note description: "Objects that represents a enhanced GRID" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_GRID inherit EV_GRID redefine create_interface_objects, initialize, destroy end EV_SHARED_APPLICATION undefine default_create, copy end EV_GRID_HELPER undefine default_create, copy end ES_TREE_NAVIGATOR undefine default_create, copy end SHARED_BENCH_NAMES undefine default_create, copy end create default_create feature {NONE} -- Initialization create_interface_objects do create auto_resized_columns.make auto_resized_columns.compare_objects create manually_resized_columns.make (0) end initialize local l_resizing_behavior: like resizing_behavior do Precursor {EV_GRID} build_delayed_columns_auto_resizing enable_solid_resizing_divider set_separator_color (color_separator) set_tree_node_connector_color (color_tree_node_connector) header.item_pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_header_item_clicked) header.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent (x, y, b: INTEGER_32; x_tilt, y_tilt, p: REAL_64; s_x, s_y: INTEGER_32) do on_header_auto_width_resize end) header.item_resize_start_actions.extend (agent on_header_resize_start) header.item_resize_end_actions.extend (agent on_header_resize_end) create scrolling_behavior.make (Current) create l_resizing_behavior.make (Current) l_resizing_behavior.enable_column_resizing l_resizing_behavior.header_resize_end_actions.extend (agent on_header_manually_resized) resizing_behavior := l_resizing_behavior key_press_actions.extend (agent on_key_pressed) build_delayed_last_column_auto_resizing resize_actions.extend (agent on_resize_events) dpi_changed_actions.extend (agent on_dpi_resize_events) virtual_size_changed_actions.extend (agent on_resize_events (0,0, ?,?)) last_column_use_all_width_enabled := True cleaning_delay := 500 set_selected_rows_function (agent selected_rows_in_grid) header.item_resize_end_actions.extend (agent (a_item: EV_HEADER_ITEM) -- Called to set last moved header item. do last_resized_grid_header := a_item end) -- Add default row expand and collapse handling. row_expand_actions.extend (agent on_row_expand) row_collapse_actions.extend (agent on_row_collapse) end color_separator: EV_COLOR once create Result.make_with_8_bit_rgb (210, 210, 210) end color_tree_node_connector: EV_COLOR once create Result.make_with_8_bit_rgb (0, 0, 0) end feature -- Access auto_size_best_fit_column: INTEGER -- Column index automatically resized to ensure all columns fit in view. -- Note: 0 indicates no best-fitting feature {NONE} -- Access last_resized_grid_header: detachable EV_HEADER_ITEM -- Last resized header feature -- Status report use_auto_size_best_fit: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if there a column that will be automatically resized to fit the visible width do Result := auto_size_best_fit_column > 0 end last_column_use_all_width_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if the last column width should be automatically ajusted feature -- Status setting enable_last_column_use_all_width -- Enables last column with to be automatically adjust to fit the viewable width of the grid do last_column_use_all_width_enabled := True auto_size_best_fit_column := 0 ensure last_column_use_all_width_enabled: last_column_use_all_width_enabled not_use_auto_size_best_fit: not use_auto_size_best_fit end disable_last_column_use_all_width -- Disables last column with to be automatically adjust to fit the viewable width of the grid do last_column_use_all_width_enabled := False ensure not_last_column_use_all_width_enabled: not last_column_use_all_width_enabled end enable_auto_size_best_fit_column (a_column: INTEGER) -- Enabled auto sizing of column `a_column' to best fit the viewiable area of the grid. require a_column_positive: a_column > 0 a_column_small_enough: a_column <= column_count do auto_size_best_fit_column := a_column last_column_use_all_width_enabled := False ensure not_last_column_use_all_width_enabled: not last_column_use_all_width_enabled use_auto_size_best_fit: use_auto_size_best_fit auto_size_best_fit_column_set: auto_size_best_fit_column = a_column end disable_auto_size_best_fit_column -- Disables auto sizing of a specified column so the columns will no longer auto-fit the grid's viewable width. do auto_size_best_fit_column := 0 ensure not_use_auto_size_best_fit: not use_auto_size_best_fit end reset_manually_resized_columns -- Resize manually resized columns do manually_resized_columns.wipe_out end feature -- properties border_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is border enabled ? -- i.e: the pre draw cell's border, alias cell separators scrolling_behavior: detachable ES_GRID_SCROLLING_BEHAVIOR resizing_behavior: detachable ES_GRID_RESIZING_BEHAVIOR selected_rows_function: FUNCTION [LIST [EV_GRID_ROW]] -- Selected rows. -- Use `selected_rows' by default. do if attached selected_rows_function_internal as agt then Result := agt else Result := agent selected_rows end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end selected_rows_function_internal: detachable like selected_rows_function -- Implementation of `selected_rows_function' feature -- Change disable_resize_column (a_column: INTEGER) -- Disable resize for `a_column'. do if attached resizing_behavior as agt then agt.disable_resize_on_column (a_column) end end enable_resize_column (a_column: INTEGER) -- Enable resize for `a_column'. do if attached resizing_behavior as agt then agt.enable_resize_on_column (a_column) end end enable_border -- enabled the cell's borders do set_border_enabled (True) end disable_border -- enabled the cell's borders do set_border_enabled (False) end set_mouse_wheel_scroll_size (i: INTEGER) do if attached scrolling_behavior as agt then agt.set_mouse_wheel_scroll_size (i) end end set_mouse_wheel_scroll_full_page (b: BOOLEAN) do if attached scrolling_behavior as agt then agt.set_mouse_wheel_scroll_full_page (b) end end set_scrolling_common_line_count (i: INTEGER) do if attached scrolling_behavior as agt then agt.set_scrolling_common_line_count (i) end end set_selected_rows_function (a_function: like selected_rows_function) -- Set `selected_rows_function' with `a_function'. do selected_rows_function_internal := a_function ensure selected_rows_function_set: selected_rows_function = a_function end enable_default_tree_navigation_behavior (a_expand, a_expand_recursive, a_collapse, a_collapse_recursive: BOOLEAN) -- Enable default tree navigation behavior. -- `a_expand' indicates if expanding a node should be enabled. -- `a_expand_recursive' indicates if expanding a node recursively should be enabled. -- `a_collapse' indicates if collapsing a node should be enabled. -- `a_collapse_recursive' indicates if collapsing a node recursively should be enabled. local l_agent: like expand_selected_rows_agent do if a_expand then l_agent := expand_selected_rows_agent if l_agent = Void then l_agent := agent expand_rows (False) set_expand_selected_rows_agent (l_agent) end default_expand_rows_shortcuts.do_all (agent register_shortcut (?, l_agent)) end if a_expand_recursive then l_agent := expand_selected_rows_recursive_agent if l_agent = Void then l_agent := agent expand_rows (True) set_expand_selected_rows_recursive_agent (l_agent) end default_expand_rows_recursive_shortcuts.do_all (agent register_shortcut (?, l_agent)) end if a_collapse then l_agent := collapse_selected_rows_agent if l_agent = Void then l_agent := agent collapse_rows (False) set_collapse_selected_rows_agent (l_agent) end default_collapse_rows_shortcuts.do_all (agent register_shortcut (?, l_agent)) end if a_collapse_recursive then l_agent := collapse_selected_rows_recursive_agent if l_agent = Void then l_agent := agent collapse_rows (True) set_collapse_selected_rows_recursive_agent (l_agent) end default_collapse_rows_recursive_shortcuts.do_all (agent register_shortcut (?, l_agent)) end end feature {NONE} -- Grid Events on_key_pressed (k: EV_KEY) -- Action to be performed when `k' is pressed in Current. local l_ev_application: like ev_application l_shortcut: ES_KEY_SHORTCUT do l_ev_application := ev_application if not l_ev_application.shift_pressed and not l_ev_application.alt_pressed then if l_ev_application.ctrl_pressed then inspect k.code when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_a then if is_multiple_row_selection_enabled then select_all_rows end else end elseif attached scrolling_behavior as scr then inspect k.code when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_page_up then scr.scroll_page (+1) when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_page_down then scr.scroll_page (-1) when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_home then scr.scroll_to_top when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_end then scr.scroll_to_end else end end end create l_shortcut.make_with_key_combination ( k, l_ev_application.ctrl_pressed, l_ev_application.alt_pressed, l_ev_application.shift_pressed ) if is_shortcut_registered (l_shortcut) then call_shortcut_actions (l_shortcut) end end on_header_item_clicked (hi: detachable EV_HEADER_ITEM; ax, ay, abutton: INTEGER) local m: EV_MENU col: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN lx: INTEGER_32 do if abutton = 3 then if attached {EV_GRID_HEADER_ITEM} hi as ghi and then header.pointed_divider_index = 0 then if attached ghi.column as col_i then col := column (col_i.index) end --| Col is the pointed header end m := header_menu_on_column (col) lx := ax if hi /= Void then lx := lx + header.item_x_offset (hi) end m.show_at (header, lx, ay) end end on_header_auto_width_resize local div_index: INTEGER col: EV_GRID_COLUMN do div_index := header.pointed_divider_index if div_index > 0 and row_count > 0 then col := column (div_index) check col_not_void: col /= Void end resize_column_to_content (col, False, ev_application.shift_pressed) end end feature -- Resizing resize_column_to_content (col: EV_GRID_COLUMN; include_header_text, only_visible_part: BOOLEAN) require col_not_void: col /= Void grid_not_empty: row_count > 0 local hw, w: INTEGER hf: EV_FONT do if only_visible_part then if attached first_visible_row as fvr and attached last_visible_row as lvr then w := col.required_width_of_item_span (fvr.index, lvr.index) else --| Should not occurs since the grid is not empty (see precondition) check grid_not_empty: False end end else w := col.required_width_of_item_span (1, row_count) end w := w + Additional_pixels_for_column_width if is_header_displayed and include_header_text then hf := header.font check header_font_not_void: hf /= Void end hw := hf.string_width (col.header_item.text) + Additional_pixels_for_header_item_width if col.header_item.pixmap /= Void then hw := hw + header.pixmaps_width end w := w.max (hw) end if w > 5 then if w < col.width and col.index = column_count then --| Do not resize smaller if it is last column else col.set_width (w.max (col.minimum_width)) end end end safe_resize_column_to_content (col: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN; include_header_text, only_visible_part: BOOLEAN) -- similar to resize_column_to_content but check input first do if col /= Void and row_count > 0 then resize_column_to_content (col, include_header_text, only_visible_part) end end feature -- Header menu header_menu_on_column (col: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN): EV_MENU -- Menu related to `col'. local mi: EV_MENU_ITEM mci: EV_CHECK_MENU_ITEM hi: EV_HEADER_ITEM gm: EV_MENU s: detachable STRING_GENERAL do create Result if col /= Void then hi := col.header_item s := hi.text end if s = Void or else s.is_empty then s := names.m_grid_menu end create mi.make_with_text (s) mi.disable_sensitive Result.extend (mi) if col /= Void then Result.extend (create {EV_MENU_SEPARATOR}) create mci.make_with_text (names.m_auto_resize) if column_has_auto_resizing (col.index) then mci.enable_select mci.select_actions.extend (agent set_auto_resizing_column (col.index, False)) else mci.disable_select mci.select_actions.extend (agent set_auto_resizing_column (col.index, True)) end Result.extend (mci) create mci.make_with_text (names.m_displayed) mci.enable_select mci.select_actions.extend (agent col.hide) Result.extend (mci) Result.extend (create {EV_MENU_SEPARATOR}) create mi.make_with_text (names.m_resize_to_content) mi.select_actions.extend (agent safe_resize_column_to_content (col, True, False)) Result.extend (mi) create mi.make_with_text (names.m_resize_to_visible_content) mi.select_actions.extend (agent safe_resize_column_to_content (col, True, True)) Result.extend (mi) end gm := grid_menu if gm /= Void then Result.extend (create {EV_MENU_SEPARATOR}) Result.extend (gm) end end grid_menu: EV_MENU -- Menu related to current grid. local sm: EV_MENU mci: EV_CHECK_MENU_ITEM c: INTEGER s: STRING_GENERAL col: EV_GRID_COLUMN do create Result.make_with_text (names.m_grid_settings) from c := 1 until c > column_count loop col := column (c) if not col.title.is_empty then s := names.m_column_n_title (col.title) else s := names.m_column_n_index (c.out) end create sm.make_with_text (s) Result.extend (sm) create mci.make_with_text (names.m_auto_resize) if column_has_auto_resizing (c) then mci.enable_select end mci.select_actions.extend (agent set_auto_resizing_column (c, not column_has_auto_resizing (c))) sm.extend (mci) create mci.make_with_text (names.m_displayed) if col.is_displayed then mci.enable_select mci.select_actions.extend (agent col.hide) else mci.select_actions.extend (agent end sm.extend (mci) c := c + 1 end end feature {NONE} -- Borders drawing set_border_enabled (b: BOOLEAN) do if b /= border_enabled then border_enabled := B if border_enabled then pre_draw_overlay_actions.extend (agent on_draw_borders) header.item_resize_actions.extend (agent invalidate_for_border) else pre_draw_overlay_actions.prune (agent on_draw_borders) header.item_resize_actions.prune (agent invalidate_for_border) end end end on_draw_borders (drawable: EV_DRAWABLE; grid_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM; a_column_index, a_row_index: INTEGER) local current_column_width, current_row_height: INTEGER all_remaining_columns_minimized: BOOLEAN do drawable.set_foreground_color (separator_color) current_column_width := column (a_column_index).width if is_row_height_fixed then current_row_height := row_height else current_row_height := row (a_row_index).height end if a_column_index > 1 then drawable.draw_segment (0, 0, 0, current_row_height - 1) end if a_column_index < column_count then if column (a_column_index + 1).virtual_x_position = column (column_count).virtual_x_position + column (column_count).width then all_remaining_columns_minimized := True end end if a_column_index = column_count or all_remaining_columns_minimized then drawable.draw_segment (current_column_width - 1, 0, current_column_width - 1, current_row_height - 1) end drawable.draw_segment (0, current_row_height - 1, current_column_width, current_row_height - 1) end invalidate_for_border (header_item: EV_HEADER_ITEM) -- resized that has a width greater than 0 as the column border must be updated -- in this column. -- (export status {NONE}) local header_index: INTEGER old_header_index: INTEGER do if attached header_item.parent as hp then header_index := hp.index_of (header_item, 1) end old_header_index := header_index if (last_width_of_header_during_resize = 0 and header_item.width > 0) or last_width_of_header_during_resize_internal > 0 and header_item.width = 0 then if header_index > 1 then from header_index := header_index - 1 until header_index = 1 or column (header_index).width > 0 loop header_index := header_index - 1 end end if header_index < old_header_index then column (header_index).redraw end end end last_width_of_header_during_resize: INTEGER -- The last width of the header item that is currently being -- resized. Used to determine if we must refresh the column to -- the left of the current one as it could cause the border to -- need to be drawn on the previous column if it is the final -- column that current has a width greater than 0. do Result := last_width_of_header_during_resize_internal ensure result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end last_width_of_header_during_resize_internal: INTEGER -- Storage for `last_width_of_header_during_resize'. feature -- column resizing access set_auto_resizing_column (c: INTEGER; auto: BOOLEAN) do if column_has_auto_resizing (c) then if not auto then auto_resized_columns.prune_all (c) request_columns_auto_resizing end elseif auto then auto_resized_columns.extend (c) request_columns_auto_resizing end end request_columns_auto_resizing do if not auto_resized_columns.is_empty then if attached delayed_columns_auto_resizing as d then d.request_call end end end feature {NONE} -- column resizing impl ensure_auto_size_best_fit -- Automatically resized a selected column to fit the grid's viewable area local l_index: INTEGER l_columns: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_COLUMN] l_col: EV_GRID_COLUMN l_count, i: INTEGER l_total_width: INTEGER l_new_width: INTEGER do if use_auto_size_best_fit then l_index := auto_size_best_fit_column if last_resized_grid_header /= Void and then last_resized_grid_header = header.i_th (l_index) and then header.count > l_index then -- Small hack that pretends the next column is auto-resized. This fixes an issue that prevents the -- adjecent column from being resized correctly. last_resized_grid_header := Void auto_size_best_fit_column := l_index + 1 ensure_auto_size_best_fit auto_size_best_fit_column := l_index else -- Do normal resizing if not implementation.is_header_item_resizing then debug print (generator + ".ensure_last_column_use_all_width %N") end l_index := auto_size_best_fit_column if column_count > l_index then if column (l_index).is_displayed then from i := 1 l_count := column_count create l_columns.make (l_count) until i > l_count loop l_col := column (i) if l_col.is_displayed then l_columns.extend (l_col) if i /= l_index then -- Ingore the width of the column we want to change l_total_width := l_total_width + l_col.width end end i := i + 1 end if not l_columns.is_empty then l_col := column (l_index) l_new_width := viewable_width - l_total_width if l_new_width /= l_col.width then if l_new_width < 0 then l_new_width := 0 end if manually_resized_columns.has (l_index) implies l_col.required_width_of_item_span (1, row_count) < l_new_width then resize_actions.block virtual_size_changed_actions.block l_col.set_width (l_new_width.max (l_col.minimum_width)) virtual_size_changed_actions.resume resize_actions.resume end end end else -- Use last, if possible if last_column_use_all_width_enabled then ensure_last_column_use_all_width end end end end end end end ensure_last_column_use_all_width -- Ensures the last column width fits the containing grid. local c: INTEGER last_col: EV_GRID_COLUMN last_col_minimal_width, col_left_x: INTEGER l_new_width: INTEGER do if last_column_use_all_width_enabled then if not implementation.is_header_item_resizing then debug print (generator + ".ensure_last_column_use_all_width %N") end if row_count > 0 and column_count > 0 then from c := column_count until c = 0 or else column (c).is_displayed loop c := c - 1 end if c > 0 then last_col := column (c) col_left_x := (last_col.virtual_x_position - virtual_x_position) l_new_width := viewable_width - col_left_x if l_new_width > 0 and then last_col.width /= l_new_width --| Don't change the width, and it is already ok then last_col_minimal_width := last_col.required_width_of_item_span (1, row_count) if last_col_minimal_width < l_new_width or else (last_col.width < last_col_minimal_width and last_col.width < l_new_width) then resize_actions.block virtual_size_changed_actions.block if is_header_displayed then last_col.set_width (l_new_width.max (last_col.header_item.minimum_width)) else last_col.set_width (l_new_width) end --| IEK This line does not seem to be needed and causes potential --| infinite loops during resizing on gtk. --implementation.recompute_horizontal_scroll_bar virtual_size_changed_actions.resume resize_actions.resume end end end end end end end delayed_columns_auto_resizing: detachable ES_DELAYED_ACTION build_delayed_columns_auto_resizing do if delayed_columns_auto_resizing = Void then create delayed_columns_auto_resizing.make ( agent process_columns_auto_resizing, 500 ) end end delayed_last_column_auto_resizing: detachable ES_DELAYED_ACTION build_delayed_last_column_auto_resizing do if delayed_last_column_auto_resizing = Void then create delayed_last_column_auto_resizing.make ( agent do if use_auto_size_best_fit then ensure_auto_size_best_fit elseif last_column_use_all_width_enabled then ensure_last_column_use_all_width end end, 100 ) end end Additional_pixels_for_column_width: INTEGER = 5 -- Additional width to add the column's content width during resizing -- for better reading. Additional_pixels_for_header_item_width: INTEGER = 20 -- Additional width to add the header item's content width during resizing -- for better reading. process_columns_auto_resizing local col: EV_GRID_COLUMN c: INTEGER w: INTEGER l_column_header_width: INTEGER l_font: EV_FONT do if row_count > 0 then from l_font := header.font auto_resized_columns.start until auto_resized_columns.after loop c := auto_resized_columns.item if c > 0 and c <= column_count then col := column (c) if col /= Void then w := col.required_width_of_item_span (1, row_count) + Additional_pixels_for_column_width l_column_header_width := l_font.string_width (col.header_item.text) + 20 if col.pixmap /= Void then l_column_header_width := l_column_header_width + header.pixmaps_width end w := w.max (l_column_header_width) if w > 5 then if w < col.width and col.index = column_count then --| Do not resize smaller if it is last column else col.set_width (w.max (col.minimum_width)) end end end end auto_resized_columns.forth end if attached delayed_last_column_auto_resizing as d then d.request_call end end end column_has_auto_resizing (c: INTEGER): BOOLEAN do Result := auto_resized_columns.has (c) end auto_resized_columns: LINKED_LIST [INTEGER] manually_resized_columns: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] -- Record of all manually resized columns header_resize_started: BOOLEAN -- Header resize started? feature {NONE} -- Auto Events header_item_column (a_header_item: EV_HEADER_ITEM): detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN local i, n: INTEGER do from i := 1 n := column_count until Result /= Void loop if attached column (i) as col and then col.header_item = a_header_item then Result := col end i := i + 1 end end on_header_resize_start (a_header_item: EV_HEADER_ITEM) -- Call when the column header resizing starts. do header_resize_started := True end on_header_resize_end (a_header_item: EV_HEADER_ITEM) -- Call when the column header resizing ends. require a_header_item_attached: a_header_item /= Void do if header_resize_started then on_header_manually_resized (a_header_item) header_resize_started := False end end on_header_manually_resized (a_header_item: EV_HEADER_ITEM) -- Call when the column header has been manually resized. require a_header_item_attached: a_header_item /= Void local l_index: INTEGER l_columns: like manually_resized_columns do if attached header_item_column (a_header_item) as col then l_columns := manually_resized_columns l_index := col.index if not l_columns.has (l_index) then l_columns.extend (l_index) end end end on_resize_events (ax, ay, aw, ah: INTEGER) do last_resized_grid_header := Void if not is_destroyed then if attached delayed_last_column_auto_resizing as d then d.request_call end end end on_dpi_resize_events (a_dpi: NATURAL_32; ax, ay, aw, ah: INTEGER) do on_resize_events (ax, ay, aw, ah) end feature -- Grid helpers front_new_row: EV_GRID_ROW do Result := grid_front_new_row (Current) end extended_new_row: EV_GRID_ROW do Result := grid_extended_new_row (Current) end extended_new_subrow (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW): EV_GRID_ROW require a_row /= Void row_related_to_current: a_row.parent = Current do Result := grid_extended_new_subrow (a_row) end remove_and_clear_subrows_from (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) require a_row /= Void row_related_to_current: a_row.parent = Current do grid_remove_and_clear_subrows_from (a_row) end remove_and_clear_all_rows require not is_processing_remove_and_clear_all_rows do is_processing_remove_and_clear_all_rows := True grid_remove_and_clear_all_rows (Current) is_processing_remove_and_clear_all_rows := False end is_processing_remove_and_clear_all_rows: BOOLEAN select_all_rows -- Select all rows from the grid local r: INTEGER do if row_count > 0 then from r := 1 until r > row_count loop select_row (r) r := r + 1 end end end single_selected_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW -- Single selected row require single_row_selection: is_single_row_selection_enabled or (is_multiple_row_selection_enabled and selected_rows.count <= 1) local l_rows: like selected_rows do if has_selected_row then l_rows := selected_rows if l_rows.count = 1 then Result := l_rows.first end end end expand_all_rows (rec: BOOLEAN) -- Expand all expandable rows. -- if `rec' is True then do it recursively. require tree_enabled: is_tree_enabled local r: INTEGER l_row: EV_GRID_ROW do from r := 1 until r > row_count loop l_row := row (r) if not l_row.is_destroyed and l_row.is_show_requested and -- not hidden l_row.is_expandable and not l_row.is_expanded then expand_row (l_row, rec) end r := r + 1 end end collapse_all_rows (rec: BOOLEAN) -- Collapse all expandable rows. -- if `rec' is True then do it recursively. require tree_enabled: is_tree_enabled local r: INTEGER l_row: EV_GRID_ROW do from r := 1 until r > row_count loop l_row := row (r) if not l_row.is_destroyed and l_row.is_show_requested and -- not hidden l_row.is_expandable and not l_row.is_expanded then collapse_row (l_row, rec) end r := r + 1 end end feature -- Delayed cleaning delayed_cleaning_exists: BOOLEAN do Result := delayed_cleaning /= Void end request_delayed_clean require delayed_cleaning_exists do if attached delayed_cleaning as d then d.request_call else check delayed_cleaning_attached: False end end end call_delayed_clean require delayed_cleaning_exists do if attached delayed_cleaning as d then else check delayed_cleaning_attached: False end end end cancel_delayed_clean require delayed_cleaning_exists do if attached delayed_cleaning as d then d.cancel_request else check delayed_cleaning_attached: False end end end set_cleaning_delay (v: INTEGER) require v_positive_or_zero: v >= 0 do cleaning_delay := v if attached delayed_cleaning as d then d.set_delay (cleaning_delay) end end build_delayed_cleaning local d: like delayed_cleaning do d := delayed_cleaning if d = Void then create d.make ( agent default_clean, cleaning_delay ) delayed_cleaning := d d.set_on_request_start_action (agent disable_sensitive) d.set_on_request_end_action (agent enable_sensitive) end end default_clean do remove_and_clear_all_rows end set_delayed_cleaning_action (v: PROCEDURE) require delayed_cleaning_exists do if attached delayed_cleaning as d then d.set_delayed_action (v) else check delayed_cleaning_attached: False end end end feature -- Commands destroy -- Destroy underlying native toolkit object. -- Render `Current' unusable. do Precursor {EV_GRID} if attached delayed_columns_auto_resizing as dr then dr.destroy delayed_columns_auto_resizing := Void end if attached delayed_last_column_auto_resizing as dlr then dlr.destroy delayed_last_column_auto_resizing := Void end if attached delayed_cleaning as dc then dc.destroy delayed_cleaning := Void end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation cleaning_delay: INTEGER delayed_cleaning: detachable ES_DELAYED_ACTION feature {NONE} -- Actions on_row_expand (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Default handling when row is expanded require a_row /= Void row_related_to_current: a_row.parent = Current do request_columns_auto_resizing end on_row_collapse (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Default handling when row is collapsed. require a_row /= Void row_related_to_current: a_row.parent = Current do request_columns_auto_resizing end on_expand_rows (a_recursive: BOOLEAN) -- Action to be performed when expanding rows. do if not a_recursive then if attached expand_selected_rows_agent as agt_e then (Void) end else if attached expand_selected_rows_recursive_agent as agt_er then (Void) end end end on_collapse_rows (a_recursive: BOOLEAN) -- Action to be performed when collapsing rows. do if not a_recursive then if attached collapse_selected_rows_agent as agt_c then (Void) end else if attached collapse_selected_rows_recursive_agent as agt_cr then (Void) end end end feature {NONE} -- Tree view behavior expand_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; a_recursive: BOOLEAN) -- Expand `a_row'. -- If `a_recursive' is True, recursively expand all subrows of `a_row'. require tree_enabled: is_tree_enabled a_row_parented: a_row.parent = Current local i, c: INTEGER do if a_row.is_expandable and then not a_row.is_expanded then a_row.expand c := a_row.subrow_count if a_recursive and then c > 0 then from i := 1 until i > c loop expand_row (a_row.subrow (i), a_recursive) i := i + 1 end end end end collapse_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; a_recursive: BOOLEAN) -- Collapse `a_row'. -- If `a_recursive' is True, recursively collapse all subrows of `a_row'. require tree_enabled: is_tree_enabled a_row_parented: a_row.parent = Current local i, c: INTEGER do if not a_row.is_destroyed and then a_row.is_expandable and then a_row.is_expanded then a_row.collapse c := a_row.subrow_count if a_recursive and then c > 0 then from i := 1 until i > c loop collapse_row (a_row.subrow (i), a_recursive) i := i + 1 end end end end expand_rows (a_recursive: BOOLEAN) -- Expand all rows returned by `selected_rows_function'. -- If `a_recursive' is True, expand those rows recursively. do if attached selected_rows_function.item (Void) as l_rows and then not l_rows.is_empty then if a_recursive then remove_unnecessary_rows (l_rows) end l_rows.do_all (agent expand_row (?, a_recursive)) end end collapse_rows (a_recursive: BOOLEAN) -- Collapse all rows returned by `selected_rows_function'. -- If `a_recursive' is True, collapse those rows recursively. local l_rows: LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] l_first_row: EV_GRID_ROW do l_rows := selected_rows_function.item (Void) if l_rows /= Void and then not l_rows.is_empty then l_first_row := l_rows.first if l_rows.count = 1 and then (not l_first_row.is_expandable or else not l_first_row.is_expanded) then if attached l_first_row.parent_row as l_parent_row then l_first_row.disable_select if not l_parent_row.is_destroyed then if l_parent_row.is_selectable then l_parent_row.enable_select end if l_parent_row.is_displayed then l_parent_row.ensure_visible end end end else if a_recursive then remove_unnecessary_rows (l_rows) end l_rows.do_all (agent collapse_row (?, a_recursive)) end end end remove_unnecessary_rows (a_rows: LIST [EV_GRID_ROW]) -- Remove unnecessary rows in `a_rows' for recursive expansion or collapsion. require a_rows_attached: a_rows /= Void local l_row_tbl: HASH_TABLE [EV_GRID_ROW, INTEGER] l_parent_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW l_current_row: EV_GRID_ROW done: BOOLEAN do create l_row_tbl.make (a_rows.count) from a_rows.start until a_rows.after loop l_row_tbl.put (a_rows.item, a_rows.item.index) a_rows.forth end from a_rows.start until a_rows.after loop l_current_row := a_rows.item l_parent_row := a_rows.item.parent_row done := False if l_parent_row /= Void then from until l_parent_row = Void or done loop if l_row_tbl.has (l_parent_row.index) then a_rows.remove l_row_tbl.remove (l_current_row.index) done := True else l_parent_row := l_parent_row.parent_row end end end if not done then a_rows.forth end end end selected_rows_in_grid: LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] -- Selected rows in Current -- If `is_single_row_selection_enabled' is True, return selected rows. -- If `is_single_item_selection_enabled' is True, return a list of rows in which some items are selected. local l_selected_items: like selected_items l_grid_row: EV_GRID_ROW do if is_single_row_selection_enabled or is_multiple_row_selection_enabled then Result := selected_rows else l_selected_items := selected_items create {LINKED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW]} Result.make from l_selected_items.start until l_selected_items.after loop l_grid_row := l_selected_items.item.row if not Result.has (l_grid_row) then Result.extend (l_grid_row) end l_selected_items.forth end end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end invariant selected_rows_agent_attached: selected_rows_function /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2022, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end