note description : "Objects that ..." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author : "$Author$" date : "$Date$" revision : "$Revision$" deferred class EV_GRID_HELPER inherit REFACTORING_HELPER feature -- Properties pixmap_enabled: BOOLEAN = True -- Is pixmap enabled ? feature -- Access grid_cell_set_text (a_cell: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM; v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set text and tooltip to `a_cell' require cell_not_void: a_cell /= Void local s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do s := v if s = Void then s := "" end a_cell.set_text (s) if a_cell.tooltip = Void then grid_cell_set_tooltip (a_cell, s) end end grid_cell_set_tooltip (a_cell: EV_GRID_ITEM; v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set tool tip to `a_cell' require cell_not_void: a_cell /= Void do a_cell.set_tooltip (v) end grid_cell_set_pixmap (a_cell: EV_GRID_ITEM; v: EV_PIXMAP) -- Set pixmap to `a_cell' -- if possible, i.e on EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM require cell_not_void: a_cell /= Void do if pixmap_enabled then if attached {EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM} a_cell as glab then if v /= Void then glab.set_pixmap (v) else glab.remove_pixmap end end end end grid_row_fill_empty_cells (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Fills a grid row with items if no items exist at any cell location require a_row_attached: a_row /= Void local i, l_count: INTEGER do from i := 1 l_count := a_row.count until i > l_count loop if a_row.item (i) = Void and then (a_row.is_part_of_tree_structure implies a_row.is_index_valid_for_item_setting_if_tree_node (i)) then a_row.set_item (i, create {EV_GRID_ITEM}) end i := i + 1 end end grid_move_to_end_of_grid (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Move `a_row' to the end of the grid require a_row /= Void a_row.parent /= Void do if attached a_row.parent as p then p.move_rows (a_row.index, p.row_count + 1, 1 + a_row.subrow_count_recursive) end end grid_move_top_row_node_by (grid: EV_GRID; row_index: INTEGER; offset: INTEGER): INTEGER -- move top row from `grid' at `row_index' by `offset' top row require grid_not_void: grid /= Void row_index_valid: row_index > 0 and then row_index <= grid.row_count offset_non_zero: offset /= 0 local to_index: INTEGER do to_index := grid_next_top_row (grid, row_index, offset) if to_index > 0 and then to_index /= row_index then if offset > 0 then to_index := to_index + 1 end grid.move_rows (row_index, to_index, 1 + grid.row (row_index).subrow_count_recursive) end Result := to_index end grid_next_top_row (grid: EV_GRID; row_index: INTEGER; offset: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Row index of the i_th `offset' top row from `row_index' row. require non_parented_row: grid.row (row_index).parent_row = Void in_range: row_index > 0 and then row_index <= grid.row_count local j,k: INTEGER r: detachable EV_GRID_ROW do if grid.is_tree_enabled then from j := 1 k := row_index r := grid.row (row_index) until (j > offset.abs) or not (k > 0 and k <= grid.row_count) loop if offset < 0 then k := k - 1 else k := k + r.subrow_count_recursive + 1 end if k > 0 and k <= grid.row_count then r := grid.row (k) r := r.parent_row_root if r /= Void then k := r.index if offset > 0 then k := k + r.subrow_count_recursive r := grid.row (k) end else check tree_enabled: False end -- Should not occurs since is_tree_enabled = True -- however, handle the case k := k + 1 r := grid.row (k) end end j := j + 1 end else if row_index + offset <= grid.row_count then r := grid.row (row_index + offset) end end if r /= Void then Result := r.index else Result := row_index end ensure result_in_range: Result > 0 implies Result <= grid.row_count end grid_ith_top_row (a_grid: EV_GRID; a_index: INTEGER): detachable EV_GRID_ROW -- I_th's top row of `a_grid'. local r: INTEGER do if a_grid.row_count > 0 then if a_index = 1 then Result := a_grid.row (1) else r := grid_next_top_row (a_grid, 1, a_index - 1) if r > 1 then Result := a_grid.row (r) end end end end grid_top_row (a_grid: EV_GRID; a_index: INTEGER): detachable EV_GRID_ROW -- Return the `a_index' i_th top row of `a_grid'. require a_grid /= Void a_index >= 1 local tr, r: INTEGER do if a_grid.row_count > 0 then from tr := 1 r := 1 Result := a_grid.row (r) until (Result /= Void) or (r > a_grid.row_count) loop if tr = a_index then Result := a_grid.row (r) end r := r + a_grid.row (r).subrow_count_recursive + 1 tr := tr + 1 end end ensure Result /= Void implies Result.parent_row = Void end grid_selected_top_rows (a_grid: EV_GRID): ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] -- Return the selected_rows filtered to keep only top rows require a_grid /= Void local r: EV_GRID_ROW do Result := a_grid.selected_rows from Result.start until Result.after loop r := Result.item if r = Void or else r.parent = Void or else r.parent_row /= Void then Result.remove else Result.forth end end ensure Result /= Void end grid_front_new_row (a_grid: EV_GRID): EV_GRID_ROW -- New row inserted in the front of `a_grid' require a_grid /= Void do a_grid.insert_new_row (1) Result := a_grid.row (1) end grid_extended_new_row (a_grid: EV_GRID): EV_GRID_ROW -- New row inserted in the end of `a_grid' require a_grid /= Void local r: INTEGER do r := a_grid.row_count + 1 a_grid.insert_new_row (r) Result := a_grid.row (r) end grid_extended_new_subrow (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW): EV_GRID_ROW -- New subrow inserted in `a_row' require attached_row: a_row /= Void parented: a_row.parent /= Void local r: INTEGER g: detachable EV_GRID do g := a_row.parent check g /= Void then r := a_row.index + a_row.subrow_count_recursive + 1 g.insert_new_row_parented (r, a_row) Result := g.row (r) end end grid_remove_and_clear_subrows_from (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Remove all subrows of `a_row' and clear the subrows -- as much as possible -- but do not clear `a_row' require a_row /= Void do if attached a_row.parent as g then if a_row.subrow_count > 0 then g.remove_rows (a_row.index + 1, a_row.index + a_row.subrow_count_recursive) end end ensure a_row.subrow_count = 0 a_row.subrow_count_recursive = 0 end grid_remove_and_clear_subrows_from_until (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; a_until_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Remove all subrows of `a_row' and clear the subrows -- as much as possible -- but do not clear `a_row' require a_row /= Void a_until_row.parent_row = a_row do if attached a_row.parent as g then if a_row.subrow_count > 0 then g.remove_rows (a_row.index + 1, a_until_row.index - 1) end end ensure a_row.subrow (1) = a_until_row end grid_remove_and_clear_all_rows (g: EV_GRID) -- Remove and clear all rows from `g' require g /= Void do if g.row_count > 0 then g.remove_rows (1, g.row_count) end ensure g.row_count = 0 g.selected_rows.count = 0 end grid_clear_row (row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Clear `row' do row.set_data (Void) row.clear end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2014, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end