note description: "[ AST leaf list for roundtrip parser. It is a list to store terminals (or leaves) in a source file. When a file gets parsed, every token is stored in this list, so it is a tokenized source file. Storage: There are two kinds of terminals: 1. terminals that are not attached in AST: breaks (including comments, spaces and new-line characters and semicolons 2. terminals that are attached in AST: all other terminals, like keywords, identifiers and symbols except semicolons For every symbol terminal (both attached and non-attached), a `SYMBOL_STUB_AS' object is stored in list, For every other attached terminal, a `LEAF_STUB_AS' object is stored in list. For a break, a `BREAK_AS' object is stored in list. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class LEAF_AS_LIST inherit IDABLE rename id as class_id, set_id as set_class_id redefine out end INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER undefine out end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_trunk_number: INTEGER) -- Initialize current list to contain at least `a_trunk_number' of trunks. require a_trunk_number_positive: a_trunk_number > 0 do create trunks.make (a_trunk_number) create current_trunk.make_empty (trunk_size) trunks.extend (current_trunk) count := 0 modifier_applied := True end feature -- Element change extend (a_leaf: LEAF_AS) -- Extend `a_leaf' into current list. require a_leaf_not_void: a_leaf /= Void a_leaf_index_positive: a_leaf.index > 0 do if current_trunk.count = trunk_size then create current_trunk.make_empty (trunk_size) trunks.extend (current_trunk) end current_trunk.extend (a_leaf) count := count + 1 end feature -- Access i_th alias "[]", at alias "@" (i: INTEGER): LEAF_AS -- Entry at index `i', if in index interval require i_valid: valid_index (i) local j: INTEGER do j := i - 1 Result := trunks.i_th (j // trunk_size + 1).item (j \\ trunk_size) end first: LEAF_AS -- First element in list require list_not_empty: count > 0 do Result := trunks.i_th (1).item (0) end last: LEAF_AS -- Last element in list require list_not_empty: count > 0 do Result := current_trunk.item (current_trunk.upper) end is_empty: BOOLEAN -- Is Current empty? do Result := count = 0 ensure Result_set: Result implies count = 0 end feature -- Status reporting valid_index (i: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `i' a valid index? do Result := (1 <= i) and (i <= count) end count: INTEGER -- Number of items in current list capacity: INTEGER -- Capacity of current do Result := trunk_count * trunk_size ensure Result_set: Result = trunk_count * trunk_size end feature -- Status reporting current_trunk: SPECIAL [LEAF_AS] -- Current trunk trunk_count: INTEGER -- Count of trunks do Result := trunks.count end feature{NONE} -- Implementation trunks: ARRAYED_LIST [like current_trunk] -- List of trunks of tokens trunk_size: INTEGER = 1000 -- Initial size of every trunk initial_trunk_number: INTEGER = 10 -- Initial number of trunks feature -- Status generated: INTEGER -- Timestamp when this matchlist was generated. feature -- Status update set_generated (a_timestamp: INTEGER) -- Set the timestamp when this matchlist was generated. do generated := a_timestamp end feature -- Item searching item_by_start_position (start_pos: INTEGER): detachable LEAF_AS -- Item in `Current' whose `start_position' equals to `start_pos' -- Return Void if no item in `Current' satisfies. local l_left, l_right, l_middle: INTEGER done: BOOLEAN l_pos: INTEGER do l_left := 1 l_right := count from until l_left > l_right or done loop l_middle := (l_left + l_right) // 2 l_pos := i_th (l_middle).complete_start_position (Current) if l_pos = start_pos then Result := i_th (l_middle) done := True elseif start_pos > l_pos then l_left := l_middle + 1 else l_right := l_middle - 1 end end end item_by_end_position (end_pos: INTEGER): detachable LEAF_AS -- Item in `Current' whose `end_position' equals to `end_pos' -- Return Void if no item in `Current' satisfies. local l_left, l_right, l_middle: INTEGER done: BOOLEAN l_pos: INTEGER do l_left := 1 l_right := count from until l_left > l_right or done loop l_middle := (l_left + l_right) // 2 l_pos := i_th (l_middle).complete_end_position (Current) if l_pos = end_pos then Result := i_th (l_middle) done := True elseif end_pos > l_pos then l_left := l_middle + 1 else l_right := l_middle - 1 end end end item_by_position (a_pos: INTEGER): detachable LEAF_AS -- Item in `Current' between which `a_pos' is located -- Return Void if no item in `Current' satisfies. local l_left, l_right, l_middle: INTEGER done: BOOLEAN l_start_pos: INTEGER l_end_pos: INTEGER do l_left := 1 l_right := count from until l_left > l_right or done loop l_middle := (l_left + l_right) // 2 l_start_pos := i_th (l_middle).complete_start_position (Current) l_end_pos := i_th (l_middle).complete_end_position (Current) if a_pos >= l_start_pos and a_pos <= l_end_pos then Result := i_th (l_middle) done := True elseif a_pos > l_end_pos then l_left := l_middle + 1 else l_right := l_middle - 1 end end end feature -- Region validity valid_region (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION):BOOLEAN -- Is `a_region' valid? require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void do Result := a_region.start_index > 0 and a_region.end_index >= a_region.start_index and a_region.end_index <= count end valid_text_region (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION):BOOLEAN -- Is `a_region' valid to get text? require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) local l_list: like active_modifier_list do l_list := active_modifier_list if l_list.is_empty then Result := True else Result := l_list.for_all (agent {ERT_REGION_MODIFIER}.is_text_available (a_region)) end end valid_append_region (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION):BOOLEAN -- Is `a_region' valid to append some text to? require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) local l_list: like active_modifier_list do l_list := active_modifier_list if l_list.is_empty then Result := True else Result := l_list.for_all (agent {ERT_REGION_MODIFIER}.can_append (a_region)) end end valid_prepend_region (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION):BOOLEAN -- Is `a_region' valid to prepend some text to? require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) local l_list: like active_modifier_list do l_list := active_modifier_list if l_list.is_empty then Result := True else Result := l_list.for_all (agent {ERT_REGION_MODIFIER}.can_prepend (a_region)) end end valid_replace_region (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION):BOOLEAN -- Is `a_region' valid to be replaced by some other text? require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) local l_list: like active_modifier_list do l_list := active_modifier_list if l_list.is_empty then Result := True else Result := l_list.for_all (agent {ERT_REGION_MODIFIER}.can_replace (a_region)) end end valid_remove_region (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION):BOOLEAN -- Is `a_region' valid to be removed? require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) local l_list: like active_modifier_list do l_list := active_modifier_list if l_list.is_empty then Result := True else Result := l_list.for_all (agent {ERT_REGION_MODIFIER}.can_remove (a_region)) end end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Text modification prepend_region (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION; a_text: STRING) -- Prepend `a_text' to `a_region'. -- A prepend modifier will be registered. require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) valid_prepend_region: valid_prepend_region (a_region) all_existing_modifiers_applied: modifier_applied local l_modifier: ERT_PREPEND_REGION_MODIFIER do create l_modifier.make (modifier_list.count + 1, a_region, a_text) register_modifier (l_modifier) l_modifier.apply (Current) end append_region (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION; a_text: STRING) -- Append `a_text' to `a_region'. -- An append modifier will be registered. require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) valid_append_region: valid_append_region (a_region) all_existing_modifiers_applied: modifier_applied local l_modifier: ERT_APPEND_REGION_MODIFIER do create l_modifier.make (modifier_list.count + 1, a_region, a_text) register_modifier (l_modifier) l_modifier.apply (Current) end replace_region (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION; a_text: STRING) -- Replace `a_region' by `a_text'. -- A replace modifier will be registered. require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) valid_replace_region: valid_replace_region (a_region) all_existing_modifiers_applied: modifier_applied local l_modifier: ERT_REPLACE_REGION_MODIFIER do create l_modifier.make (modifier_list.count + 1, a_region, a_text) register_modifier (l_modifier) l_modifier.apply (Current) end remove_region (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION) -- Remove `a_region'. -- A remove modifier will be registered. require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) valid_remove_region: valid_remove_region (a_region) all_existing_modifiers_applied: modifier_applied local l_modifier: ERT_REMOVE_REGION_MODIFIER do create l_modifier.make (modifier_list.count + 1, a_region) register_modifier (l_modifier) l_modifier.apply (Current) end feature -- Text status is_text_modified (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION): BOOLEAN -- Has text in `a_region' been modified? require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) do Result := not active_modifier_list.for_all (agent {ERT_REGION_MODIFIER}.is_region_disjoint (a_region)) end feature {INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER} -- Text original_text (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION): STRING -- Original text of `a_region' require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) local i: INTEGER do create Result.make (256) from i := a_region.start_index until i > a_region.end_index loop Result.append_string (i_th (i).literal_text (Void)) i := i + 1 end end original_text_count (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION): INTEGER -- Original text count of `a_region' require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) local i: INTEGER do from i := a_region.start_index Result := 0 until i > a_region.end_index loop if attached i_th (i).literal_text (Void) as l_string then Result := Result + l_string.count end i := i + 1 end end text (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION): STRING -- Text (with all modifications, if any, applied) of `a_region' require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) valid_text_region: valid_text_region (a_region) local i: INTEGER l_end: INTEGER l_str: STRING do create Result.make (256) from i := a_region.start_index l_end := a_region.end_index until i > l_end loop l_str := final_token_text (i) if not l_str.is_empty then Result.append (l_str) end i := i + 1 end ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end text_count (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION): INTEGER -- Text (with all modifications, if any, applied) count of `a_region' require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) valid_text_region: valid_text_region (a_region) do Result := text (a_region).count ensure Result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end text_32 (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION): STRING_32 -- Text (with all modifications, if any, applied) of `a_region'. require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) valid_text_region: valid_text_region (a_region) local utf: UTF_CONVERTER do Result := utf.utf_8_string_8_to_string_32 (text (a_region)) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end out, all_original_text: STRING -- String representation of current match list (without modification applied) do Result := original_text (create {ERT_TOKEN_REGION}.make (1, count)) end all_modified_text: STRING -- String representation of current match list (with modification applied) do Result := text (create {ERT_TOKEN_REGION}.make (1, count)) end feature -- Text/Separator has_leading_separator (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION): BOOLEAN -- Is there any separator structure (break or semicolon) appears before `a_region'? require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) do if a_region.start_index > 1 then Result := i_th (a_region.start_index - 1).is_separator else Result := False end end has_trailing_separator (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION): BOOLEAN -- Is there any separator structure (break or semicolon) appears after `a_region'? require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) do if a_region.end_index < count then Result := i_th (a_region.end_index + 1).is_separator else Result := False end end has_comment (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION): BOOLEAN -- Is there any comment within `a_region'? require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) local i: INTEGER l_cnt: INTEGER do from i := a_region.start_index l_cnt := a_region.end_index Result := False until i > l_cnt or Result loop if attached {BREAK_AS} i_th (i) as l_break then Result := l_break.has_comment end i := i + 1 end end feature -- Modifier operation modifier_count: INTEGER -- Count of registered modifiers do Result := modifier_list.count ensure Result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end modifier (i: INTEGER): ERT_REGION_MODIFIER -- `i'-th registered modifier require valid_i: i >0 and i <= modifier_count do Result := modifier_list.i_th (i) ensure Result_set: Result = modifier_list.i_th (i) end remove_last_modifier -- Remove last registered modifier. require modifiers_not_applied: not modifier_applied do if not modifier_list.is_empty then modifier_list.finish modifier_list.remove end end undo_modifications -- Undo all applied modifications to text. require all_existing_modifiers_applied: modifier_applied do active_modifier_list.wipe_out active_prepend_modifier_list.wipe_out active_append_modifier_list.wipe_out token_text_table.wipe_out if not modifier_list.is_empty then modifier_list.do_all (agent {ERT_REGION_MODIFIER}.reset_applied) end modifier_applied := False ensure active_modifier_list_set: active_modifier_list.is_empty active_prepend_modifier_list_set: active_prepend_modifier_list.is_empty active_append_modifier_list_set: active_append_modifier_list.is_empty modifier_not_applied: not modifier_applied end redo_modifications -- Redo all registered modifications to text. require modifiers_not_applied: not modifier_applied do if not modifier_list.is_empty then modifier_list.do_all (agent {ERT_REGION_MODIFIER}.apply (Current)) end modifier_applied := True ensure modifier_applied: modifier_applied end modifier_applied: BOOLEAN -- Have all modifiers been applied to current? is_modifier_registered (a_modifier: ERT_REGION_MODIFIER): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_modifier' registered? require a_modifier_not_void: a_modifier /= Void do Result := modifier_list.has (a_modifier) end feature -- Comment extraction extract_comment (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION): EIFFEL_COMMENTS -- Extract all comments from `a_region'. -- Only comments in `original_text' will be extracted. require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) local i: INTEGER n: INTEGER l_cmt_list: EIFFEL_COMMENTS do create Result.make from i := a_region.start_index n := a_region.end_index until i > n loop if attached {BREAK_AS} i_th (i) as l_break then l_cmt_list := l_break.extract_comment if not l_cmt_list.is_empty then Result.finish Result.append (l_cmt_list) end end i := i + 1 end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end feature -- Status reporting if_all_in_region (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION; test: FUNCTION [LEAF_AS, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN -- Do all tokens in `a_region' satisfy `test'? require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) local l_start_index: INTEGER l_end_index: INTEGER do from l_start_index := a_region.start_index l_end_index := a_region.end_index Result := True until l_start_index > l_end_index or not Result loop Result := test.item ([i_th (l_start_index)]) l_start_index := l_start_index + 1 end end if_any_in_region (a_region: ERT_TOKEN_REGION; test: FUNCTION [LEAF_AS, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN -- Does any token in `a_region' satisfy `test'? require a_region_not_void: a_region /= Void valid_region: valid_region (a_region) local l_start_index: INTEGER l_end_index: INTEGER do from l_start_index := a_region.start_index l_end_index := a_region.end_index Result := False until l_start_index > l_end_index or Result loop Result := test.item ([i_th (l_start_index)]) l_start_index := l_start_index + 1 end end feature{NONE} -- Implementation modifier_list: LINKED_LIST [ERT_REGION_MODIFIER] -- List of modifiers local l_list: like internal_modifier_list do l_list := internal_modifier_list if l_list = Void then create l_list.make internal_modifier_list := l_list end Result := l_list ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end register_modifier (a_modifier: ERT_REGION_MODIFIER) -- Register `a_modifier' in current. require a_modifier_not_void: a_modifier /= Void do check not modifier_list.has (a_modifier) end modifier_list.extend (a_modifier) end feature{ERT_REGION_MODIFIER} -- Implementation active_modifier_list: like modifier_list -- List of active modifiers local l_list: like internal_active_modifier_list do l_list := internal_active_modifier_list if l_list = Void then create l_list.make internal_active_modifier_list := l_list end Result := l_list ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end active_prepend_modifier_list: SORTED_TWO_WAY_LIST [ERT_PREPEND_REGION_MODIFIER] -- List of active prepend modifiers local l_list: like internal_prepend_modifier_list do l_list := internal_prepend_modifier_list if l_list = Void then create l_list.make internal_prepend_modifier_list := l_list end Result := l_list ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end active_append_modifier_list: SORTED_TWO_WAY_LIST [ERT_APPEND_REGION_MODIFIER] -- List of active prepend modifiers local l_list: like internal_append_modifier_list do l_list := internal_append_modifier_list if l_list = Void then create l_list.make internal_append_modifier_list := l_list end Result := l_list ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end set_token_text (a_index: INTEGER; a_text: STRING) -- Set text of `a_index'-th token with `a_text'. require valid_index: valid_index (a_index) a_text_not_void: a_text /= Void do token_text_table.force (a_text, a_index) ensure token_text_set: token_text_table.has (a_index) and then attached token_text_table.item (a_index) as l_token_text and then l_token_text.same_string (a_text) end feature{NONE} -- Implementation final_token_text (a_index: INTEGER): STRING -- Final text of a token specified by `a_index' with all modification applied, if any. require valid_index: valid_index (a_index) local l_prepended, l_appended: STRING do create Result.make (100) l_prepended := prepended_token_text (a_index) if not l_prepended.is_empty then Result.append (l_prepended) end if attached token_text_table.item (a_index) as l_found_item then Result.append (l_found_item) else Result.append_string (i_th (a_index).literal_text (Void)) end l_appended := appended_token_text (a_index) if not l_appended.is_empty then Result.append (l_appended) end ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end prepended_token_text (a_index: INTEGER): STRING -- All prepended text of token specified by `a_index' require valid_index: valid_index (a_index) local l_list: like active_prepend_modifier_list do l_list := active_prepend_modifier_list if l_list.is_empty or else l_list.first.start_index > a_index then Result := "" else from l_list.start create Result.make (100) until l_list.after or l_list.item.start_index > a_index loop if l_list.item.is_prepended_to (a_index) then Result.append (l_list.item.text) end l_list.forth end end end appended_token_text (a_index: INTEGER): STRING -- All appended text of token specified by `a_index' require valid_index: valid_index (a_index) local l_list: like active_append_modifier_list do l_list := active_append_modifier_list if l_list.is_empty or else l_list.first.end_index > a_index then Result := "" else from l_list.start create Result.make (100) until l_list.after or l_list.item.end_index > a_index loop if l_list.item.is_appended_to (a_index) then Result.append (l_list.item.text) end l_list.forth end end end feature{NONE} -- Implementation internal_modifier_list: detachable like modifier_list -- List of modifiers internal_active_modifier_list: detachable like active_modifier_list -- List of active modifiers internal_token_text_table: detachable like token_text_table -- Hashtable to store all tokens whose text has been changed internal_prepend_modifier_list: detachable like active_prepend_modifier_list -- List of active prepend modifiers internal_append_modifier_list: detachable like active_append_modifier_list -- List of active append modifiers token_text_table: HASH_TABLE [STRING, INTEGER] -- Hashtable to store all tokens whose text has been changed local l_table: like internal_token_text_table do l_table := internal_token_text_table if l_table = Void then create l_table.make (100) internal_token_text_table := l_table end Result := l_table ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end invariant trunks_not_void: trunks /= Void trunks_not_empty: not trunks.is_empty note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2015, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end