note description: "Abstract node produce by yacc. Version for Bench." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class AST_EIFFEL inherit ANY REFACTORING_HELPER export {NONE} all end SHARED_ENCODING_CONVERTER export {NONE} all end INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER feature -- Visitor process (v: AST_VISITOR) -- Visitor feature. require v_not_void: v /= Void deferred end feature -- Comparison is_equivalent (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is `other' equivalent to the current object ? require arg_non_void: other /= Void same_type: same_type (other) deferred end frozen equivalent (o1, o2: detachable AST_EIFFEL): BOOLEAN -- Are `o1' and `o2' equivalent ? -- this feature is similar to `deep_equal' -- but ARRAYs and STRINGs are processed correctly -- (`deep_equal' will compare the size of the `area') do if o1 = Void then Result := o2 = Void elseif o2 /= Void then if o2.same_type (o1) then Result := o1.is_equivalent (o2) else -- Check if one of the operands is an expression that was converted and if so -- we use the original expression to perform the comparison. if attached {CONVERTED_EXPR_AS} o2 as l_converted then Result := equivalent (o1, l_converted.expr) elseif attached {CONVERTED_EXPR_AS} o1 as l_converted then Result := equivalent (l_converted.expr, o2) end end end end feature -- Location frozen start_location: LOCATION_AS -- Starting point for current construct. do if attached first_token (Void) as l_token then Result := l_token else Result := null_location end ensure start_location_not_void: Result /= Void end frozen end_location: LOCATION_AS -- Ending point for current construct. do if attached last_token (Void) as l_token then Result := l_token else Result := null_location end ensure end_location_not_void: Result /= Void end frozen start_position: INTEGER -- Starting position in UTF-8 bytes for current construct. do Result := start_location.position ensure start_position_non_negative: Result >= 0 end frozen end_position: INTEGER -- End position in UTF-8 bytes for current construct do Result := end_location.final_position ensure end_position_non_negative: Result >= 0 end frozen character_start_position: INTEGER -- Starting position in Unicode characters for current construct. do Result := start_location.character_position ensure start_position_non_negative: Result >= 0 end frozen character_end_position: INTEGER -- End position in Unicode characters for current construct do Result := end_location.final_character_position ensure end_position_non_negative: Result >= 0 end feature -- Roundtrip/Location frozen complete_start_location (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): LOCATION_AS -- Absolute start location for current construct require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do if attached first_token (a_list) as l_token then Result := l_token else Result := null_location end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end frozen complete_end_location (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): LOCATION_AS -- Absolute end location for current construct require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do if attached last_token (a_list) as l_token then Result := l_token else Result := null_location end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end frozen complete_start_position (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): INTEGER -- Absolute start position in UTF-8 bytes for current construct require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do Result := complete_start_location (a_list).position end frozen complete_end_position (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): INTEGER -- Absolute end position in UTF-8 bytes for current construct require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do Result := complete_end_location (a_list).final_position end frozen complete_character_start_position (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): INTEGER -- Absolute start position in Unicode characters for current construct require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do Result := complete_start_location (a_list).character_position end frozen complete_character_end_position (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): INTEGER -- Absolute end position in Unicode characters for current construct require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do Result := complete_end_location (a_list).final_character_position end feature -- Roundtrip/Token first_token (a_list: detachable LEAF_AS_LIST): detachable LEAF_AS -- First token in current AST node --| Note for implementors of this routine as `last_token'. --| Do not rely on `a_list' non-voidness to figure out the --| presence or absence of information. Simply check what --| you want to check in logical order and if one element --| requires `a_list' to be not void, simply states it. --| --| FIXME: most of the redefinition of this routine do not --| follow the above recommendation, but instead use a if then else --| where one branch is taken when `a_list' is void and the other branch --| when it is not void. deferred end last_token (a_list: detachable LEAF_AS_LIST): detachable LEAF_AS -- Last token in current AST node --| Note: see comment on `last_token'. deferred end token_region (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): ERT_TOKEN_REGION -- Token region of current AST node require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void first_token_exists: first_token (a_list) /= Void last_token_exists: last_token (a_list) /= Void do if attached first_token (a_list) as l_first and then attached last_token (a_list) as l_last and then l_first.index <= l_last.index then create Result.make (l_first.index, l_last.index) else create Result.make (1, 1) end ensure token_region_not_void: Result /= Void end index_of_matching_leaf (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST; a_start_index: INTEGER; a_forward_search: BOOLEAN; a_matching: FUNCTION [LEAF_AS, BOOLEAN]): INTEGER -- Index of the first matching leaf for `a_matching' in `a_list' starting from -- `a_start_index' in the direction indicated by `a_forward_search'. require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void a_start_index_valid: a_list.valid_index (a_start_index) a_matching_not_void: a_matching /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER do if a_forward_search then from i := a_start_index nb := a_list.count until i > nb loop if a_matching.item ([a_list.i_th (i)]) then Result := i -- Jump out of loop i := nb end i := i + 1 end else from i := a_start_index nb := a_list.count until i = 0 loop if a_matching.item ([a_list.i_th (i)]) then Result := i -- Jump out of loop i := 1 end i := i - 1 end end end index: INTEGER -- Index of the construct in a structure to store all tokens (including breaks and comments) -- that can be used to associate unambigously any information with this construct. deferred end frozen keyword_from_index (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST; a_index: INTEGER): detachable KEYWORD_AS -- Keyword at position `a_index' in `a_list'. do if a_list.valid_index (a_index) and then attached {KEYWORD_AS} a_list.i_th (a_index) as l_keyword then Result := l_keyword end end frozen symbol_from_index (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST; a_index: INTEGER): detachable SYMBOL_AS -- Symbol at position `a_index' in `a_list'. do if a_list.valid_index (a_index) and then attached {SYMBOL_AS} a_list.i_th (a_index) as l_symbol then Result := l_symbol end end feature -- Roundtrip/Text modification can_append_text (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): BOOLEAN -- Can some text be appended to current AST node? require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do if first_token (a_list) /= Void and then last_token (a_list) /= Void then if attached token_region (a_list) as r then Result := a_list.valid_append_region (r) else check has_token_region: False end end end end can_prepend_text (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): BOOLEAN -- Can some text be prepended to current AST node? require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do if first_token (a_list) /= Void and then last_token (a_list) /= Void then if attached token_region (a_list) as r then Result := a_list.valid_prepend_region (r) else check has_token_region: False end end end end can_replace_text (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): BOOLEAN -- Can text of current AST node be replaced by some other text? require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do if first_token (a_list) /= Void and then last_token (a_list) /= Void then if attached token_region (a_list) as r then Result := a_list.valid_replace_region (r) else check has_token_region: False end end end end can_remove_text (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): BOOLEAN -- Can text of current AST node be removed? require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do if first_token (a_list) /= Void and then last_token (a_list) /= Void then if attached token_region (a_list) as r then Result := a_list.valid_remove_region (r) else check has_token_region: False end end end end is_text_available (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): BOOLEAN -- Is text of current AST node available? require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do if first_token (a_list) /= Void and then last_token (a_list) /= Void then if attached token_region (a_list) as r then Result := a_list.valid_region (r) and then a_list.valid_text_region (r) else check has_token_region: False end end end end is_text_modified (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): BOOLEAN -- Has text of current AST node been modified? require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void do if first_token (a_list) /= Void and then last_token (a_list) /= Void then if attached token_region (a_list) as r then Result := a_list.is_text_modified (r) else check has_token_region: False end end end end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Roundtrip/Text modification prepend_text (a_text: STRING; a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST) -- Prepend `a_text' to current AST node. require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void a_text_not_void: a_text /= Void text_prependable: can_prepend_text (a_list) do a_list.prepend_region (token_region (a_list), a_text) end append_text (a_text: STRING; a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST) -- Append `a_text' to current AST node. require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void a_text_not_void: a_text /= Void text_appendable: can_append_text (a_list) do a_list.append_region (token_region (a_list), a_text) end remove_text (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST) -- Remove current AST node. require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void text_removable: can_remove_text (a_list) do a_list.remove_region (token_region (a_list)) end replace_text (a_text: STRING; a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST) -- Replace text of current AST node by `a_text'. require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void a_text_not_void: a_text /= Void text_replaceable: can_replace_text (a_list) do a_list.replace_region (token_region (a_list), a_text) end replace_subtext (old_str, new_str: STRING; is_case_sensitive:BOOLEAN; a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST) -- Replace `old_str' by `new_str' in text of current AST node. require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void old_str_not_void: old_str /= Void new_str_not_void: new_str /= Void text_replaceable: can_replace_text (a_list) local l_str: STRING l_index: INTEGER l_count: INTEGER l_old_str: STRING l_text: STRING a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION do a_region := token_region (a_list) l_text := a_list.text (a_region) if is_case_sensitive then l_str := l_text.string l_old_str := old_str else -- Convert to lower case taking Unicode into account. l_str := {UTF_CONVERTER}.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 ({UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_8_string_8_to_string_32 (l_text).as_lower) l_old_str := {UTF_CONVERTER}.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 ({UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_8_string_8_to_string_32 (old_str).as_lower) end l_count := old_str.count from l_index := l_str.substring_index (l_old_str, 1) until l_index = 0 loop l_text.replace_substring (new_str, l_index, l_index + l_count - 1) l_str.replace_substring (new_str, l_index, l_index + l_count - 1) l_index := l_str.substring_index (l_old_str, l_index + l_count) end a_list.replace_region (a_region, l_text) end feature -- Roundtrip/Text text_32 (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): STRING_32 -- Text (with modification, if any, applied) of current AST structure require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void valid_text_region: is_text_available (a_list) do Result := encoding_converter.utf8_to_utf32 (text (a_list)) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Roundtrip/Text original_text (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): STRING -- Original text of current AST structure require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void first_token_exists: first_token (a_list) /= Void last_token_exists: last_token (a_list) /= Void do Result := a_list.original_text (token_region (a_list)) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end original_text_count (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): INTEGER -- Count in bytes of original text of current AST structure require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void first_token_exists: first_token (a_list) /= Void last_token_exists: last_token (a_list) /= Void do Result := a_list.original_text_count (token_region (a_list)) end text (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): STRING -- Text (with modification, if any, applied) of current AST structure require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void valid_text_region: is_text_available (a_list) do Result := a_list.text (token_region (a_list)) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end text_count (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): INTEGER -- Count in bytes of text (with all modification, if any, applied) require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void valid_text_region: is_text_available (a_list) do Result := a_list.text_count (token_region (a_list)) end feature -- Roundtrip/Separator has_leading_separator (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): BOOLEAN -- Does any separator structure (break or semicolon) appear before current AST node? require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void first_token_exists: first_token (a_list) /= Void last_token_exists: last_token (a_list) /= Void token_region_not_void: token_region (a_list) /= Void do Result := a_list.has_leading_separator (token_region (a_list)) end has_trailing_separator (a_list: LEAF_AS_LIST): BOOLEAN -- Does any separator structure (break or semicolon) appear after current AST node? require a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void first_token_exists: first_token (a_list) /= Void last_token_exists: last_token (a_list) /= Void token_region_not_void: token_region (a_list) /= Void do Result := a_list.has_trailing_separator (token_region (a_list)) end feature {NONE} -- Constants null_location: LOCATION_AS -- Null location once create Result.make_null ensure null_location_not_void: Result /= Void and then Result.is_null end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end