Project steps %ROOT% -1 1 Delete root (clean) 1 Setup Eiffel %EIFFEL_SRC% https export --force 2 Checkout EIFFEL_SRC/framework 1 Compile Xebra Bins ecb %EC_FLAGS% -config %XEBRA_DEV%\eiffel_projects\library\xebra_precompile\xebra_precompile.ecf -target xebra_precompile -c_compile -precompile -stop 1 -1 2 Compile Precompile ecb %EC_FLAGS% -config %XEBRA_DEV%\eiffel_projects\xebra_translator\xebra_translator.ecf -target xebra_translator -c_compile -finalize -stop 1 -1 2 Compile Translator ecb %EC_FLAGS% -config %XEBRA_DEV%\eiffel_projects\xebra_server\xebra_server.ecf -target xebra_server -c_compile -finalize -stop 1 -1 2 Compile Server 1 Compile Install Helpers ecb %EC_FLAGS% -config %XEBRA_DEV%\tools\installer\win\xebra_deployer\xebra_deployer.ecf -target xebra_deployer -c_compile -finalize 1 -1 2 Compile Deployer 1 Copy Xebra Files -1 15 %BUILD%\bin xebra_server.exe -1 -1 -1 10 %XEBRA_DEV%\eiffel_projects\xebra_server\EIFGENs\xebra_server\F_code -1 2 Copy Server exe -1 15 %BUILD%\bin xebra_translator.exe -1 -1 -1 10 %XEBRA_DEV%/eiffel_projects\xebra_translator\EIFGENs\xebra_translator\F_code\ -1 2 Copy Translator Exe -1 15 %BUILD%\apache -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 10 %APACHE% -1 2 Copy Apache -1 15 %ROOT%\xebra_build\apache\conf\ httpd.conf -1 -1 -1 10 %XEBRA_DEV%\tools\installer\win\ -1 2 Copy httpd.conf -1 15 %BUILD%\apache\modules -1 -1 -1 10 %XEBRA_DEV%\c_projects\apache_mod_xebra\ -1 2 Copy mod_xebra 1 Copy Webapps -1 15 %BUILD%\www\helloworld -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 10 %XEBRA_DEV%\www\helloworld -1 2 Copy hellworld -1 15 %BUILD%\www\servercontrol -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 10 %XEBRA_DEV%\www\servercontrol -1 2 Copy servercontrol -1 15 %BUILD%\www\demoapplication -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 10 %XEBRA_DEV%\www\demoapplication -1 2 Copy demoapp -1 15 %BUILD%\www\examples -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 10 %XEBRA_DEV%\www\examples -1 2 Copy examples 1 Copy Xebra Libraries -1 15 %BUILD%\library\ -1 -1 -1 -1 10 %EIFFEL_SRC%\framework\web\xebra\eiffel_projects\library\ -1 2 Copy Web application libraries 1 Copy Framework libraries -1 15 %BUILD%\library\framework\settable_types -1 -1 -1 -1 10 %EIFFEL_SRC%\framework\settable_types -1 2 Copy Settable_Types -1 15 %BUILD%\library\framework\base\ -1 -1 -1 -1 10 %EIFFEL_SRC%\framework\base\ -1 2 Copy Base -1 15 %BUILD%\library\framework\string_expander -1 -1 -1 -1 10 %EIFFEL_SRC%\framework\string_expander -1 2 Copy String_expander -1 15 %BUILD%\library\framework\environment -1 -1 -1 -1 10 %EIFFEL_SRC%\framework\environment -1 2 Copy Environment -1 15 %BUILD%\library\framework\peg -1 -1 -1 -1 10 %EIFFEL_SRC%\framework\peg -1 2 Copy Peg 1 Create config files %BUILD%\upload_tmp 2 Create upload_tmp -1 15 %BUILD%\conf config.srv -1 -1 -1 10 %XEBRA_DEV%\tools\installer\win -1 2 Copy Files %BUILD%\bin\launch_xebra_full.bat 2 Write launcher full %BUILD%\bin\launch_xebra_apache.bat start ..\apache\bin\httpd.exe 2 Write apache launcher %BUILD%\bin\launch_xebra_server.bat 2 Write server launcher Path where apache was installed manually c:\apache The target folder of the builded xebra %ROOT%\xebra_build -1 %ROOT%\eiffel_src The root folder for the whole operation -1 c:\virtual_box_share The exit code of the last Run Program, Batch File, PowerShell, VisBuildPro Project, or derived action or RunProgramEx call -1 Path to xebra -1 %EIFFEL_SRC%\framework\web\xebra Path to xebra libraries -1 %XEBRA_DEV%\eiffel_projects\library