note description: "Window that displays a text area and a list of possible features for automatic completion" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CODE_COMPLETION_WINDOW inherit SD_SIZABLE_POPUP_WINDOW rename make as docking_make redefine show end EV_KEY_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EV_SHARED_APPLICATION export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Create local vbox: EV_VERTICAL_BOX do create sorted_names.make_empty create header_box create footer_box create option_bar_box create choice_list reset_full_list create matches.make_empty create next_panel_label docking_make choice_list.set_default_key_processing_handler (agent (a_key: EV_KEY): BOOLEAN do Result := not a_key.is_arrow and not (a_key.code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_tab) end) choice_list.enable_single_row_selection choice_list.key_press_string_actions.extend (agent on_char) choice_list.key_press_actions.extend (agent on_key_down) choice_list.key_release_actions.extend (agent on_key_released) choice_list.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent mouse_selection) choice_list.hide_header choice_list.disable_selection_key_handling choice_list.enable_partial_dynamic_content choice_list.set_dynamic_content_function (agent on_item_display) choice_list.virtual_position_changed_actions.extend (agent on_scroll) choice_list.mouse_wheel_actions.extend (agent on_mouse_wheel) create vbox vbox.extend (header_box) vbox.disable_item_expand (header_box) vbox.extend (choice_list) vbox.extend (footer_box) vbox.disable_item_expand (footer_box) extend (vbox) choice_list.focus_out_actions.extend (agent on_lose_focus) focus_out_actions.extend (agent on_lose_focus) resize_actions.extend (agent (i_x, i_y, i_width, i_height: INTEGER) do resize_column_to_window_width end) dpi_changed_actions.extend (agent (a_dpi: NATURAL_32; i_x, i_y, i_width, i_height: INTEGER) do resize_column_to_window_width end) end feature -- Initialization common_initialization (an_editor: attached like code_completable; a_name: detachable STRING_32; a_remainder: INTEGER; a_completion_possibilities: like sorted_names; a_complete_word: BOOLEAN) -- Initialize fields common to class and feature choice window. do code_completable := an_editor remainder := a_remainder initialize_completion_possibilities (a_completion_possibilities) user_completion := a_complete_word if a_name /= Void then before_complete := a_name buffered_input := a_name.twin else create buffered_input.make_empty end build_full_list is_closing := False build_displayed_list (a_name) is_first_show := True if not full_list.is_empty then -- We call `ensure_item_selection' instead of `select_closest_match' to avoid -- needless completion list rebuilding. if choice_list.row_count > 0 then ensure_item_selection end -- If there is only one possibility, we insert it without displaying the window determine_show_needed if not show_needed then close_and_complete end end end initialize_completion_possibilities (a_completion_possibilities: like sorted_names) -- Initialize `sorted_names' to completion possiblities do sorted_names := a_completion_possibilities end feature -- Access code_completable: detachable CODE_COMPLETABLE note option: stable attribute end -- associated code completable choice_list: EV_GRID -- list displaying possible feature signatures header_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Optional header bar box to hold additional widgets. footer_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Optional footer bar box to hold additional widgets. option_bar_box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- Option bar box sorted_names: SORTABLE_ARRAY [like name_type] -- list of possible names sorted alphabetically. before_complete: detachable STRING_32 note option: stable attribute end -- Insertion string remainder: INTEGER -- Number chars to remove on completion next_panel_label: EV_LINK_LABEL -- Label for next_panel. feature -- Settings show_bypassed_for_single_choice: BOOLEAN assign set_show_bypassed_for_single_choice -- For single choice case, bypass the window? (i.e not shown). -- note: by default, the Window is shown even for single choice. feature -- Status report show_needed: BOOLEAN -- Should the window be displayed ? user_completion: BOOLEAN -- Should single items in completion list be completed automatically? mouse_wheel_scroll_full_page: BOOLEAN do Result := mouse_wheel_scroll_full_page_internal end mouse_wheel_scroll_size: INTEGER do Result := mouse_wheel_scroll_size_internal end scrolling_common_line_count: INTEGER do Result := scrolling_common_line_count_internal end continue_completion: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if completion will be reactived automatically when the completion list is closed. -- This is the result of a '.' being entered when completion is active. feature -- Status Setting show -- Show do check show_needed: show_needed end Precursor {SD_SIZABLE_POPUP_WINDOW} choice_list.set_focus select_closest_match ev_application.do_once_on_idle (agent resize_column_to_window_width) end set_show_bypassed_for_single_choice (b: BOOLEAN) do show_bypassed_for_single_choice := b end feature -- Query has_match: BOOLEAN -- Number of matches based on `a_name' using `buffered_input' value. do if rebuild_list_during_matching then Result := not matches_based_on_name (buffered_input).is_empty else Result := not full_list.is_empty end end default_font: EV_FONT -- Default font once create Result end should_show: BOOLEAN -- Should show in current state? do Result := choice_list.row_count > 0 end is_applicable_item (a_item: like name_type): BOOLEAN -- Determines if `a_item' is an applicable item to show in the completion list do Result := a_item /= Void end is_applicable_item_with_name (a_item: like name_type; a_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Determines if `a_item' is an applicable item to show in the completion list -- when name is `a_name`. do Result := is_applicable_item (a_item) end feature {NONE} -- Events handling mouse_selection (x_pos, y_pos, button: INTEGER; unused1,unused2,unused3: DOUBLE; unused4,unused5:INTEGER) -- process mouse click in the list do if button = 1 and not choice_list.selected_items.is_empty then close_and_complete end end on_key_released (ev_key: EV_KEY) -- process user input in `choice_list' require code_completable_set: code_completable /= Void do if attached code_completable as c then inspect ev_key.code when Key_enter then close_and_complete when Key_escape then exit c.set_focus when key_back_space, key_delete then if ev_application.ctrl_pressed then c.handle_extended_ctrled_key (ev_key) else c.handle_extended_key (ev_key) end if buffered_input /= Void and then not buffered_input.is_empty then if ev_key.code = key_back_space then if ev_application.ctrl_pressed then buffered_input.wipe_out else buffered_input := buffered_input.substring (1, buffered_input.count - 1) end end else exit end select_closest_match when key_v then if ev_application.ctrl_pressed then c.handle_extended_ctrled_key (ev_key) if buffered_input /= Void then buffered_input.append (ev_application.clipboard.text) end else c.handle_extended_key (ev_key) end select_closest_match else -- Do nothing end else check from_precondition: False end end end on_key_down (ev_key: EV_KEY) -- process user input in `choice_list' do if ev_key /= Void then inspect ev_key.code when key_left then collapse_current_item when key_right then expand_current_item when Key_up then go_to_last_visible_item when Key_down then go_to_next_visible_item when Key_page_up then page_up when Key_page_down then page_down when key_home then if choice_list.row_count > 0 then select_row (1) end when key_end then if choice_list.row_count > 0 then select_row (choice_list.row_count) end else end end end on_char (character_string: STRING_32) -- Process displayable character key press event. require buffered_input_not_void: buffered_input /= Void code_completable_set: code_completable /= Void local c: CHARACTER do if character_string.count = 1 and then attached code_completable as cc and then attached buffered_input as b then c := character_string [1].to_character_8 if not cc.unwanted_characters.item (c.code) then b.append_character (c) cc.handle_character (c) select_closest_match else close_and_complete cc.handle_character (c) exit end else check from_precondition: attached code_completable end check from_precondition: attached buffered_input end end end on_lose_focus -- close window do if (not (is_destroyed or else has_focus or else choice_list.has_focus)) and is_displayed then exit end end on_mouse_wheel (a: INTEGER) -- Mouse wheel scrolled up or down local l_row: EV_GRID_ROW do if choice_list.virtual_height > choice_list.viewable_height then if mouse_wheel_scroll_full_page then if attached choice_list.first_visible_row as l_visible_row then l_row := choice_list.row ((l_visible_row.index - a * viewable_row_count).max (1).min (choice_list.row_count)) choice_list.set_virtual_position (choice_list.virtual_x_position, l_row.virtual_y_position.min (choice_list.maximum_virtual_y_position)) end else choice_list.set_virtual_position ( choice_list.virtual_x_position, ((choice_list.virtual_y_position + (choice_list.row_height * -a * mouse_wheel_scroll_size)).max (0)).min (choice_list.maximum_virtual_y_position)) end end end on_row_expand (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- On row expand require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void local i, upper: INTEGER do if a_row.subrow_count = 0 then if attached {like name_type} as l_name and attached matches as l_matches then if attached l_name.children as l_children then from i := l_children.lower upper := l_children.upper until i > upper loop if l_matches.has (l_children.item (i)) then a_row.insert_subrow (a_row.subrow_count + 1) a_row.subrow (a_row.subrow_count).set_data (l_children.item (i)) end i := i + 1 end end end end ev_application.do_once_on_idle (agent resize_column_to_window_width) end on_row_collapse (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- On row collapse require a_row_not_void: a_row /= Void do ev_application.do_once_on_idle (agent resize_column_to_window_width) end feature {NONE} -- Cursor movement page_up -- Page up local l_selected_row: INTEGER i: INTEGER l_viewable_row_count: INTEGER l_count: INTEGER end_loop: BOOLEAN l_last_selectable: INTEGER do if choice_list.row_count > 0 then if choice_list.has_selected_row then l_selected_row := choice_list.selected_rows.first.index if not choice_list.visible_row_indexes.has (l_selected_row) then l_selected_row := choice_list.visible_row_indexes.first end l_viewable_row_count := viewable_row_count - scrolling_common_line_count l_last_selectable := l_selected_row from i := l_selected_row until i < 1 or end_loop loop if attached choice_list.row (i).parent_row as l_parent_row implies l_parent_row.is_expanded then l_count := l_count + 1 l_last_selectable := i end if l_count > l_viewable_row_count then end_loop := True end i := i - 1 end choice_list.remove_selection choice_list.row (l_last_selectable).enable_select choice_list.row (l_last_selectable).ensure_visible end end end page_down -- Page down local l_selected_row: INTEGER i: INTEGER l_viewable_row_count: INTEGER l_count: INTEGER end_loop: BOOLEAN l_last_selectable: INTEGER l_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] do if choice_list.row_count > 0 then if choice_list.has_selected_row then l_rows := choice_list.selected_rows l_selected_row := l_rows.first.index if not choice_list.visible_row_indexes.has (l_selected_row) then l_selected_row := choice_list.visible_row_indexes.last end l_viewable_row_count := viewable_row_count - scrolling_common_line_count l_last_selectable := l_selected_row from i := l_selected_row until i > choice_list.row_count or end_loop loop if attached choice_list.row (i).parent_row as l_parent_row implies l_parent_row.is_expanded then l_count := l_count + 1 l_last_selectable := i end if l_count > l_viewable_row_count then end_loop := True end i := i + 1 end choice_list.remove_selection choice_list.row (l_last_selectable).enable_select choice_list.row (l_last_selectable).ensure_visible end end end go_to_last_visible_item -- Go to last visible item. local i, ix: INTEGER l_row : detachable EV_GRID_ROW l_loop_end: BOOLEAN l_list: like choice_list l_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] do l_list := choice_list if l_list.row_count > 0 then if l_list.has_selected_row then l_rows := l_list.selected_rows ix := l_rows.first.index l_list.remove_selection from if ix = 1 then i := l_list.row_count else i := ix - 1 end until l_loop_end loop l_row := l_list.row (i).parent_row if l_row = Void or else l_row.is_expanded then l_list.row (i).enable_select l_loop_end := True end i := i - 1 if i < 1 then i := l_list.row_count end end if l_list.has_selected_row then l_list.selected_rows.first.ensure_visible end end end end go_to_next_visible_item -- Go to last visible item. local i, ix: INTEGER l_row : detachable EV_GRID_ROW l_loop_end: BOOLEAN l_list: like choice_list l_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] do l_list := choice_list if l_list.row_count > 0 then if l_list.has_selected_row then l_rows := l_list.selected_rows ix := l_rows.first.index l_list.remove_selection from if ix = l_list.row_count then i := 1 else i := ix + 1 end until l_loop_end loop l_row := l_list.row (i).parent_row if l_row = Void or else l_row.is_expanded then l_list.row (i).enable_select l_loop_end := True end i := i + 1 if i > l_list.row_count then i := 1 end end if l_list.has_selected_row then l_list.selected_rows.first.ensure_visible end end end end expand_current_item -- Expand current item. local ix: INTEGER l_row: EV_GRID_ROW l_list: like choice_list l_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] do l_list := choice_list if l_list.row_count > 0 then if l_list.has_selected_row then l_rows := l_list.selected_rows ix := l_rows.first.index l_row := l_list.row (ix) if l_row.is_expandable then if not l_row.is_expanded then l_row.expand else if l_row.subrow_count > 0 then l_list.remove_selection l_row.subrow (1).enable_select end end end if l_list.has_selected_row then l_list.selected_rows.first.ensure_visible end end end end collapse_current_item -- Collapse current item. -- If parented, collapse parent. local ix: INTEGER l_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW l_list: like choice_list l_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] do l_list := choice_list if l_list.row_count > 0 then if l_list.has_selected_row then l_rows := l_list.selected_rows ix := l_rows.first.index l_row := l_list.row (ix) if l_row.is_expandable and then l_row.is_expanded then l_row.collapse else l_row := l_row.parent_row if l_row /= Void and then l_row.is_expandable and then l_row.is_expanded then l_list.remove_selection l_row.enable_select end end l_rows := l_list.selected_rows if not l_rows.is_empty and then l_rows.first.is_displayed then l_rows.first.ensure_visible end end end end select_row (a_row: INTEGER) -- Select row `i' -- If invisible, select its parent require a_row_is_valid: a_row > 0 and a_row <= choice_list.row_count local i: INTEGER l_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW l_list: like choice_list do l_list := choice_list if l_list.row_count > 0 then -- Go to bottom l_list.remove_selection i := a_row l_row := l_list.row (i).parent_row if l_row = Void then l_list.row (i).enable_select else if not l_row.is_expanded then l_row.enable_select else l_list.row (i).enable_select end end if l_list.has_selected_row then l_list.selected_rows.first.ensure_visible end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation buffered_input: detachable STRING_32 note option: stable attribute end -- Buffered user input character_to_append: CHARACTER -- Character that should be appended after the completed feature in the editor. -- '%U' if none. index_offset: INTEGER -- Index in `full_list' of the first element in `choice_list' matches: SORTABLE_ARRAY [like name_type] -- Last matches rebuild_list_during_matching: BOOLEAN -- Should the list be rebuilt according to current match? do Result := True end automatically_complete_words: BOOLEAN -- Should completion list automatically complete words. do Result := True end build_displayed_list (name: detachable STRING_32) -- Build the list based on matches with `name' require full_list_not_void: full_list /= Void choice_list_attached: choice_list /= Void local l_count: INTEGER match_item: like name_type parent_item: detachable like name_type row_index: INTEGER l_upper: INTEGER l_tree_view: BOOLEAN l_row: EV_GRID_ROW l_parents_inserted: HASH_TABLE [NAME_FOR_COMPLETION, NAME_FOR_COMPLETION] l_matches: like matches l_list: like choice_list do l_list := choice_list l_list.wipe_out if rebuild_list_during_matching then l_matches := matches_based_on_name (name) else l_matches := full_list.twin end matches := l_matches l_list.set_column_count_to (1) l_list.set_row_count_to (top_node_count_of (l_matches)) create l_parents_inserted.make (l_matches.count) if l_matches.is_empty then current_index := 0 else current_index := 1 end from l_count := l_matches.lower l_upper := l_matches.upper row_index := 1 until l_count > l_upper loop match_item := l_matches.item (l_count) if is_applicable_item_with_name (match_item, name) then parent_item := Void if attached match_item.parent as l_match_item_parent then parent_item := l_match_item_parent else if not match_item.has_child then l_row := l_list.row (row_index) l_row.set_data (match_item) row_index := row_index + 1 else parent_item := match_item end end if parent_item /= Void and then not l_parents_inserted.has (parent_item) then l_row := l_list.row (row_index) l_row.set_data (parent_item) row_index := row_index + 1 if parent_item.has_child then if not l_tree_view then l_tree_view := True if not l_list.is_tree_enabled then l_list.enable_tree end end l_row.ensure_expandable l_row.expand_actions.extend (agent parent_item.set_is_expanded (True)) l_row.expand_actions.extend (agent on_row_expand (l_row)) l_row.collapse_actions.extend (agent parent_item.set_is_expanded (False)) l_row.collapse_actions.extend (agent on_row_collapse (l_row)) if parent_item.is_expanded and then l_row.is_expandable then l_row.expand row_index := row_index + l_row.subrow_count end end l_parents_inserted.force (parent_item, parent_item) end end l_count := l_count + 1 end -- Shrink list in case not all items were applicable. l_list.set_row_count_to (row_index - 1) -- Enable/Disable tree view. if not l_tree_view then if l_list.is_tree_enabled then l_list.disable_tree end end end top_node_count_of (a_names: SORTABLE_ARRAY [like name_type]): INTEGER -- Count of node with no parent require a_names_not_void: a_names /= Void local i, l_upper: INTEGER l_name: NAME_FOR_COMPLETION l_parents_inserted: ARRAYED_LIST [NAME_FOR_COMPLETION] do create l_parents_inserted.make (a_names.count) from i := a_names.lower l_upper := a_names.upper until i > l_upper loop l_name := a_names.item (i) if attached l_name.parent as l_name_parent then l_name := l_name_parent end if not l_parents_inserted.has (l_name) then Result := Result + 1 l_parents_inserted.extend (l_name) end i := i + 1 end end build_full_list -- Build full list including children nodes. local i: INTEGER l_upper: INTEGER start_pos: INTEGER l_name: like name_type l_names: like sorted_names l_list: like full_list do -- Ensure we show the option_bar_box in full_list l_list := full_list l_names := sorted_names if not has_child_node then l_list := l_names else create l_list.make (1, calculate_full_count) start_pos := 1 from i := l_names.lower l_upper := l_names.upper until i > l_upper loop l_name := l_names.item (i) start_pos := collect_names (l_name, l_list, start_pos) i := i + 1 end l_list.sort end if l_list = Void then create l_list.make_empty end full_list := l_list ensure full_list_not_void: full_list /= Void end full_list: like sorted_names -- Sorted full list of name. reset_full_list do create full_list.make_empty end has_child_node: BOOLEAN -- Any child node? local i: INTEGER l_upper: INTEGER l_name: like name_type do if attached sorted_names as l_sorted_names then from i := l_sorted_names.lower l_upper := l_sorted_names.upper until i > l_upper or Result loop l_name := l_sorted_names.item (i) Result := l_name.has_child i := i + 1 end else check has_sorted_names: False end end end calculate_full_count: INTEGER -- Calculate total number of names including children. local i: INTEGER l_upper: INTEGER l_name: like name_type do from i := sorted_names.lower l_upper := sorted_names.upper until i > l_upper loop l_name := sorted_names.item (i) Result := Result + flat_count_of_name (l_name) i := i + 1 end end flat_count_of_name (a_name: like name_type): INTEGER -- Number of flat count of `a_name', including itself and its children. require a_name_not_void: a_name /= Void local i: INTEGER l_upper: INTEGER do Result := 1 if a_name.has_child and then attached a_name.children as l_children then from i := l_children.lower l_upper := l_children.upper until i > l_upper loop Result := Result + flat_count_of_name (l_children.item (i)) i := i + 1 end end end collect_names (a_name: like name_type; a_list: like full_list; a_start_pos: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Collect all nodes of `a_name', including itself and its children. require a_name_not_void: a_name /= Void a_list_not_void: a_list /= Void a_start_pos_valid: a_start_pos <= a_list.upper and then a_start_pos >= a_list.lower local l_count: INTEGER i: INTEGER l_upper: INTEGER do l_count := a_start_pos a_list.put (a_name, l_count) l_count := l_count + 1 if a_name.has_child and attached a_name.children as l_children then from i := l_children.lower l_upper := l_children.upper until i > l_upper loop l_count := collect_names (l_children.item (i), a_list, l_count) i := i + 1 end end Result := l_count end close_and_complete -- close the window and perform completion with selected item do if choice_list.has_selected_row then -- Delete current token so it is later replaced by the completion text if buffered_input /= Void and then not buffered_input.is_empty then remove_characters_entered_since_display end complete end exit end complete -- Complete current name require code_completable_set: code_completable /= Void local l_list: like choice_list l_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] do if attached code_completable as c then continue_completion := False l_list := choice_list if l_list.has_selected_row then l_rows := l_list.selected_rows if character_to_append = '(' then character_to_append := '%U' end if attached {like name_type} as l_name_item then c.complete_from_window (if ev_application.alt_pressed then l_name_item.full_insert_name else l_name_item.insert_name end, character_to_append, remainder) else check name_present: False end end end end end exit -- Cancel autocomplete require code_completable_set: code_completable /= Void do if attached code_completable as c then if not is_closing then is_closing := True show_needed := False if has_capture then disable_capture end save_window_position hide c.resume_focus_out_actions end exit_complete_mode c.block_focus_in_actions if c.is_focus_back_needed then c.set_focus end c.resume_focus_in_actions else check from_preconditrion: False end end end exit_complete_mode -- Exit editor complete mode. require code_completable_not_void: code_completable /= Void do if attached code_completable as c then c.exit_complete_mode else check from_preconditrion: False end end continue_completion := False end save_window_position -- Save current window position. require code_completable_not_void: code_completable /= Void do if attached code_completable as c and then attached c.save_list_position_action as l_action and is_displayed then l_action (screen_x, screen_y, width, height) end end is_closing: BOOLEAN -- Is the window being closed? current_meta_keys: ARRAY [BOOLEAN] do Result := <> end activate_tooltip -- Activate selected item tooltip in list do -- choice_list.selected_items.first. ([1,1,1.0,1.0,1.0,1,1]) end remove_characters_entered_since_display -- Remove characters entered so we may put them back require buffered_input_not_void: buffered_input /= Void code_completable_not_void: code_completable /= Void local l_index: INTEGER do if attached buffered_input as b and attached code_completable as c then from l_index := 1 until l_index > b.count loop c.back_delete_char l_index := l_index + 1 end else check from_precondition: attached buffered_input end check from_precondition: attached code_completable end end end resize_column_to_window_width -- Resize the column width to the width of the window local i: INTEGER l_list: like choice_list l_visible_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW do l_list := choice_list if l_list.column_count > 0 and then l_list.row_count > 0 then -- When resizing, if the first selected row, if any, is currently visible, -- we will ensure it stays visible during resizing. if l_list.is_displayed and then l_list.has_selected_row then l_visible_row := l_list.selected_rows.first if not l_list.visible_row_indexes.has (l_visible_row.index) then -- Not visible, we do not force it to be shown during resizing. l_visible_row := Void end end i := l_list.column (1).required_width_of_item_span (1, l_list.row_count) + 3 if l_list.vertical_scroll_bar.is_displayed then if i < l_list.width - l_list.vertical_scroll_bar.width then l_list.column (1).set_width (l_list.width - l_list.vertical_scroll_bar.width) else l_list.column (1).set_width (i) end else if i < l_list.width then l_list.column (1).set_width (l_list.width) else l_list.column (1).set_width (i) end end -- Selected row was already visible, let's make sure it is still visible. if l_visible_row /= Void then l_visible_row.ensure_visible end end end on_scroll (x, y: INTEGER) -- On vertical bar scroll do ev_application.do_once_on_idle (agent resize_column_to_window_width) end is_first_show: BOOLEAN determine_show_needed -- Determins if completion window needs to be show to user. -- `show_needed' is set as a result of calling this routine. require before_complete_not_void: before_complete /= Void local l_matches: INTEGER l_list: like choice_list do if attached before_complete as b then -- Show if completion is performed on no text (completing after the period '.') if rebuild_list_during_matching then l_list := choice_list -- Show if there are mulitple items left to show if l_list.row_count = 0 then -- There are no items to choose from if b.is_empty then -- There are no possible items given that there is no completion term. show_needed := False else -- There are no choices visible, but there are some available. The user -- can delete a character or two to view refiltered list. show_needed := not full_list.is_empty end else if user_completion then -- User completed without a completion term so only show completion -- list if there are mulitple items available if automatically_complete_words then if l_list.row_count = 1 then if l_list.row (1).is_expandable and then l_list.row (1).subrow_count > 1 then show_needed := True else show_needed := not show_bypassed_for_single_choice end elseif l_list.row_count = 2 then if l_list.row (1).is_expandable and then l_list.row (2).is_selected then show_needed := False else show_needed := True end else show_needed := True end else show_needed := True end else -- Completion list is being shown automatically -- check -- non_completion_term: before_complete.is_empty -- end show_needed := True end end else l_matches := matches_based_on_name (b).count if l_matches = 0 then -- Only show if the completion term is empty show_needed := not b.is_empty elseif l_matches = 1 and automatically_complete_words then -- If there is only one item in completion list and user completed -- then there is no need to show list. show_needed := not user_completion else -- Multiple items are available so show completion list show_needed := True end end else check from_precondition: attached before_complete end end end set_expanded_row_icon (a_item: EV_GRID_ITEM; a_name: like name_type) -- Set pixmap of `a_item'. require a_item_not_void: a_item /= Void a_name_not_void: a_name /= Void do if attached a_name.icon as l_icon and then attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} a_item as l_item then l_item.set_pixmap (l_icon) end end name_type: NAME_FOR_COMPLETION -- Type for completion. require not_callable: False do check False then end end is_binary_search_supported (a_name: STRING_32): BOOLEAN -- Is binary search supported with `a_name`? require a_name_set: a_name /= Void do Result := (create {like name_type}.make (a_name)).is_binary_searchable end mouse_wheel_scroll_full_page_internal: BOOLEAN = False mouse_wheel_scroll_size_internal: INTEGER = 3 scrolling_common_line_count_internal: INTEGER = 1 feature {NONE} -- String matching pos_of_first (table: like full_list): INTEGER require table_not_void: table /= Void local i, upper: INTEGER end_loop: BOOLEAN do from i := table.lower upper := table.upper until i > upper or end_loop loop if table.item (i).begins_with (buffered_input) then end_loop := True Result := i end i := i + 1 end end pos_of_first_greater (table: like full_list; a_name: like name_type): INTEGER require not_empty: not table.is_empty local low, up, mid: INTEGER do if table.item (table.lower).sort_name >= a_name.sort_name then Result := table.lower elseif table.item (table.upper).sort_name <= a_name.sort_name then Result := table.upper else from low := table.lower up := table.upper mid := low until up - low <= 1 loop mid := (up + low) // 2 if table.item (mid).sort_name >= a_name.sort_name then up := mid else low := mid end end Result := up end ensure table.item (table.lower).sort_name >= a_name.sort_name or else table.item (table.upper).sort_name <= a_name.sort_name or else (table.item (Result - 1).sort_name < a_name.sort_name and table.item (Result).sort_name >= a_name.sort_name) end current_index: INTEGER -- Index of selected item in `choice_list' (if any) select_closest_match -- Select the closest match in the list do if not is_first_show then if rebuild_list_during_matching then -- To prevent flickering due to the potential -- hidding/showing of scrollbars we lock ourselve -- while rebuilding the list. build_displayed_list (buffered_input) resize_column_to_window_width end end ensure_item_selection is_first_show := False end ensure_item_selection -- Ensure item seletion in the list. require buffered_input_not_void: buffered_input /= Void local l_row: EV_GRID_ROW l_name, l_name_for_comparison: like name_type l_index: INTEGER l_list: like choice_list l_full_list: like full_list do l_list := choice_list if rebuild_list_during_matching then current_index := 1 if l_list.row_count > 0 then l_row := l_list.row (1) if attached {like name_type} as l_name_data and then l_name_data.has_child then on_row_expand (l_row) if not l_name_data.begins_with (buffered_input) then l_row.expand current_index := 2 end end end else if attached buffered_input as b and then not buffered_input.is_empty then l_full_list := full_list create l_name_for_comparison.make (b) if is_binary_search_supported (b) then -- Faster way getting to the position if binary search is appliable. current_index := pos_of_first_greater (l_full_list, l_name_for_comparison) else current_index := pos_of_first (l_full_list) -- If we don't find the first match, we do binary search to find the closest one. -- Wild card is discarded in this case. if current_index = 0 then current_index := pos_of_first_greater (l_full_list, l_name_for_comparison) end end if current_index >= l_full_list.lower and current_index <= l_full_list.upper then l_name := l_full_list.item (current_index) if attached l_name.parent as l_name_parent then l_index := grid_row_by_data (l_name_parent) check l_index_valid: l_index > 0 end l_row := l_list.row (l_index) l_row.expand end current_index := grid_row_by_data (l_name) end end if current_index <= 0 then current_index := 1 end end if l_list.row_count > 0 then l_list.remove_selection -- It is possible that there are some rows have been filtered (i.e. oboselete features) -- The row count of the list is actually greater than the number of rows we created. if attached {like name_type} l_list.row (current_index).data then l_list.row (current_index).enable_select end if is_displayed then if l_list.has_selected_row then l_list.selected_rows.first.ensure_visible end end end end matches_based_on_name (a_name: detachable STRING_32): SORTABLE_ARRAY [like name_type] -- Array of matches based on `a_name'. -- Always use this function before building lists to get correct matches. require full_list_not_void: full_list /= Void local cnt: INTEGER l_upper: INTEGER i: INTEGER l_full_list: like full_list l_item: like name_type for_search: like name_type l_index_offset: INTEGER do l_full_list := full_list if not l_full_list.is_empty and then a_name /= Void and then not a_name.is_empty then if is_binary_search_supported (a_name) then create Result.make (2, 1) from create for_search.make (a_name) l_index_offset := pos_of_first_greater (l_full_list, for_search) - 1 until l_full_list.upper < (l_index_offset + cnt + 1) or else not attached l_full_list.item (l_index_offset + cnt + 1) as l_list_item or else not l_list_item.begins_with (a_name) loop cnt := cnt + 1 end if cnt > 0 then Result := l_full_list.subarray (l_index_offset + 1, l_index_offset + cnt) end index_offset := l_index_offset else create Result.make (1, 20) from i := l_full_list.lower l_upper := l_full_list.upper until i > l_upper loop l_item := l_full_list[i] if l_item.begins_with (a_name) then cnt := cnt + 1 if cnt = 1 then index_offset := i end if cnt > Result.upper then Result.conservative_resize (1, Result.upper * 2) end Result.put (l_item, cnt) end i := i + 1 end if cnt = 0 then create Result.make (2, 1) else Result := Result.subarray (1, cnt) end end else -- Matches are just all matches Result := l_full_list.twin index_offset := 0 end ensure has_result: Result /= Void end viewable_row_count: INTEGER -- Number of items that will be scrolled when doing a page up or down operation. local l_list: like choice_list do l_list := choice_list Result := l_list.viewable_height // l_list.row_height end grid_row_by_data (a_data: ANY) : INTEGER -- Find a row in a_grid that include a_data local i: INTEGER l_row: EV_GRID_ROW loop_end: BOOLEAN l_list: like choice_list do l_list := choice_list loop_end := False from i := 1 until i > l_list.row_count or loop_end loop l_row := l_list.row (i) if /= Void and then = a_data then Result := i loop_end := True end i := i + 1 end end on_item_display (a_column, a_row: INTEGER): EV_GRID_ITEM -- On item expose. local l_row: EV_GRID_ROW do l_row := choice_list.row (a_row) if attached {NAME_FOR_COMPLETION} as l_name then Result := l_name.grid_item else create Result end end invariant choice_list_attached: choice_list /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end