note date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class IRON_FS_CATALOG inherit IRON_CATALOG IRON_EXPORTER REFACTORING_HELPER SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_layout: IRON_LAYOUT; a_urls: like urls) do layout := a_layout urls := a_urls create installation_api.make_with_layout (a_layout, a_urls) ensure_folder_exists (a_layout.repositories_path) ensure_folder_exists (a_layout.archives_path) ensure_folder_exists (a_layout.packages_path) repositories := installation_api.db.repositories load_repositories end load_repositories do across repositories as c loop fill_repository (c) end end ensure_folder_exists (p: PATH) local d: DIRECTORY do create d.make_with_path (p) if not d.exists then d.recursive_create_dir end end feature -- Access layout: IRON_LAYOUT urls: IRON_URL_BUILDER installation_api: IRON_INSTALLATION_API feature -- Access: repository repositories: LIST [IRON_REPOSITORY] register_repository (a_repo: IRON_REPOSITORY) do installation_api.db.save_repository (a_repo) fill_repository (a_repo) end unregister_repository (a_uri: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do installation_api.db.remove_repository_by_uri (a_uri) if attached repository_at (a_uri) as repo then layout.iron_safe_delete_folder (layout.repository_data_folder (repo)) -- layout.iron_safe_delete_file (layout.repository_packages_data_path (repo)) layout.iron_safe_delete_folder (layout.repository_archive_path (repo)) end installation_api.refresh end repository (a_location: URI): detachable IRON_REPOSITORY do across repositories as c until Result /= Void loop if c.is_located_at (a_location) then Result := c end end end is_package_installed (a_package: IRON_PACKAGE): BOOLEAN -- Is package `a_package' installed? do Result := installation_api.is_package_installed (a_package) end feature -- Acces: package installed_packages: LIST [IRON_PACKAGE] do Result := installation_api.installed_packages end available_packages: LIST [IRON_PACKAGE] do create {ARRAYED_LIST [IRON_PACKAGE]} Result.make (10) across repositories as c loop across c.available_packages as p loop Result.force (p) end end end available_path_associated_with_uri (a_uri: URI): detachable PATH local repo: detachable IRON_REPOSITORY s,r: STRING l_package: detachable IRON_PACKAGE do s := a_uri.string create r.make_empty across repositories as c until repo /= Void loop if s.starts_with (c.location_string) then repo := c end end if repo /= Void then s := s.substring (repo.location_string.count + 1, s.count) across repo.available_packages as p until l_package /= Void loop across p.associated_paths as pn until l_package /= Void loop if s.starts_with (pn) then l_package := p r.wipe_out r.append (s.substring (pn.count + 1, s.count)) end end end if l_package /= Void then Result := layout.package_installation_path (l_package) if Result /= Void and then (create {DIRECTORY}.make_with_path (Result)).exists then Result := Result.extended (r) else Result := Void end end end end feature -- Operation update do across repositories as c loop update_repository (c, False) end end update_repository (repo: IRON_REPOSITORY; is_silent: BOOLEAN) local remote_node: IRON_REMOTE_NODE dir_vis: IRON_PACKAGE_FILE_SCANNER p: IRON_PACKAGE l_package_file_factory: IRON_PACKAGE_FILE_FACTORY pif: IRON_PACKAGE_FILE l_last_operation_succeed: BOOLEAN do if not is_silent then print ("Updating repository " + repo.location_string + " ...%N") end repo.reset_available_packages if attached {IRON_WEB_REPOSITORY} repo as l_remote_repo then create remote_node.make_with_repository (urls, api_version, l_remote_repo) if attached remote_node.packages as lst then l_last_operation_succeed := remote_node.last_operation_succeed if l_last_operation_succeed then across lst as ic loop if not is_silent then print ("- ") print (ic.human_identifier) print ("%N") end repo.put_package (ic) end elseif not is_silent then if attached remote_node.last_operation_error_message as err then print ("ERROR: " + err + "%N") else print ("ERROR: unable to get packages information!%N") end end end elseif attached {IRON_WORKING_COPY_REPOSITORY} repo as l_wc_repo then if l_wc_repo.exists then create dir_vis.make_empty dir_vis.set_default_iron_file_name ("package.iron") dir_vis.exclude_directory_names (<<"EIFGENs", ".svn", ".git">>) dir_vis.stop_on_first_matching_file (True) dir_vis.process_directory (l_wc_repo.path) create l_package_file_factory across dir_vis.list as ic loop pif := l_package_file_factory.new_package_file (ic) p := pif.to_package (l_wc_repo) if not is_silent then print ("- ") print (p.human_identifier) print ("%N") if not pif.has_expected_file_name then print ("!Warning: expected file name is %"") print (pif.expected_file_name) print ("%" instead of %"") print (ic) print ("%"%N") end end repo.put_package (p) end else if not is_silent then print ("ERROR: Repository %"" + l_wc_repo.location_string + "%" does not exist!%N") end end else debug ("refactor_fixme") fixme ("Local repository update is not yet implemented%N") end print ("Local repository update is not yet implemented%N") end save_updated_repository (repo) end fill_repository (repo: IRON_REPOSITORY) local f: RAW_FILE p: PATH retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then p := layout.repository_data_file (repo) create f.make_with_path (p) if f.exists and then f.is_access_readable then f.open_read if attached {IRON_REPOSITORY} f.retrieved as l_repo then repo.set_package_list (l_repo.available_packages) end f.close end else repo.reset_available_packages end rescue retried := True retry end save_updated_repository (repo: IRON_REPOSITORY) local f: RAW_FILE p: PATH do installation_api.db.save_available_repository_packages (repo) -- Save repository object p := layout.repository_data_file (repo) ensure_folder_exists (p.parent) create f.make_with_path (p) f.create_read_write f.independent_store (repo) f.close end feature -- Package operations path_to_uri_string (p: PATH): STRING_32 do Result := (create {IRON_UTILITIES}).path_to_uri_string (p) end download_package (a_repository: IRON_WEB_REPOSITORY; a_package: IRON_PACKAGE; ignoring_cache: BOOLEAN) local f: RAW_FILE p: PATH remote_node: IRON_REMOTE_NODE do p := layout.package_archive_path (a_package) ensure_folder_exists (p.parent) if a_package.has_archive_uri then create remote_node.make_with_repository (urls, api_version, a_repository) remote_node.download_package_archive (a_package, p, ignoring_cache) create f.make_with_path (p) if f.exists then a_package.set_archive_path (p.absolute_path.canonical_path) else -- Failure end end end install_package (a_repo: IRON_REPOSITORY; a_package: IRON_PACKAGE; ignoring_cache: BOOLEAN) -- do if attached {IRON_WEB_REPOSITORY} a_repo as l_web_repo then install_web_package (l_web_repo, a_package, ignoring_cache) elseif attached {IRON_WORKING_COPY_REPOSITORY} a_repo as l_wc_repo then install_fs_package (l_wc_repo, a_package) else check unsupported: False end end end install_fs_package (a_repo: IRON_WORKING_COPY_REPOSITORY; a_package: IRON_PACKAGE) -- Install `a_package' from local (file system) iron repository. local pii: IRON_PACKAGE_INSTALLATION_INFO p_info: PATH d: DIRECTORY do p_info := layout.package_installation_info_path (a_package) if attached layout.package_installation_path (a_package) as p then create d.make_with_path (p) if d.exists then create pii.make_with_package (a_package, p_info, p) on_package_just_installed (a_package) end end end install_web_package (a_repo: IRON_WEB_REPOSITORY; a_package: IRON_PACKAGE; ignoring_cache: BOOLEAN) -- Install `a_package' from web iron repository. local p: detachable PATH p_info,p_renaming,t: PATH l_uri: detachable URI ipu: IRON_UTILITIES f: RAW_FILE -- j: STRING -- js: JSON_STRING d: DIRECTORY i: INTEGER pii: IRON_PACKAGE_INSTALLATION_INFO do l_uri := a_package.archive_uri if l_uri /= Void then if a_package.has_archive_file_uri then p_renaming := layout.package_renaming_installation_path (a_package) p_info := layout.package_installation_info_path (a_package) create ipu ensure_folder_exists (p_renaming.parent) create f.make_with_path (p_renaming) if f.exists then -- Was renamed, then follow the new name p := layout.package_installation_path (a_package) end if p = Void then -- Expected folder for `a_package' local installation. p := layout.package_expected_installation_path (a_package) create d.make_with_path (p) if d.exists then -- There is conflict on package name t := p.appended ("-" + d.make_with_path (t) if d.exists then -- This is unlikely to occurs, but in this case, -- try to find a free name from i := 0 t := p until not d.exists loop i := i + 1 t := p.appended ("-" + i.out) d.make_with_path (t) end end p := t create f.make_with_path (p_renaming) f.create_read_write f.put_string (p.utf_8_name) f.close end end ipu.extract_package_archive (a_package, p, True, layout) create d.make_with_path (p) if d.exists then if not d.is_empty then create pii.make_with_package (a_package, p_info, p) on_package_just_installed (a_package) else layout.iron_safe_delete_folder (d.path) end end else -- missing local archive download_package (a_repo, a_package, ignoring_cache) if a_package.has_archive_file_uri then -- try again install_package (a_repo, a_package, ignoring_cache) else -- nothing was download end end else -- no archive (local or remote) end end uninstall_package (a_package: IRON_PACKAGE) -- Uninstall `a_package'. do -- Installation info file. layout.iron_safe_delete_file (layout.package_installation_info_path (a_package)) if a_package.is_local_working_copy then -- DO NOT REMOVE local source folder -- No archive file to delete for local package else layout.iron_safe_delete_folder (layout.package_installation_path (a_package)) -- Eventual renaming installation path layout.iron_safe_delete_file (layout.package_renaming_installation_path (a_package)) -- Associated archive file layout.iron_safe_delete_file (layout.package_archive_path (a_package)) end installed_packages.prune (a_package) end on_package_just_installed (a_package: IRON_PACKAGE) -- `a_package' just got installed. do installed_packages.force (a_package) end setup_package_installation (a_package: IRON_PACKAGE; cl_succeed: detachable CELL [BOOLEAN]; is_silent: BOOLEAN) --