Xebra's quick tutorial by examples

xeb:display's example:
<xeb:display text="This is a text" />
Calling the controller:
<html> <page:controller class="MAIN_CONTROLLER" create="make"/> .... <body> <xeb:display text="%=the_text%" />
the_text: STRING do Result := "This is a text" end
xeb:loop's example:
<ol> <xeb:loop times="5" variable="loop_index" > <li>item <xeb:display text="#{loop_index.out}" /></li> </xeb:loop> </ol>
  1. item
xeb:iterate's example:
<ul> <xeb:iterate list="%=my_items%" variable="entry" type="STRING" > <li><xeb:display text="#{entry}" /></li> </xeb:iterate> </ul>
my_items: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] do create Result.make (3) Result.force ("a") Result.force ("b") Result.force ("c") end
xeb:set_variable's example:
<xeb:set_variable variable="doc_url" value="%=xebra_documentation_url%" type="STRING" /> Check the Xebra's documentation: <a href="#{doc_url}"><xeb:display text="#{doc_url}"/> </a>
Result := "http://dev.eiffel.com/Xebra_Documentation"
Check the Xebra's documentation:
xeb:concat's example:
<xeb:set_variable variable="aplusb" value="PLUS" type="STRING" /> <xeb:concat variable="aplusb" left="a" right="b" /> <xeb:display text="#{aplusb}" />