note description: "AST node factories. Accepts UTF-8 encoding in STRING_8 instances." class AST_FACTORY inherit INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER feature -- Buffer operation set_buffer (a_buf: STRING; a_scn: YY_SCANNER_SKELETON) -- Clear `a_buf' and then set it with `a_scn'.text. require a_buf_not_void: a_buf /= Void a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do end append_text_to_buffer (a_buf: STRING; a_scn: YY_SCANNER_SKELETON) -- Append `a_scn'.text to end of buffer `a_buf'. require a_buf_not_void: a_buf /= Void a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do end append_character_to_buffer (a_buf: STRING; c: CHARACTER) -- Append `c' to end of buffer `a_buf'. require a_buf_not_void: a_buf /= Void do end append_two_characters_to_buffer (a_buf: STRING; a, b: CHARACTER) -- Append `a' and `b' to end of buffer `a_buf'. require a_buf_not_void: a_buf /= Void do end new_string (n: INTEGER): detachable STRING -- New STRING object of size `n'. require n_non_negative: n >= 0 do create Result.make (n) end feature -- Roundtrip: Match list maintaining match_list: detachable LEAF_AS_LIST -- List of LEAF_AS nodes. match_list_count: INTEGER -- Number of elements in `internal_match_list' match_list_count_backup: INTEGER -- Backup value of `match_list_count' as it was when the last time `backup_match_list_count' is called. create_match_list (l_size: INTEGER) -- Create a new `match_list' with initial `l_size'. require l_size_positive: l_size > 0 do end extend_match_list (a_match: LEAF_AS) -- Extend `internal_match_list' with `a_match'. do end extend_match_list_with_stub (a_stub: LEAF_STUB_AS) -- Extend `match_list' with stub `a_stub', -- and set index in `a_match'. do end backup_match_list_count -- Backup value of `match_list_count' into `match_list_count_backup'. do end resume_match_list_count -- Resume the value of `match_list_count_backup' and set `match_list_count' with it. do end enable_match_list_extension -- Enable extension of `match_list'. do is_match_list_extension_disabled := False ensure match_list_extension_enabled: is_match_list_extension_enabled end disable_match_list_extension -- Disable extension of `match_list'. do is_match_list_extension_disabled := True ensure match_list_extension_disabled: not is_match_list_extension_enabled end is_match_list_extension_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is match list extension enabled? do Result := not is_match_list_extension_disabled end is_match_list_extension_disabled: BOOLEAN -- Is match list extension disabled? feature -- Roundtrip reverse_extend_separator (a_list: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [AST_EIFFEL]; l_as: detachable LEAF_AS) -- Add `l_as' into `a_list'.separator_list in reverse order. do end reverse_extend_identifier (a_list: detachable IDENTIFIER_LIST; l_as: detachable ID_AS) -- Add `l_as' into `a_list.id_list'. do end reverse_extend_identifier_separator (a_list: detachable IDENTIFIER_LIST; l_as: detachable LEAF_AS) -- Add `l_as' into `a_list.separator_list'. do end feature -- Parser Access parser: detachable EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON -- Parser used in conjonction with current factory. set_parser (v: like parser) do parser := v ensure parser_set: parser =v end feature -- Typing keyword_id_type: TUPLE [keyword: detachable KEYWORD_AS; id: detachable ID_AS; line, column: INTEGER; filename: like {ERROR}.file_name] -- Type for `new_keyword_id_as'. do check False then end ensure is_called: False end symbol_id_type: TUPLE [symbol: detachable SYMBOL_AS; id: detachable ID_AS; line, column: INTEGER; filename: like {ERROR}.file_name] -- Type for `new_symbol_id_as'. do check False then end ensure is_called: False end feature -- Access new_agent_routine_creation_as (t: detachable OPERAND_AS; f: detachable ID_AS; o: detachable DELAYED_ACTUAL_LIST_AS; is_qualified: BOOLEAN; a_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS; d_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable AGENT_ROUTINE_CREATION_AS -- New AGENT_ROUTINE_CREATION AST node. do create Result.make (t, f, o, is_qualified, a_as, d_as) end new_inline_agent_creation_as (a_b: detachable BODY_AS; a_o: detachable DELAYED_ACTUAL_LIST_AS; a_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable INLINE_AGENT_CREATION_AS -- New INLINE_AGENT_CREATION AST node. do if a_b /= Void then create Result.make (a_b, a_o, a_as) end end new_creation_as (is_active: BOOLEAN; tp: detachable TYPE_AS; tg: detachable ACCESS_AS; c: detachable ACCESS_INV_AS; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable CREATION_AS -- New CREATION AST node. do if tg /= Void then create Result.make (is_active, tp, tg, c, k_as) end end new_creation_expr_as (is_active: BOOLEAN; t: detachable TYPE_AS; c: detachable ACCESS_INV_AS; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable CREATION_EXPR_AS -- New creation expression AST node do if t /= Void then create Result.make (is_active, t, c, k_as) end end new_assigner_mark_as (k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS; i_as: detachable ID_AS): detachable PAIR [KEYWORD_AS, ID_AS] -- New pair of assigner_mark structure. do if k_as /= Void and i_as /= Void then create Result.make (k_as, i_as) end end new_filled_none_id_as (l, c, p, s, cc, cp, cs: INTEGER): detachable NONE_ID_AS -- New empty ID AST node. require l_non_negative: l >= 0 c_non_negative: c >= 0 p_non_negative: p >= 0 s_non_negative: s >= 0 cc_non_negative: cc >= 0 cp_non_negative: cp >= 0 cs_non_negative: cs >= 0 do create Result.make Result.set_position (l, c, p, s, cc, cp, cs) end new_constraint_triple (k_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; t_as: detachable CONSTRAINT_LIST_AS; l_as: detachable CREATION_CONSTRAIN_TRIPLE): detachable CONSTRAINT_TRIPLE -- New constraint triple structure. do create Result.make (k_as, t_as, l_as) end new_constraining_type (a_type_as: detachable TYPE_AS; a_renameing_clause_as: detachable RENAME_CLAUSE_AS; a_comma_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable CONSTRAINING_TYPE_AS -- New constraining type structure. do if a_type_as /= Void then create Result.make (a_type_as, a_renameing_clause_as, a_comma_as) end end new_eiffel_list_constraining_type_as (n: INTEGER): detachable CONSTRAINT_LIST_AS -- New empty list of `{CONSTRAINING_TYPE_AS}`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make (n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.capacity = n attached Result ⇒ Result.is_empty end new_alias_list (n: INTEGER): CONSTRUCT_LIST [FEATURE_ALIAS_NAME] -- New empty list of FEATURE_ALIAS_NAME require n_non_negative: n >= 0 do create Result.make (n) ensure list_full: Result /= Void implies Result.capacity = n and Result.is_empty end new_alias_name (a: detachable KEYWORD_AS; s: detachable STRING_AS; k: like {OPERATOR_KIND}.kind_anchor): detachable FEATURE_ALIAS_NAME -- New FEATURE_ALIAS_NAME. require attached s implies not s.value_32.is_empty do if attached s then create Result.make (s, a, k) end end new_agent_target_triple (l_as, r_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; o_as: detachable OPERAND_AS): detachable AGENT_TARGET_TRIPLE -- New ALIAS_NAME_INFO. do create Result.make (l_as, r_as, o_as) end new_keyword_instruction_list_pair (k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS; i_as: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]): detachable PAIR [KEYWORD_AS, EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]] -- New ALIST_TRIPLE. do if k_as /= Void and i_as /= Void then create Result.make (k_as, i_as) end end new_keyword_string_pair (k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS; s_as: detachable STRING_AS): detachable PAIR [KEYWORD_AS, STRING_AS] -- New keyword string pair. do if k_as /= Void and s_as /= Void then create Result.make (k_as, s_as) end end new_invariant_pair (k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS; i_as: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS]): detachable PAIR [KEYWORD_AS, detachable EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS]] -- New PAIR for a keyword and a tagged_as list. do if k_as /= Void then create Result.make (k_as, i_as) end end new_exit_condition_pair (u: detachable KEYWORD_AS; e: detachable EXPR_AS): detachable PAIR [KEYWORD_AS, EXPR_AS] -- New PAIR for an exit condition of a loop do if u /= Void and e /= Void then create Result.make (u, e) end end new_typed_char_as (t_as: detachable TYPE_AS; a_char: detachable CHAR_AS): detachable TYPED_CHAR_AS -- New TYPED_CHAR AST node. do if t_as /= Void and then a_char /= Void then create Result.initialize (t_as, a_char.value, a_char.line, a_char.column, a_char.position, a_char.location_count, a_char.character_column, a_char.character_position, a_char.character_count) end end new_line_pragma (a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable BREAK_AS -- New line pragma --| Keep entire line, actual processing will be done later if we need it. do create Result.make (a_scn.utf8_text, a_scn.line, a_scn.column, a_scn.position, a_scn.text_count, a_scn.character_column, a_scn.character_position, a_scn.unicode_text_count) end feature -- Access for Errors new_vtgc1_error (a_line: INTEGER; a_column: INTEGER; a_filename: like {ERROR}.file_name; a_type: TYPE_AS): ERROR -- New vtgc1 error. require a_type_attached: attached a_type do create {SYNTAX_ERROR} Result.make (a_line, a_column, a_filename, "Error VTGC1: Anchored types are not allowed in a constraint:%N %"" + a_type.dump + "%"") end new_vvok1_error (a_line: INTEGER; a_column: INTEGER; a_filename: like {ERROR}.file_name; a_once_as: FEATURE_AS): ERROR -- New VVOK1 error. require a_once_as_not_void: a_once_as /= Void local l_identifier: detachable STRING do if attached match_list as l_match_list then l_identifier := a_once_as.text (l_match_list) end if l_identifier = Void then l_identifier := "Unknown identifier" end create {SYNTAX_ERROR} Result.make (a_line, a_column, a_filename, "Error VVOK1: Conflict in once's keys of routine %"" + l_identifier + "%"") end new_vvok2_error (a_line: INTEGER; a_column: INTEGER; a_filename: like {ERROR}.file_name; a_once_as: FEATURE_AS): ERROR -- New VVOK2 error. require a_once_as_not_void: a_once_as /= Void local l_identifier: detachable STRING do if attached match_list as l_match_list then l_identifier := a_once_as.text (l_match_list) end if l_identifier = Void then l_identifier := "Unknown identifier" end create {SYNTAX_ERROR} Result.make (a_line, a_column, a_filename, "Error VVOK2: Unsupported once key in routine %""+ l_identifier +"%"%N(only %"PROCESS%", %"THREAD%", %"OBJECT%" are supported for now).") end feature -- Value AST creation new_character_value_as (a_psr: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON; buffer: STRING; roundtrip_buffer: STRING): detachable CHAR_AS -- New character value for a numerical character representation (i.e. '%/001/'). require buffer_not_void: buffer /= Void buffer_not_empty: not buffer.is_empty a_text_not_void: roundtrip_buffer /= Void a_psr_not_void: a_psr /= Void local l_integer: detachable INTEGER_AS u: UTF_CONVERTER do -- Would be nice to not have to create a INTEGER_AS to get the character value. l_integer := new_temporary_integer_value (a_psr, '+', buffer) if l_integer /= Void then if l_integer.natural_64_value <= {NATURAL_32}.Max_value then Result := new_character_as (l_integer.natural_32_value.to_character_32, a_psr.line, a_psr.column, a_psr.position, roundtrip_buffer.count, a_psr.character_column, a_psr.character_position, u.utf_8_to_string_32_count (roundtrip_buffer.area, 0, roundtrip_buffer.count - 1), roundtrip_buffer) else a_psr.report_character_code_too_large_error (buffer) -- Dummy code (for error recovery) follows: Result := new_character_as ('a', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, roundtrip_buffer) end else -- Dummy code since integer value could not be computed. Result := new_character_as ('a', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, roundtrip_buffer) end end new_temporary_integer_value (a_psr: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON; sign_symbol: CHARACTER; buffer: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable INTEGER_AS -- Useful to create a INTEGER_AS anhd get the associated numeric value. do backup_match_list_count disable_match_list_extension Result := new_integer_value (a_psr, sign_symbol, Void, buffer, Void) enable_match_list_extension resume_match_list_count end new_integer_value (a_psr: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON; sign_symbol: CHARACTER; a_type: detachable TYPE_AS; buffer: READABLE_STRING_8; s_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable INTEGER_AS -- New integer value. require buffer_not_void: buffer /= Void valid_sign: sign_symbol = '%U' or sign_symbol = '-' or sign_symbol = '+' a_psr_not_void: a_psr /= Void local token_value: STRING do validate_integer_real_type (a_psr, a_type, buffer, True) if is_valid_integer_real then -- Remember original token token_value := buffer.string -- Remove underscores (if any) without breaking -- original token if token_value.has ('_') then token_value.prune_all ('_') end if token_value.is_number_sequence then Result := new_integer_as (a_type, sign_symbol = '-', token_value, buffer, s_as, a_psr.line, a_psr.column, a_psr.position, a_psr.text_count, a_psr.character_column, a_psr.character_position, a_psr.unicode_text_count) elseif token_value.count >= 3 and then token_value.item (1) = '0' then if token_value.item (2).lower = 'x' then Result := new_integer_hexa_as (a_type, sign_symbol, token_value, buffer, s_as, a_psr.line, a_psr.column, a_psr.position, a_psr.text_count, a_psr.character_column, a_psr.character_position, a_psr.unicode_text_count) elseif token_value.item (2).lower = 'c' then Result := new_integer_octal_as (a_type, sign_symbol, token_value, buffer, s_as, a_psr.line, a_psr.column, a_psr.position, a_psr.text_count, a_psr.character_column, a_psr.character_position, a_psr.unicode_text_count) elseif token_value.item (2).lower = 'b' then Result := new_integer_binary_as (a_type, sign_symbol, token_value, buffer, s_as, a_psr.line, a_psr.column, a_psr.position, a_psr.text_count, a_psr.character_column, a_psr.character_position, a_psr.unicode_text_count) end end if Result = Void or else not Result.is_initialized then if sign_symbol = '-' then -- Add `-' for a better reporting. a_psr.report_integer_too_small_error (a_type, "-" + buffer) else a_psr.report_integer_too_large_error (a_type, buffer) end -- Dummy code (for error recovery) follows: Result := new_integer_as (a_type, False, "0", Void, s_as, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) end end end new_real_value (a_psr: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON; is_signed: BOOLEAN; sign_symbol: CHARACTER; a_type: detachable TYPE_AS; buffer: READABLE_STRING_8; s_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable REAL_AS -- New real value. require buffer_not_void: buffer /= Void a_psr_not_void: a_psr /= Void local l_buffer: READABLE_STRING_8 do validate_integer_real_type (a_psr, a_type, buffer, False) if is_valid_integer_real then if is_signed and sign_symbol = '-' then l_buffer := "-" + buffer else l_buffer := buffer end Result := new_real_as (a_type, l_buffer, buffer, s_as, a_psr.line, a_psr.column, a_psr.position, a_psr.text_count, a_psr.character_column, a_psr.character_position, a_psr.unicode_text_count) end end feature {NONE} -- Validation validate_integer_real_type (a_psr: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON; a_type: detachable TYPE_AS; buffer: READABLE_STRING_8; for_integer: BOOLEAN) -- New integer value. require buffer_not_void: buffer /= Void a_psr_not_void: a_psr /= Void do -- We cannot validate the name easily, so we assume it is correct. is_valid_integer_real := True end is_valid_integer_real: BOOLEAN -- Was last call to `validate_integer_real_type' successful? feature -- Validation validate_non_conforming_inheritance_type (a_psr: EIFFEL_PARSER_SKELETON; a_type: detachable TYPE_AS) -- Validate `a_type' for non-conforming inheritance. require a_psr_not_void: a_psr /= Void do -- We can assume that it is valid end feature -- Roundtrip: leaf_as new_keyword_as (a_code: INTEGER; a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- New KEYWORD AST node require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do create Result.make_with_location (a_scn.line, a_scn.column, a_scn.position, a_scn.text_count, a_scn.character_column, a_scn.character_position, a_scn.unicode_text_count) end new_keyword_id_as (a_code: INTEGER; a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable like keyword_id_type -- New KEYWORD AST node require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void valid_code: a_code = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_across or a_code = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_assign or a_code = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_attached or a_code = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_attribute or a_code = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_detachable or a_code = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_indexing or a_code = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_is or a_code = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_note or a_code = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_some do Result := [new_keyword_as (a_code, a_scn), new_filled_id_as (a_scn), a_scn.line, a_scn.column, a_scn.filename] end new_feature_keyword_as (l, c, p, s, cc, cp, cs:INTEGER; a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- New KEYWORD AST node for keyword "feature". require l_non_negative: l >= 0 c_non_negative: c >= 0 p_non_negative: p >= 0 s_non_negative: s >= 0 cc_non_negative: cc >= 0 cp_non_negative: cp >= 0 cs_non_negative: cs >= 0 a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do create Result.make_with_location (l, c, p, s, cc, cp, cs) end new_creation_keyword_as (a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- New KEYWORD AST node for keyword "creation' require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do Result := new_keyword_as ({EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_creation, a_scn) end new_end_keyword_as (a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- New KEYWORD AST node for keyword "end' require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do Result := new_keyword_as ({EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_end, a_scn) end new_frozen_keyword_as (a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- New KEYWORD AST node for keyword "frozen' require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do Result := new_keyword_as ({EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_frozen, a_scn) end new_precursor_keyword_as (a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- New KEYWORD AST node for keyword "precursor'. require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do Result := new_keyword_as ({EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_precursor, a_scn) end new_once_string_keyword_as (a_text: STRING; l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn: INTEGER): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- New KEYWORD AST node require l_non_negative: l >= 0 c_non_negative: c >= 0 p_non_negative: p >= 0 n_non_negative: n >= 0 cc_non_negative: cc >= 0 cp_non_negative: cp >= 0 cn_non_negative: cn >= 0 a_text_not_void: a_text /= Void a_text_not_empty: not a_text.is_empty do end new_symbol_as (a_code: INTEGER; a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable SYMBOL_AS -- New symbol AST node for all Eiffel symbols except ";", "[" and "]" require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do create Result.make (a_code, a_scn.line, a_scn.column, a_scn.position, a_scn.text_count, a_scn.character_column, a_scn.character_position, a_scn.unicode_text_count) end new_symbol_id_as (c: INTEGER; s: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable like symbol_id_type -- New tuple with a symbol and an id for the current token (free operator). require attached s valid_code: c = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_at or c = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_block_close or c = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_block_open or c = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_exists or c = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_forall or c = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_repeat_open or c = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_repeat_close do Result := [new_symbol_as (c, s), new_filled_id_as (s), s.line, s.column, s.filename] end new_square_symbol_as (a_code: INTEGER; a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable SYMBOL_AS -- New symbol AST node only for symbol "[" and "]" require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void a_code_is_squre: a_code = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_lsqure or a_code = {EIFFEL_TOKENS}.te_rsqure do Result := new_symbol_as (a_code, a_scn) end create_break_as (a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON) -- NEw BREAK_AS node do end create_break_as_with_data (a_text: STRING; l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn: INTEGER) -- New COMMENT_AS node require l_non_negative: l >= 0 c_non_negative: c >= 0 p_non_negative: p >= 0 n_non_negative: n >= 0 cc_non_negative: cc >= 0 cp_non_negative: cp >= 0 cn_non_negative: cn >= 0 a_text_not_void: a_text /= Void do end feature -- Access new_access_assert_as (f: detachable ID_AS; p: detachable PARAMETER_LIST_AS): detachable ACCESS_ASSERT_AS -- New ACCESS_ASSERT AST node do if f /= Void then create Result.initialize (f, p) end end new_access_feat_as (f: detachable ID_AS; p: detachable PARAMETER_LIST_AS): detachable ACCESS_FEAT_AS -- New ACCESS_FEAT AST node do if f /= Void then create Result.initialize (f, p) end end new_access_id_as (f: detachable ID_AS; p: detachable PARAMETER_LIST_AS): detachable ACCESS_ID_AS -- New ACCESS_ID AST node do if f /= Void then create Result.initialize (f, p) end end new_access_inv_as (f: detachable ID_AS; p: detachable PARAMETER_LIST_AS; k_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable ACCESS_INV_AS -- New ACCESS_INV AST node do if f /= Void then create Result.make (f, p, k_as) end end new_address_as (f: detachable FEATURE_NAME; a_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable ADDRESS_AS -- New ADDRESS AST node do if f /= Void then create Result.initialize (f, a_as) end end new_address_current_as (other: detachable CURRENT_AS; a_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable ADDRESS_CURRENT_AS -- New ADDRESS_CURRENT AST node do if other /= Void then create Result.initialize (other, a_as) end end new_address_result_as (other: detachable RESULT_AS; a_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable ADDRESS_RESULT_AS -- New ADDRESS_RESULT AST node do if other /= Void then create Result.initialize (other, a_as) end end new_all_as (a_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable ALL_AS -- New ALL AST node do create Result.initialize (a_as) end new_array_as (exp: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [EXPR_AS]; l_as, r_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable ARRAY_AS -- New Manifest ARRAY AST node do if exp /= Void then create Result.initialize (exp, l_as, r_as) end end new_assign_as (t: detachable ACCESS_AS; s: detachable EXPR_AS; a_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable ASSIGN_AS -- New ASSIGN AST node do if t /= Void and s /= Void then create Result.initialize (t, s, a_as) end end new_assigner_call_as (t: detachable EXPR_AS; s: detachable EXPR_AS; a_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable ASSIGNER_CALL_AS -- New ASSIGNER CALL AST node do if t /= Void and s /= Void then create Result.initialize (t, s, a_as) end end new_attribute_as (c: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable ATTRIBUTE_AS -- New ATTRIBUTE AST node do create Result.make (c, k_as) end new_bin_and_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_AND_AS -- New binary and AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_and_then_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; k_as, s_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable BIN_AND_THEN_AS -- New binary and then AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, Void) end end new_bin_div_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_DIV_AS -- New binary // AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_eq_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_EQ_AS -- New binary = AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_free_as (l: detachable EXPR_AS; op: detachable ID_AS; r: detachable EXPR_AS): detachable BIN_FREE_AS -- New BIN_FREE AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void and op /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, op, r) end end new_bin_ge_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_GE_AS -- New binary >= AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_gt_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_GT_AS -- New binary > AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_implies_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_IMPLIES_AS -- New binary implies AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_le_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_LE_AS -- New binary <= AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_lt_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_LT_AS -- New binary < AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_minus_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_MINUS_AS -- New binary - AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_mod_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_MOD_AS -- New binary \\ AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_ne_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_NE_AS -- New binary /= AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_not_tilde_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_NOT_TILDE_AS -- New binary /~ AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_or_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_OR_AS -- New binary or AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_or_else_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; k_as, s_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable BIN_OR_ELSE_AS -- New binary or else AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, Void) end end new_bin_plus_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_PLUS_AS -- New binary + AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_power_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_POWER_AS -- New binary ^ AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_slash_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_SLASH_AS -- New binary / AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_star_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_STAR_AS -- New binary * AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_tilde_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_TILDE_AS -- New binary ~ AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bin_xor_as (l, r: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable BIN_XOR_AS -- New binary xor AST node do if l /= Void and r /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, r, o) end end new_bracket_as (t: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [EXPR_AS]; l_as, r_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable BRACKET_AS -- New BRACKET AST node do if t /= Void and (o /= Void and then not o.is_empty) then create Result.make (t, o, l_as, r_as) end end new_body_as (a: detachable FORMAL_ARGU_DEC_LIST_AS; t: detachable TYPE_AS; r: detachable ID_AS; c: detachable CONTENT_AS; c_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; k_as: detachable LEAF_AS; a_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS; i_as: detachable INDEXING_CLAUSE_AS): detachable BODY_AS -- New BODY AST node do create Result.initialize (a, t, r, c, c_as, k_as, a_as, i_as) end new_boolean_as (b: BOOLEAN; a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable BOOL_AS -- New BOOLEAN AST node require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do create Result.initialize (b, a_scn.line, a_scn.column, a_scn.position, a_scn.text_count, a_scn.character_column, a_scn.character_position, a_scn.unicode_text_count) end new_built_in_as (l: detachable EXTERNAL_LANG_AS; a: detachable STRING_AS; e_as, a_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable BUILT_IN_AS -- New BUILT_IN AST node do if l /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, a, e_as, a_as) end end new_case_as (i: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INTERVAL_AS]; c: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]; w_as, t_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable CASE_AS -- New WHEN AST node do if i /= Void then create Result.make (i, c, w_as, t_as) end end new_case_expression_as (i: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INTERVAL_AS]; e: detachable EXPR_AS; w, t: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable CASE_EXPRESSION_AS -- New WHEN expression AST node. do if attached i and then attached e then create Result.make (i, e, w, t) end end new_character_as (c: CHARACTER_32; l, co, p, n, cc, cp, cn: INTEGER; a_text: STRING): detachable CHAR_AS -- New CHARACTER AST node require l_non_negative: l >= 0 co_non_negative: co >= 0 p_non_negative: p >= 0 n_non_negative: n >= 0 cc_non_negative: cc >= 0 cp_non_negative: cp >= 0 cn_non_negative: cn >= 0 do create Result.initialize (c, l, co, p, n, cc, cp, cn) end new_check_as (c: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS]; c_as, e: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable CHECK_AS -- New CHECK AST node do if e /= Void then create Result.initialize (c, c_as, e) end end new_class_as (n: detachable ID_AS; ext_name: detachable STRING_AS; is_d, is_e, is_fc, is_ex, is_par, is_o: BOOLEAN; top_ind, bottom_ind: detachable INDEXING_CLAUSE_AS; g: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FORMAL_DEC_AS]; cp: detachable PARENT_LIST_AS; ncp: detachable PARENT_LIST_AS c: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [CREATE_AS]; co: detachable CONVERT_FEAT_LIST_AS; f: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_CLAUSE_AS]; inv: detachable INVARIANT_AS; s: detachable SUPPLIERS_AS; o: detachable STRING_AS; ed: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable CLASS_AS -- New CLASS AST node. do if n /= Void and s /= Void and (co = Void or else not co.is_empty) and ed /= Void then create Result.initialize (n, ext_name, is_d, is_e, is_fc, is_ex, is_par, is_o, top_ind, bottom_ind, g, cp, ncp, c, co, f, inv, s, o, ed) end end new_class_type_as (n: detachable ID_AS; g: detachable TYPE_LIST_AS): detachable CLASS_TYPE_AS -- New CLASS_TYPE AST node do if n /= Void then if g /= Void then create {GENERIC_CLASS_TYPE_AS} Result.initialize (n, g) else create Result.initialize (n) end end end set_expanded_class_type (a_type: detachable TYPE_AS; is_expanded: BOOLEAN; s_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS) -- Set expanded status of `a_type' if it is an instance of CLASS_TYPE_AS. do if is_expanded and then attached {CLASS_TYPE_AS} a_type as l_class_type then l_class_type.set_is_expanded (True, s_as) end end new_named_tuple_type_as (n: detachable ID_AS; p: detachable FORMAL_ARGU_DEC_LIST_AS): detachable NAMED_TUPLE_TYPE_AS -- New TUPLE_TYPE AST node do if n /= Void and (p /= Void and then p.arguments /= Void) then create Result.initialize (n, p) end end new_client_as (c: detachable CLASS_LIST_AS): detachable CLIENT_AS -- New CLIENT AST node do if c /= Void and then not c.is_empty then create Result.initialize (c) end end new_constant_as (a: detachable ATOMIC_AS): detachable CONSTANT_AS -- New CONSTANT_AS node do if a /= Void then create Result.initialize (a) end end new_convert_feat_as (cr: BOOLEAN; fn: detachable FEATURE_NAME; t: detachable TYPE_LIST_AS; l_as, r_as, c_as, lc_as, rc_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable CONVERT_FEAT_AS -- New convert feature entry AST node. do if fn /= Void and (t /= Void and then not t.is_empty) then create Result.initialize (cr, fn, t, l_as, r_as, c_as, lc_as, rc_as) end end new_create_as (c: detachable CLIENT_AS; f: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_NAME]; c_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable CREATE_AS -- New creation clause AST node do create Result.initialize (c, f, c_as) end new_current_as (a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable CURRENT_AS -- New CURRENT AST node require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do create Result.make_with_location (a_scn.line, a_scn.column, a_scn.position, a_scn.text_count, a_scn.character_column, a_scn.character_position, a_scn.unicode_text_count) end new_custom_attribute_as (c: detachable CREATION_EXPR_AS; t: detachable TUPLE_AS; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_AS -- Create a new UNIQUE AST node. do if c /= Void then create Result.initialize (c, t, k_as) end end new_debug_as (k: detachable KEY_LIST_AS; c: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]; d_as, e: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable DEBUG_AS -- New DEBUG AST node do if e /= Void then create Result.initialize (k, c, d_as, e) end end new_deferred_as (a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable DEFERRED_AS -- New DEFERRED AST node require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do create Result.make_with_location (a_scn.line, a_scn.column, a_scn.position, a_scn.text_count, a_scn.character_column, a_scn.character_position, a_scn.unicode_text_count) end new_do_as (c: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable DO_AS -- New DO AST node do create Result.make (c, k_as) end new_eiffel_list_atomic_as (a: detachable ATOMIC_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [ATOMIC_AS] -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 n > 0 ⇒ attached a do if attached a then create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) else check from_precondition: n = 0 end create Result.make (0) end ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ∧ attached a ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_case_as (a: CASE_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [CASE_AS] -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_case_expression_as (a: CASE_EXPRESSION_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [CASE_EXPRESSION_AS] -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_convert (a: CONVERT_FEAT_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable CONVERT_FEAT_LIST_AS -- New conversion list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_create_as (a: CREATE_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [CREATE_AS] -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_elseif_as (a: ELSIF_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [ELSIF_AS] -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_elseif_expression_as (a: ELSIF_EXPRESSION_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [ELSIF_EXPRESSION_AS] -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_export_item_as (a: EXPORT_ITEM_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [EXPORT_ITEM_AS] -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_expr_as (a: detachable EXPR_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [EXPR_AS] -- New expression list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 n > 0 ⇒ attached a do if attached a then create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) else check from_precondition: n = 0 end create Result.make (0) end ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ∧ attached a ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_parameter_list_as (l: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [EXPR_AS]; lp_as, rp_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable PARAMETER_LIST_AS -- New empty list of EXPR_AS do if l /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, lp_as, rp_as) end end new_eiffel_list_feature_as (a: detachable FEATURE_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_AS] -- New feature list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 n > 0 ⇒ attached a do if attached a then create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) else check from_precondition: n = 0 end create Result.make (0) end ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ∧ attached a ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_feature_clause_as (a: FEATURE_CLAUSE_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_CLAUSE_AS] -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_feature_name (a: FEATURE_NAME; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_NAME] -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_feature_name_id (a: FEATURE_NAME; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_NAME] -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_formal_dec_as (a: detachable FORMAL_DEC_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable FORMAL_GENERIC_LIST_AS -- New formal generic list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 n > 0 ⇒ attached a do if attached a then create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) else check from_precondition: n = 0 end create Result.make (0) end ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ∧ attached a ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_indexing_clause_as (a: detachable INDEX_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable INDEXING_CLAUSE_AS -- New note clause list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 n > 0 ⇒ attached a do if attached a then create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) else check from_precondition: n = 0 end create Result.make (0) end ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ∧ attached a ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_instruction_as (a: detachable INSTRUCTION_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS] -- New instruction list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 n > 0 ⇒ attached a do if attached a then create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) else check from_precondition: n = 0 end create Result.make (0) end ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ∧ attached a ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_interval_as (a: INTERVAL_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INTERVAL_AS] -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_named_expression_as (a: NAMED_EXPRESSION_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [NAMED_EXPRESSION_AS] -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_operand_as (a: OPERAND_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [OPERAND_AS] require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_parent_as (a: detachable PARENT_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable PARENT_LIST_AS -- New parent list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 n > 0 ⇒ attached a do if attached a then create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) else check from_precondition: n = 0 end create Result.make (0) end ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ∧ attached a ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_rename_as (a: RENAME_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [RENAME_AS] -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_string_as (a: STRING_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [STRING_AS] -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_tagged_as (n: INTEGER): detachable EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS] -- New empty list of `{TAGGED_AS}`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make (n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.capacity = n attached Result ⇒ Result.is_empty end new_eiffel_list_type (a: detachable TYPE_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable TYPE_LIST_AS -- New type list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 n > 0 ⇒ attached a do if attached a then create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) else check from_precondition: n = 0 end create Result.make (0) end ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ∧ attached a ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_list_dec_as (a: LIST_DEC_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable LIST_DEC_LIST_AS -- New identifier list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_eiffel_list_type_dec_as (a: detachable TYPE_DEC_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable TYPE_DEC_LIST_AS -- New variable declaration list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 n > 0 ⇒ attached a do if attached a then create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) else check from_precondition: n = 0 end create Result.make (0) end ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ∧ attached a ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_elseif_as (e: detachable EXPR_AS; c: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]; l_as, t_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable ELSIF_AS -- New ELSIF AST node do if e /= Void then create Result.initialize (e, c, l_as, t_as) end end new_elseif_expression_as (c: detachable EXPR_AS; e: detachable EXPR_AS; l_as, t_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable ELSIF_EXPRESSION_AS -- New ELSIF_EXPRESSION AST node with condition `c', value `e', "elseif" keyword `l_as' and "then" keyword `t_as'. do if attached c and attached e then create Result.initialize (c, e, l_as, t_as) end end new_ensure_as (a: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS]; c: BOOLEAN; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable ENSURE_AS -- New ENSURE AST node do create Result.make (a, c, k_as) end new_ensure_then_as (a: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS]; c: BOOLEAN; k_as, l_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable ENSURE_THEN_AS -- New ENSURE THEN AST node do create Result.make (a, c, k_as, l_as) end new_export_item_as (c: detachable CLIENT_AS; f: detachable FEATURE_SET_AS): detachable EXPORT_ITEM_AS -- New EXPORT_ITEM AST node do if c /= Void then create Result.initialize (c, f) end end new_expr_address_as (e: detachable EXPR_AS; a_as, l_as, r_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable EXPR_ADDRESS_AS -- New EXPR_ADDRESS AST node do if e /= Void then create Result.initialize (e, a_as, l_as, r_as) end end new_expr_call_as (c: detachable CALL_AS): detachable EXPR_CALL_AS -- New EXPR_CALL AST node do if c /= Void then create Result.initialize (c) end end new_external_as (l: detachable EXTERNAL_LANG_AS; a: detachable STRING_AS; e_as, a_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable EXTERNAL_AS -- New EXTERNAL AST node do if l /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, a, e_as, a_as) end end new_external_lang_as (l: detachable STRING_AS): detachable EXTERNAL_LANG_AS -- New EXTERNAL_LANGUAGE AST node do if l /= Void then create Result.initialize (l) end end new_feature_as (f: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_NAME]; b: detachable BODY_AS; i: detachable INDEXING_CLAUSE_AS; next_pos: INTEGER): detachable FEATURE_AS -- New FEATURE AST node do if (f /= Void and then not f.is_empty) and b /= Void then create Result.initialize (f, b, i, 0, next_pos) end end new_feature_clause_as (c: detachable CLIENT_AS; f: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_AS]; l: detachable KEYWORD_AS; ep: INTEGER): detachable FEATURE_CLAUSE_AS -- New FEATURE_CLAUSE AST node do if f /= Void and l /= Void then create Result.initialize (c, f, l, ep) end end new_feature_list_as (f: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_NAME]): detachable FEATURE_LIST_AS -- New FEATURE_LIST AST node do if f /= Void then create Result.initialize (f) end end new_feature_name_alias_as (feature_name: detachable ID_AS; a_alias_list: detachable LIST [FEATURE_ALIAS_NAME]; c_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable FEATURE_NAME_ALIAS_AS -- New FEATURE_NAME_ALIAS AST node require alias_list_not_empty: attached a_alias_list implies not a_alias_list.is_empty has_alias_name: attached a_alias_list implies across a_alias_list as a all not a.alias_name.value_32.is_empty end no_alias_duplicates: attached a_alias_list implies across a_alias_list as x all across a_alias_list as y all x.alias_name.value_32.same_string (y.alias_name.value_32) implies @ x.target_index = @ y.target_index end end do if feature_name /= Void and then a_alias_list /= Void and then not a_alias_list.is_empty then create Result.initialize_with_list (feature_name, a_alias_list, c_as) end end new_feature_name_id_as (f: detachable ID_AS): detachable FEATURE_NAME -- New FEAT_NAME_ID AST node do if f /= Void then create Result.initialize (f) end end new_formal_as (n: detachable ID_AS; is_ref, is_exp, is_frozen: BOOLEAN; r_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable FORMAL_AS -- New FORMAL AST node do if n /= Void then create Result.initialize (n, is_ref, is_exp, is_frozen, r_as) end end new_formal_dec_as (f: detachable FORMAL_AS; c: detachable CONSTRAINT_LIST_AS; cf: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_NAME]; c_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; ck_as, ek_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable FORMAL_DEC_AS -- New FORMAL_DECLARATION AST node do if f /= Void then create Result.initialize (f, c, cf, c_as, ck_as, ek_as) end end new_filled_id_as (a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable ID_AS -- New empty ID AST node. require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void local l_cnt: INTEGER l_str: STRING do l_cnt := a_scn.text_count l_str := reusable_string_buffer l_str.wipe_out a_scn.append_utf8_text_to_string (l_str) create Result.initialize (l_str) Result.set_position (a_scn.line, a_scn.column, a_scn.position, l_cnt, a_scn.character_column, a_scn.character_position, a_scn.unicode_text_count) end new_filled_id_as_with_existing_stub (a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON; a_index: INTEGER): detachable ID_AS -- New empty ID AST node. require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do Result := new_filled_id_as (a_scn) end new_guard_as (c: detachable KEYWORD_AS; a: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS]; t: detachable KEYWORD_AS; l: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]; e: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable GUARD_AS -- New CHECK with body AST node do create Result.initialize (c, a, t, l, e) end new_identifier_list (a: like {ID_AS}.name_id; n: INTEGER): detachable IDENTIFIER_LIST -- New identifier list with `n` elements `a`. require n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure attached Result ⇒ Result.count = n ∧ Result.full attached Result ⇒ Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_if_as (cnd: detachable EXPR_AS; cmp: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]; ei: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [ELSIF_AS]; e: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]; end_location, i_as, t_as, e_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable IF_AS -- New IF AST node do if cnd /= Void and end_location /= Void then create Result.initialize (cnd, cmp, ei, e, end_location, i_as, t_as, e_as) end end new_if_expression_as (c: detachable EXPR_AS; t: detachable EXPR_AS; ei: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [ELSIF_EXPRESSION_AS]; e: detachable EXPR_AS; end_location, i_as, t_as, e_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable IF_EXPRESSION_AS -- New IF_EXPRESSION AST node with condition `c', Then_part `t', Elseif_part ei, Else_part `e', -- "end" keyword `end_location', "if", "then" and "else" keywords `i_as', `t_as', `e_as'. do if attached c and then attached t and then attached e and then attached end_location then create Result.initialize (c, t, ei, e, end_location, i_as, t_as, e_as) end end new_index_as (t: detachable ID_AS; i: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [ATOMIC_AS]; c_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable INDEX_AS -- Create a new INDEX AST node. do if i /= Void then create Result.initialize (t, i, c_as) end end new_inspect_as (s: detachable EXPR_AS; c: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [CASE_AS]; e: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]; end_location, i_as, e_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable INSPECT_AS -- New INSPECT AST node do if s /= Void and end_location /= Void then create Result.make (s, c, e, end_location, i_as, e_as) end end new_inspect_expression_as (s: detachable EXPR_AS; c: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [CASE_EXPRESSION_AS]; e: detachable EXPR_AS; end_location, i_as, e_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable INSPECT_EXPRESSION_AS -- New INSPECT expression AST node do if attached s and attached end_location then create Result.make (s, c, e, end_location, i_as, e_as) end end new_instr_call_as (c: detachable CALL_AS): detachable INSTR_CALL_AS -- New INSTR_CALL AST node do if c /= Void then create Result.initialize (c) end end new_integer_as (t: detachable TYPE_AS; s: BOOLEAN; v: detachable STRING; buf: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; s_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn: INTEGER): detachable INTEGER_AS -- New INTEGER_AS node do if v /= Void then create Result.make_from_string (t, s, v) Result.set_position (l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn) end end new_integer_hexa_as (t: detachable TYPE_AS; s: CHARACTER; v: detachable STRING; buf: READABLE_STRING_8; s_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn: INTEGER): detachable INTEGER_AS -- New INTEGER_AS node do if v /= Void then create Result.make_from_hexa_string (t, s, v) Result.set_position (l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn) end end new_integer_octal_as (t: detachable TYPE_AS; s: CHARACTER; v: detachable STRING; buf: READABLE_STRING_8; s_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn: INTEGER): detachable INTEGER_AS -- New INTEGER_AS node do if v /= Void then create Result.make_from_octal_string (t, s, v) Result.set_position (l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn) end end new_integer_binary_as (t: detachable TYPE_AS; s: CHARACTER; v: detachable STRING; buf: READABLE_STRING_8; s_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn: INTEGER): detachable INTEGER_AS -- New INTEGER_AS node do if v /= Void then create Result.make_from_binary_string (t, s, v) Result.set_position (l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn) end end new_interval_as (l, u: detachable ATOMIC_AS; d_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable INTERVAL_AS -- New INTERVAL AST node do if l /= Void then create Result.initialize (l, u, d_as) end end new_invariant_as (a: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS]; once_manifest_string_count: INTEGER; i_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS; object_test_locals: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [ID_AS, TYPE_AS]]): detachable INVARIANT_AS -- New INVARIANT AST node require valid_once_manifest_string_count: once_manifest_string_count >= 0 do create Result.initialize (a, once_manifest_string_count, i_as, object_test_locals) end new_iteration_as (a: detachable KEYWORD_AS; e: detachable EXPR_AS; b: detachable KEYWORD_AS; i: detachable ID_AS; is_restricted: BOOLEAN): detachable ITERATION_AS -- New ITERATION AST node for an iteration part of a loop in the form -- across expr as x -- when `not is_resticted` -- across expr is x -- when `is_resticted` do if e /= Void and i /= Void then create Result.make_keyword (a, e, b, i, is_restricted) end end new_symbolic_iteration_as (i: detachable ID_AS; a: detachable SYMBOL_AS; e: detachable EXPR_AS; b: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable ITERATION_AS -- New ITERATION AST node for an iteration part of a loop in the form -- "`i` ∈ `e` |" do if attached i and attached e then create Result.make_symbolic (i, a, e, b) end end new_like_id_as (a: detachable ID_AS; l_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable LIKE_ID_AS -- New LIKE_ID AST node do if a /= Void then create Result.initialize (a, l_as) end end new_like_current_as (other: detachable CURRENT_AS; l_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable LIKE_CUR_AS -- New LIKE_CURRENT AST node do if other /= Void then create Result.make (other, l_as) end end new_location_as (l, c, p, s, cc, cp, cs: INTEGER): detachable LOCATION_AS -- New LOCATION_AS require l_non_negative: l >= 0 c_non_negative: c >= 0 p_non_negative: p >= 0 s_non_negative: s >= 0 do create Result.make (l, c, p, s, cc, cp, cs) end new_loop_as (t: detachable ITERATION_AS; f: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]; i: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS]; v: detachable VARIANT_AS; s: detachable EXPR_AS; c: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]; e, f_as, i_as, u_as, l_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS; r, bc: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable LOOP_AS -- New LOOP AST node do if (t /= Void or s /= Void) and (attached e or attached bc) then create Result.initialize (t, f, i, v, s, c, e, f_as, i_as, u_as, l_as, r, bc) end end new_loop_expr_as (f: detachable ITERATION_AS; w: detachable KEYWORD_AS; i: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS]; u: detachable KEYWORD_AS; c: detachable EXPR_AS; q: detachable KEYWORD_AS; s: detachable SYMBOL_AS; a: BOOLEAN; e: detachable EXPR_AS; v: detachable VARIANT_AS; k: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable LOOP_EXPR_AS -- New LOOP expression AST node do if f /= Void and then e /= Void then create Result.initialize (f, w, i, u, c, q, s, a, e, v, k) end end new_named_expression_as (e: detachable EXPR_AS; a: detachable KEYWORD_AS; n: detachable ID_AS): detachable NAMED_EXPRESSION_AS -- New `{NAMED_EXPRESSION_AS}' node. do if attached e and then attached n then create Result.make (e, a, n) end end new_nested_expr_as (t: detachable EXPR_AS; m: detachable ACCESS_FEAT_AS; d_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable NESTED_EXPR_AS -- New NESTED_EXPR CALL AST node do if t /= Void and m /= Void then create Result.initialize (t, m, d_as) end end new_none_type_as (c: detachable ID_AS): detachable NONE_TYPE_AS -- New type AST node for "NONE" do if c /= Void then create Result.initialize (c) end end new_object_test_as (l_attached: detachable KEYWORD_AS; type: detachable TYPE_AS; expression: detachable EXPR_AS; l_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS; name: detachable ID_AS): detachable OBJECT_TEST_AS -- New OBJECT_TEST_AS node do if expression /= Void then create Result.make (l_attached, type, expression, l_as, name) end end new_old_syntax_object_test_as (start: detachable SYMBOL_AS; name: detachable ID_AS; type: detachable TYPE_AS; expression: detachable EXPR_AS): detachable OBJECT_TEST_AS -- New OBJECT_TEST_AS node do if name /= Void and type /= Void and expression /= Void then create Result.make_curly (start, name, type, expression) end end new_once_as (o: detachable KEYWORD_AS; k: detachable KEY_LIST_AS; c: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]): detachable ONCE_AS -- New ONCE AST node do create Result.make (o, k, c) end new_operand_as (c: detachable TYPE_AS; e: detachable EXPR_AS): detachable OPERAND_AS -- New OPERAND AST node do create Result.initialize (c, e) end new_paran_as (e: detachable EXPR_AS; l_as, r_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable PARAN_AS -- New PARAN AST node do if e /= Void then create Result.initialize (e, l_as, r_as) end end new_parent_as (t: detachable CLASS_TYPE_AS; rn: detachable RENAME_CLAUSE_AS; e: detachable EXPORT_CLAUSE_AS; u: detachable UNDEFINE_CLAUSE_AS; rd: detachable REDEFINE_CLAUSE_AS; s: detachable SELECT_CLAUSE_AS; ed: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable PARENT_AS -- New PARENT AST node do if t /= Void then create Result.initialize (t, rn, e, u, rd, s, ed) end end new_precursor_as (pk: detachable KEYWORD_AS; n: detachable CLASS_TYPE_AS; p: detachable PARAMETER_LIST_AS): detachable PRECURSOR_AS -- New PRECURSOR AST node do if pk /= Void and (n /= Void implies n.generics = Void) then create Result.initialize (pk, n, p) end end new_predecessor_as (n: detachable ID_AS; s: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable PREDECESSOR_AS -- New predecessor AST node from name `n` and symbol `s`. do if attached n then create Result.initialize (n, s) end end new_qualified_anchored_type (t: detachable TYPE_AS; d: detachable SYMBOL_AS; f: detachable ID_AS): detachable QUALIFIED_ANCHORED_TYPE_AS -- New QUALIFIED_ANCHORED_TYPE AST node for an anchored type of the form "t.f" where "t" is known to be an anchored type. require attached t implies (attached {LIKE_CUR_AS} t or attached {LIKE_ID_AS} t) do if attached t and attached f then create Result.make_anchored (t, d, f) end end new_qualified_anchored_type_with_type (l: detachable KEYWORD_AS; t: detachable TYPE_AS; d: detachable SYMBOL_AS; f: detachable ID_AS): detachable QUALIFIED_ANCHORED_TYPE_AS -- New QUALIFIED_ANCHORED_TYPE AST node for an anchored type of the form "like {t}.f". do if attached t and attached f then create Result.make_explicit (l, t, d, f) end end new_real_as (t: detachable TYPE_AS; v: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; buf: READABLE_STRING_8; s_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn: INTEGER): detachable REAL_AS -- New REAL AST node do if v /= Void then create Result.make (t, v) Result.set_position (l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn) end end new_rename_as (o, n: detachable FEATURE_NAME; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable RENAME_AS -- New RENAME_PAIR AST node do if o /= Void and n /= Void then create Result.initialize (o, n, k_as) end end new_require_as (a: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS]; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable REQUIRE_AS -- New REQUIRE AST node do create Result.make (a, k_as) end new_require_else_as (a: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [TAGGED_AS]; k_as, l_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable REQUIRE_ELSE_AS -- New REQUIRE ELSE AST node do create Result.make (a, k_as, l_as) end new_result_as (a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable RESULT_AS -- New RESULT AST node require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do create Result.make_with_location (a_scn.line, a_scn.column, a_scn.position, a_scn.text_count, a_scn.character_column, a_scn.character_position, a_scn.unicode_text_count) end new_retry_as (a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable RETRY_AS -- New RETRY AST node require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do create Result.make_with_location (a_scn.line, a_scn.column, a_scn.position, a_scn.text_count, a_scn.character_column, a_scn.character_position, a_scn.unicode_text_count) end new_reverse_as (t: detachable ACCESS_AS; s: detachable EXPR_AS; a_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable REVERSE_AS -- New assignment attempt AST node do if t /= Void and s /= Void then create Result.initialize (t, s, a_as) end end new_routine_as (o: detachable STRING_AS; pr: detachable REQUIRE_AS; l: detachable LOCAL_DEC_LIST_AS; b: detachable ROUT_BODY_AS; po: detachable ENSURE_AS; r: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]; end_loc: detachable KEYWORD_AS; oms_count, a_pos: INTEGER; k_as, r_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS; object_test_locals: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [ID_AS, TYPE_AS]]; n, a, u: BOOLEAN): detachable ROUTINE_AS -- New ROUTINE AST node. require valid_oms_count: oms_count >= 0 a_pos_positive: a_pos > 0 do if b /= Void and end_loc /= Void then create Result.initialize (o, pr, l, b, po, r, end_loc, oms_count, a_pos, k_as, r_as, object_test_locals, n, a, u) end end new_separate_instruction_as (s: detachable KEYWORD_AS; a: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [NAMED_EXPRESSION_AS]; d: detachable KEYWORD_AS; c: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [INSTRUCTION_AS]; e: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable SEPARATE_INSTRUCTION_AS -- New `{SEPARATE_INSTRUCTION_AS}' node. do if attached a and then attached e then create Result.make (s, a, d, c, e) end end new_static_access_as (c: detachable TYPE_AS; f: detachable ID_AS; p: detachable PARAMETER_LIST_AS; f_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS; d_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable STATIC_ACCESS_AS -- New STATIC_ACCESS AST node do if c /= Void and f /= Void then create Result.initialize (c, f, p, f_as, d_as) end end new_string_as (s: detachable STRING; l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn: INTEGER; buf: STRING): detachable STRING_AS -- New STRING AST node require l_non_negative: l >= 0 c_non_negative: c >= 0 p_non_negative: p >= 0 n_non_negative: n >= 0 do if s /= Void then create Result.initialize (s, l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn) end end new_tagged_as (t: detachable ID_AS; e: detachable EXPR_AS; c: detachable KEYWORD_AS; s_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable TAGGED_AS -- New TAGGED AST node do if attached c then create Result.make_class (t, c, s_as) elseif t /= Void or e /= Void then create Result.initialize (t, e, s_as) end end new_tuple_as (exp: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [EXPR_AS]; l_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS; r_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable TUPLE_AS -- New Manifest TUPLE AST node do if exp /= Void then create Result.initialize (exp, l_as, r_as) end end new_list_dec_as (i: detachable IDENTIFIER_LIST): detachable LIST_DEC_AS -- New TYPE_DEC AST node do if attached i then create Result.initialize (i) end end new_type_dec_as (i: detachable IDENTIFIER_LIST; t: detachable TYPE_AS; c_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable TYPE_DEC_AS -- New TYPE_DEC AST node do if i /= Void and t /= Void then create Result.initialize (i, t, c_as) end end new_type_expr_as (t: detachable TYPE_AS): detachable TYPE_EXPR_AS -- New TYPE_EXPR AST node do if t /= Void then create Result.initialize (t) end end new_un_free_as (op: detachable ID_AS; e: detachable EXPR_AS): detachable UN_FREE_AS -- New UN_FREE AST node do if op /= Void and e /= Void then create Result.initialize (op, e) end end new_un_minus_as (e: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable UN_MINUS_AS -- New unary - AST node do if e /= Void then create Result.initialize (e, o) end end new_un_not_as (e: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable UN_NOT_AS -- New unary not AST node do if e /= Void then create Result.initialize (e, o) end end new_un_old_as (e: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable UN_OLD_AS -- New unary old AST node do if e /= Void then create Result.initialize (e, o) end end new_un_plus_as (e: detachable EXPR_AS; o: detachable LEAF_AS): detachable UN_PLUS_AS -- New unary + AST node do if e /= Void then create Result.initialize (e, o) end end new_un_strip_as (i: detachable IDENTIFIER_LIST; o: detachable KEYWORD_AS; lp_as, rp_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable UN_STRIP_AS -- New UN_STRIP AST node do if i /= Void then create Result.initialize (i, o, lp_as, rp_as) end end new_unique_as (a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable UNIQUE_AS -- New UNIQUE AST node require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do create Result.make_with_location (a_scn.line, a_scn.column, a_scn.position, a_scn.text_count, a_scn.character_column, a_scn.character_position, a_scn.unicode_text_count) end new_variant_as (t: detachable ID_AS; e: detachable EXPR_AS; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS; s_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable VARIANT_AS -- New VARIANT AST node do create Result.make (t, e, k_as, s_as) end new_verbatim_string_as (s, marker: STRING; is_indentable: BOOLEAN; l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn, common_columns: INTEGER; buf: STRING): detachable VERBATIM_STRING_AS -- New VERBATIM_STRING AST node require s_not_void: s /= Void marker_not_void: marker /= Void l_non_negative: l >= 0 c_non_negative: c >= 0 p_non_negative: p >= 0 n_non_negative: n >= 0 cc_non_negative: cc >= 0 cp_non_negative: cp >= 0 cn_non_negative: cn >= 0 do create Result.initialize (s, marker, is_indentable, l, c, p, n, cc, cp, cn, common_columns) end new_void_as (a_scn: EIFFEL_SCANNER_SKELETON): detachable VOID_AS -- New VOID AST node require a_scn_not_void: a_scn /= Void do create Result.make_with_location (a_scn.line, a_scn.column, a_scn.position, a_scn.text_count, a_scn.character_column, a_scn.character_position, a_scn.unicode_text_count) end new_class_list_as (a: ID_AS; n: INTEGER): detachable CLASS_LIST_AS -- New list with `n` elements `a`. require n_non_negative: n >= 0 do create Result.make_filled_with (a, n) ensure list_full: attached Result implies Result.capacity = n and Result.occurrences (a) = n end new_local_dec_list_as (l: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [LIST_DEC_AS]; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable LOCAL_DEC_LIST_AS -- New LOCAL_DEC_LIST AST node do if l /= Void then create Result.make (l, k_as) end end new_formal_argu_dec_list_as (l: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [TYPE_DEC_AS]; l_as, r_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable FORMAL_ARGU_DEC_LIST_AS -- New FORMAL_ARGU_DEC_LIST AST node do if l /= Void then create Result.make (l, l_as, r_as) end end new_key_list_as (l: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [STRING_AS]; l_as, r_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable KEY_LIST_AS -- New KEY_LIST AST node do if l /= Void then create Result.make (l, l_as, r_as) end end new_delayed_actual_list_as (l: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [OPERAND_AS]; l_as, r_as: detachable SYMBOL_AS): detachable DELAYED_ACTUAL_LIST_AS -- New DELAYED_ACTUAL_LIST AST node do if l /= Void then create Result.make (l, l_as, r_as) end end new_rename_clause_as (l: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [RENAME_AS]; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable RENAME_CLAUSE_AS -- New RENAME_CLAUSE AST node do if l /= Void then create Result.make (l, k_as) end end new_export_clause_as (l: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [EXPORT_ITEM_AS]; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable EXPORT_CLAUSE_AS -- New EXPORT_CLAUSE AST node do if l /= Void and then not l.is_empty then create Result.make (l, k_as) end end new_undefine_clause_as (l: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_NAME]; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable UNDEFINE_CLAUSE_AS -- New UNDEFINE_CLAUSE AST node do if l /= Void and then not l.is_empty then create Result.make (l, k_as) end end new_redefine_clause_as (l: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_NAME]; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable REDEFINE_CLAUSE_AS -- New REDEFINE_CLAUSE AST node do if l /= Void and then not l.is_empty then create Result.make (l, k_as) end end new_select_clause_as (l: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_NAME]; k_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable SELECT_CLAUSE_AS -- New SELECT_CLAUSE AST node do if l /= Void and then not l.is_empty then create Result.make (l, k_as) end end new_creation_constrain_triple (fl: detachable EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_NAME]; c_as, e_as: detachable KEYWORD_AS): detachable CREATION_CONSTRAIN_TRIPLE -- New CREATION_CONSTRAIN_TRIPLE object do create Result.make (fl, c_as, e_as) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation default_atomic: ATOMIC_AS -- A default atomic node. once create {NONE_ID_AS} Result.make end reusable_string_buffer: STRING -- Reusable string buffer to avoid creation of unnecessary string objects once create Result.make (30) end note ca_ignore: "CA011", "CA011: too many arguments", "CA033", "CA033: very long class" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end