_calees: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("All callees") end only_assignees: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Only assignees") end only_creators: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Only creators") end index_must_be_an_integer: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Index must be an integer.%N") end operator_must_be: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Operator must be 'and' or 'or'.%N") end there_is_no_item_available: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("There is no items available at this index.%N") end index_must_be_valid: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Index must be valid.%N") end file_name: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("File name: ") end file_name_with_default: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("File name (`Ace.ace' is the default): ") end invalid_choices: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Invalid choice%N%N") end include_parents: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Include parents") end ready_for_queries: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Ready for queries...") end an_error_occurred_while_loading_profiler: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("An error occurred while loading the configuration for your profiler.") end please_check_with_your_system_administator: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Please check with your system administrator whether your profiler is supported.") end file_already_exists: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("File already exists.%N") end no_active_queries: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("No active queries") end you_should_first_manipulate_the_subqueries: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("You should first manipulate the subqueries") end query: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Query:") end all_senders: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("All senders") end only_assigners: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Only assigners") end all_subqueries: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("All subqueries:%N") end the_total_active_query: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("%NThe total active query:%N") end entry_disabled: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation (" -> Entry disabled %N") end no_value_entered: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("No value entered. Do you want to: %N% %D: delete the previous value%N% %K: keep the previous value (default)%N% %Option: ") end a_subquery_has_the_following_form: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("A subquery has the following form: % %attribute operator value%N%N% %attribute is one of: featurename, calls, total, self, descendants, percentage%N% %operator is one of: < > <= >= = /= in%N% %value is one of: integer (for calls), string_with_wildcards (for featurename)%N% %%T%T real (for other attributes) or a bounded_value%N% %%T%T%TA string_with_wildcards is a string containing%N%T%T%T'*' or '?'%N% %%T%T%TA bounded_value is a value followed by '-' followed by%N%T%T%Ta value%N% %%T%T%T%TNo strings are allowed here.%N") end specify_the_ace_file: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Specify the Ace file: %N% %C: Cancel%N% %S: Specify file name%N% %T: Copy template%N%N% %Option: ") end finalizing_implies_some_c_compilation: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Finalizing implies some C compilation and linking.% %%NDo you want to do it now") end freezing_implies_some_c_compilation: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Freezing implies some C compilation and linking.% %%NDo you want to do it now") end batch_mode (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("Batch/Stop mode: saving new configuration format as '$1'."), [a_string]) end save_new_configuration_as (a_str: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("Save new configuration format as '$1'?"), [a_str]) end target_does_not_exist (a_target: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("Target `$1' does not exist or is not a compilable target.%NChoose among the following target(s): "), [a_target]) end create_new_project_in (a_str: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("Create new project in '$1'?"), [a_str]) end new_enviroment_value_for (a_key: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("New environment value for $1 will be used%Nbecause of the -stop/-batch option.%N"), [a_key]) end previous_value (a_value: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("Previous value: `$1'%N"), [a_value]) end unknow_menu (a_str: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("Unknown menu $1.%N"), [a_str]) end unknow_option (a_str: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("Unknown option $1.%N"), [a_str]) end ise_batch_version (a_wkname: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_version_number: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("==== ISE $1 - Interactive Batch Version (v$2) ====%N%N"), [a_wkname, a_version_number]) end cannot_open (a_file: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("Cannot open $1"), [a_file]) end one_subqueries_is (a_column, a_operator, a_value: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_active: BOOLEAN): STRING_32 do if a_active then Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("$1 $2 $3 is active"), [a_column, a_operator, a_value]) else Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("$1 $2 $3 is inactive"), [a_column, a_operator, a_value]) end end iron_packages_will_automatically_be_installed (a_iron_packages: LIST [READABLE_STRING_32]): STRING_32 local s: STRING_32 do create s.make_empty across a_iron_packages as ic loop if not s.is_empty then s.append_character (',') s.append_character (' ') end s.append (ic) end Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("The following Iron packages [$1] will be automatically installed%Nbecause of the -stop/-batch option.%N"), [s]) end feature -- Documentation l_Flat: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation("Flat view") end l_chart: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation("Chart") end l_relations: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation("Relations") end l_text: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation("Text") end l_contract: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation("Contract") end l_Flatshort: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation("Interface view") end feature -- Errors err_press_return_to_resume: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Press to resume compilation or to quit") end err_too_many_arguments: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Too many arguments. The following arguments will be ignored:") end session_aborted: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("ISE Eiffel: Session aborted%N") end exception_tag: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Exception tag: ") end cannot_create_file: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Cannot create file: ") end several_class_has_the_same_name: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Several classes have the same name:%N") end read_only_project_cannot_compile: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Read-only project: cannot compile.%N") end read_only_project_no_c_code_to_compile: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("Read-only project: no C code to compile in F_code.%N") end the_resource_editor_is_not_set: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("The resource EDITOR is not set%N") end you_must_select_an_ace_file_first: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("You must select an Ace file first%N") end thers_is_no_output_to_save: STRING_32 do Result := locale.translation ("There is no output to save.%N") end file_exists (a_file_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("File %"$1%" exists.%NPlease delete it first.%N"), [a_file_name]) end class_is_not_in_the_universe (a_class: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("$1 is not in the universe%N"), [a_class]) end class_is_not_a_valid_class_name (a_class: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("$1 is not a valid class name%N"), [a_class]) end cluster_does_not_exit (a_cluster_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("Cluster $1 does not exist."), [a_cluster_name]) end class_is_not_in_cluster (a_class: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("$1 is not in cluster."), [a_class]) end class_is_not_in_the_system (a_class: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("$1 is not in the system%N"), [a_class]) end you_must_now_run (a_script: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("You must now run %"$1%" in:%N%T"), [a_script]) end error_could_not_write_to (a_file_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("Error: could not write to $1%NPlease check permissions and disk space"), [a_file_name]) end ace_file_cannot_be_read (a_fn: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("Ace file `$1' cannot be read%N"), [a_fn]) end ace_file_does_not_exist (a_fn: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("Ace file `$1' does not exist%N"), [a_fn]) end feature_is_not_of_class (a_f, a_class: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("$1 is not a feature of $2"), [a_f, a_class]) end file_does_not_exist (a_file: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("$1: File does not exist!%N%N"), [a_file]) end there_is_already_project_compiled_in (a_project_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 do Result := locale.formatted_string (locale.translation ("There is already a project compiled in %"$1%"%NIt needs to be deleted before a precompilation.%N"), [a_project_name]) end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end