note description: "Window showing and handling the list of matching entries obtained via a {SUGGESTION_PROVIDER} query." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_SUGGESTION_WINDOW inherit EV_POPUP_WINDOW rename show as show_window redefine create_interface_objects, initialize end EV_SHARED_APPLICATION export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_field: EV_ABSTRACT_SUGGESTION_FIELD) -- Initialize `Current' with `a_field' as `field'. do field := a_field default_create disconnect_from_window_manager ensure field_set: field = a_field end create_interface_objects -- do Precursor create grid create suggestion_timeout end initialize -- local vbox: EV_VERTICAL_BOX do Precursor -- Prevent grid from grabbing focus. grid.disable_focus_on_press -- Since grid won't have the focus, we want to have the unfocused -- color for selected items be the same as the focused color. grid.set_non_focused_selection_color (grid.focused_selection_color) grid.set_non_focused_selection_text_color (grid.focused_selection_text_color) -- Only one entire row can be selected. grid.enable_single_row_selection -- Handling of keybord/mouse events. grid.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent mouse_selection) grid.row_select_actions.extend (agent update_selection) -- Handling of mousewheel grid.mouse_wheel_actions.extend (agent on_mouse_wheel) -- No need for headers grid.hide_header -- Black border around the grid so that it stands out. create vbox vbox.set_background_color (create {EV_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (0, 0, 0)) vbox.set_border_width (border_width) vbox.extend (grid) extend (vbox) -- Each time the window holding the grid is resized, we want to make -- sure that the width of the last column is as big as the window at the -- minimum. resize_actions.extend (agent on_resize_event) end feature -- Access full_list: ARRAYED_LIST [SUGGESTION_ITEM] obsolete "Do not use" do create Result.make (0) end feature -- Query default_font: EV_FONT -- Default font once create Result end feature {EV_ABSTRACT_SUGGESTION_FIELD} -- Events handling on_mouse_wheel (a_offset: INTEGER) -- Scroll selected items by `a_offset_position' until we either -- reached the top of the bottom of `grid'. local l_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW l_offset: INTEGER do if not is_destroyed and then is_displayed then -- Calculate the expected offset that we will use to scroll the grid. -- Note that the selection remains unchanged. if settings.is_mouse_wheel_in_full_page_mode then l_offset := ((viewable_row_count - settings.scrolling_common_line_count) * grid.row_height).max (0) * a_offset else l_offset := grid.row_height * settings.mouse_wheel_scroll_size * a_offset end if l_offset < 0 then -- We are going down, the last visible item should be properly aligned at the bottom. l_row := grid.last_visible_row if l_row /= Void then -- We align the last visible row to the bottom. l_row.ensure_visible end -- Then we scroll l_row := grid.first_visible_row if l_row /= Void then grid.set_virtual_position (grid.virtual_x_position, grid.maximum_virtual_y_position.min (grid.virtual_y_position - l_offset)) end elseif l_offset > 0 then -- We are going up, the first visible item should be properly aligned at the bottom. l_row := grid.first_visible_row if l_row /= Void then -- We align the first visible row to the top. l_row.ensure_visible end -- Then we scroll l_row := grid.last_visible_row if l_row /= Void then grid.set_virtual_position (grid.virtual_x_position, (grid.virtual_y_position - l_offset).max (0)) end end end end feature {NONE} -- Event handling mouse_selection (x_pos, y_pos, button: INTEGER; unused1,unused2,unused3: DOUBLE; unused4,unused5:INTEGER) -- process mouse click in the list do if button = 1 and not grid.selected_items.is_empty then suggest_and_close end end update_selection (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Update selection when it changes. do if attached {like row_data_type} as l_data then -- Let `field' know about the selection change. field.set_selected_suggestion (l_data) end end on_row_expand (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- On row expand. --| For the time being it is commented until we use this facility. require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void local -- l_children: ARRAY [like row_data_type] -- i, upper: INTEGER do if a_row.subrow_count = 0 and then attached {like row_data_type} as l_data then check -- matches_not_void: matches /= Void end -- l_children := l_data.children -- from -- i := l_children.lower -- upper := l_children.upper -- until -- i > upper -- loop -- if matches.has (l_children.item (i)) then -- a_row.insert_subrow (a_row.subrow_count + 1) -- a_row.subrow (a_row.subrow_count).set_data (l_children.item (i)) -- end -- i := i + 1 -- end end ev_application.do_once_on_idle (agent resize_column_to_window_width) end on_row_collapse (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- On row collapse --| For the time being it is commented until we use this facility. require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void do ev_application.do_once_on_idle (agent resize_column_to_window_width) end feature {EV_ABSTRACT_SUGGESTION_FIELD} -- Navigation is_navigable: BOOLEAN -- Can current being traversed using left and right arrow keys? --| This happens when you have tree items in the list. do Result := grid.has_selected_row and then grid.selected_rows.first.is_expanded end go_first -- Scroll grid to the first item. local l_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] do if grid.row_count > 0 then l_indexes := grid.viewable_row_indexes if l_indexes.is_empty then select_row (1) else select_row (l_indexes.first) end end end go_last -- Scroll grid to the last item. local l_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] do if grid.row_count > 0 then l_indexes := grid.viewable_row_indexes if l_indexes.is_empty then select_row (grid.row_count) else select_row (l_indexes.last) end end end go_to_next_item (a_is_forward: BOOLEAN) -- Iterate grid to find the next item for keyboard naviation -- `a_is_forward' control if the search should be forward or backward. local i, ix: INTEGER l_row : EV_GRID_ROW l_loop_end: BOOLEAN l_grid: like grid l_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] l_offset: INTEGER do l_grid := grid if l_grid.has_selected_row then l_rows := l_grid.selected_rows ix := l_rows.first.index l_grid.remove_selection if a_is_forward then l_offset := 1 else l_offset := -1 end i := ix + l_offset from l_loop_end := l_grid.visible_row_count = 0 until l_loop_end loop -- Rotate the search if we are on the last or first item. if i <= 0 then i := l_grid.row_count elseif i > l_grid.row_count then i := 1 end l_row := l_grid.row (i) if l_row.is_displayed then l_row.enable_select l_row.ensure_visible l_loop_end := True end i := i + l_offset end elseif a_is_forward then go_first else go_last end end go_to_next_page (a_is_forward: BOOLEAN) -- Iterate grid to find the next item for keyboard naviation -- `a_is_forward' control if the search should be forward or backward. local l_grid: like grid l_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] l_row, l_target_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW l_scroll_height, l_new_virtual_y: INTEGER do l_grid := grid if a_is_forward then l_target_row := last_visible_row (l_grid) else l_target_row := first_visible_row (l_grid) end if l_grid.has_selected_row then l_rows := l_grid.selected_rows l_grid.remove_selection l_row := l_rows.first if l_row = l_target_row then -- This is the number of rows we want to scroll per `settings' with a minimum of `1'. l_scroll_height := ((viewable_row_count - settings.scrolling_common_line_count).max (1)) * l_grid.row_height if a_is_forward then -- The bottom row is the last selected row, we can scroll down. l_new_virtual_y := l_row.virtual_y_position + l_row.height - l_grid.viewable_height + l_scroll_height l_grid.set_virtual_position (l_grid.virtual_x_position, l_new_virtual_y.min (l_grid.maximum_virtual_y_position)) l_target_row := last_visible_row (l_grid) else -- The top row is the first selected row, we can scroll up. l_grid.set_virtual_position (l_grid.virtual_x_position, (l_row.virtual_y_position - l_scroll_height).max (0)) l_target_row := first_visible_row (l_grid) end end end if l_target_row /= Void then l_target_row.enable_select end end feature {EV_ABSTRACT_SUGGESTION_FIELD} -- Completion show_suggestion_list (a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_is_first: BOOLEAN) -- Build the list based on matches with `name' and show it on screen. -- If `a_is_first' it is the first time that the list will be shown and -- a new query to the- suggestion provider is issued. -- If `is_list_recomputation_required' a new query to the suggestion -- provider will be issued even if not otherwise required. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed local l_grid: like grid l_post_action: detachable PROCEDURE l_is_displayed: like is_displayed do -- To prevent flickering due to the potential -- hidding/showing of scrollbars we lock ourselve -- while rebuilding the list. l_is_displayed := is_displayed if l_is_displayed then lock_update end l_grid := grid -- If this is the first time we are showing the list or if -- settings dictate that it has to be recomputed, we get the -- results from the associated suggestion provider of `field'. if a_is_first or else settings.is_list_recomputed_when_typing then -- The first time we need to show the list of suggestions -- when it has fully been computed. l_post_action := agent show_content (a_is_first) l_grid.wipe_out -- Set the minimum number of column. l_grid.set_column_count_to (1) field.suggestion_provider.query_with_callback_and_cancellation (a_text, l_post_action, agent (a_item: SUGGESTION_ITEM) local l_row: EV_GRID_ROW do grid.insert_new_row (grid.row_count + 1) l_row := grid.row (grid.row_count) l_row.set_data (a_item) settings.update_row (l_row, a_item) end, settings.query_cancel_request) else -- Let's refresh the content of the grid accordingly. show_content (a_is_first) end -- Let's unlock the window to refresh its content with the newly -- build content. if l_is_displayed then unlock_update end end select_closest_match -- Find the closes match to text in `field' in the list we have. local g: like grid l_reg: SUGGESTION_MATCHER i, nb: INTEGER l_row_selected: BOOLEAN l_row: EV_GRID_ROW t: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL r: REAL l_is_matching: BOOLEAN l_best_score: REAL do t := field.searched_text if not t.is_whitespace then l_reg := settings.matcher l_reg.prepare (t) -- If regular expression can be computed -- we go ahead otherwise we leave things unchanged. g := grid if l_reg.is_ready then from i := 1 nb := g.row_count if nb > 0 and settings.is_list_filtered_when_typing then -- It does not matter if the row is hidden or show, the -- code below will ensure that the rows are properly shown/hidden -- depending on the match. l_row := g.row (1) l_row.hide end until i > nb loop l_row := g.row (i) if attached {like row_data_type} as l_data then if attached {SUGGESTION_SCORER} l_reg as l_scorer then r := l_scorer.score (l_data.text) l_is_matching := not l_scorer.is_zero_score (r) else r := {REAL} 1.0 l_is_matching := l_reg.is_matching (l_data.text) end if l_is_matching then if r > l_best_score then l_best_score := r l_row_selected := True field.set_selected_suggestion (l_data) g.select_row (i) end -- if not l_row_selected then -- l_row_selected := True -- field.set_selected_suggestion (l_data) -- g.select_row (i) -- end else if settings.is_list_filtered_when_typing then l_row.disable_select l_row.hide end end end i := i + 1 end end if not field.is_suggestion_requested and g.visible_row_count = 0 then cancel_and_close end end end suggest_and_close -- Perform suggestion with selected item and close window. local l_grid: like grid l_selected_rows: LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] do l_grid := grid if l_grid.has_selected_row then l_selected_rows := l_grid.selected_rows check only_one_selected_row: l_selected_rows.count = 1 end check selection_not_hidden: l_selected_rows.first.is_displayed end if attached {like row_data_type} as l_data then field.insert_suggestion (l_data) ([l_data]) end end close end cancel_and_close -- Suggestion was cancelled so no suggestion is available do field.set_selected_suggestion (Void) ([Void]) close end save_window_position -- Save current window position. do if attached settings.save_list_position_action as l_save_action and is_displayed then ([screen_x, screen_y, width, height]) end end is_closing: BOOLEAN -- Is the window being closed? on_resize_event (a_x, a_y: INTEGER; a_width, a_height: INTEGER) do resize_column_to_window_width end resize_column_to_window_width -- Resize the column width to the width of the grid. local l_grid: like grid l_column: EV_GRID_COLUMN l_min_width: INTEGER i, l_column_count: INTEGER do l_grid := grid l_column_count := l_grid.column_count if l_column_count > 0 and then l_grid.row_count > 0 then -- Compute the minimum width that the column might have, -- it is bounded to the width of Current. if l_grid.vertical_scroll_bar.is_show_requested then -- Vertical scrollbar is visible l_min_width := l_grid.width - l_grid.vertical_scroll_bar.width else l_min_width := l_grid.width end -- Let's compute the expected width of current items. For the first -- `l_column_count - 1' columns we use their expected width. And for the -- last column we made it as big as the remaining width. We update -- `l_min_width' to take into account the previously computed width. from i := 1 until i > l_column_count - 1 loop l_column := l_grid.column (l_column_count) l_column.set_width (l_column.required_width_of_item_span (1, l_grid.row_count)) -- Update the remaining width l_min_width := l_min_width - l_column.width i := i + 1 end -- Last column, we made it as big as the width of the grid if smaller -- otherwise it will be bigger. l_column := l_grid.column (l_column_count) l_column.set_width (l_min_width.max ( l_column.required_width_of_item_span (1, l_grid.row_count))) end end is_list_recomputation_required: BOOLEAN -- If True, next call to `show_suggestion_list' would query -- the associated suggestion provider to gather some new results. row_data_type: SUGGESTION_ITEM -- Type of `data' associated to each row of the grid. require not_callable: False do create {LABEL_SUGGESTION_ITEM} Result.make ("") ensure not_called: False end field: EV_ABSTRACT_SUGGESTION_FIELD settings: EV_SUGGESTION_SETTINGS -- Settings associated with current `field'. do Result := field.settings end mouse_wheel_scroll_full_page_internal: BOOLEAN = False mouse_wheel_scroll_size_internal: INTEGER = 3 scrolling_common_line_count_internal: INTEGER = 1 suggestion_timeout: EV_TIMEOUT -- Timeout for showing suggestion list if not already shown, and if shown, timeout -- to refresh the suggestion list with new input if any. reset_suggestion_timeout -- When a key is press, we reset `suggestion_timeout' do suggestion_timeout.set_interval (settings.timeout) end disable_suggestion_timeout -- Stop `suggestion_timeout'. do suggestion_timeout.set_interval (0) end enable_suggestion_timeout -- Restart `suggestion_timeout'. do suggestion_timeout.set_interval (settings.timeout) end feature {NONE} -- Positionning required_grid_width: INTEGER -- Required width of grid to see all the text without truncation. local l_grid: like grid l_column: EV_GRID_COLUMN i, l_column_count: INTEGER do l_grid := grid l_column_count := l_grid.column_count if l_column_count > 0 and then l_grid.visible_row_count > 0 then -- Iterate through all columns and calculate their maximum width to see -- text without truncation. from i := 1 until i > l_column_count loop l_column := l_grid.column (l_column_count) -- We add +1 to `required_width_if_item_span' to have some room on the right. Result := Result.max (l_column.required_width_of_item_span (1, l_grid.row_count) + 1) i := i + 1 end end end required_grid_height: INTEGER -- Required height of grid to see all the items without truncation. local l_grid: like grid do l_grid := grid if l_grid.column_count > 0 then -- Only compute something if there is at least one column. Result := l_grid.row_height * l_grid.visible_row_count end end position_suggestion_choice_window (a_is_first: BOOLEAN) -- Reposition the suggestion choice window local l_helpers: EVS_HELPERS l_origin: TUPLE [x, y: INTEGER] l_pos: like suggestion_choice_window_coordinates do l_pos := suggestion_choice_window_coordinates (a_is_first) if attached field.parent_window as l_parent_window and then not l_parent_window.is_destroyed and then l_parent_window.is_show_requested then -- Reposition based on screen coords create l_helpers l_origin := l_helpers.suggest_pop_up_widget_location_with_size (l_parent_window, l_pos.x, l_pos.y, l_pos.width, l_pos.height) if l_pos.y >= l_origin.y then -- Adjust height to prevent the suggestion list from shift up and over the text. -- This is ok to do because `calculate_suggestion_list_y_position' determines if the -- list should be shown above or below the editor caret. If it's displayed below then -- we adjust the size of the list to remain on-screen. l_pos.height := l_pos.height - (l_pos.y - l_origin.y) end end -- `l_pos' does not take into account the border width we have so we need to add it -- to avoid the grid's scrollbar from appearing. set_size (l_pos.width + 2 * border_width, l_pos.height + 2 * border_width) set_position (l_pos.x, l_pos.y) end suggestion_choice_window_coordinates (a_is_first: BOOLEAN): TUPLE [x, y, width, height: INTEGER] -- Position of suggestion list local l_right_space: INTEGER l_grid: EV_GRID l_font: EV_FONT l_text_before_cursor: STRING_32 l_monitor: EV_RECTANGLE l_upper_space, l_lower_space: INTEGER l_is_show_below: BOOLEAN l_required_width, l_required_height: INTEGER do -- We get the monitor on which the underlying field is positioned. We will do our best to -- have the suggestion list appearing on that monitor only. l_monitor := (create {EV_SCREEN}).implementation.working_area_from_position ( field.screen_x, field.screen_y) l_grid := grid -- We start by getting the size we would need if all the items should be shown if a_is_first or settings.is_fit_list_window_to_content then l_required_width := required_grid_width l_required_height := required_grid_height else -- We can only grow never shrink when the completion is already visible. if grid.vertical_scroll_bar.is_show_requested then l_required_width := required_grid_width.max (grid.width - grid.vertical_scroll_bar.width) else l_required_width := required_grid_width.max (grid.width) end l_required_height := required_grid_height.max (grid.height) end Result := [0, 0, l_required_width, l_required_height] -- Compute the X coordinate of the suggestion list. Result.x := field.screen_x if settings.is_initial_position_at_caret then -- Ensures that our completion list starts where the caret position is -- when requested in `settings'. if field.caret_position > 1 then l_font := field.font l_text_before_cursor := field.displayed_text.substring (1, field.caret_position - 1) Result.x := Result.x + l_font.string_width (l_text_before_cursor) + 5 end end -- Compute the Y coordinate of the suggestion list which can be either below the -- field if there is enough space below, or above otherwise. We will use the estimate -- of the height of the grid for that. Result.y := field.screen_y -- If cursor is in upper two thirds of screen we show below. l_is_show_below := Result.y < ((l_monitor.height / 3) * 2) -- `l_upper_space' is the space above the text field. -- `l_lower_space' is the space under the text field. l_upper_space := Result.y l_lower_space := l_monitor.bottom - Result.y - field.height -- Check if we have enough space belowe or above to show the whole list. if l_is_show_below and then Result.height > l_lower_space and then Result.height <= l_upper_space then -- Not enough room to show below, but is enough room to show above, so we will show above l_is_show_below := False elseif not l_is_show_below and then Result.height <= l_lower_space then -- Even though we are in the bottom 3rd of the screen we can actually show below because -- the saved size fits l_is_show_below := True end if l_is_show_below and then Result.height > l_lower_space then -- Not enough room to show below so we must resize Result.height := l_lower_space elseif not l_is_show_below and then Result.height >= l_upper_space then -- Not enough room to show above so we must resize Result.height := l_upper_space end -- Update the Y coordinate of the list. if l_is_show_below then Result.y := Result.y + field.height else Result.y := Result.y - Result.height end if Result.height < l_required_height then -- We won't have enough space to show all items, so a vertical scrollbar will appear, -- thus we need to make sure the width is large enough to display all items without -- as scrollbar if possible. Result.width := Result.width + grid.vertical_scroll_bar.width end -- Ensure it is at least as big as the underlying field. Result.width := Result.width.max (field.width) -- Ensure it is no wider than the current monitor. Result.width := l_monitor.width.min (Result.width) -- Determine how much room there is free on the right of the screen from the cursor position l_right_space := l_monitor.right - Result.x if l_right_space < Result.width then -- Shift x pos back so it fits on the screen Result.x := Result.x - (Result.width - l_right_space) end Result.x := Result.x.max (l_monitor.x) end feature {NONE} -- Grid helpers first_visible_row (a_grid: EV_GRID): detachable EV_GRID_ROW -- Gives the first fully visible row of the grid. Unlike `{EV_GRID}.first_visible_row' -- which returns the first partially visible row of the grid. -- If a row cannot be fully visible (e.g. taller than the grid's viewable_height) it -- returns `{EV_GRID}.first_visible_row'. require a_grid_not_destroyed: not a_grid.is_destroyed local l_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] l_count: INTEGER do l_indexes := a_grid.visible_row_indexes l_count := l_indexes.count if l_count > 0 then Result := a_grid.row (l_indexes.i_th (1)) if l_count > 1 and then Result /= Void and then Result.virtual_y_position < a_grid.virtual_y_position then -- First visible rows is not fully visible, we go for the fully visible one if it exists. if attached a_grid.row (l_indexes.i_th (2)) as l_next_row and then l_next_row.virtual_y_position + l_next_row.height <= a_grid.virtual_y_position + a_grid.viewable_height then -- Next item is fully visible, we use it as target. Result := l_next_row end end end end last_visible_row (a_grid: EV_GRID): detachable EV_GRID_ROW -- Gives the last fully visible row of the grid. Unlike `{EV_GRID}.last_visible_row' -- which returns the last partially visible row of the grid. -- If a row cannot be fully visible (e.g. taller than the grid's viewable_height) it -- returns `{EV_GRID}.last_visible_row'. require a_grid_not_destroyed: not a_grid.is_destroyed local l_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] l_count: INTEGER do l_indexes := a_grid.visible_row_indexes l_count := l_indexes.count if l_count > 0 then Result := a_grid.row (l_indexes.i_th (l_count)) if l_count > 1 and then Result /= Void and then Result.virtual_y_position + Result.height > a_grid.virtual_y_position + a_grid.viewable_height then -- Last visible rows is not fully visible, we go for the fully visible one if it exists. if attached a_grid.row (l_indexes.i_th (l_count - 1)) as l_prev_row and then l_prev_row.virtual_y_position >= a_grid.virtual_y_position then -- Previous item is fully visible, we use it as target. Result := l_prev_row end end end end viewable_row_count: INTEGER -- Number of items that will be scrolled when doing a page up or down operation. local l_grid: like grid do l_grid := grid Result := l_grid.viewable_height // l_grid.row_height end select_row (a_row: INTEGER) -- Select row `i'. -- If invisible, select its parent require a_row_is_valid: a_row > 0 and a_row <= grid.row_count local i: INTEGER l_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW l_grid: like grid l_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] do l_grid := grid if l_grid.row_count > 0 then -- Go to bottom l_grid.remove_selection i := a_row l_row := l_grid.row (i).parent_row if l_row = Void then l_grid.row (i).enable_select else if not l_row.is_expanded then l_row.enable_select else l_grid.row (i).enable_select end end l_rows := l_grid.selected_rows if not l_rows.is_empty and then l_rows.first.is_displayed then l_rows.first.ensure_visible end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Access grid: EV_GRID -- Grid displaying result of search. border_width: INTEGER = 1 -- Number of pixels for the border surrounding the suggestion window. feature {NONE} -- Implementation show_content (a_is_first: BOOLEAN) -- Show content for the first time if `a_is_first', otherwise update what is already shown. do -- Select the entry that match what has been entered in `field'. select_closest_match position_suggestion_choice_window (a_is_first) if a_is_first then resize_column_to_window_width show_window else resize_column_to_window_width end -- Call field's `show_actions' if this is the first time the choice window is shown. if a_is_first then (Void) end end close -- Close window without performing the suggestion. do if not is_destroyed and not is_closing then is_closing := True if has_capture then disable_capture end save_window_position hide field.terminate_suggestion is_closing := False end end invariant note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end