note description: "Abstract description of an Eiffel class." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CLASS_AS inherit AST_EIFFEL CLICKABLE_AST redefine is_class, class_name end IDABLE rename id as class_id, set_id as set_class_id end create initialize feature {NONE} -- Initialization initialize (n: like class_name; ext_name: like external_class_name; is_d, is_e, is_fc, is_ex, is_par, is_o: BOOLEAN; top_ind: like top_indexes; bottom_ind: like bottom_indexes; g: like generics; cp: like parents; ncp: like parents; c: like creators; co: like convertors; f: like features; inv: like invariant_part; s: like suppliers; o: like obsolete_message; ed: like end_keyword) -- Create a new CLASS AST node. require n_not_void: n /= Void s_not_void: s /= Void co_valid: co /= Void implies not co.is_empty ed_not_void: ed /= Void do class_name := n external_class_name := ext_name is_deferred := is_d is_expanded := is_e is_frozen := is_fc is_external := is_ex is_partial := is_par is_once := is_o internal_top_indexes := top_ind internal_bottom_indexes := bottom_ind internal_generics := g internal_conforming_parents := cp internal_non_conforming_parents := ncp creators := c convertors := co features := f internal_invariant := inv if inv /= Void and then inv.assertion_list = Void then -- The keyword `invariant' followed by no assertion -- at all is not significant. invariant_part := Void has_empty_invariant := True else invariant_part := inv end suppliers := s obsolete_message := o end_keyword := ed date := -1 create body_indexes.make (0) ensure class_name_set: class_name = n external_class_name_set: external_class_name = ext_name is_deferred_set: is_deferred = is_d is_expanded_set: is_expanded = is_e is_frozen_set: is_frozen = is_fc is_external_set: is_external = is_ex is_partial_set: is_partial = is_par is_once_set: is_once = is_o internal_top_indexes_set: internal_top_indexes = top_ind internal_bottom_indexes_set: internal_bottom_indexes = bottom_ind internal_generics_set: internal_generics = g internal_parents_set: internal_conforming_parents = cp creators_set: creators = c convertors_set: convertors = co features_set: features = f empty_invariant_part: invariant_part = Void implies inv = Void or else inv.assertion_list = Void invariant_part_set: invariant_part /= Void implies invariant_part = inv suppliers_set: suppliers = s obsolete_message_set: obsolete_message = o end_keyword_not_void: end_keyword = ed internal_invariant_set: internal_invariant = inv date_set: date = -1 end feature -- Visitor process (v: AST_VISITOR) -- process current element. do v.process_class_as (Current) end feature -- Roundtrip alias_keyword_index: INTEGER -- Index of keyword "alias" associated with this class class_keyword_index: INTEGER -- Index of keyword "class" associated with this class obsolete_keyword_index: INTEGER -- Index of keyword "obsolete" associated with this class frozen_keyword_index, expanded_keyword_index, deferred_keyword_index, once_keyword_index, external_keyword_index: INTEGER -- Index of keywords that may appear in header mark alias_keyword (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- keyword "alias" associated with this class require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do Result := keyword_from_index (a_list, alias_keyword_index) end class_keyword (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- keyword "class" associated with this class require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do Result := keyword_from_index (a_list, class_keyword_index) end obsolete_keyword (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- keyword "obsolete" associated with this class require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do Result := keyword_from_index (a_list, obsolete_keyword_index) end frozen_keyword (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- Keywords that may appear in header mark require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do Result := keyword_from_index (a_list, frozen_keyword_index) end expanded_keyword (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- Keywords that may appear in header mark require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do Result := keyword_from_index (a_list, expanded_keyword_index) end deferred_keyword (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- Keywords that may appear in header mark require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do Result := keyword_from_index (a_list, deferred_keyword_index) end once_keyword (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- "once" keyword that may appear in header mark. require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do Result := keyword_from_index (a_list, once_keyword_index) end external_keyword (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- Keywords that may appear in header mark require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do Result := keyword_from_index (a_list, external_keyword_index) end set_header_mark (a_frozen_keyword, a_expanded_keyword, a_deferred_keyword, a_once_keyword, a_external_keyword: detachable KEYWORD_AS) -- Set header marks of a class. do if a_frozen_keyword /= Void then frozen_keyword_index := a_frozen_keyword.index end if a_expanded_keyword /= Void then expanded_keyword_index := a_expanded_keyword.index end if a_deferred_keyword /= Void then deferred_keyword_index := a_deferred_keyword.index end if attached a_once_keyword then once_keyword_index := a_once_keyword.index end if a_external_keyword /= Void then external_keyword_index := a_external_keyword.index end ensure frozen_keyword_set: a_frozen_keyword /= Void implies frozen_keyword_index = a_frozen_keyword.index expanded_keyword_set: a_expanded_keyword /= Void implies expanded_keyword_index = a_expanded_keyword.index deferred_keyword_set: a_deferred_keyword /= Void implies deferred_keyword_index = a_deferred_keyword.index once_keyword_set: attached a_once_keyword implies once_keyword_index = a_once_keyword.index external_keyword_set: a_external_keyword /= Void implies external_keyword_index = a_external_keyword.index end set_class_keyword (k_as: like class_keyword) -- Set `class_keyword' with `k_as'. do if k_as /= Void then class_keyword_index := k_as.index end ensure class_keyword_set: k_as /= Void implies class_keyword_index = k_as.index end set_alias_keyword (k_as: like alias_keyword) -- Set `alias_keyword' with `k_as'. do if k_as /= Void then alias_keyword_index := k_as.index end ensure alias_keyword_set: k_as /= Void implies alias_keyword_index = k_as.index end set_obsolete_keyword (k_as: like obsolete_keyword) -- Set `obsolete_keyword' with `k_as'. do if k_as /= Void then obsolete_keyword_index := k_as.index end ensure obsolete_keyword_set: k_as /= Void implies obsolete_keyword_index = k_as.index end first_header_mark (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- First header mark keyword, -- Void if no one appears. require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do if frozen_keyword_index /= 0 then Result := frozen_keyword (a_list) elseif deferred_keyword_index /= 0 then Result := deferred_keyword (a_list) elseif expanded_keyword_index /= 0 then Result := expanded_keyword (a_list) elseif once_keyword_index /= 0 then Result := once_keyword (a_list) elseif external_keyword_index /= 0 then Result := external_keyword (a_list) end end set_replicated_features (a_replicated_features_list: like replicated_features) -- Set `replicated_features' to `a_replicated_features_list' do replicated_features := a_replicated_features_list end index: INTEGER -- do Result := class_keyword_index end internal_bottom_indexes: detachable INDEXING_CLAUSE_AS -- Internal indexing clause at bottom of class. internal_top_indexes: detachable INDEXING_CLAUSE_AS -- Internal indexing clause at top of class. internal_conforming_parents: detachable PARENT_LIST_AS -- Internal conforming inheritance clause internal_non_conforming_parents: detachable PARENT_LIST_AS -- Internal non-conforming inheritance clause internal_generics: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FORMAL_DEC_AS] -- Internal formal generic parameter list internal_invariant: like invariant_part -- Invariant clause used by roundtrip, in which assertion without expression(such as "tag:") is stored. feature -- Attributes class_name: ID_AS -- Class name external_class_name: detachable STRING_AS -- External_name of class if `is_external'. obsolete_message: detachable STRING_AS -- Obsolete message clause -- (Void if was not present) top_indexes: detachable INDEXING_CLAUSE_AS -- Indexing clause at top of class. do if attached internal_top_indexes as l_top_indexes and then not l_top_indexes.is_empty then Result := l_top_indexes end end bottom_indexes: detachable INDEXING_CLAUSE_AS -- Indexing clause at bottom of class. do if attached internal_bottom_indexes as l_bottom_indexes and then not l_bottom_indexes.is_empty then Result := l_bottom_indexes end end parents: detachable PARENT_LIST_AS -- Parents from both conforming and non-conforming inheritance clauses. local l_conforming_parents, l_non_conforming_parents: like non_conforming_parents do l_conforming_parents := conforming_parents if l_conforming_parents /= Void then l_non_conforming_parents := non_conforming_parents if l_non_conforming_parents /= Void then create Result.make (l_conforming_parents.count + l_non_conforming_parents.count) Result.append (l_conforming_parents) -- We need to twin the result if appending to avoid side effect. Result.append (l_non_conforming_parents) else Result := l_conforming_parents end else Result := non_conforming_parents end end conforming_parents: detachable PARENT_LIST_AS -- Parents from conforming inheritance clause. do -- Return Void if list is empty if attached internal_conforming_parents as l_parents and then not l_parents.is_empty then Result := l_parents end end non_conforming_parents: detachable PARENT_LIST_AS -- Parents from non-conforming inheritance clause. do -- Return Void if list is empty if attached internal_non_conforming_parents as l_parents and then not l_parents.is_empty then Result := l_parents end end generics: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FORMAL_DEC_AS] -- Formal generic parameter list do if attached internal_generics as l_generics and then not l_generics.is_empty then Result := l_generics end end creators: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [CREATE_AS] -- Creators convertors: detachable CONVERT_FEAT_LIST_AS -- Convertors features: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_CLAUSE_AS] -- Feature list replicated_features: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_AS] -- List of inherited features that are replicated in `Current'. -- Even though this information is compilation specific it needs to be -- here so that the AST's of the replicated features get stored to disk. invariant_part: detachable INVARIANT_AS -- Class invariant suppliers: SUPPLIERS_AS -- Supplier types is_deferred: BOOLEAN -- Is the class deferred ? is_expanded: BOOLEAN -- Is the class expanded ? is_once: BOOLEAN -- Is the class once? is_frozen: BOOLEAN -- Is class frozen, ie we cannot inherit from it. is_external: BOOLEAN -- Is class just an encapsulation of an already generated class. is_partial: BOOLEAN -- Is class a partial? (that is the type definition is divided between multiple files) click_list: CLICK_LIST do if attached internal_click_list as l_click_list then Result := l_click_list else Result := (create {AST_CLICKABLE_VISITOR}).click_list (Current) internal_click_list := Result end end internal_click_list: detachable CLICK_LIST -- Clickable AST items for current class. end_keyword: KEYWORD_AS -- Position of last end keyword feature_clause_insert_position: INTEGER -- Position at end of features conforming_inherit_clause_insert_position: INTEGER -- Position at end of inherit clause. non_conforming_inherit_clause_insert_position: INTEGER -- Position at end of non-conforming inherit clause. generics_start_position: INTEGER -- Position at start of formal generics. generics_end_position: INTEGER -- Position at end of formal generics. feature_clause_insert_character_position: INTEGER -- Character position at end of features conforming_inherit_clause_insert_character_position: INTEGER -- Character position at end of inherit clause. non_conforming_inherit_clause_insert_character_position: INTEGER -- Character position at end of non-conforming inherit clause. generics_start_character_position: INTEGER -- Character position at start of formal generics. generics_end_character_position: INTEGER -- Character position at end of formal generics. invariant_insertion_position: INTEGER -- Position where new invariant can be inserted (at the end of an invariant -- clause if any, otherwise before the indexing or end keyword). do if attached invariant_part as l_inv then Result := l_inv.end_location.final_position + 1 elseif bottom_indexes /= Void then -- We don't have access to the 'note' keyword so we use the 'feature_clause_insert_position' to add a new invariant. Result := feature_clause_insert_position else Result := end_keyword.position end end has_empty_invariant: BOOLEAN -- Does class have an empty invariant clause? date: INTEGER -- Date of file when last parsed. feature -- Status report is_class: BOOLEAN = True -- Does the Current AST represent a class? feature -- Roundtrip/Token first_token (a_list: detachable LEAF_AS_LIST): detachable LEAF_AS do if a_list = Void then if attached top_indexes as l_top_indexes then Result := l_top_indexes.first_token (a_list) else Result := class_name.first_token (a_list) end else if not a_list.is_empty and then attached {BREAK_AS} a_list.first.first_token (a_list) as l_break then Result := l_break else if attached internal_top_indexes as l_top_indexes then Result := l_top_indexes.first_token (a_list) else Result := first_header_mark (a_list) if Result = Void then Result := class_keyword (a_list) end end end end end last_token (a_list: detachable LEAF_AS_LIST): detachable LEAF_AS do if a_list = Void then Result := end_keyword.last_token (a_list) else if not a_list.is_empty and then attached {BREAK_AS} a_list.last.last_token (a_list) as l_break then Result := l_break else Result := end_keyword.last_token (a_list) end end end feature {EIFFEL_PARSER_SKELETON} -- Element change set_text_positions (ge, cip, ncip, fp, gec, cicp, ncicp, fcp: INTEGER) -- Set positions in class text. require ge_positive_or_not_present: ge >= 0 cip_positive: cip >= 0 and cip >= ge ncip_positive: ncip >= 0 and ncip >= cip fp_positive: fp > 0 and fp >= cip gec_positive_or_not_present: gec >= 0 cicp_positive: cicp >= 0 and cicp >= gec ncicp_positive: ncicp >= 0 and ncicp >= cicp fcp_positive: fcp > 0 and fcp >= cicp do generics_end_position := ge conforming_inherit_clause_insert_position := cip non_conforming_inherit_clause_insert_position := ncip feature_clause_insert_position := fp generics_end_character_position := gec conforming_inherit_clause_insert_character_position := cicp non_conforming_inherit_clause_insert_character_position := ncicp feature_clause_insert_character_position := fcp ensure generics_end_position: generics_end_position = ge conforming_inherit_clause_insert_position_set: conforming_inherit_clause_insert_position = cip non_conforming_inherit_clause_insert_position_set: non_conforming_inherit_clause_insert_position = ncip feature_clause_insert_position_set: feature_clause_insert_position = fp generics_end_character_position: generics_end_character_position = gec conforming_inherit_clause_insert_character_position_set: conforming_inherit_clause_insert_character_position = cicp non_conforming_inherit_clause_insert_character_position_set: non_conforming_inherit_clause_insert_character_position = ncicp feature_clause_insert_character_position_set: feature_clause_insert_character_position = fcp end feature -- Access body_indexes: HASH_TABLE [FEATURE_AS, INTEGER] -- Table for FEATURE_AS instance indexed by their body index. feature_with_name (n: INTEGER): detachable FEATURE_AS -- Feature AST with internal name `n'. local l_features: like features i, l_count: INTEGER l_area: SPECIAL [FEATURE_CLAUSE_AS] do l_features := features if l_features /= Void then from l_area := l_features.area l_count := l_area.count until i = l_count or else Result /= Void loop Result := l_area [i].feature_with_name (n) i := i + 1 end end end parent_with_name (n: STRING): detachable PARENT_AS -- Parent AST with class name `n'. require n_not_void: n /= Void local cur: INTEGER pn: STRING l_parents: like parents do l_parents := parents if l_parents /= Void then cur := l_parents.index from l_parents.start until l_parents.after or else Result /= Void loop pn := if pn.is_equal (n) then Result := l_parents.item end l_parents.forth end l_parents.go_i_th (cur) end end conforming_parent_with_name (n: STRING): detachable PARENT_AS -- Conforming Parent AST with class name `n'. require n_not_void: n /= Void local cur: INTEGER pn: STRING l_parents: like conforming_parents do l_parents := conforming_parents if l_parents /= Void then cur := l_parents.index from l_parents.start until l_parents.after or else Result /= Void loop pn := if pn.is_equal (n) then Result := l_parents.item end l_parents.forth end l_parents.go_i_th (cur) end end non_conforming_parent_with_name (n: STRING): detachable PARENT_AS -- Non-conforming Parent AST with class name `n'. require n_not_void: n /= Void local cur: INTEGER pn: STRING l_parents: like non_conforming_parents do l_parents := non_conforming_parents if l_parents /= Void then cur := l_parents.index from l_parents.start until l_parents.after or else Result /= Void loop pn := if pn.is_equal (n) then Result := l_parents.item end l_parents.forth end l_parents.go_i_th (cur) end end clickable_item (a_clickable: CLICKABLE_AST): detachable CLICK_AST -- Corresponding click-item for `a_clickable'. -- `Void' if not in `click_list'. require a_clickable_not_void: a_clickable /= Void local l_click_list: CLICK_LIST do l_click_list := click_list if l_click_list /= Void then Result := l_click_list.item_by_node (a_clickable) end ensure correct_item: Result /= Void implies Result.node = a_clickable end click_ast: detachable CLICK_AST -- Position of class name. do Result := clickable_item (Current) ensure click_ast_definition: Result /= Void implies Result.node = Current end generics_as_string: detachable STRING -- Output `formal_decs' as string to `generics'. -- `Void' if `generics' `Void'. local i: INTEGER do if attached generics as l_generics then create Result.make (3) Result.extend ('[') from i := 1 until i > l_generics.count loop if i > 1 then Result.append (", ") end Result.append (l_generics.i_th (i).constraint_string) i := i + 1 end Result.extend (']') end end custom_attributes: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_AS] -- Custom attributse of current class if any. do if attached top_indexes as l_top_indexes then Result := l_top_indexes.custom_attributes end end class_custom_attributes: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_AS] -- Custom attributes of current class if any. do if attached top_indexes as l_top_indexes then Result := l_top_indexes.class_custom_attributes end end interface_custom_attributes: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_AS] -- Custom attributes of current class if any. do if attached top_indexes as l_top_indexes then Result := l_top_indexes.interface_custom_attributes end end assembly_custom_attributes: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_AS] -- Custom attributes of current class if any. do if attached top_indexes as l_top_indexes then Result := l_top_indexes.assembly_custom_attributes end end feature -- Query all_features: attached BILINEAR [attached FEATURE_AS] -- Retrieves a list of all features of the Current class. local l_fccursor, l_fcursor: INTEGER l_result: attached ARRAYED_LIST [attached FEATURE_AS] do create l_result.make (0) if attached features as l_fclauses then -- Iterate the features clauses and feature all features l_fccursor := l_fclauses.index from l_fclauses.start until l_fclauses.after loop if attached l_fclauses.item as l_fclause and then attached l_fclause.features as l_features then -- Iterate all features and extend the result list l_fcursor := l_features.index from l_features.start until l_features.after loop if attached l_features.item as l_feature then -- Add feature l_result.extend (l_feature) end l_features.forth end l_features.go_i_th (l_fcursor) end l_fclauses.forth end l_fclauses.go_i_th (l_fccursor) end Result := l_result end feature_of_name_32 (a_name: STRING_32; a_reverse_lookup: BOOLEAN): detachable FEATURE_AS -- Retrieves the first located feature using the supplied feature name. -- -- `a_name': The feature name to retrieve a feature AS node for. -- `a_reverse_lookup': True to lookup a feature from the end to the beginning. require a_name_attached: a_name /= Void not_a_name_is_empty: not a_name.is_empty do Result := feature_of_name (encoding_converter.utf32_to_utf8 (a_name), a_reverse_lookup) end feature_of_position (a_line: INTEGER;): detachable FEATURE_AS -- Retrieves the feature located -- -- `a_line': One-base line number index to start looking for a feature at. -- `a_reverse_lookup': True to lookup a feature from the end to the beginning. -- `Result': The feature node located at the corresponding line number or Void if the line -- number resides outside of a feature. local l_fccursor, l_fcursor: INTEGER l_helper: AST_HELPER l_stop: BOOLEAN do if attached features as l_fclauses and then not l_fclauses.is_empty then -- Iterate the features clauses and feature all features create l_helper l_fccursor := l_fclauses.index from l_fclauses.start until l_stop or else l_fclauses.after loop if attached l_fclauses.item as l_fclause and then l_helper.is_valid_positional_node (l_fclause) and then l_helper.is_line_in (l_fclause, a_line) then if attached l_fclause.features as l_features then -- Found a feature clauses -- Iterate all features and extend the result list l_fcursor := l_features.index from l_features.start until l_stop or l_features.after loop if attached l_features.item as l_feature and then l_helper.is_valid_positional_node (l_feature) and then l_helper.is_line_in (l_feature, a_line) then Result := l_feature l_stop := True end l_features.forth end l_features.go_i_th (l_fcursor) end -- Ensure we go no further because if no feature is found then -- we are not going to find it. l_stop := True end check stop_for_attached_result: Result /= Void implies l_stop end l_fclauses.forth end l_fclauses.go_i_th (l_fccursor) end end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Comparison feature_of_name (a_name: STRING; a_reverse_lookup: BOOLEAN): detachable FEATURE_AS -- Retrieves the first located feature using the supplied feature name. -- -- `a_name': The feature name to retrieve a feature AS node for. -- `a_reverse_lookup': True to lookup a feature from the end to the beginning. require a_name_attached: a_name /= Void not_a_name_is_empty: not a_name.is_empty local l_fccursor, l_fcursor: INTEGER do if attached features as l_fclauses then l_fccursor := l_fclauses.index if a_reverse_lookup then l_fclauses.finish else l_fclauses.start end -- Iterate the features clauses and feature all features from until l_fclauses.after or Result /= Void loop if attached l_fclauses.item as l_fclause and then attached l_fclause.features as l_features then l_fcursor := l_features.index if a_reverse_lookup then l_features.finish else l_features.start end -- Iterate all features and extend the result list from until l_features.after or Result /= Void loop if attached l_features.item as l_feature2 and then l_feature2.is_named (a_name) then -- Feature located Result := l_feature2 end if a_reverse_lookup then l_features.back else l_features.forth end end l_features.go_i_th (l_fcursor) end if a_reverse_lookup then l_fclauses.back else l_fclauses.forth end end l_fclauses.go_i_th (l_fccursor) end end feature -- Comparison is_equivalent (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is `other' equivalent to the current object ? do Result := equivalent (class_name, other.class_name) and then equivalent (creators, other.creators) and then equivalent (generics, other.generics) and then equivalent (top_indexes, other.top_indexes) and then equivalent (bottom_indexes, other.bottom_indexes) and then equivalent (invariant_part, other.invariant_part) and then equivalent (obsolete_message, other.obsolete_message) and then equivalent (parents, other.parents) and then equivalent (features, other.features) and then is_deferred = other.is_deferred and then is_expanded = other.is_expanded and then is_once = other.is_once end feature {COMPILER_EXPORTER} -- Setting set_top_indexes (i: like top_indexes) do internal_top_indexes := i end set_date (a_date: like date) -- Set `date' with `a_date'. require a_date_valid: a_date >= -1 do date := a_date ensure date_set: date = a_date end invariant convertors_valid: attached convertors as l_convs implies not l_convs.is_empty date_valid: date >= -1 note ca_ignore: "CA011", "CA011: too many arguments" copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end